"Under that Cherry blossom tree"
reviously in "Tale of the Demon Hero": Eito and Rai were the last participants for Round 4 of their Final Field Training. Their 'Special Abilities' summoned a dangerous 'fire tornado' inside the Main Arena that made the audience panicked and went out of the Coliseum.
Matsuoka Family Rest House
That night,
In Harue's bedroom...
"Go to sleep Harue. It's already past your bed time." Yuki said as he sat on the chair placed on the right side of Harue's bed.
"Not until ALL of you get out of my room. What are you doing in here anyway?" Harue said as she was trying to sleep on her bed, got up and threw the pillow to Yuki's face and it fell on the floor.
"Big brother Hiiro requested me and Eito to guard you since someone might kidnap or attack you again." Yuki said as he picked up the pillow and threw it back to Harue while Eito was standing near the open window and looking at the front yard.
"Big brother Hiiro did?! If something will happen, I can use my 'Special Ability' to protect myself." Harue shyly said as she hid under her blanket.
"You can't even control your 'Special Ability yet and you barely survived in your fight this afternoon." Yuki said as he got annoyed, grabbed and took the blanket off Harue.
"Eh?! Why did you do that? That's mean. I will tell this to big brother." Harue said as she grabbed the second pillow and threw it on Yuki's face.
"Go ahead and tell him. Just be honest that you don't want Eito, your secret crush to see you drooling while you are sleeping...Ow-Ouch!" Yuki said as he whispered to Harue who suddenly blushed like a red tomato and threw her teddy bear collection to Yuki.
"I hate you! I hate you Yuki!" Harue shyly said as she threw her teddy bear collection to Yuki.
"Did you call for me Sir Yuki?" Eito said as he suddenly appeared beside Yuki on the left side of Harue's bed.
"Harue did call you. She said she wanted to say something to you. Ow! Hey, that's enough!" Yuki said as Harue continued to throw everything on the bed to Yuki.
"Uh? Then, did you call for me Harue?" Eito said as he wondered and asked Harue who also threw a teddy bear to Eito's face but he easily deflected the teddy bear with right hand and send it back to her.
"Ow-Ouch! That's mean Eito." Harue said as her teddy bear hit her back on her forehead.
"I-I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to...it is my forced habit. I'm sorry." Eito said as he got worried and approached Harue when Yuki thought of an idea.
Yuki suddenly tripped Eito's right foot and Eito slipped and fell directly on top of Harue on the bed. Luckily, Eito used his arms and legs to support his weight before he complete fall on the bed.
"Eh? Eh?!...Are you alright Harue?" Eito said nervously said as he asked Harue.
"Y-yes! I-I'm alright." Harue said nervously as she blushed and nodded, trying not to yell or panic.
"We're coming in. Eh? Harue?" Hiiro said as he suddenly opened the door and saw this scene and Yuki silently laughing on the corner.
"I brought the letters Harue. Eh? Eh!?" Emi said as she went inside Harue's room carrying a silver tray with five envelopes on top of it.
"Sir Hiiro? Sir Hiiro!? This is... please listen, I can explain." Eito said nervously as he and Harue realized their awkward situation and immediately jumped out of the bed.
Few minutes later...
"I thought you are already sleeping." Hiiro said as he sat on the chair placed on the right side of Harue's bed.
"I-I can't sleep when the lights are still on and I was waiting for Emi. Emi?" Harue said she and Hiiro looked at Emi, who was looking at Yuki and Eito picking up all the 100 teddy bears Harue threw at them earlier.
"Uh? I'm sorry! These are the letters that you've asked for." Emi said as she stood up on the left side of Harue's bed and presented the silver tray with the five envelopes to Harue.
"Okay! Now, please ask my messenger to deliver those letters to them. Thank you Emi!" Harue said as she ordered Emi, making Hiiro wonder what those letters are for.
"As you wish 'Princess' Harue." Emi said as she went out of Harue's room.
"Letters? Harue, what is going on here?" Hiiro said as he asked Harue who smiled at him.
"Uh? Big brother, I've invited my new friends to come with us in Aethyria." Harue cheerfully said as she sat up on her bed while Yuki, Eito at Hiiro were surprised from what just Harue said.
"Why did you not tell us that you were planning to invite your friends?" Yuki said seriously as he asked Harue and picked up the 45th brown teddy bear off the floor.
"Uh? W-well, I didn't tell you because you might get angry and both of you are busy so – I ..." Harue said she used the pillow to cover her face.
"Speaking of busy, Yuki and I would like to apologize that we are not coming with you back in ‘Aethyria’ tomorrow. I hope you would forgive us Harue." Hiiro sadly said as he gently pats Harue's head.
"Uh? Again?! But you promised that - ..." Harue said as she grabbed and squished the pillow.
"Yuki needs to stay for his work and I need to stay in the I.C.H.Q. (Imperial Council Head Quarters) with the Imperial Council to evaluate the papers of the possible candidates that you can choose for as the next Imperial Ruler. I though you already understand that." Hiiro said as he explained to Harue, who suddenly threw the pillow to his face.
"Enough! I already said that I'm not going to attend on the candidates' selection." Harue said as she started crying while hugging her pillow.
"Harue listen. You have to decide who will be the next Imperial Ruler as soon as possible. This Kingdom cannot function properly without its Ruler." Yuki said as he picked up the final teddy bear off the study desk and gave it to Eito who is silently observing their argument.
"Why is has to be? Can just the Imperial Council choose the next Imperial Ruler? I-I just wanted a normal life." Harue said as she cried and then looked at Hiiro.
"Then, choose me to become the next Imperial Ruler. I promise that will devote my life to become the Imperial Ruler this kingdom needed to unite the Four Villages and the Land of the Living Fiends so that everyone can have a peaceful life." Hiiro seriously said as he suddenly got hit by a teddy bear on his head.
"That would be so selfish of you Sir Hiiro." Eito seriously said as he approached Hiiro and picked up the teddy bear he threw earlier under Hiiro's chair.
"Eh? That's our future brother-in-law for you." Yuki said as he whistled and was amazed to see Eito's actions, disrespecting an Imperial Council member.
"Future brother-?! Shut up Yuki!" Harue said as she wiped off her tears, blushed and threw another teddy bear to Yuki's face.
"I would like to apologize that I've interrupted your conversation but as the former Imperial Prince said that only Harue can choose the next person who will become the Imperial Ruler according on her standards." Eito said as he reminds Hiiro and place back the 12 remaining teddy bears on Harue's bed.
"Yes. You're right! I'm sorry Harue. I was only worried for our people that I forgot to consider your feelings." Hiiro said as he apologized to Harue who suddenly shoved Hiiro's right hand away from her.
"And...you are still not coming with me tomorrow! I hate you Big brother!" Harue said as she cries and hide under her blankets.
"That's it! I quit! I've had enough with your selfishness." Yuki said as he slammed open the door and went out of Harue's room.
"Hey! Yuki wait...where are you going?" Hiiro said as he asked and then sighed.
"Please get out big brother. You too Eito." Harue said as she was still hiding under her blanket.
"Me too? But I have to stay and guard - ..." Eito said as he wondered and pleaded.
"GET OUT! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Harue said as she angrily yelled out.
"Alright! We are leaving. Good night Harue." Hiiro said as he stood up and turned off the night lamp on side table and also dragged Eito out of Harue's room.
Outside Harue's Room...
"What was just happened?" Eito said as he wondered and closed the door.
"Uh? Sorry about that. Harue was just tired and you can go back to your room." Hiiro said as he apologized to Eito.
"Eh? But?... I understand. As you wish Sir Hiiro." Eito said as he and Hiiro saw Yuki hiding beside the big flower vase and immediately left the hallway.
"I thought you already left Yuki." Hiiro said as he saw Yuki hiding beside the big flower vase placed along the hallway.
"Eh? How did you? I was just worried for Harue." Yuki said as he went out and approached Hiiro.
"I thought so! So do you want me to read you some bed time stories? When were children, you used to throw a story book at me and – Ow-Ouch!" Hiiro said as he tousled Yuki's hair, making him embarrassed and Yuki playfully pinched Hiiro's cheeks.
"I-I'm going back to my room. Good night big brother." Yuki said as he stopped pinching Hiiro's cheeks and ran away.
"Good night Yuki!" Hiiro said as he also went back on his personal room, three rooms away from Harue's bedroom.
In Hiiro's personal room...
"Welcome back Master Hiiro." The three servants said as Hiiro went inside his room and closed the door.
"I'm back. I see you got all my letters, Leon, Aki and Julie." Hiiro said as Julie, his maid approached him and gently took off his cape.
"Indeed Master Hiiro. We brought you your favourite tea and snacks." Leon, his first butler AKA 1st spy said as he prepared his tea on the side table.
"Thank you! You are so thoughtful. Anyway, where is that 'book'?" Hiiro said as he sat on his chair place on his study desk.
"Here it is Master Hiiro." Aki, his second butler AKA 2nd spy said as he presented an old and burned 'book' in front of Hiiro and placed it on top of the study desk.
"Damn it! It's been six months after their exile and I haven't received any updates from them." Hiiro said as he got angry and threw the 'book' and the papers away off his study desk.
"Master Hiiro? Please calm down." Leon said as he, Aki and Julie approached Hiiro, trying to calm him down.
"They got exiled in an unknown place Master Hiiro. I guess they were also having a hard time trying to communicate with us." Julie said as Hiiro sat down on his chair, trying to pacify his anger.
"Here is your Earl grey tea and your strawberry shortcakes." Aki said as he served his tea and shortcakes on his study table. Julie and Leon started picking up the 'book' and papers off the floor.
"I will deal that later but for the mean time I want all of you accompany Harue and her friends tomorrow." Hiiro said as he ordered to his three servants, sliced his strawberry shortcake and ate it.
"As you wish Master Hiiro." Aki said as he, Leon and Julie nodded in response.
"And bring them with you. You can come out now." Hiiro said as he summoned three 'Black Hounds' out of the shadow.
" Three 'Black Hounds' ? Master Hiiro, what does this mean?" Julie said as she asked Hiiro. The three Black Hounds' starts wandering around Hiiro's room, drooling as they looked at Leon, Aki and Julie.
"I have another task for you. I want you to me to bring this girl who named "Emi Fujimoto", alive. She is the only one who can help us in solving the riddle so that we can open this 'book'." Hiiro said as the three 'Black Hounds' went back into the shadows and disappeared.
"As you wish Master Hiiro." Leon, Aki and Julie said as they all went out of Hiiro's room.
"I guess I'll observe for the meantime but just to make things sure... Are you still there?" Hiiro said as he grabbed the 'book' and looked outside the open window.
The three 'Black Hounds' he summoned earlier went out of his shadows and came back inside his room.
"I only want that girl alive and get rid of the rest." Hiiro said as the 1st'Black Hound' howled and all of them went back inside his shadow and disappeared.
The next day
Outside the Imperial Dormitories...
"Rai! I'm here. Over here!" Hikaru said as he saw Rai went out of her building, looking around for Hikaru.
"Hikaru? What are you doing in here? Don't tell me?" Rai said as she ran towards Hikaru, carrying his heavy, traveling bag pack.
"Yes! I received an invitation from Harue. Look!" Hikaru cheerfully said as he shoved the letter onto Rai's face.
"Okay! Okay! Get that away from me. I also received an invitation from that Cookie Thief." Rai said as she took out the letter and showed it to Hikaru.
"Yes! We are going on trip to Aethyria. I've always wanted to visit Aethyria." Hikaru said as Rai smiles back him.
"Yes! Me too. I've always wanted to travel around Alementalia." Rai said as she smiled and giggled.
"Oh? So you were invited too?" Kazuki said as he, Kenji and Mayumi arrived also at the rendezvous point and suddenly grabbed the letter out of Rai's hand.
"Hey! Give it back." Rai said as he tried to grab the letter but Kazuki raised his right arm up, making Rai frustrated because she
cannot reach the letter with her short stature.
"That's enough big brother. Here you can have it back." Kenji said as he grabbed the letter out of Kazuki's right hand and gave it back to Rai.
"Thank you very much!" Rai cheerfully said, making Kenji blush.
"Hey! Get away from her." Hikaru said as he gently pushed Rai away from Kazuki and Kenji.
"Hey! H-Hikaru? Stop it!" Rai said as she was pushed away from Kazuki and Kenji.
"You were also invited?" Hikaru said as he finally noticed Mayumi's presence, standing beside Kenji.
"I was also invited with them. And how come you didn't saw me earlier?!" Mayumi said as she got angry to Hikaru.
"Uh? I already noticed you. I just didn't care." Hikaru said as he stopped pushing Rai and hid behind her.
"W-what?!" Mayumi said as she was trying to calm down and composing herself before she beat up Hikaru.
"Mayumi, calm down. Your wounds are not healed yet." Kenji said as he pats Mayumi's head, making her blush.
"Hmm? About that thing I've asked you yesterday...I – Eh?" Hikaru said as Rai walked away from Hikaru and pushed him towards Mayumi.
"You mean that da-date?! N-No way! I am not going out on a date with you." Mayumi said shyly as she covered her blushing face
with her long and curly hair.
"Well, that's expected. I-I mean hahaha you hate me right? But I – EH? This is embarrassing." Hikaru said as he covered his blushing face with his right arm.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt you two but I just want to remind you that we are still here." Kazuki said as he suddenly put his right arm on Kenji's left shoulder and the other one onto Rai's right shoulder.
"Yeah! He is right. I think we should give you some privacy." Rai said as she tried not to be jealous and crossed her arms.
"Y-yeah! They are right. I will bring your things to the bus Mayumi." Kenji said as he snapped out and picked up Mayumi's bag off the grounds.
"Bus?" Kazuki, Mayumi, Hikaru and Rai wondered and asked Kazuki.
"Yes. The mini bus has arrived and we are here to pick you up." Eito said as he and Emi approached them. The white mini bus was parked a few meters away from them.
"Let's go. Harue is waiting for us inside the mini bus." Emi said as she saw Kenji stared at her.
"Hey, you are staring too much." Mayumi said as she noticed that Kenji was staring at Emi and flicked his forehead.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too. I was just wondering if she's alright after our fight yesterday." Kenji said as he blushed and wondered, making Emi giggle.
"Don't worry! I'm fine and my wounds are healing up fast." Emi cheerfully said as she turned around and walked away from everyone.
"Shall we get going?" Eito said as he also walked away from everyone.
"Hey! Wait for us. Rai, let's go!" Hikaru said as he suddenly grabbed Rai's right arm and dragged her away from Kazuki.
"So, you do care? That's nice but you are way too obvious earlier." Kazuki said as he pats Kenji's head and picked up his bag.
"I was? What do you mean big brother? Hey! Wait for us." Kenji said as he and Mayumi saw Kazuki left and followed him.
While they are traveling on the Main Highway
Inside the mini bus...
Rai and the others were wondering why Harue was damn quiet as she sat in the right, front seat near the driver's beside Emi.
"Hmm? I guess that will work." Rai said as she took out her glass jar filled with 20 chocolate cookies and opened it.
"Don't tell me you are going to eat again?" Hikaru nervously said as he asked Rai as he was sitting beside her, near the window and just behind Harue and Emi's chair.
"I will try to cheer her up using these chocolate chip cookies." Rai seriously said as she looked at Hikaru.
"Cheer her up? Using those cookies? I bet that won't work." Hikaru said as Rai took out a cookie and start eating it.
"Nobody can resist these delicious cookies. Eh!? Hey!" Rai said as Kazuki, who is setting across them on the right side of the mini bus, grabbed and stole one cookie.
"Thank you for this cookie. Anyway, why do you always bring cookies with you?" Kazuki said as he asked Rai and started eating his cookie.
"She eats when she is upset. That's one of her habits. Eh?" Hikaru said as she revealed Rai's secrets and Rai suddenly shove the glass jar onto Hikaru's cheek.
"Shut up Hikaru!" Rai shyly said as she blushed, making Hikaru blush as well.
"Be quiet. The others were still sleeping." Eito said as he got annoyed as he was sitting beside Kazuki near the window in the left side of the bus.
"Oh? Sorry. My bad." Rai said as she, Kazuki, Hikaru and Eito looked at Mayumi and Kenji who both fell asleep on the front seats in the left side of the bus.
"I smell cookies." Harue said as she looked behind her and saw Rai holding up the glass jar filled with chocolate chip cookies.
"Finally, she noticed. Come! Come! Smell it, look at these delicious cookies. Tempting isn't?" Rai said as she started chanting a weird spell, went closer to Harue and showed her the glass jar.
"Yes! Smell it, look at this delicious cookie. I know you also wanted one." Kazuki said as he started chanting a weird spell, imitating
Rai and presented her his cookie.
"Hey, w-what are you doing?" Hikaru said as he asked Rai, who was looking at Kazuki and trying cover her blushing face.
"No! I can't! I just ate a chocolate cake this morning. No! Stop it! I can't – the calories..." Harue said as she cheered up and trying to resist the temptation to take one cookie.
"Alright! You can have one." Eito said as he sighed and then looked outside the window.
"Uh?! Okay! Thank you!" Harue said as she smiles, grabbed one cookie out of the glass jar and started eating it.
"That's the spirit! See? I told you no one can resist these delicious cookies." Rai said as Hikaru pats her head.
"That's amazing. Anyway, I suggest that you should stop your stress eating or else you will get fat." Hikaru said as Rai got embarrassed and shove the glass jar on to his chest.
"Shut up Hikaru. Sheesh!" Rai said as she blushed while eating her cookie but Hikaru took the glass jar away from him.
"I am just concerned with your health and life style. You are always locked up in your room all day and I never see you do some exercise." Hikaru said as Rai nearly got choke and heard Kazuki chuckled beside her.
"Let Rai eat whatever she wants and stop bothering her. What?" Eito said as he overheard their conversation, making Rai blush while Hikaru and Kazuki suspiciously looked at him.
"Aw! I'm happy that Eito understand. Here!" Rai cheerfully said as she took another cookie out of the glass jar and gave it to Eito.
"Uh? Thank you." Eito shyly said as he was about to grab the cookie but Kazuki interfered.
"Here. You can have mine." Kazuki said as he shoved the cookie to Eito's mouth.
"Hey! What the hell? Why would you do that?!" Eito said as he took the cookie out of his mouth while Kazuki ignored him.
"Nothing. I just wanted another cookie." Kazuki said as he tried to make up an excuse and took the cookie out of Rai's hand.
"Shhh! Mayumi and Kenji are sleeping." Harue said as she stared back at Rai, Hikaru, Eito and Kazuki.
"Eh? Are we taking a detour?" Emi said as she noticed that their driver took a detour on the short cut road instead of following the Main road going to the Alementalia Central Train Station.
"We are not going to the Central Train Station." Eito said as everyone wondered and looked at him.
"What do you mean? We have to ride a coal-powered train in the Central Train Station going to Aethyria." Harue said as she wondered, trying not to look at Eito's cookie.
"It will take a three-day journey to get in Aethyria by riding on a coal-powered train which is the main transportation vehicle in Alementalia but I prepared something more convenient back at the Alementalia Central Airport." Eito said as he gave back the cookie to Kazuki who immediately took it.
"We are going to the Alementalia Central Airport." Eito said as everyone looking at him, wondering.
"The Airport? Why are we going in the Airport?" Harue said as she asked Eito who stare at her.
The mini-bus arrived inside the Airport and the driver parked the mini-bus a few meters away from the aerostat waiting for them.
"We stopped?" Emi said as she and the others wondered and looked outside the windows.
"Sir Eito we have arrived at the Airport." Julie said as she approached Eito who stretched out his arms. The two butlers started carrying up their bags and the driver opened the door.
"A-amazing! Is that an aerostat?" Hikaru said as he was amazed to see an aerostat waiting for them outside.
"That's amazing! This is the first time I've seen an actual aerostat." Rai cheerfully said as she shoved Hikaru away from the window.
"Good for you. Let's go. We need to get off the mini-bus." Kazuki said as he tousled Rai's jet black coloured long hair and went out of the mini-bus.
"Oh? Okay! Hikaru let's go!" Rai cheerfully said as she suddenly pulled Hikaru's shirt and tug him out of the mini-bus.
"Hey! Rai? What – Eh?!" Hikaru said as he was dragged out by Rai.
Inside the Alementalia's 'Central Airport'...
"O_o Wow!" Everyone said as they all went out of the mini-bus and were amazed to see the hybrid passenger aerostat waiting for them in the Airport.
"Sir Eito? Everyone! The Captain has arrived." Mr. Pilot said as he and his Co-Pilot saw Eito and approached them.
"Sorry we're late. Harue had a little trouble back in their Rest House." Eito said as Mr. Pilot and Co-Pilot arrived and Harue suddenly hide behind Eito.
"Welcome Captain Eito! Our preparations are already done. Let's go." Mr. Pilot said as he reported to Eito.
"Oh? I see. Then, fire up the engines." Eito said as Mr. Pilot and Co-pilot nodded and run going inside the aerostat
"Captain?" Kenji said as he and the others stood up beside him and Harue.
"Ehem! Yes! I am the Captain of that aerostat. Everyone, I want you to meet "CHARIOT", my hybrid passenger aerostat." Eito said as he proudly introduced "CHARIOT" to everyone.
"Hi "CHARIOT"!" Rai cheerfully said as Hikaru looked at her.
"What are you a kid?" Hikaru said as he chuckled and teased Rai who punched his chest.
"Let's go!" Rai cheerfully said as she grabbed Harue's right arm and ran away.
"Hey! Where are we going?" Harue said as she wondered and asked Rai who didn't listened to her and continue to run away.
"Ow-Ouch! Sorry about that." Hikaru said as he pat Eito's right shoulder and then run away.
"We are done transferring your bags inside the aerostat, Sir Eito." Leon said as he and the two servants
"Shall we?" Eito said as he chuckled, asked Emi, Mayumi, Kazuki and Kenji and walked away.
"Okay! Let's go!" Kazuki said as he smiled, making Mayumi and Emi blushed.
" -_- Let's go big brother!" Kenji said as he got annoyed and gently pushed Kazuki away. Everyone went inside the "CHARIOT" and a few minutes later the "CHARIOT" slowly began ascending up in the air.
While traveling up in the air
20 minutes later
Inside the 1st class Suite...
"We're back, Sir Eito. We brought your requested refreshments and snacks." Leon said as he and Aki went inside the 1st class Suite both carrying silver trays with their drinks and snacks.
"Thank you. Hey! It's your turn." Eito said as Leon and Aki started preparing their drinks and snacks on the glass table beside their playing table.
"I know! I'm concentrating so shut up." Kenji said as he was devising a plan on how to defeat Eito in their Chess game.
"Just move your Black Knight already." Kazuki said as he was sitting beside Kenji while HIkaru and he are both playing 'Poker' on the other side of the table.
"I'm sorry but I'm not going to help you get rid of the wrong cards that you have." Kenji said as Kazuki flinched, making Hikaru chuckle.
"Will you just make your turn?" Eito said as he got bored waiting for Kenji's turn and asked Kenji.
"Okay! I'll move my Black Knight here and – Eh?" Kenji said as he realized that he moved his Black Bishop instead of the Knight.
"Finally, it's my turn. I'll just move this here and – Checkmate! I win." Eito said as he won their chess game.
"What?! How did that?! Eh!?" Kenji said as he was surprised that he got lost, making Eito sigh.
"Now it is my turn. Tadah! I won." Kazuki said as he was desperate to win against Hikaru and showed his cards on the table.
"Nope. It is my win." Hikaru said as Eito, Kenji and Kazuki were carefully examining his Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10 of Spades cards in order on the table.
"That's a 'Royal Flush: Straight' Hikaru wins in this round." Eito said as he announced the winner, making Kazuki more irritated.
"Emi! Be careful. The other wooden blocks might move as well." Harue said as she, Rai and Mayumi were so nervous watching Emi gently push the 'Jenga' block'in the middle part of the tower.
"Yes! I did it!" Emi cheerfully said as she successfully pulled out the 'Jenga' block, making Kazuki, Kenji, Eito and Hikaru look at the girls playing 'Jenga blocks' on the red carpet on the floor.
"Now, it is my turn." Rai nervously said as she gently pulled the next middle 'Jenga' block on the upper part of the tower.
"Rai! Stop! Don't pull that -..." Hikaru said as he tried to warn Rai but it was too late. Rai pulled the wrong 'Jenga' block and the entire tower started to wobble and eventually fell on the carpet.
"Okay! I'm going to ask her first." Harue cheerfully said as she raised her right hand, making Rai flinched. The rules of their game was if someone pulled out the wrong 'Jenga' block, the three remaining players will ask her to choose between 'Truth or Dare.'
"Alright! Go ahead." Mayumi said as she chuckled while Aki kneel down beside her, carrying a silver tray.
"Ms. Mayumi, here is your Strawberry parfait." Aki said as he presented and gave the parfait to Mayumi.
"Thank you! This looks so delicious." Mayumi said as she looked at her parfait.
"For Ms. Rai here is your Mango parfait." Aki said as he presented and gave the parfait to Rai, making her blush.
"Thank you. Mr. Aki." Rai cheerfully said as he looked at her parfait.
"And finally for Ms. Harue, here is your Overloaded Fruity parfait with chocolate biscuit sticks as topping." Aki said as he presented and gave the parfait to Harue who's drooling already.
"Thank you! Thank you!" Harue cheerfully said as she looked at her parfait.
"You're welcome Ms. Harue." Aki said as he stood up and went back to the other glass table to prepare their drinks.
"Oh! Harue what was your question again?" Mayumi said as she looked at Harue, making Rai flinched.
"Yes! I forgot! Ehem... This is my question for Rai. 'Truth or Dare'?" Harue said as she asked Rai.
"Uh? 'Dare'?" Rai said as she chose 'Dare', making Harue giggle.
"Give me your Mango parfait." Harue said as she ordered Rai who flinched and started sulking on beside her.
"No! I will do anything just don't take this delicious parfait away from me." Rai said as she pleaded to Harue.
"Then, it is 'Truth'. 'Are you happy being my friend?'" Harue said as she put down the parfait glass beside her and asked Rai who suddenly stopped from eating and giggles.
"Of course! I am... NOT happy to be your friend, Ms. Cookie AKA Cake Thief!" Rai cheerfully said as she smiled and looked at Harue to answer her question and making Eito and Hikaru blush as well.
"Ms. Cake Thief? From what I've remember YOU were the one who stole that last strawberry shortcake from MY plate during the Welcome Party six months ago." Harue said as she was trying to clarify what really happened in the party.
"Liar! I was the first one to take that last strawberry shortcake on MY plate before Prince Shouta made his final announcement in the party. Eh?" Rai said as Harue starts sulking and goes back on eating her parfait.
"Now, it is my turn to ask you a question." Emi said seriously as she interrupted their conversation and who was sitting on Rai's left side.
"Okay! Bring it on!" Rai said as she continues eating her parfait.
"'Have you ever been in love with someone?'" Emi said as she asked Rai who suddenly flinched and blushed like a ripe tomato as everyone stare at her.
"Well I-I!? I-I..." Rai said as she shyly put down the parfait glass and covered her face with his right arm, making Eito and Hikaru blush as they both looked at her.
"I guess that's a 'yes'." Emi said as she was fascinated with Rai's reactions.
"My turn! Okay. My question goes like this 'Who would you choose, Hikaru or Kazuki?'" Mayumi said as she crossed her arms and
asked Rai who was sitting across her.
"Uh? Let's see...Hikaru or Kazuki? I would choose...Kazuki!" Rai cheerfully said as she answered Mayumi's question, making Hikaru and Kazuki flinched.
"Why are you so flustered big brother?" Kenji said as he saw Kazuki blushed and wondered.
"I'M NOT flustered. Will you stop teasing me?" Kazuki said as he covered his face with his right arm and then looked away from Kenji.
"I'm just asking. You don't have to be so offensive." Kenji said as he stood up and stretched out his arms.
"Huh?! Why would choose this guy? I mean I am your best friend right?" Hikaru said as he suddenly stood up and then approached Rai on the floor and asked her.
"Well... it is because – " Rai said as she was about to answer his question but suddenly they heard a loud explosion that came from the
"CHARIOT"s Cargo room.
"What was that?!" Hikaru said as he hugs Emi and wondered what happened.
"Hikaru what are you doing?" Rai said as she asked as everyone looked at him.
"I'm sorry! I was trying to protect Rai but – It was my mistake. Sorry!" Hikaru said as he blushed and apologized to Emi.
"Leon, Aki and Julie, check the Cargo room immediately. I have a bad feeling about this." Eito said as ordered his three servants who immediately went out of the 1st class suite.
Kenji felt something which made him uneasy and suddenly ran and went out of the1st class suite.
"Hey! Where are you going Kenji?" Kazuki said as he saw Kenji ran away and follow him out of the 1st class suite.
Few minutes later, they heard another loud explosion came from in the Main Power Room and the lights suddenly turned off inside the 1st class suite.
"I will be back. All of you please stay inside with Harue." Eito said as he ran away and went out of the 1st class suite.
"W-what is happening?" Harue said as she got scared and tugged off Rai's shirt.
"Please calm down Harue. I bet it is nothing serious – Eh?" Rai said as Harue suddenly hugged her, trembling.
"Don't worry! I – We will protect you." Hikaru said as he pats Harue's head and Harue nodded.
"The aerostat is tilting to the right side... Eh?" Mayumi said as they heard the third loud explosion came from the Cargo Room and the aerostat begins to tilt on their right side.
"What is happening? Eh? Everyone look over there." Emi said as she asked everyone to look in front of them and they all saw the first 'Black Hound', slowly walking towards them.
10 minutes later...
Outside the "CHARIOT'S" Cockpit
"There you are! What are you doing in – Huh?!" Eito said as he found Kenji and Kazuki waiting outside the "Chariot's" Cockpit, pushed Kenji away and saw his pilot and co-pilot lying down on the floor, dead.
"We're too late. Sorry. What the heck happened in here?" Kazuki said as he wondered what happened inside the cockpit. Since there are no one is flying the aerostat, it began to tilt on to the right side.
"The aerostat is moving! It is moving!" Kazuki said as Kenji slipped, lost his balance and bumped onto Kazuki which also bumped on the wall.
"Based on my analysis, I think they were murdered by a 'Black Hound'." Kenji said as he pushed Kazuki away, trying to balance himself.
"A 'Black Hound'!? How did that happen?" Eito said as he went out of the cockpit and grabbed Kenji's collared shirt.
"Both dead bodies have decapitated heads. 'Black Hounds' has the tenacity to hide under the target's shadow to decapitate their enemies and drag the head out of the crime scene." Kenji said as he explained to Eito.
"Hey! you two...look over there." Kazuki said as he sensed something eerie behind them, turned around and saw the second 'Black Hound', standing behind him and carrying the pilot's head using it mouth.
"Then, how did that 'Black Hound' Huh?!" Eito said as he and Kenji turned around and saw the same 'Black Hound' who suddenly fled away.
"Hey! Come back...Aren't you coming?" Kenji said as he and Kazuki ran away and wonder why Eito was still standing outside the cockpit.
"Damn it! Listen, I want you to kill that 'Black Hound' no matter what. I'm staying in here because as the captain I cannot just abandon my aerostat." Eito said as the twin smiled and both run away, trying to chase the second 'Black Hound' inside the aerostat.
"Now, I hope this works." Eito said as he rolled up his right sleeve and began chanting a spell.
'Within my abilities given to me I command thee, Stay Afloat!"
Eito said as he used his 'Air-Alementalian Ability' to control the dynamic airflow of the aerostat that slowly regains balance for 15 minutes. Finally, Kazuki and Kenji found in the second 'Black Hound' who ran inside the Cargo Room.
Inside the "CHARIOT'S" Cargo Room...
"There it is! Hey Stop! Huh?" Kazuki said as he and Kenji went inside the Cargo room and they saw the third 'Black Hound' standing beside the dead bodies of Eito's servants.
"Another 'Black Hound'? This is bad." Kenji said as he drew out his medieval Short sword.
"Kenji listen I will take on that 'Black Hound' and you on the other one." Kazuki said as he ordered Kenji and also drew out his medieval knife.
"But big brother, there are two 'Black Hounds' in front of us. I suggest that we should team up to defeat - ..." Kenji said as he suggested to Kazuki.
"Just do what I said or else everyone will die because of your stubbornness!" Kazuki said as he yelled at Kenji who flinched as he looked at Kenji.
"Uh!? Okay. I understand Big brother. Sorry." Kenji said as he got startled and the two 'Black Hounds' suddenly run towards to them.
The two 'Black Hounds' simultaneously attack the twins; the second 'Black Hound' pinned Kenji down on the floor. Kenji used his sword and luckily defended his self from the 'Black Hound' that almost bites his neck off. Using his remaining strength, Kenji managed to push over the 'Black Hound' away from him. The 'Black Hound' rolled over and hit on the wall.
"Hey, you are alright?" Kazuki said as he casually approached Kenji and asked him.
"Uh? Yes! I'm - Eh?!" Kenji said as he was surprised to see Kazuki and the third 'Black Hound' lying down on the floor that has a slit on its neck and dead.
"Oh? Don't worry! That 'Black Hound' is dead. Here grab my right hand." Kazuki said as Kenji reached out his hand and stood up.
"That medieval fighting knife looks familiar. It is the same weapon described in rumour that was carried by the 'Silent Red Assassin'. " Kenji said as he looked closely at Kazuki's medieval fighting knife.
"Kenji! Focus! It is getting up." Kazuki said as he gently push Kenji to hide his back to protect him as they saw the third 'Black
Hound' got up and slowly walk towards them.
"Huh?! Yes! Sorry. I distracted." Kenji said as he grabbed his medieval sword and then slowly walks to the right side of the 'Black Hound.'
"Now!" Kazuki said as he also walks to the left side of the 'Black Hound' and the twins simultaneously attacks the 'Black Hound' from both sides.
But the second 'Black Hound' jumped up in the air; Kazuki pushed Kenji way before it landed and pinned him down on the floor. Kazuki used his fighting knife and luckily defended his self from the 'Black Hound' that almost bites his head off. Kenji got up and jumped onto the back of the 'Black Hound' and forcefully slits its nape. The second 'Black Hound' lost its consciousness and Kazuki rolled off before it falls onto him. Kenji jumped off the 'Black Hound' back on the floor. The dead 'Black Hound' fell on the floor.
"Big Brother? Are you alright?" Kenji said as he saw Kazuki lying down on the floor, unconscious and ran towards him.
"The light! I saw the light and it is coming to pick me up...Ow-Ouch!" Kazuki said as he performed his acting skills, trying to tease Kenji who flicked his forehead.
"I'm not convinced with your acting skills. Are you alright?" Kenji said as he helped Kazuki to get up.
"I'm alright. Let's go. We need to head back." Kazuki said as he noticed Kenji was looking at the third dead 'Black Hound'.
"Uh? I'm sorry! Let's go big brother." Kenji said as he and Kazuki walked out of the Cargo Room, leaving three decapitated bodies and two dead 'Black Hounds' lying down on the floor.
15 minutes later
Back to the 1st class suite...
Hikaru, Mayumi, Emi, Rai and Harue were left in the 1st class suite and in front of them was the first 'Black Hound' who was slowly walking towards them.
"Everyone, immediately get out of here. I will take care of this." Hikaru said as he ordered the girls to get out of the 1st class suite and drew out of medieval Long sword.
"No! We will help you." Mayumi said as she stood up, insisted and drew her cross bow out of her bag pack.
"A cross bow? That's dangerous!" Hikaru said as he, Emi, Rai and Harue were surprised to see Mayumi casually slung her cross bow over her right shoulder.
"What? Is this the first time you've seen a cross bow?" Mayumi said as she asked everyone while Rai, Emi and Harue stood up and hide beside Hikaru.
"O-okay! You three hide behind that sofa. Mayumi and I will take care of this." Hikaru said as Rai and the others ran away and hide behind the sofa, placed a few meters away from them.
"So, what should we do?" Mayumi said as she asked Hikaru.
"Of course! We are going to defeat that 'Black Hound'" Hikaru said as he drew his medieval Long sword out. The last 'Black Hound' suddenly ran towards Hikaru and Mayumi but Mayumi fired an arrow to the 'Black Hound' and the arrow hit its right eye. The 'Black Hound' was unable to see its targets and howled.
"Nice shot! My turn." Hikaru said as he fearlessly run towards the blinded 'Black Hound' and was about to decapitate its head but the 'Black Hound' attacked and pinned him down on the floor.
Hikaru used his medieval Long sword and luckily defended his self from the 'Black Hound' that almost bites his neck off. Mayumi continued firing arrows to the blinded 'Black Hound' to keep it distracted and Hikaru finally found his chance to push the 'Black Hound' away from him. The 'Black Hound' rolled over and hit the playing table.
"Hikaru!? Hikaru are you alright?" Rai said as she, Emi and Harue sneaked out behind the sofa and asked Hikaru.
"I'm alright! Don't worry and just keep hiding behind that sofa." Hikaru said as he got up and picked up his Long sword.
The blinded 'Black Hound' was unable to move because it got trapped under the broken playing table. Hikaru and Mayumi carefully approached the blinded 'Black Hound' to check if it is still alive.
'Your Highness
Please help me...'
The blinded 'Black Hound' said as he was trying to communicate telepathically to Harue.
"Huh? Did you hear that?" Harue said as she wondered and asked Rai and Emi.
"Uh? We didn't hear anything Harue." Emi said as she and Rai looked at her, wondering.
"But I swear I heard someone asking for my help." Harue said as she stood up and looked at the blinded 'Black Hound.'
"Hey! Harue get down." Rai said as she grabbed Harue's right arm, tried to pull her down beside her as they hide behind the sofa.
'Ms. Enchantress
Please help me...'
The blinded 'Black Hound' said as he was trying to communicate telepathically to Emi. Emi closed her eyes as she was trying to response to that call.
'So, it is true that
Only an Aethyrian
Can hear your voice.'
Emi closed her eyes as she was trying to response to that call telepathically.
'Yes. Ms. Enchantress
I came in here because
I wanted to tell you
The blinded 'Black Hound' said still communicating telepathically with Emi and slowly got up before Hikaru and Mayumi kill him.
'Tell me something?
What is it?'
Emi telepathically said as Rai noticed Emi was slowly falling asleep beside her and giggled.
'The former Imperial Advisor
Hired three spies to kidnap you
He wants you to open
The 'Book of Prophecies'.
The blinded 'Black Hound' telepathically said as he tried to attack Hikaru and Mayumi; Mayumi continued firing arrows to the 'Black Hound' beside Hikaru who was about to slash his left eye but the 'Black Hound' took his chance to use his strong paws and shove Hikaru away. Hikaru flew away and hit on the glass table.
"Hikaru! Oh no! Your right arm is bleeding. " Rai said as she cries and called Hikaru.
"Stay in there! Please..." Hikaru said as he stood up, dusted his shirt and tried to find his Long sword.
"What are you doing? Stand up! We're not finish yet." Mayumi said as she found Hikaru's Long sword, ran and brought it back to him.
"A-Amazing! After you fired 30 arrows, that blinded 'Black Hound' is still standing. " Hikaru said as he got up, enduring the pain
from his right arm and grabbed the sword.
"Still that is not enough to defeat the 'Black Hound'. We need a Plan B." Mayumi said as she started reloading the last arrow onto her cross bow.
"Well, I don't have any plans – Eh? Emi!? Get away from it!" Hikaru said as he and Mayumi saw Emi run towards the weakened 'Black Hound' and hugged it.
"Please stop! Don't kill him. It is all my fault." Emi said as she cried and pleaded to Hikaru and Mayumi.
"Huh?! What? Are you mad? Get away from it!" Hikaru said as he ordered Emi who refused and gently laid down the 'Black Hound' on the floor.
"Hahaha! I didn't mean this to happen. Please forgive me, big brother." Emi said as she wailed and hugged the dying 'Black Hound'.
"Emi is right! I won't let you lay a single finger on him." Harue said as she bravely run and stood up in front of Hikaru and Mayumi, trying to protect Emi and the 'Black Hound'.
"Ha-Hahaha! This is interesting. Are you all out of your mind? That is a 'Black Hound', one of the 'Living Fiends' terrorizing the Four Villages. We must get rid of them." Mayumi said as she hysterically laughs out loud.
"Living Fiends" are huge, evil, monster-like creatures that destroy villages, kill innocent lives and devours Alementalian soul in order to survive. These creatures can be found in the dark parts of the forest, underground and under the ocean. The 'Black Hounds' is just one of the four 'Living Fiends' living in Alementalia.
"No! Why do want to get rid of them?" Harue said as she flinched and asked Mayumi who aimed her cross bow to Harue's forehead.
"Hey! Put that down. Mayumi please..." Hikaru said as he tried to stop Mayumi but Mayumi shoved him away.
"Because I made a promise that I will kill of them just like what they did to my mother." Mayumi said as she fired the cross bow at Harue who got scared to run away and closed her eyes.
Rai immediately ran away, pushed Harue out of the way and got hit by the arrow on her right shoulder.
"Rai!? That's enough Mayumi! Give me that." Hikaru said as he got angry and shoved the cross bow away from Mayumi who crossed her arms and turned around.
"Don't worry! I'm fine Hikaru. How about you Harue?" Rai said as she approached Harue and asked her.
"Why would you do that?! Because of me you got hurt." Harue said as she hugged Rai and cried.
"Uh? I saved you because you are first one who invited me to join in a trip. I've always wanted to ride on an aerostat and I can now cross this off my bucket list. Thank you Harue." Rai cheerfully said as she pats Harue's head using her left hand.
"Eh? The aerostat is slowly tilting on the left side..." Hikaru said as he and the others noticed that the aerostat is really tilting on the left side.
"What is happening?" Mayumi said as she and the others slipped and rolled on the floor, going to the left side of the aerostat.
'Brace yourselves! We are about to crash down on the ground. I'm Sorry...' Eito said as he grabbed the radio and made the announcement while still inside the cockpit.
The aerostat was descending fast onto the ground but with Eito's remaining Alementalian magic, he managed to safely land the aerostat inside the forest in between the borders of Aethyria and "Forest of the Black Hounds'. Three Aethyrian miners were on their way back to Aethyria as they looked up in the sky and saw their crash landing. They immediately went inside the forest and found the crash site.
"Is that Sir Eito's aeroship? Oh no! Sir Eito! 'Princess' Harue!" One of the Aethyrian miners said as he and his friend ran and went inside the burning aerostat while the last miner ran away to get some help.
That Night
Inside the Matsuoka Family's Official Residence
In the Infirmary Room...
"Uh? Ow-Ouch... Where am I?" Hikaru said as he slowly woke up and looked around inside the Infirmary Room.
"You are inside the Infirmary room. Stay in here I will be back." One of the nurses said as she closed the white curtain and went out of the Infirmary room.
"Uh? What happened? I-I cannot remember anything." Hikaru said as he gets up from the bed and opened the white curtain on his left side.
"Hello! I'm glad you are also safe." Eito said as he was the first who woke up and saw Hikaru looking at him.
"You! What happened? Where are the others?" Hikaru said as he asked Eito who looked away.
"The aerostat crashed inside the forest. Three Aethyrian miners found the crash site and asked help to get all of us out of the burning aerostat." Eito said he jumped out of the bed and went to the left side of the Infirmary room to check Harue and the others.
Eito opened each white curtain to check the four girls that were still sleeping in their bed.
"Rai!? I'm glad you are also safe." Hikaru said as he saw Rai and immediately jumped out of his bed to hug her.
"Will you quiet down? The others are still sleeping." Mayumi said as she gets up from the bed and saw Hikaru and Eito, standing beside Rai's bed.
"Oh! The annoying woman is already up. Sorry." Hikaru said as he approached Mayumi's bed, intentionally closed her white curtain and walked away.
"What the hell?! Why would you do that?" Mayumi said as she got angry and yelled back, making Eito chuckle.
"Uh? That smell... Ow-Ouch! Where am I?" Harue said as she slowly wakes up and looked around the Infirmary room.
"Harue! Finally, you woke up." Eito said as he approached Harue's bed and suddenly hugged her.
"E-Eito?! Get off me. You are squishing me," Harue said as she got flustered and also hugged him back.
"Sorry! I'm just glad to see you alive and safe." Eito said as he broke their hug and pats her head.
"I-I'm also glad to see you safe." Harue cheerfully said, making Eito blush and smile.
"Where are the others? And Rai? Where is Rai?!" Harue said as she panicked and jumped out of her bed.
"Hey! Harue, calm down. She is over there and still sleeping." Eito said as he tried to chase Harue. Harue ran away and went over to Rai's bed.
"That voice? Is that Harue?" Emi said as she slowly wakes up and looked around the Infirmary Room.
"Emi? Emi!" Harue said as she ran away and approached Emi on her bed beside hers.
" Harue?! Hey! Wait..." Emi said as she tried to get up but Harue suddenly jumped onto her bed and hugged her.
"Harue!? Where is my little 'princess'?" Mr. Matsuoka said as he slammed open the door and went inside the Infirmary room, followed by his wife Mrs. Matsuoka and the nurse earlier.
"Dear, please calm down. Look! Harue is over there." Mrs. Matsuoka said as she and her husband saw Harue, Eito and Hikaru standing beside Emi's bed.
"My 'Princess'! I'm glad your alive." Mr. Matsuoka said as he saw Harue and hugged her.
"Father?! Mother? Wait! Where exactly are we?" Harue said as her father hugged her and asked her mother.
"Welcome home Harue. I'm glad you and your friends are safe." Mrs. Matsuoka said as she approached Harue, Hikaru and Eito.
"Auntie! What are you doing in here?" Eito said as Mrs. Matsuoka flinched when Eito called her 'Auntie'. The nurse noticed that Kazuki move on his bed and approached him.
"Uh? Where am I? Kenji!? Kenji, where are you?" Kazuki said as he panicked and jumped off his bed, looking around for Kenji.
"Please calm down Sir Kazuki. Sir Kenji is still sleeping on the left side of your bed." The nurse said as Kazuki run to Kenji's bed and sighed.
"Uh? Where am - ? Big brother?" Kenji said as he slowly wakes up, looked around and saw Kazuki, crying beside him.
"Father, please get away from me. I'm fine!" Harue said as she tried to shove her father away.
"Rai, please wake up. Please wake up..." Hikaru said as he got worried and gently touched Rai's right hand.
"Three 'Aethyrian' miners were on their way back to 'Aethyria' when they saw the aerostat crashed inside the inside the forest between the borders of 'Aethyria' and the 'Forest of the Black Hounds. It took eight hours to rescue all of you. She was brought in here 2 hours ago. She was the last person that the rescuers found a few meters away from the crash site and were surrounded by three 'Black Hounds'." The nurse said as she reported to everyone.
"But three 'Black Hounds' ran away before the second rescue team came in and successfully saved her." Mrs. Matsuoka said as Hikaru cried and hugged Rai while she was sleeping on her bed.
"That's a relief." Eito said as Hikaru saw him stopped from trembling and sighed.
"Don't worry everyone. She is stable but obtained a broken right arm after the crash landing. We should let her get some rest." Mr. Matsuoka said as Harue finally shoved him away and her stomach rumbles.
"Okay! I think everyone is hungry so let's go to the Back yard and eat. The Head Chef prepared something for you Harue." Mrs. Matsuoka said as she opened the door and went out of the Infirmary room.
"Aren't we suppose to go in the Dining room instead to the Back yard?" Harue said as she asked his father.
"Yes, but I thought you wanted to see our cherry blossom trees in the back yard." Mr. Matsuoka said as he also went out of the Infirmary room Harue, Emi, Eito, Hikaru, Mayumi, Kazuki that helped Kenji to get out off his bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Matsuoka, their youngest child Harue and her friends except for Rai left and asked the nurse to attend Rai inside the Infirmary Room.
'Wake up
Your Highness
Please help us...'
After a few minutes...
"Uh? Where am I? Who are you?" Rai said as she slowly woke up and asked the same voice that was trying to ask for her help.
Your Highness,
You are Last piece of the puzzle.'
The voice said as it disappeared and Rai closed her eyes and fell asleep again.
Inside the Matsuoka Family's
"Welcome back 'Princess' Harue!" The Matsuoka Servants said in as they all welcomed Harue and her friends.
"Wow! Is the cherry blossom tree I planted 10 years ago? Look at its beautiful full-bloom pinkish white flowers." Harue exclaimed as she followed by Eito and Emi run past by the servants and hugged the cherry blossom tree planted in the center of the backyard.
"That's a cherry blossom tree? Amazing!" Hikaru said as he stopped from walking and was amazed to see an actual cherry blossom tree for the first time.
"So, you are the one from 'Fireiya.'. Welcome to 'Aethyria'!" Mr. Matsuoka said as he stopped from walking beside Hikaru and pat his head.
"I'm Hikaru Hashimoto. Thank you for inviting us Sir Matsuoka." Hikaru said as Mr. Matsuoka laugh out loud.
"Sir?! Please call me 'Uncle' instead. We rarely had visitors from your Village because it is on the Southern part of the country that's why I am glad you and your girlfriend came in here." Mr. Matsuoka said, making Hikaru blush as he heard the word 'girlfriend'.
"Girlfriend? She's not – We're only best friends." Hikaru said as he denies, making Mr. Matsuoka look and laugh at him.
"You are way too obvious young man and I – Eh?" Mr. Matsuoka said as Mrs. Matsuoka arrived and pinched his cheeks.
"Dear please stop teasing him. Sorry about that. Come with me, I need you to sign those letters." Mrs. Matsuoka said as she apologized to Hikaru.
"Uh-Eh? Please do not worry about it." Hikaru said as Mrs. Matsuoka dragged her husband back to their mansion.
"Hey! Keep moving." Kazuki said as he, Kenji and Mayumi stood behind Hikaru who got startled.
"Uh? Sorry. Please go ahead." Hikaru said as he moved backwards and let Kazuki and Mayumi pass by.
"I'm really sorry about that. My big brother is just tired." Kenji said as he apologized to Hikaru who chuckled.
"Don't worry. I understand why he is upset." Hikaru said as he and Kenji saw Harue run towards them and suddenly grab their arms.
"What are you doing in here? Let's go!" Harue said as she dragged both Kenji and Hikaru away and back to the picnic grounds.
Harue brought Kenji and Kazuki to the picnic grounds surrounded by cherry blossom trees. Hikaru sat beside Harue along with Eito and Emi while Kazuki dragged Kenji to sit beside him along with Mayumi.
While everyone was chit chatting...
Kazuki stood up, stretched out his arms and decided to take a stroll around the picnic grounds, alone.
"I wonder what he is thinking." Kenji said as he saw Kazuki left and then looked at Mayumi.
"Why would you not follow him?" Mayumi said as she asked Kenji who flinched.
"Uh? Well, I think we should give him some privacy to clear up his mind." Kenji said as his response to Mayumi.
"Then, I will be back." Mayumi said as she put down her drink, stood up and ran away.
"Hey! Mayumi where are you going? The party is not over yet." Harue said as she asked Mayumi who already got away.
"She's right! Hey! Where is that grouchy guy? Maid! Give more wine." Hikaru said as he also got drunk and ordered Kenji who ignored him.
"Harue, please sit down. You are already drunk." Eito said as Harue kept twirling around while drinking her wine.
"Harue you are not allowed to drink that wine. Please give me that." Emi said as she tried to grab the glass cup off Harue's right hand but Harue shoved her hand away.
"No! Give me more. I want more. Cheers!" Harue said as she kept dancing and twirling around with Hikaru.
"Cheers! Let's keep drinking and dancing – " Hikaru said as he bumped onto Harue and luckily Eito caught them before they fell onto the picnic blanket, making Eito and Emi giggle.
"Honestly you two... are really heavy." Eito said as he got stuck under Hikaru and above Hikaru was Harue that landed on Hikaru's chest.
"Eito! Eito! Listen I have something to tell you." Harue said as she threw the glass cup to Eito's face.
"Harue you can tell me that after get out of here." Eito said as he gently pushed Hikaru away from his lower body.
"I like you! I like you..." Harue said as she confessed to Eito, making Eito blush.
"What!?" Emi and Kenji yelled out as witnessed what just happened.
"I like you. I really like you... I REALLY LIKE YOU TO GET ME MORE WINE. Hurry!" Harue said as she ordered Eito who finally managed to get out and picked up the glass cup.
"Why are so flustered?" Emi said as she wondered and asked Eito.
"No! I'm not -! I'm not flustered! Not at all." Eito said as he denies and looked away from Emi.
"Eh? Is that so?" Kenji said as he looked at Eito.
"Me too! I – I really like you too!" Hikaru said as he shouted and threw the wine bottle to Kenji.
"Huh!? What?! You too?" Eito said as he yelled, making Kenji and Emi chuckle.
"I like you. I really like you... I REALLY LIKE YOU TO GET OFF ME Rai. You are heavy." Hikaru said as he forcefully pushed Harue away and rolled over to Kenji's side making Eito laugh.
"I wonder what was in this wine." Kenji said as he stood up and grabbed the wine bottle.
"Then, I dare you to drink it." Eito said as he challenged Kenji who got annoyed with him.
"Drink what? Look! It is empty." Kenji said as he turned over the bottle.
"Here we have another one." Emi said as she gave the second wine bottle to Kenji and Kenji handed over the empty wine to Emi.
"Okay! I accept your challenge... Cheers!" Kenji said as he opened the wine bottle using his mouth and drank all of it. Three minutes later, Kenji successfully finished drinking the entire wine and dropped its bottle on the ground.
"Oh? Not bad! Emi, give him the third one." Eito said as he ordered Emi.
"That last one? A-are you sure? This contains 5% of alcohol." Emi said as she was hesitant to give Kenji the last bottle of wine.
"Give me that. Why are you so afraid with this wine? Anyway, Cheers!" Kenji said as he grabbed the third bottle, opened it and drank all of it. Kenji successfully finished drinking the entire wine and dropped its bottle on the ground.
"Ms. Emi, Mrs. Matsuoka has already prepared your rooms and is requesting all of you to go back inside the mansion. Uh? What happened in here?" One of the Matsuoka butlers said as he approached Emi and the others in the picnic grounds.
"Okay! Before that I will just find Mayumi and Kazuki. I will be back." Emi said as she ran away, leaving Eito with Kenji.
Few meters away
from the picnic grounds...
"Kazuki! Where are you Kazuki?" Mayumi said as she wanders around the picnic ground, looking for Kazuki.
"I'm here Mayumi." Kazuki said as Mayumi saw him standing in front of an old cherry blossom tree.
"There you are Kazuki. What are you doing in here?" Mayumi said as she asked Kazuki who simply looked at her.
"You didn't remember? I made a promise to you that someday I will find you a cherry blossom tree and here it is." Kazuki said as Mayumi blushed.
"Y-You remembered?! Indeed! I love flowers but cherry blossom trees grow in this Village and that was only a joke." Mayumi said as she covered her blushing face.
"There is something I've always wanted to tell you Mayumi." Kazuki said as he suddenly grabbed Mayumi's right arm.
"Kazuki!? W-what are you doing?" Mayumi said as she got flustered and asked Kazuki.
"I-I like - ...Uh?!" Kazuki said as he also got flustered but Mayumi suddenly shoved his hand away.
"Me too! There is also something I wanted to tell you." Mayumi said as she got flustered and grabbed Kazuki's shirt.
"Uh!? O-okay! I'm listening." Kazuki said as he calms down and kissed Mayumi's right hand.
"Uh!? I-I-I like - ... I LIKE YOU TO COME WITH ME back to the picnic grounds." Mayumi said making Kazuki surprised and disappointed because it was different from what he expected.
"O-okay! You go ahead. I'll just stay in here for a while." Kazuki said as he let go of Mayumi's right hand and went back admiring the cherry blossom tree.
"Okay! See you later." Mayumi said as she ran away and went back to the picnic grounds.
"Damn it! Damn it! I really thought she was confessing –Uh!? NO! I wasted my chance to confess my feelings for her. Damn it!" Kazuki said as he got frustrated and kicked the grasses but he slipped and fell on the ground.
Mean while
Half way back to the picnic grounds...
"Calm down...Damn it! I really thought he was confessing – Uh!? NO! I wasted my chance to confess my feelings for him. Damn it!" Mayumi said as she stopped running and got frustrated from what happened earlier.
"Mayumi! Where are you Mayumi?" Emi said as she ran away, trying to find Mayumi.
"I'm here Emi. What happened?" Mayumi said as she composed herself before Emi approached her.
"There you are Mayumi. Ah! Just come with me." Emi said as she suddenly grabbed Mayumi's right arm and dragged her away.
Emi and Mayumi both went back to the picnic grounds and saw...
"Somebody, please help me!" Eito said as he cried, was trying to shove Kenji who got drunk and hugging him.
"H-Hey! Y-you have a smooth skin. Let me have that smooth skin." Kenji said as he squished his cheeks onto Eito's.
"Kenji!? What are you doing? Get away from him." Mayumi said as she tried to pull Kenji off Eito.
"And I almost forgot. Miss Rai has woken up and was transferred to the Female Guest Room." The butler said as he slowly lifted Harue off the picnic blanket and carried her back inside the mansion.
"Get off me! I need to get back inside the mansion." Eito said as he finally pushed Kenji off him.
"H-Hey! Eh? Let me have that smooth skin." Kenji said as he squished his cheeks onto Mayumi, making her blush.
"I'm back. What did I miss?" Kazuki said as he went back to the picnic grounds.
"Finally! Kazuki please help me!" Mayumi said as she called Kazuki who immediately pulled Kenji away from Mayumi.
"Honestly Kenji what are you doing?" Kazuki said as he smiled, carried Kenji in his back and then walked away.
"Uh? How about him?" Emi said as she and Mayumi looked at Hikaru as he fell asleep on the ground.
"Don't worry! I will carry him back inside the mansion." Eito said as he lifted Hikaru up, carried him in his back and walked away.
"So now what?" Mayumi said as she wondered and asked Emi.
"I guess we should clean this area first before we go back inside the mansion." Emi said as she suggested.
"Okay! I will help you." Mayumi said as she started picking up the empty bottles off the ground.
After 15 minutes...
Outside the Female Guests' Room...
"Sorry! We are late. Good evening!" Mayumi said as she and Emi knocked on the door and went inside the Guests' Room.
"Harue? Are you alright?" Emi said as she saw Harue, lying down on the bed and sitting on her right side was Rai holding up a cold ice pack on Harue's forehead.
"My head – is spinning and spinning..." Harue said as she got really dizzy while she was taking rest on the bed beside Rai on the right side of the room.
"And that's why you are not allowed to drink wine Harue." Emi said as sat on the left side of Harue's bed and Rai gave her the ice pack.
"I don't understand you. What happened?" Harue said as she tried to recall what happened earlier but she cannot remember anything.
"I see, then I will tell you what happened. You got drunk and confessed your feelings to Eito." Emi said as Harue flinched, grabbed her pillow and shoved it onto her face.
"No! Stop! I really don't want to hear that word. Huh?" Mayumi said as she suddenly shouted out and got embarrassed as Emi and Rai looked at her.
"I bet something also happened to you." Rai said as she casually threw the pillow to Mayumi's face.
"No! Yes? Actually, nothing happened." Mayumi said as she picked up the pillow and sat on the left side of Rai's bed while hugging the pillow.
"What exactly happened?" Rai said as she got curious and asked Mayumi who blushed and buried her face onto the pillow.
"May I come in?" Eito said as he suddenly knocked on the door while waiting for their response.
"Come in." Emi said as Eito went inside their room, carrying a silver tray with Rai's dinner.
"Thank you! Eito you really don't have to do this. I mean I can walk and go down to the Dining Room." Rai said as she approached Eito and took the silver tray.
"Hmm? Someone is being jealous." Mayumi said as she suspiciously looked at Harue who threw her pillow to Mayumi.
"Well, I hope you like this and since you missed the flower-viewing earlier, I brought something for you." Eito said as he took out a flower crown and put it on Rai's head.
"Thank you Eito!" Rai cheerfully said, making Eito blush.
"You are welcome Rai. Good night! Harue." Eito said as he saw Harue and remembered her confession and casually went out of their room.
Back in the Main Island
Inside the Imperial Court Head Quarters
Main Court Room...
"I would like to thank everyone for coming in this emergency meeting. Please sit down." Mr. Geno said as the Council members wondered why there is an emergency meeting tonight.
"Please allow me to explain. I've received a letter from my parents that Eito's aeroship has crash landed inside the forest between the borders of Aethyria and the 'Forest of the Black Hounds this morning. And rescuers found five dead bodies in the crash site. " Hiiro said as he stood up and reported to the Council.
"Crash landed?! Don't tell me she is - ..." Mrs. Saki said as she got worried for Harue.
"Don't worry! My parents said that all of the remaining eight passengers were successfully rescued after eight hours and now resting back in the Matsuoka Residence." Hiiro said as the Council finally heard the good news.
"Sorry for the intrusion your highness! But I have bad news." An Imperial Soldier said as he suddenly slammed open the door and interrupted their emergency meeting.
"Calm down soldier. Now, speak." Mr. Geno said as the soldier stopped from panicking and sigh.
"The alternate rail route going to Iytheria has been mysteriously disappeared!" The Imperial Soldier said as he reported to the Imperial Council.
Thank you for waiting everyone! Here is Chapter Three and I will try to update regularly. - Cheche-chan.