Chapter VII.


‘The Summons’

Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Hero’: King Philip showed his heart tattoo-like ‘Cursed Mark’ to the three children. Eito asked Hikaru to give his letter to Rai. Harue attends the morning meeting with the Second ‘Imperial Council’. Hikaru and the passengers were ambushed by the ‘While Skeletons’ while on their way back to ‘Fireiya’. After the mini-party, the ‘Wathyrian’ and ‘Aethyrian’ Reps were all went back to their respective rooms while the ‘Fireiyan Reps’ went to Room#117 to finish their important task of the day. The ‘Iytherian Reps’ went to the ‘Alementalian Central Airport’ to prepare the four aerostats that will be used as service to pick-up the five potential ‘Candidates’ for the ‘Presentation’.

I.C.H.Q., Room#117

‘Communications Department’….

“It is me. May I come in?” Mr. Hiiro said as he stood outside and knocked on the door.

“Yes. Please come in.” Mrs. Mai said Mr. Hiiro opened the door and went inside.

“Excuse me. Uh? Is he alright?” Hiiro said as he closed the door and saw Mr. Sai soundly asleep on his desk.

“Yes. My husband instantly falls asleep after drinking a lot. Ah! Since now you are here, can you help Ms. Akari to find the last letter?” Mrs. Mai said as they looked at Ms. Akari, tossing away all the papers off the Guests’ table.

“Where is it? Where?” Ms. Akari said as she tries to find the last letter on the top of the Guests’ table.

“Uh? Please calm down. Did you lose something? Please allow me to help you.” Mr. Hiiro said as he accidentally stepped on an unrolled scroll, slipped and fell on the floor.

“Hiiro?! Are you alright? I’m sorry I didn’t not notice you.” Ms. Akari said as she reached out her right hand and helped him to get up.

“Thank you. Here. I have come to return your handkerchief you left in the Main Hall. I too would like to apologize since I’ve used it as a table napkin earlier.” Mr. Hiiro said as he apologizes and gave the handkerchief back to Ms. Akari.

“Uh? Thank you. Since, you are here, can you help me find the last letter?” Ms. Akari said as she asked Hiiro.

“But still, I am impressed that you can even work in this messy place. There are a lot of crumbled parchment papers everywhere and A LOT of unfinished paperwork piled up over here. Unrolled and rolled scrolls scattered on the floor and what is that smell?” Mr. Hiiro said as he was amazed and describe the scenario inside the room.

“You can just politely refuse my request.” Ms. Akari said as she pouted and crossed her arms.

“Letter? Alright! Alright, I will help you. But I wonder where should we start.” Mr. Hiiro said as they both turned around and saw five piles of short, white envelopes scattered on the floor. Each pile consists of 100 envelopes.

10 minutes later…

Mr. Hiiro and Ms. Akari was unable to find the last letter.

“This is impossible! There are too many envelopes.” Mr. Hiiro said as he stretched out his arms and lie down on the floor.

“We’ve just finished searching in the first pile. Come on, get up. You said that you will help me.” Ms. Akari said as tried to push Mr. Hiiro to get up but it was useless.

“Who wrote the last letter? I though there were only five candidates.” Mr. Hiiro said as he got asked and Ms. Akari starts searching on the second pile.

“Yes! There are only five candidates but the last one was Harue’s personal letter for her ‘Candidate.’” Ms. Akari said as she searched the second pile of envelopes.

“Eh? Is that so? Then, who was he? I mean – Harue’s Candidate? His name was probably written on the envelope as the receiver of Harue’s letter.” Mr. Hiiro said as he got curious about Harue’s ‘Candidate’ and asked Ms. Akari.

“Harue wrote that last letter. I wonder where did she put it. Hey! Stop asking questions and help me find it.” Ms. Akari said as Hiiro yawns.

“I’m glad that I’m on the ‘Training Department.’ Alright! What is the color of the wax seal that did you used on that envelope?” Mr. Hiiro said as he asked Ms. Akari.

“I do not know. I was so busy writing the other invitations but I heard Yuki volunteered to seal the envelope instead of Harue.” Ms. Akari said as he stopped and sighed.

“This is bad! Yuki usually forgets to put a seal on his letters so he always asks his butler to do it for him.” Mr. Hiiro said as sighed and told Ms. Akari.

“Then, you just have to find an unsealed envelope. Wait! I think I saw one over here.” Mrs. Mai said as she went to her own desk and carefully sorted the papers off it.

Few minutes later, Mrs. Mai finally found the unsealed letter.

“I found it! Here.” Mrs. Mai said as Ms. Akari stood up and rushed by her side.

“That it! Thank you very much, your highness.” Ms. Akari said as receives the letter and went to the Guests’ table to collect the other five envelopes and sealed the last envelope.

“Then, shall I summon the ‘Royal Messengers?” Mr. Hiiro said as he stood up and dusted off his suit.

“Thank you, but we do not need the ‘Royal Messengers’. We have a faster way to deliver these letters. Could you hold these letters for me?” Ms. Akari said as she gave the envelopes to Hiiro and went to open each window of the room.

“Eh? What -? How exactly you will these letters?” Mr. Hiiro said as he wondered and asked Ms. Akari.

“Please observe.” Mrs. Mai said as she smiled.

‘Within the abilities given to me, I command thee, Come forth, my ‘Fire Birds’.

Ms. Akari said as she uses her ‘Fire-Alementalian’ Magic and summons her five ‘Fire Birds’. The five, majestic ‘Fire Birds’ magically appeared outside the window.

“Wait! Are those actual ‘Fire Birds’? Amazing!” Mr. Hiiro said as he was awed to see each ‘Fire Bird’ flew inside and landed on the room.

The first and second ‘Fire Birds’ landed on the edge of the chairs, the third one landed on Mrs. Mai’s right shoulder while the fourth landed on Mr. Sai’s desk and the last one actually landed on Mr. Sai’s right shoulder while was asleep and starts pecking on his semi-bald head.

“Come! You have to see this.” Ms. Akari said as she suddenly grabbed Hiiro’s right hand and dragged him to the first and second ‘Fire birds’.

“Hey, wait! What is happening?” Hiiro said as he was confused and gave the six envelopes to Ms. Akari.

Ms. Akari took the first, two envelopes and placed it on the guests’ table, near the first and second ‘Fire Birds’. Using their pointed beak, each ‘Fire Bird’ took one envelope and immediately flew out of the room.

“As you can see, our ‘Fire Birds’, are birds that have pointed beaks and a sunset-like colored pair of wings that only glows during summer season. We use this smart birds to deliver the most important letters. These birds will immediately deliver the letters to the house where the receiver currently lives.” Mrs. Mai said as Ms. Akari went to the third bird and the bird immediately took it and flew out of the room.

“A-Amazing! Please allow me to try.” Mr. Hiiro said as he got curious.

Ms. Akari gave the fourth letter to Mrs. Mai. Mrs. Mai gave the fourth letter to the bird resting on his right shoulder. The fourth bird immediately took it away and flew out of the room.

Ms. Akari suddenly grabbed his right hand and they both went to Mr. Sai’s desk. On Mr. Sai’s desk, Mr. Sai was sleeping on the top of his disorganized desk while the fifth bird continues to peck his semi-bald head.

“Here. Just carefully give these last letters to him.” Ms. Akari said as he handed over the last two letters to Mr. Hiiro.

“O-okay. He-here are your letters. So, please do not peck my hand.” Mr. Hiiro said as he carefully and slowly gave the last two letters to the fifth bird.

The fifth ‘Fire Bird’, on the other hand, suddenly stopped from pecking Mr. Sai’s head and looked at Mr. Hiiro instead. The fifth bird got curious and pecked on Mr. Hiiro’s right hand. Mr. Hiiro dropped the letters on the floor.

“Hiiro?! Are you alright?” Ms. Akari said as she picked up the letter and gave it to the bird instead and then the bird immediately took the letters

away and flew out of the room.

“Oh my, that’s interesting. Our ‘Fire birds’ never pecked our hands like that.” Mrs. Mai said as she witnessed what happened.

“It did once to me, your highness. Hiiro, are you alright? Let me see your right hand.” Ms. Akari said as she took out Hiiro’s right hand.

“No! I’m alright. Do not worry about me.” Mr. Hiiro said as he gently pushed Ms. Akari away from him.

“Uh? Okay! Then, I will close the windows and then – Huh?” Ms. Akari said as she ran away to close the windows but she suddenly slipped and almost fell on the floor.

“Akari!? Milady! Are you alright? Milady!” Mr. Hiiro said as he rushed to her side and caught her before she fell on the ground.

“Ah, yes course! Since Ms. Akari was the only one who summoned the ‘Fire Birds’ it will be taxing for her to provide ‘Alementalian’ magic to those creatures.” Mrs. Mai said as she sighed and closes each window.

“But I-I have to go to work and - …” Ms. Akari said as she insisted, trying to stand up but fell asleep instead.”

“Don’t worry. She will wake up as soon as all the six letters are delivered. For the meantime, please let her rest on her room.” Mrs. Mai said as she sighed and closes each window.

“As you wish, your highness.” Mr. Hiiro said as he carried Ms. Akari on his back, supporting her with his right arm.

Mrs. Mai opened the door for Mr. Hiiro and then, he and Ms. Akari left the room.

“Now, how long are you going to pretend that you are asleep, my dear husband?” Mrs. Mai said as she asked Mr. Sai.

“Eh? How did you know that?” Mr. Sai said as he raised his head and yawned.

“You are my husband after all. So, why did you do that?” Mrs. Mai said as she began picking up the rolled scrolls up the floor.

“Well, I really do not like Mr. Hiiro. He has a huge potential to become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’ but he chose to become one of the ‘traitors’” Mr. Sai said as he stood up and stretched out his arms.

“What? You mean he is also a member of the ‘Alliance’?” Mrs. Mai nervously said as she dropped the rolled scrolls back on the floor.

“I saw him waiting outside the Main Court after Mr. Geno failed to recruit me that day. Anyway, where are the ‘Iytherian Reps.’?” Mr. Sai said as he asked Mrs. Mai.

“I’ve heard that the ‘Iytherian Reps’ went to the ‘Alementalia Central Airport’ to prepare the five aerostats because tomorrow, they will pick up the five ‘Candidates’ for the ‘Presentation’.” Mrs. Mai said as she tried to calm down and sat on the guests’ chair.

In the ‘Central Airport’

Inside the ‘Aerostats’ Garage…

“Sir Geno! Sir! Please look up! Are those?” Imperial Solder #1 said as he approached Mr. Geno and looked above the sky.

“Oh my! Those are ‘Fire Birds’. The ‘Communications Team’ finally delivered the invitations.” Mr. Geno said as he also looked up on the sky and saw a ‘Fire Bird’ flying going to the West direction.

“Invitations? For the chosen ‘Candidates’?” Imperial Soldier #1 said as he asked Mr. Geno.

“Yes. And to be honest, my fellow soldier, I, too, want to become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’ but that fake ‘Princess’ will never choose me as her ‘Candidate’.” Mr. Geno said as he taps Soldier #1’s right shoulder.

“Yes, indeed your highness. Because Sir Hiiro I guess more befitting to become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’. Excuse me.” Imperial Soldier #1 honestly said and went back to his post.

“That damn bastard! I will prove him that I am worthy to become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’.” Mr. Geno said as he got angry and yelled out.

“Dear, please calm down. I’m back. I brought Gina with me.” Mrs. Saki said as she arrives at Mr. Geno’s location and pat his back.

“Gina? Ah, yes. Welcome back. Young lady, did you bring the things that I’ve requested to you?” Mr. Geno said as he calms down and asked Gina.

“I’m Gina. I’ve brought the explosives that you’ve requested.” Gina, from ‘Fireiya’ said as two ‘Lower’ Knights pushed and presented a wooden wagon covered with a white cloth. Inside the wagon, were dozens of unregistered explosives Gina stole from the I.C.H.Q.’s arsenal.

“Alright. Then, let’s get this party started.” Mr. Geno said as two Airport employees AKA his spies, ran towards the wooden wagon and help the others to push it inside the Garage.

“Dear, is this really necessary? I mean we can just hire a ‘Red Assassin’ to kill Harue’s Candidate in the ‘Presentation Day’.” Mrs. Saki said as she asked her husband.

“And pay 12 million gold bars? Hell no! If I were to choose, I will probably kill Harue’s Candidate myself but I cannot since this entire rotten Kingdom is still relying on me.” Mr. Geno boastfully said as he laughs manically and his butler arrives, carrying a heavy, old sack filled with coins.

“But Sir, her highness is now living in the I.C.H.Q. and – Uh?” Ms. Annie said as she was interrupted by Mr. Geno.

“That fake ‘Princess’ is now working in the I.C.H.Q and took away my position as the ‘Chief-On-Duty’. Damn it! I was so close to becoming the next ‘Imperial Ruler.” Mr. Geno said as got angry and stomped on the grounds.

“Don’t blame me if this plan failed. I will go back to the I.C.H.Q. and finish our paper works. Ms. Annie, let’s go.” Mrs. Saki said as she walked away, followed by Ms. Annie.

Their carriage arrives outside the Airport and they went back to the I.C.H.Q. After 20 minutes, Gina and Mr. Geno’s spies were done planting all of the 100 explosives inside the Garage.

“Everyone, I thank all of you. Now, for Plan B. Plan B, Gina will hide on one of the aerostats and all of you will act as the lookout. Do not let anyone enter the airport without my permission.” Mr. Geno said as he starts giving instructions to Gina and his spies.

“As you wish, your highness.” The Airport employees, Gina and the Two ‘Lower’ Knights said in chorus.

“At exactly 8’o clock PM, Gina will use her ‘Fire-Alementalian’ Magic and light up all the explosives in the Garage. For the others, you have five minute to get out of the Garage before Gina uses her magic, do you understand?” Mr. Geno said as he continues giving instructions to Gina and his spies.

“Yes! Your highness,” The Airport employees and the Two ‘Lower’ Knights said in chorus and then went back to their guarding posts.

“Gina, wait! I want you to get rid of everything, and I mean everything. Imagine this, if all the five ‘candidates’ do not show-up on the ‘Presentation Day’, that fake ‘Princess’ will have no choice but to reinstate me as the ‘Chief-On-Duty’ and once again, I will gain control of the Kingdom Hahaha!” Mr. Geno boastfully said as he laughs manically.

“Triple my payment and we will have a deal.” Gina said as she agreed and Mr. Geno’s butler gave Gina an old sack full of bronze coins.

“Then, I am expecting good news tomorrow.” Mr. Geno said as his butler walked away and went out of the Airport.

“Use my ‘Magic’ eh? The ‘Exiled Prince’ asked those persons who possess ‘Alementalian’ Magic NOT to be used while staying in the ‘Main Island.’ But he is not in here so, this is going to be fun.” Gina said as she smirked, put on her hood and went inside the ‘Aerostats’ Garage.

On the ‘Imperial Dormitories’

In the Girls’ Dorm

Inside Mayumi’s Apartment…

“I’m back!” Mrs. Yumisaki, Mayumi’s grandmother said as Mayumi opened up the front door.

“Welcome back!” Mayumi said as they welcomed her back in the apartment.

“I’m sorry! I got late because I wanted to buy this for Mayu.” Mrs. Yumisaki said as she took a small box out of her grocery bags.

“This is a box of chocolates! Thank you Grandma but you did not have to.” Mayumi cheerfully said as she helped her grandmother in carrying the grocery bags.

“Wah! Help me! Help!” Mr. Yumisaki yelled out who was left alone the living area.

“Grandpa?! What happened? Uh?” Mayumi said as she and Mrs. Yumisaki ran to the living area and saw the mortified Mr. Yumisaki, hiding behind the sofa while holding a cooking spatula.

“Is that a ‘Fire Bird’ A real ‘Fire Bird’!” Mrs. Yumisaki said as she ran to her husband.

The first ‘Fire Bird’ has arrived outside Mayumi’s Apartment and landed on her balcony.

“It is a ‘Fire Bird’! But what is it doing in here?” Mayumi said as she opened the sliding door and tried to touch the first ‘Fire Bird’ but it suddenly dropped the envelope on the floor and flew away.

“Mayumi! Are you alright? What was that thing?” Mr. Yumisaki said as he stood up, ran across the living area and went to the balcony.

“Grandpa, look. An invitation from the Second ‘Imperial Council’ and three of the ‘Fire Bird’s feathers.” Mayumi said as she picked the envelope and the sunset-colored bird feathers, off the floor.

“From whom? Wait! Don’t tell me? Yes! My granddaughter was chosen as one of the ‘Councils’ Candidate! Yes!” The overjoyed Mr. Yumisaki said as he yelled out and does his victory dance.

“Dear, please calm down and do not shout. You might disturb the other students.” Mrs. Yumisaki said as he dragged her husband back inside the apartment.

“This is amazing! If you become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’, your father might lift your banishment and welcome you back at his house.” Mr. Yumisaki said as he tousled Mayumi’s short hair.

“I did not except this. I thought Ms. Annie was joking. I did apply for the enlistment of new ‘archer trainees’ under her organization but she didn’t tell me that I am one of the ‘Council’s Candidates.” Mayumi said as she was overwhelmed and sat down on the center sofa.

“Okay! We can talk about this later. For the meantime, come with me, Dear.” Mrs. Yumisaki said as she sighed and dragged her husband going to the kitchen.

“Eh? But this is an important event. We must write a letter to inform her father.” Mr. Yumisaki said as his wife stopped dragging him in the middle of the living room.

“Wait? Weren’t you frying something before I left the apartment?” Mrs. Yumisaki said as they smelled something burning coming from the kitchen.

“Uh? Yes! I was about to fry the hamburgers when I heard a loud, strange sound coming from the living area. Damn it! I forgot! The hamburgers!” Mr. Yumisaki said as he realized and ran going to the kitchen.

“I’m hungry. I can’t think properly. I should just get these inside my bedroom and help my grandparents prepare the dinner.” Mayumi said as she sighed and picked the envelope and the feathers off the table and went into her bedroom.

Mayumi placed the envelope and the feathers on the top of her desk and then went out to help her grandparents in the kitchen.

In ‘Iytheria’

In the Yoshiyuki Family’s Residence

Inside Eito’s study room…

“Young Master, please wake up. Master Eito, please wake up.” Eito’s butler, named ‘George’, said as he gently pat Eito’s right shoulder to wake him up.

“Rai, will you marry – Eh?! I-I am awake.” Eito said as he suddenly wake-up, stretched out his arms and act like nothing happened.

“You are dreaming about Ms. Rai again, Master Eito.” Mr. George said as he chuckled and began organizing the messy paper works on the top of Eito’s desk.

“No! I am not. I’m not.” Eito shyly said as he stood up and looked outside the windows.

As Eito looked outside the windows, he saw some of the ‘Upper Knights’ were running around the front yard, trying to chase a ‘Fire Bird’.

“Hey! What is happening?!” Eito said as he suddenly opened the window and yelled out.

“Young Master? Master Hiiro, above you!” Mr. George said as he warned Eito.

“Above me? Huh? When did -?” Eito said as the second ‘Fire Bird’ suddenly flew inside his study room.

Eito fell on the floor as it landed on his chair.

“A-A ‘Fire Bird’?! Master Hiiro, are you right?” Mr. George said as he helped Eito to stand up.

“Thank you. A ‘Fire Bird’? What is it doing in here?” Eito said as he wondered and looked at the second ‘Fire Bird’.

“Master Eito! Are you alright?!” the First ‘Upper Knight’ said as he slammed the door and went inside Eito’s study room.

“We saw the ‘Fire Bird’ went in here. That’s it! Protect the young master.” the second ‘Upper Knight’ said as he and his buddy went inside the room and surrounded Eito to protect him from the vicious ‘Fire Bird’.

The second ‘Fire Bird’ dropped the envelope on Eito’s desk, began flapping its wings and flew out of his study room.

“It went back outside! Chase it!” the First ‘Upper Knight’ said as he and his buddy immediately ran out of Eito’s study room.

“I’m back! What happened in here?” Ms. Lilia said as she was arrived outside Eito’s study room.

“Big sister?! Well, a Fire Bird’ flew inside my room. The ‘Upper Knights’ are on their way to chase it.” Eito said as Ms. Lilia went inside the room, carefully not stepping on the papers scattered on the floor.

“Master Hiiro, look at these three feathers.” Mr. George said as he was amazed and picked up the three feathers off the floor.

“An envelope? Wait! This came from the Second ‘Imperial Council’. Does that mean -...” Eito said as he saw and picked up the envelope off the floor.

“Congratulations! You are one of the ‘Councils’ Candidates.’ You will have the chance to become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’.” Ms. Lilia sarcastically said as she told Eito.

“I am – what? But I am not the Top student for this year. And with that last lousy performance, the ‘Council’ will not choose me as their ‘Candidate’.” Eito said as he realized and slammed the envelope on his desk.

“The fake ‘Princess’ has something to do with this. But if you do not want to come, then burn the letter.” Ms. Lilia said as she went and closed each window.

“‘Princess’ Harue has nothing to do with this. Why does everyone hate her so much?” Eito said as he got angry and kicked his chair.

“Because she’s the little sister of the ‘traitor’. You will understand soon.” Ms. Lilia said as he she went to Eito’s desk, got curious of the envelope and picked it up.

“‘Traitor?’ You mean – Sir Hiiro? Ha! That’s impossible! Sir Hiiro will betray the Kingdom for his selfish desires.” Eito said as Ms. Lilia examines the envelope.

“The book must not be opened. I hope you will heed my warning. I’m leaving. We will continue the meeting after you come back from the ‘Main Island.’” Ms. Lilia said as she gave the envelope back to Eito and went out of the room.

“The book must not -? Wait! Queen Faeya also said the same thing. Big sister, please wait.” Eito said as he tried to chase his elder sister but Ms. Lilia already left the 4th floor.

“Shall I prepare your aerostat, young master?” Mr. George said as he placed the three feathers on Eito’s desk.

“Yes, please do. And also please prepare my suitcase. I will just clean this room before I leave the residence.” Eito said as Mr. George went out of the study room.

“The book must not be opened. Huh? That’s a warning? ‘Book’? What kind of ‘book’ is she talking about?” Eito said as he whispered to himself.

Meanwhile in ‘Wathyria’

In the Hamasaki Family’s Residence

Inside the Hamasaki Twins’ Room…

“I’m done! Big brother, it is your turn. Uh?” Kenji said as he just went out of their bathroom, half-naked and saw Kazuki lying down on the right bed.

“I don’t need to take a bath. I’m very tired.” Kazuki said as he lazily rolls back and forth on Kenji’s bed.

“Get off MY bed! That is your bed and don’t dare drool on Mr. Pillowy.” Kenji said as he ran towards his bed.

Kenji took an extra-large, white pillow AKA Mr. Pillowy, his favorite pillow, off Kazuki’s right arm and forcefully push him out of his bed.

“Ow! Why did you do that? And why are we sleeping on separate beds?” Kazuki said as Kenji failed to push him out of the bed.

“That is because you are a loud snorer. I cannot stand your loud snoring so, I asked Mother to remove the bunk bed and change into two separate beds.” Kenji said as he casually dries off his hair with the extra towel.

“Hey, that’s my towel. Hand it over.” Kazuki said as Kenji gives the used, extra towel to Kazuki.

“Then, you can use Mr. Blanky as you towel.” Kenji said as he went to Kazuki’s bed and grabbed the white, cotton blanket.

“Hey! Stop it. Don’t you dare drop Mr. Blanky on the floor.” Kazuki said and pouted as Kenji lift up Mr. Blanky AKA his favorite blanket off the bed.

“Pardon me! Welcome back, young masters!” The energetic Ms. Georgia, the twins’ female butler, said as she slammed the door.

“Ms. Georgia?! We’re back! I’m so happy to see you.” Kenji said as he ran towards Ms. Georgia and hugged her.

“Welcome back, young Master Kenji. It has been three years since the last time saw you. You looked so handsome.” Ms. Georgia said as she playfully squishes Kenji’s cheeks.

“Yes! It has been three years. Big brother, look! Ms. Georgia is here – Eh?” Kenji said as he and Ms. Georgia saw Kazuki sneaking out of the bed and immediately run to the bathroom.

“I will be right back, Master Kenji.” Ms. Georgia said as Kenji nodded and took one step back.

Ms. Georgia suddenly run towards the bathroom and luckily, Kazuki was able to lock it on time.

“Welcome back, young Master Kazuki. It has been three years since the last time saw you. Did you grow taller? I hardly recognized you.” Ms. Georgia said as she playfully knocked outside the bathroom.

“I-I’m back! Now, leave me alone!” Kazuki yelled back as he was locked up inside the bathroom.

“Do you want me to wash your back?” Ms. Georgia said as she asked Kazuki.

“No thanks! I can do it on my own. Just please leave alone.” Kazuki shyly said as he stepped back away from the door.

“Hm? I understand. I will just wait on your bedroom instead.” Ms. Georgia said as she walked away from the bathroom.

“Thank you. Now, leave!” Kazuki yelled out as he was still locked up inside the bathroom.

“My twin children are home! Where are they? Where are they?” The cheerful Mrs. Sally Hamasaki said as she slammed the door and went inside the room.

“Welcome back Madam.” Ms. Georgia said as Mrs. Sally went inside the huge room looking for Kenji.

“Ma - Ahem! Mother, we are back.” Kenji said as his mother saw him, drying his hair with the towel.

“My Kenji is back! Mama missed you so much. We’re so busy that we never had the time to visit you while in the ‘Imperial Academy’.” Mrs. Sally said as she suddenly hugged him and pampered him with kisses.

“Mother, please stop that. I’m not a child anymore.” Kenji said as he gently pushes his mother away from him.

“Nope! That is my welcome gift to you. Now, hurry wear this shirt before you get sick.” Mrs. Sally said as she gave a white shirt to Kenji.

“Thank you Ma – Mother. I’ve heard that you went to visit the ‘Port’ this morning.” Kenji said as his mother grabbed another towel and used it to dry Kenji’s hair.

“Ah, yes! We went to the ‘Port’ this morning because Mr. Charlie’s Restaurant just reopened this morning.” Mrs. Sally said as she continues to dry off Kenji’s hair.

“Really? Mr. Charlie is back! Ahem! I mean I just missed eating his delicious seafood recipes.” Kenji excitedly said as he suddenly stood up, surprising his mother and Ms. Georgia.

“Yes, of course. You stayed in the ‘Imperial Dormitories’ for three years so I haven’t cook for you but I practiced very well.” Mrs. Sally said as she pouted and sat on Kenji’s bed.

“Dear, are you in here? Kenji, my son! Welcome come back!” Mr. Ren Hamasaki, Head of the Hamasaki Family, said and went inside the twins’ room.

“Pa – Father?! Good afternoon, father. We are back.” Kenji nervously said as Ms. Georgia closed the door.

“How are you, my son? Congratulations on your graduation! Now, where is your other Twin?” Mr. Ren said as he asked Kenji.

“Ah! Big brother is still in the bathroom. Don’t worry! He will be finished soon.” Kenji said as Mr. Ren suddenly hugged him.

“Welcome home, my son!” Mr. Ren said as he pat Kenji’s back and then tousled his navy blue-colored, short hair.

“I’m done! Hey, you forgot to close the shampoo bottle again – Eh?! Mother? Father?!” Kazuki said as he went back to the bedroom and saw his parents while wearing only his underpants.

“Ah, there you are Kazuki. Welcome home, my son!” Mr. Ren said as Kazuki blushed, panicked and ran back to the bathroom to wear some clothes.

“Young master Kazuki, you forgot to bring your white shirt.” Ms. Georgie said as she brought Kazuki’s shirt and knocked outside the bathroom.

Kazuki slowly opened the door, grabbed the shirt and slammed the door.

“Uh? Did I say something wrong?” Mr. Ren said as he wondered and asked Kenji.

“No, father. Kazuki got used to walking being half-naked inside our apartment. He probably forgot that we’re back home.” Kenji said as he chuckles.

“That’s it! I will show Mr. Charlie that I am way better chef than him. I am cooking the dinner for tonight.” Mrs. Sally said as she stood up and rolled up her sleeves.

“Then, mother, I would like to have some clam chowder for dinner.” Kenji said as he requested to his mother who flinched.

“Clam chowder? Okay. But do we have fresh clams back in the pantry?” Mrs. Sally said as she wondered and asked Ms. Georgia.

“From what I’ve remember, Mr. Charlie also sell fresh shellfishes on his restaurant Madam.” Ms. Georgia said as Kenji thought of an idea.

“Then, I will go out and buy some calms in his restaurant.” Kenji said as he volunteered and grabbed his leather jacket.

“But you just came home, Kenji. Let Ms. Georgia do this task.” Mrs. Sally said as he tried to stop Kenji but he ready ran out of the room.

“Ahem! Father, Mother I am back.” Kazuki shyly said as he went back inside their bedroom.

“My Kazuki is back! Mama missed you so much. We’re so busy that we never had the time to visit you while in the ‘Imperial Academy’.” Mrs. Sally said as she suddenly hugged him and pampered him with kisses.

“My eldest is back! Welcome home, son!” Mr. Ren cheerfully said as he hugged Kazuki.

“Yes! I am back! Uh? Where is Kenji?” Kazuki cheerfully said as he hugged his parents back and asked Ms. Georgia.

Ms. Georgia heard something yelling on the hallway and immediately ran out of the room.

“Kenji went out to get some calms. I’m cooking for tonight. What do you want to eat?” Mrs. Sally said as she asked Kazuki.

“Eat? I would like to eat – Uhm? Huh?!” Kazuki said as he was about to answer but he was interrupted by Ms. Georgia.

Ms. Georgia slammed the door and went inside the Twins’ room while being followed by three ‘Imperial Soldiers’ and a ‘Fire Bird’ flying above them.

“A ‘Fire bird’? Everyone get down.” Ms. Georgia said as she and the three ‘Imperial Soldiers’ protect the Hamasaki Family.

“Hide behind me.” Mr. Ren said as he gently pushed his wife and Kazuki behind him

“A ‘Fire bird’? What is it doing in here?” Mrs. Sally said as she got worried and hugged Kazuki.

The third ‘Fire Bird’ was flying around the room and landed down on the floor, in front of the Hamasaki Family. It dropped the envelope on the floor, began flapping its wings and flew out of the bedroom.

“Chase it!” Ms. Georgia said as she commanded the three ‘Imperial Soldiers’ who immediately went out of the room.

“Dear, what is this?” Mrs. Sally said as she got curious and picked-up the envelope off the floor.

“Darling, do not move.” Mr. Ren said as his wife examines the letter.

“This came from the Second ‘Imperial Council’. Congratulations! My Kazuki is one of the ‘Councils’ Candidates.’ You will have the chance to become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’.” The overjoyed Mrs. Sally said as he hugged Kazuki.

“Wait? What?” Mr. Ren and Kazuki said in chorus as Kazuki took the letter away from his mother.

“My son, congratulations! I am so proud of you. All of your efforts has been paid off.” Mr. Ren said as he tousled Kazuki’s navy blue hair.

Kazuki slyly smirked as his parents pampered him with love and attention.

On the coastal area of ‘Wathyria’

In the ‘Trading District’

At the delivery area of ‘Mr. Charlie’s Restaurant’…

“Boss! I’m back.” Kenji said as he arrives and saw Mr. Charlie, arranging the vegetable crates at the back kitchen.

“Oh my, Kenji, welcome back!” The eccentric Mr. Charlie, the famous restaurant owner said as Kenji approached him and tousled Kenji’s hair.

“Boss, I’ve received this letter from Hayami. What happened?” Kenji said as he got worried and asked Mr. Charlie.

“Shh! Please do not call me, ‘boss’ while we are outside. Since you are here, could you help me carry these crates inside the kitchen? It’s rush hour and the customers really upset.” Mr. Charlie said as he gave the first, wooden crate to Kenji.

“Y-yes master! And I think you really need to go now.” Kenji said as they heard someone shouting the orders inside the busy kitchen.

Mr. Charlie immediately opened the door and ran inside his restaurant. Mr. Charlie went back to the kitchen and started cooking again. There are five vegetable crates in the delivery area. One by one, Kenji carried each vegetable crates inside the kitchen. After 20 minutes, Kenji got all the vegetable crates inside the busy kitchen.

Inside the gourmet Kitchen…

“Here! Please serve this on the last table. Good work, everyone.” Mr. Charlie said as the server took the last order out of the kitchen.

“A-Amazing! This is the first time I saw Master working inside a kitchen. Uh?” Kenji said as Mr. Charlie took off his apron, took the cup of water and walk towards him.

“Here. I apologize. That’s just water.” Mr. Charlie said as he gave the cup to Kenji.

“Uh? Not at all. Thank you, Master.” Kenji shyly said as he took the cup when suddenly Mr. Charlie tousled his hair, again.

“I should be the one who thanking you for helping me carry those heavy crates. I just back from my personal business in ‘Fireiya’. After my loyal customers heard the news, they lined up outside the restaurant and I had no choice to reopen it.” Mr. Charlie said as he and Kenji looked around the busy kitchen.

“Oh? In ‘Fireiya’? You went there all alone? Why did you not – Uh?” Kenji said as he got worried but Mr. Charlie placed his cup on Kenji’s head, interrupting him.

“Don’t worry. The ‘Red Assassins’ did not recognize me. By the way, I saw a ‘Fire Bird’ flying around the ‘Village’ which means the Second ‘Imperial Council’ has chosen their ‘Candidate’.” Mr. Charlie said as Kenji looked down on the floor.

“Y-yes! Before I left the estate, I saw the same ‘Fire Bird’ and it went inside the mansion. The ‘Council’ has chosen my big brother and I am happy for him. Eh?” Kenji sarcastically said as he starts to cry.

“Hey, do not cry. It is alright that those idiots did not choose you. Hayami and I were both very impressed with your performance in the final training.” Mr. Charlie said as he tried to comfort Kenji.

“I-I just thought that my efforts and training were useless after all. Maybe I should just give up – Eh?” Kenji said as Mr. Charlie slammed the cup on the floor and pinched his cheeks.

“Giving up will not change anything unless, you try again. Remember that. Don’t cry.” Mr. Charlie said as Kenji shyly covered his blushing face.

“Boss! I finally found them. Here.” Ms. Server #1 said as she was carrying a big, metal case and a small, journal notebook.

“Thanks! Please bring them in here.” Mr. Charlie said as Ms. Server #1 laid down the metal case and the journal notebook on the table near him and Kenji.

“Uh? Master, what are these?” Kenji said he got curious and asked Mr. Charlie.

Mr. Charlie gently opened the metal case and they all saw a newly, custom-made sniper gun.

“Wow! A real sniper gun? So, that’s why you went to ‘Fireiya’.” Kenji said as he and the three servers and four other chefs were all amazed to see the weapon.

“Yes. I asked a friend of mine to upgrade this gun for me. And I want you to test it.” Mr. Charlie said as Kenji looked at him, surprised.

“Huh? Wait – what? You want me to test it? That’s impossible! This is your favorite weapon.” Kenji said as he stepped away from the table.

“Hm? But I want you to bring this on your first mission.” Mr. Charlie said as he grabbed the notebook and gave it to Kenji.

“My first mission?” Kenji said as he took the notebook and opened it.

“You see, we, ‘Blue Mafias’ found out the whereabouts of that illegal buyer who bought all of my remaining bottles of ‘Liquid Irons’ using fake gold bars. I, as your client, want you to bring him in here, alive.” Mr. Charlie said as Kenji suddenly closed the notebook.

‘Blue Mafias’ is an organization formed by mafias-for-hire who mercilessly murder assassins and thieves according to their client’s wish/request. Most of their ‘Targets’ come from families of Thieves and Assassins lurking around Alementalia. Their payment is based upon how popular/famous their Targets are.

“Uh? Then, everyone in here is also a member of ‘Blue Mafias’.” Kenji said as he looked at other members who are currently cleaning the gourmet kitchen.

“Yes. But as you can see, they are all busy helping me in the restaurant so I cannot ask them to do this mission.” Mr. Charlie said as he looked around the kitchen.

“I-I will do this! Don’t worry Master I will not fail you.” Kenji seriously said as he looked at Mr. Charlie.

“Then, if your mission is a success, I will give you this sniper gun as your reward.” Mr. Charlie said as his employees suddenly stopped from cleaning.

“What? Master, that is not what we agreed on.” Mr. Server #2 said as he slammed the cleaning rug on the floor.

“Master is being unfair.” Ms. Chef #2 said as he continues to scrub the last frying pan on the kitchen sink.

“Don’t worry everyone. I promise I will not fail all of you.” Kenji seriously said as everyone looked at him.

“Alright! Everyone please stop bullying him and go back to work. Where is the bucket of clams that I asked for?” Mr. Charlie said as he got impatient and gently closed the metal case.

“Here! I cleaned it as you requested.” Mr. Chef #3 said as he approached Kenji and gave him the bucket of clams.

“Uh? Thank you Master. But how did you know that I need these?” Kenji said as he asked Mr. Charlie who suddenly laugh.

“My boy, you always order my famous ‘clam chowder’ every time your family eats in my restaurant. I figured out that you love clams so I asked him to prepare some beforehand.” Mr. Charlie proudly said as he crossed his arms.

“The last time that I ate in here was three years ago and I also order some vegetable salad not just the soup.” Kenji shyly said as Mr. Charlie

stops from laughing.

“For the meantime, read what is written inside notebook and come back in here if you are ready.” Mr. Charlie said as Kenji nodded and took one last look at the metal case.

“Yes, Master. Excuse me.” Kenji cheerfully said as he went out of the kitchen through the back door.

“That’s mean, Master. You should have told him the truth.” Mr. Chef #4 said as he gently placed the crate of apples on the floor.

“I don’t need to. Yes! My plan worked. The annoying ‘Red Assassins’ will target him instead of me. I can now go back to my peaceful life living with my daughter, Mei.” Mr. Charlie said as he laughs manically and hugs the metal case.

On the dry lands

Still suspended in train tracks

Inside the first wagon…

“Sir! Sir! Are you alright?” Mr. Train Conductor said as he tried to wake up Hikaru who fell asleep inside the wagon.

Mr. Train Conductor panicked as heard someone knocking at the door.

“Coming in.” Terry, leader of the ‘White Skeletons’ said as he gently opened the door and went inside the door.

“A-A ‘white skeleton’? Please do not kill me. Here.” Mr. Train Conductor said as he was mortified to see an actual ‘white skeleton’, standing in front of him.

“You not allowed to cross unless you give me him.” Terry said as he and Mr. Train Conductor looked at Hikaru.

“Okay! Alright! You can have him so please let us go.” Mr. Train Conductor said as Terry smirked and grabbed Hikaru’s right leg.

Terry dragged Hikaru out of the first wagon and both went off the train. After 10 minutes, the train engine’s starts and began moving forward.

Again, the train was back on the track and everyone was spared.

“Bye.” Terry’s Assistant said as she raised her skeletonized right hand to wave back but his hand was unable to move.

“Did you get his things?” Terry said as he asked his assistant who dropped Hikaru’s luggage on the floor.

“Flesh, flesh. It has a beautiful flesh.” Vanny got curious to Hikaru and began poking his cheeks.

“Stop it…Rai, please stop poking my cheeks Eh!? Get away from me!” Hikaru said as he suddenly woke up and grabbed the assistant’s skeletonized right hand.

“Mean. You are mean.” Vanny said as Hikaru forcefully pushed her away from him.

“Wait! Who are you? Where am I?” Hikaru said as he stood up and looked around at his surroundings.

“They ditched you. I mean the man wearing a blue coat ditched you in here.” Terry said as Hikaru looked at him.

“The man in a blue coat? Ditch? Don’t tell me-?! Seriously?! It will take me one week to get back on ‘Fireiya’.” Hikaru said as he yelled out, realizing that the train already left without him.

“Once, I had beautiful flesh like yours but suddenly it was gone.” Vanny said as she walked towards Hikaru and continued poking his cheek.

“They sold you out so that they can safely cross the bridge. So you better start walking, Kai.” Terry said as Hikaru wondered.

“I’m Hikaru. Nice to meet you. And my father has passed away six months ago.” Hikaru said as he introduced himself.

“Eh?! Son? So, that’s why you two looks so similar. My bad.” Terry said as he apologized to Hikaru.

“What do you want from me?” Hikaru seriously said as he asked Terry.

“Amazing! Look at his long arms.” Vanny said as she suddenly seized Hikaru’s right arm and examined it.

“H-Hey! Stop it. Get away from me.” Hikaru said as he blushed and pushed Vanny away from him.

“We just wanted to meet the rumored, rising ‘Imperial Hero’. But just like what the ‘Yellow Queen’ reported, you are no hero.” Terry said as he was disappointed to see Hikaru.

“Well, as of the moment, I am not. But, you will see soon. I will become an ‘Imperial Hero’ that this Kingdom. Father and Rai would be proud of!” Hikaru said as Terry and Vanny looked at him.

“Eh? Is that so? Then – what is that?” Vanny said as she, Terry and Hikaru looked up in the sky. They saw a ‘Fire Bird’ flying around and above them.

“Is that a ‘Fire Bird’?” Terry said as the fourth ‘Fire Bird’ slowly descends on the ground behind them.

“That’s one of big sister’s pet ‘Fire Bird’. Wait! She only summons her pets to send important letters. Uh?” Hikaru said as he ran towards the ‘Fire Bird’ and saw an envelope on its beak.

The fourth ‘Fire Bird’ dropped the envelope on the ground and look at Hikaru as he gently picked up the envelope.

“This came from the Second ‘Imperial Council’. Then – does that mean?” Hikaru said as Terry gently pat his right shoulder.

“Congratulations, Mister. You are one of the ‘Council’s Candidates’. The Kingdom is relying on you.” Terry sarcastically said as he walked pass by Hikaru.

“Huh?! They didn’t inform me about this. Hey! Where are you going?” Hikaru said as he asked Terry who just waved back.

Vanny followed Terry as they both walk away, leaving Hikaru by himself.

“Hey! Wait for me. I am coming with you – Eh?” Hikaru said as he grabbed his luggage, placed the envelope on his jacket’s left pocket and almost ran away but the fourth ‘Fire Bird’ suddenly flew up above him.

Using its 2-inch, sharp talons, the fourth ‘Fire Bird’ gently grabbed both of Hikaru’s shoulders and lifted him up in the air.

“I knew it! You are one of big sister’s favorite ‘Fire Bird’! She always asks you to get me home using this uncivilized method. H-hey! Where are you taking me? Whoa! This is really, really high.” Hikaru said as he got panicked and hugged his luggage.

1000 feet above the ground, the fourth ‘Fire Bird’ began flying going towards to the South direction where the Village of ‘Fireiya’ is located.

On ‘Fireiya’

Somewhere inside the ‘Crafting District’

In an abandoned workshop…

That afternoon, Rai arrived back at ‘Fireiya’ and instead of going straight to her home she decided to visit her students, waiting in the abandoned workshop.

“Hello. I’m back! Uh? No one is in here. I guess I should go home and -...” Rai said as she slowly opened the door and went inside the workshop.

“Welcome back, Ms. Teacher!” Two young children yelled out as they surprised their teacher.

The two children, ages 6 to 7 years old, both threw flower petals as an alternative for paper confetti and prepared a small picnic party for Rai.

“I am back!” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled, ran to her students and pampered them with hugs and kisses.

“Ms. Teacher, look! I’ve bake these mini, custard tarts for you.” The first child, named Ella said as she grabbed Rai’s left hand and dragged her into the picnic area.

Rai noticed some scratch marks on Ella’s left arm but she kept silent about it. Ella took out one mini, custard tart out of the small, woven basket and gave it to Rai.

“Thank you for the food. Hm? Delicious! It has the perfectly baked tart filled with a balance custard cream. Good job!” Rai said after her taste test and tousled Ella’s hair.

“Ms. Teacher, look! I’ve finally finished my first inked drawing.” The second child, named Milo said as he sat on the right side and immediately showed his artwork to Rai.

“Let me see. Amazing! Look at this drawing, it was made by the handsome artist beside me and where is Mei?” Rai said as she tried to complement Milo’s artwork.

“Thank you, Ms. Teacher. You’re making me blush and Mei – She would like to apologize for not coming today.” Milo shyly said as he looked away from Rai.

Milo’s artwork is an illustration of a mother bird flying back to her to two, young hatchlings inside the nest, stuck on a tree branch.

“Hm? Okay. But I wonder what happened on the mother bird’s left wing?” Rai said as she and Ella noticed that part was not inked properly.

“I’m sorry! I cannot properly draw the left wing and I ran out of black ink.” Milo said as he flinched and explained.

“Then, please hold this for me. Here, you can have mine.” Rai said as she took out one of her black ink bottles and gave it to Milo.

“Huh?! I cannot accept it, Ms. Teacher. Colored inks are expensive and rare to find so -…” Milo said as he politely refused but Rai insisted and placed it on the top of his hat.

“You can have that as your reward.” Rai said as Milo shyly took the bottle out of his head and hugged it.

Another two children, ages 6 to 7 years old, arrives outside the workshop

“We’re back! Eh? Ms. Teacher is here!” The third child, named Dani, said as she and her younger sister, Lilac went inside the workshop.

“I missed you, Ms. Teacher.” The energetic Lilac said as accidentally dropped her knitting materials on the picnic mat and hugs Rai.

Rai noticed few bruises on Lilac’s right arm but she kept silent about it.

“I missed you too, Lilac. Wait! Are those your hand-knitted scarf?” Rai said as she saw the pink scarf on the picnic mat.

“Yes, Ms. Teacher. But I am still working on it.” Lilac said as she proudly presented her unfinished scarf.

“That’s good. And I admit, you knit better than me.” Rai said as she admitted while examining the scarf.

“Hey! It is my turn. Ms. Teacher, look at my painting. What do you see?” Dani said as she presented her painting in a small, canvas board.

Rai, Milo, Ella and Lilac wondered and then slightly tilted their heads to see the image or figure Dani painted but it was useless. They all cannot figure out what she painted.

“Uh? I quit! Okay, please tell us what did you painted?” Rai said as she finally gave up and asked Dani.

“I call this as an ‘abstract’ painting. I just mixed some colors and splash it on the canvas.” Dani said as she explained.

Dani’s artwork is an ‘abstract’ painting using the three primary colors; red, blue and yellow.

“Amazing! And I admit, you painting skills are better than mine.” Rai said as she was frustrated and ate another mini, custard tart.

“Ms. Teacher, that’s my share – Huh? What is that?” Milo said as he looked up to the destroyed roof and saw the last ‘Fire Bird’, hovering above them.

“A ‘Fire Bird’?! Ms. Teacher, we should get out of here.” Lilac said as she got afraid and hide behind Rai.

“Don’t worry! It will not hurt us. I wonder what it is doing in here.” Rai said as the ‘Fire Bird’ slowly descends inside the abandoned workshop.

The fifth ‘Fire Bird’ landed near their picnic area. It dropped the two envelopes on the ground and looked at the four children. Few minutes later, the ‘Fire Bird’ flapped its wings and flew out of the abandoned workshop.

“Phew! That was close. Is everyone alright?” Rai said as she asked the four children who immediately nodded.

“Uh? What are these?” Lilac said as she got curious and ran out of the picnic mat to grab the two envelopes.

“Lilac! Please come back in here.” Rai said as Dani also ran away and dragged Lilac back to the picnic mat.

“These are for you, Ms. Teacher.” Lilac said as she politely gave the two envelopes to Rai.

“Thank you, Lilac. Two?” Rai said as they heard someone who kicked the door.

“Hey! Is someone in there?” The drunk ‘Red Blacksmith’ yelled out while wandering inside the workshop.

“Ms. Teacher, someone has found our secret base. What should we do?” Dani said as she and the three children got scared while Rai placed the two envelopes inside her suitcase.

“For the meantime, we could just ignore him. Everyone, let’s clean up and leave this place immediately.” Rai said as she instructed the children who also helped her to clean up.

After cleaning, Rai and the four children quietly ran to the front door and safely goes out the workshop.

In the streets of

The ‘Crafting District’...

Rai was silently walking going to her father’s workshop some people began gossiping about her.

“Look! There she is. The ‘Witch’ came home.” Woman #1 said as she and her friends were walking and passed by Rai.

“Oh my! That was her? I’ve heard rumors that she secretly invites children to meet her in the abandoned workshop and teaches them art-related topics. She is creating her own cult by encouraging them to paint, draw and etc.” Man #1 said as he stopped from walking and looked at Rai.

“No! You’re wrong! From what I’ve heard she secretly invites children and teaches them to use voodoo dolls to curse other persons.” Woman #2 said as she looked at Rai.

“Wrong! Most of us ‘Fireiyans’ have wine red-colored hair but she has a jet-black hair and a wine red-colored, right which is very weird. My wife thought that she was a ‘Witch’. Man#2 said as he looked at Rai.

“Uh? Is that? From what I’ve heard, their family was cursed because they stole something from the ‘Beast of Fire’. Woman #3 said as she casually closed her fan.

“Really? But I am pretty sure the rumors said that she can communicate with them. I mean – with the ‘Living Fiends’ after what happened in their final training.” Man #3 said as he looked at Rai.

“What is that smell?” Rai said as she sneezed and straightens up her black eye patch placed on her right eye.

Rai was about to pull up his black hood when someone threw an empty, glass bottle of wine on to her back. The bottle hit her back and fell on the ground.

“You should’ve not returned to the ‘Village’.” The same drunk man from earlier said as he approached Rai.

“So, you’ve followed us. And why is that?” Rai said as she turned around and asked the drunk man.

“You very existence is scaring everyone living in this ‘Village’. Tourists does not come in the ‘Village’ anymore because of those rumors related to you. They decided to visit the Village of ‘Iytheria’ and see their famous ‘Four Reversed Windmills’ instead.’” The drunk man yelled out his frustration to Rai.

“Oh? Is that so? Then, it is not my fault you lost your job. I bet that woman was the one who started those rumors about me.” Rai said as she sighed and casually dusted off her hooded cape.

Woman #1 got pissed off and immediately walk away from them.

“What? How it is not your fault?!” The drunk man said as he got pissed off and attempted to punch Rai.

But… Rai simply evaded his right hooked punch and used her right hand to push the man onto the ground. Some ‘Fireiyans’ who still working in their workshops and have seen their fight silently chuckles for the pitiful man.

“Don’t worry. If I become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’, I will assign you on a special job just for you.” Rai boastfully said as she intentionally stepped on the man’s back and continue walking to her father’s workshop.

After 15 minutes

In the front door

Of the Akimuras’ Workshop…

“Finally! I’ve arrived. Eh? Ms. Janice?” Rai said as she arrived at the front door of her father’s workshop and saw a familiar face.

“Rai! Welcome back!” Ms. Janice, owner of a diner and Rai’s former employer, cheerfully said as she pampered Rai with hugs and kisses.

“Mother, please stop that. Welcome back, Rai.” Theo, Ms. Janice’s son, said as he gently pushed his mother away from Rai.

“Yes! I’m back! But who told you that I was arriving today?” Rai cheerfully said, making Theo blush.

“Mrs. Marie, your mother informed me two days ago. To celebrate your return, we – I mean Theo made these six, strawberry cupcakes for you as a gift.” Ms. Janice said as Theo was carrying the tray of cupcakes and shyly looked away from Rai.

“Thank you, Theo.” Rai said as she smiles, making Theo blush like a red tomato.

Rai was about to open the front door when suddenly they heard a loud explosion came inside the workshop. White smoke filled the entire workshop.

“Hey! What happened?” Rai said as she slammed the door and saw her parents, covered with flour and lying down on the floor.

“See? I told you not to use that expired, bread flour and that black gunpowder together.” Mrs. Marie Akimura, Rai’s mother, said as she wiped the flour off her face.

“I’m sorry. I accidentally added the yeast to the formula and lighted it up. Rai?! My baby girl is home!” Mr. Shuichi Akimura, Rai’s father and a ‘Red Blacksmith’, said as he saw Rai and Theo went inside the workshop. Mr. Shuichi stood up and hugged Rai.

“Father, Mother I am back.” Rai said as she hugged her father.

“Welcome back, Rai.” Mrs. Marie said as she stood up and hugged Rai.

“I’m home.” Rai whispered to herself as Ms. Janice and Theo went inside the workshop.

“Coming in. Aw! Such loving family. Let me join too.” Ms. Janice said as she hugs the Akimura family.

“I-I would like to apologize for this mess, Ms. Janice. Please follow me upstairs.” Ms. Marie said as she broke the hug and apologize to Ms. Janice.

“No! It’s alright. I also forgot ask Theo to send a letter to you that we are visiting today so its fine.” Ms. Janice said as she, Theo and Rai followed her to the 2nd floor of their house.

“Wait! Who is going to help me clean in here?” Mr. Shuichi said as he asked his wife who ignored him.

“Clean the workshop by yourself.” Mrs. Marie said as Mr. Shuichi flinched and she went up to the second floor to join with their guests.

“How mean. Ah! There you are. I finally found you. That sniper gun will be the last weapon I will upgrade with you.” Mr. Shuichi said as he grabbed a small, bottle of ‘Liquid Iron’ up the table.

‘Liquid Iron’ – a rare ‘Alementalian’ element which ‘Red Blacksmiths’ use to fortify their weapons and sell those weapons thrice their usual price to attract rich merchants and customers.

2nd floor of the Akimura’s Residence

Living area…

“Please have a seat. Rai, please attend our guests while I prepare some tea and snacks.” Ms. Marie said as she instructed Rai.

“Yes, mother! Please make yourselves at home.” Rai said as she placed her suitcase on the top of the sofa.

“Thank you. By the way, I saw a ‘Fire Bird’ flying towards to the abandoned workshop.” Ms. Janice said as Rai flinched.

“Uh? The truth is I’ve received two letters from the Second ‘Imperial Council’.” Rai said as she opened her suitcase and took the two envelopes out of the suitcase.

“What!?” Ms. Janice and Theo said in chorus as they were both got surprised from what just Rai said. Rai placed the two envelopes on the top of the table

“A-amazing! These are really from the ‘Council’. Look at the gold wax used to seal this envelope.” Theo said as he gently picked up the first envelope and examined it.

“I’ve heard rumors that the ‘Council’ has already chosen their ‘Candidates’ for the next ‘Imperial Ruler’ which means – Eh? Congratulations! Rai, you are one of the ‘Council’s Candidates.” Ms. Janice said as she shouted out.

“What?!” Rai, Theo and Ms. Marie said in chorus as they were all surprised from what Ms. Janice said.


Thank you for waiting! Here’s Chapter VII and thanks for the read, votes and comments in advance. I will try to update weekly. – Cheche-chan.”