Chapter XI.


‘Let the Hunt Begin’

Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Hero’: The injured ‘Village Reps’ were brought to the ‘Main Infirmary room’; Mrs. Mai ordered Ms. Julie and Eito’s team to bring in the other three ‘Candidates’. That night, the ‘Presentation’ still continued after what happened; Harue and Rai arrived at the ‘Main Hall’, presenting Rai as her chosen ‘Candidate’.

During the Party

Inside the ‘Main Hall’…

“There you are, Sir Hiiro.” Mr. Manuel, a skilled ‘Red Blacksmith’ from ‘Fireiya’, said as he and his wife, Mrs. Judy were wandering around the ‘Main Hall’ and found Hiiro.

“Thank you, Ladies. Please, excuse me. Mr. Manuel? You are fashionably late as well.” Sir Hiiro said as he welcomed Mr. Manuel.

“I would like to apologize for that. Thank you for arranging this party. The people of the ‘Main Island’ needed a time out after what happened yesterday.” Mr. Manuel said as he gave the glass of champagne to Sir Hiiro.

“You are most welcome. Anyway, what do you think about my proposal?” Hiiro said as he asked Mr. Manuel.

“Ah, yes! I’ve received your personal letter. I already forged your new lance but the Liquid Iron has not delivered yet. I’ve asked my current supplier to where did he got that Liquid Iron. I wonder why Mr. Charles has not sent me any letters about that.” Mr. Manuel softly said as he casually sips his champagne.

Watching them from the stage was Mr. Sai who is suspiciously looking at Hiiro and Mr. Manuel.

“Really? I hope he is doing just fine.” Sir Hiiro said he casually sips his champagne.

“Anyway, where is the ‘Princess’s Candidate? We would like to meet her.” Mr. Manuel said as he was looking around for Harue.

“Her highness is over there, greeting the other guests. Standing behind her is her candidate, Rai Akimura. Rai? Was that the name of the girl I’ve met in the lobby before?” Sir Hiiro said as he, Mr. Manuel and Mrs. Judy looked at the corner and saw Harue and Rai.

“Rai? Oh no! Was that the name of the rumored ‘Witch’ back in the ‘Village’? But, is that really her?” Mrs. Judy said as she gasps and looked at her husband.

“Unbelievable! That grotesque witch cannot be one of the five official ‘Candidates’. I cannot let this happen. Ah! Since, Sir Hiiro is here, how about we ask him for some advice?” Mr. Manuel said as he looked at his wife.

“Advice? Mrs. Mai can give you some advice about your marital problems.” Sir Hiiro said as he tells Mr. Manuel.

“N-no! It is not about that. Well, I think you should read this letter first.” Mr. Manuel said as he blushed while Mrs. Judy took out and gave an envelope to Sir Hiiro.

“Well, let’s see…Eh? Interesting. See me at the ‘Advisor’s Room after the party.” Hiiro said as he opened and read the letter and smirked.

“As you wish, your highness. Uh? Sir Yuki, it’s been a while -…” Mr. Manuel said as they saw Yuki running towards Sir Hiiro.

“Big brother! Ms. Akari needs your help. Look! Mr. Akito is trying to kiss her in front of everyone. Ah! Good evening, Mr. Manuel and Mrs. Judy.” Sir Yuki said as they all looked at Mr. Akito and Ms. Akari arguing, surrounded by the curious guests.

“Could you excuse us for a minute? Yuki, come with me.” Sir Hiiro said as he hid the letter on his right, chest pocket and casually walked away, followed by Yuki.

On the other side

Of the ‘Main Hall’…

“Thank you very much, your highness. Darling, let go.” Aristocratic Lady #1 said as she and her husband walked away from Harue and Rai.

“Um? I’m getting tired. How long do I have to keep smiling in front of everyone?” Rai softly said as she asked Harue.

“Just please bear with me. Until the party is over, we have to act like this and flash on our best smile.” Harue softly said as she and Rai gently waved back at the guests.

“My head is getting itchy. Was this blond wig really necessary?” Rai softly said as she was wearing a blond wig on her head.

“Yes! So, that nobody can recognize you and I told you to remove that black eye patch. That does match with your elegant dress.” Rai softly said as she gently touched her eye patch.

“No. I refuse. Uh! I’m hungry. Let’s go eat something.” Rai softly said as she gently touched her eye patch.

“Uh? Alright, let’s eat first. Hey, are you alright?” Harue softly said as she and Rai walked away but Rai suddenly slipped and Harue caught her before she fell on the floor.

Watching them from a far was Eito who saw what happened and giggled.

“I-I’m fine. Thank you. These black, high heels are killing me. I’m impressed that you can wear these killer shoes all the time.” Rai softly said as she quickly stood up and dusted off her dress.

“I’m already used to it. Let’s go to the dining area. Remember, just keep smiling.” Harue softly said as she and Rai both went to the dining area.

“Master Kenji, is it true that you wrote that song you’ve played tonight?” Lady #1 said as she silently clings onto Kenji’s right shoulder.

“Ah! That song? Yes! That was one of my original compositions. I hope you liked it.” Kenji cheerfully said as the two ladies gasped.

“Oh really? We do like it. I was also wondering if you can play it on my 18th birthday, next week.” Lady #2 said as she silently clings onto Kenji’s left shoulder.

“I would love to but please understand that I cannot do that since I am going to be busy next week.” Kenji cheerfully said as he gently Lady #2’s right hand.

“Busy? Eh? I am curious what are you going to do next week.” Lady #1 said as she got curious and asked Kenji.

Watching them from the guest table was Kazuki who just got finished emptying three champagne bottles; he grabbed the second bottle and approached Kenji.

“Uh? Well, it is a secret.” Kenji said as he smiled, making the two ladies blush.

“Uh! You two, get lost.” Kazuki said as he got annoyed and gently pushed the two ladies away from Kenji.

“How rude. See you later, Master Kenji.” The two ladies said as they walked away from the twins.

“You don’t have to do that and look at you! You’re wearing a loose coat, semi-unbuttoned shirt and where is your navy-blue colored necktie?” Kenji said as he sighed and asked Kazuki.

“I got annoyed watching you talking to those ladies and I thought you would come with me and drink back there.” The drunk Kazuki said as he raised the champagne bottle.

“But I saw you were drinking with someone else. So, I didn’t bother to go back at the guest table.” Kenji said as he pouted and crossed his arms.

“Yes. I asked Mayumi to accompany and drink with me. She just went to the bathroom.” Kazuki said as he lazily swings the champagne bottle up in the air.

“Mayumi? I thought she was on the stage – Huh?! You did what?! Damn it! I will back.” Kenji said as he suddenly ran away and went out of the ‘Main Hall’.

“Hey, Kenji! The bathroom is on this way. Uh? I guess he really needs to pee. Well, I will just go back to the table and – Eh? Sorry.” Kazuki said as he walked back and accidentally bumped on Mr. Court Marshall.

“Uh? Sir Kazuki? Are you alright? Here, please allow me to assist you.” Mr. Court Marshall said as he helped Kazuki who gently pushed him away.

“No, I refuse. I should be the one who help you. I saw limping after you served us the champagne earlier.” Kazuki said as he gave the champagne bottle to Mr. Court Marshall.

“Ah, about that. My right ankle is not fully healed yet but I cannot let it stop it from accomplishing my duties.” Mr. Court Marshall sadly said as Kazuki looked down onto his right ankle.

“Your duties, Eh? Then, I shall accomplish mine.” Kazuki said as he suddenly kneeled down in front of Mr. Court Marshall.

“Sir Kazuki?! What are you doing? Please stand up.” Mr. Court Marshall said as he panicked and helped Kazuki to stand up but Kazuki gently pulled him to sat on the floor.

“Within my abilities given to me, I command thee, Heal!” Kazuki said as he touched Mr. Court Marshall’s right ankle and used his ‘Water-Alementalian’ magic.

The guests got curious see what Kazuki’s magic looks like; they surrounded them and watched as he magically heals Mr. Court Marshall’s right ankle.

“There, I’m done. I healed your right ankle but I suggest you still continue your rehabilitation.” Kazuki said as he stood up and dusted off his suit.

“Huh? Your right! My right ankle is all healed! Thank you! Thank you. Such an amazing, rare Water-Alementalian’ magic.” Mr. Court Marshall said as he hugged Kazuki.

“Your welcome. Now, get me another bottle of champagne. We are drinking all night!” Kazuki said as he ordered Mr. Court Marshall who immediately ran away.

The guests shouted out in agreement as Kazuki started dancing in front of everyone.

“I’m back. Where are you, Kazuki? Kazuki! I told you to stay in here.” Mayumi said as she went back to the ‘Main Hall’ and saw Kazuki talking to the guests.

“Oh my, there you are Mayumi. Where have you been?” Kazuki said as he saw Mayumi and asked her.

“Kazuki?! Here, let me help you. I will take you to the Main Infirmary Room.” Mayumi said as she went back and saw Kazuki talking to the guests.

“Oh my! Mayumi, you’re back. Let’s drink!” Kazuki said as he saw Mayumi who just stared at him.

“No, I refuse. Let’s go.” Mayumi said as she helped Kazuki to walk and both went out of the ‘Main Hall’.

Inside the North Building

Running along the Hallway…

“Damn it! I’m lost! Calm down, Kenji - but realistically speaking how am I supposed to find the restroom in here?! There are 1000 rooms inside this fortress. Uh? Who’s there? Show yourself.” Kenji said as he sensed that someone was following him and stopped from running.

Hayami suddenly ran away and hide behind the right corridor.

“Calm down Kenji. It is me.” Hayami said as she carefully walked out of the right corridor and showed herself.

“Hayami?! What are you doing in here? Um? That elegant dress suits you.” Kenji said as he approached Hayami.

“W-well, thank you. You seem in a hurry. What happened?” Hayami said as she blushed and asked Kenji.

“Uh?! Ah! I was trying to find the restroom. Do you know where is it?” Kenji nervously said as she asked Hayami.

“Ah, yes! The restroom was at the end of this corridor. Hey, Kenji? Wait!” Hayami said as Kenji suddenly ran to the right corridor.

“Thank you! I owe you one.” Kenji said as he shouted and waved back.

“O-Okay! Um? I should’ve told him that the women’s restroom is on this way while the men’s restroom on left corridor. Ah! He will be fine.” Hayami said as she walked away.

Along the same Hallway…

Mayumi was carefully dragging Kazuki going to the Main Infirmary Room…

“You are really heavy and intoxicated.” Mayumi said as she helped Kazuki to walk.

“I do like you.” Kazuki mumbled while looking down on the floor.

“What? Were you saying something? Ah! If you are not my best friend, I will probably have left you alone in this hallway.” Mayumi said as she complained.

“I said I like you! Damn it! I regret that I didn’t confessed back then.” Kazuki said as he shouted out and pushed Mayumi away from him.

“W-what?! Confessed!? Ah, I-I really do no remember what you are talking about.” Mayumi said as she got startled and lied.

“Then, I will make you remember. Come here.” Kazuki said as he seized Hayami’s right hand and pushed her onto the wall.

“Kazuki? W-what are you doing? Let me go.” Mayumi said as she got scared and tried to push Kazuki away.

“I-I regret that – I should’ve confessed back then, under that cherry blossom tree. I do adore you.” Kazuki confessed as he hugged Mayumi. Kazuki leaned onto Mayumi’s right shoulder, trying to calm her down.

“C-Confessed? What are you talking about? Kazuki, please let me go.” Mayumi cheerfully said as she lied.

“Eh? You know what, you are really bad at lying.” Kazuki said as he gently caressed Mayumi’s cheeks and slowly fall onto the floor.

“Huh!? Kazuki, wait -… Ow-Ouch!” Mayumi said as she and Kazuki both fell on the floor.

Kazuki fell asleep on top of Mayumi; Mayumi, on the other hand, carefully and gently pushed Kazuki away from her.

“Just a little push – Finally! I managed to get out. Come here, you sleepy head.” Mayumi said as she carefully pulled and gently Kazuki’s upper body onto her lap.

“There you are Mayumi! I was searching for you.” Kenji said as he arrived and finally found Mayumi.

“Kenji? Wait? Why are you searching for me?” Mayumi said as Kenji approached her.

“Um? Kazuki said he asked you to accompany him but its seems that he was the only one drinking.” Kenji said as he chuckled and started poking Kazuki’s cheeks.

“Ah, yes! I tried to stop him but he shoved me away. By the way, what happened to your face?” Mayumi said as she gently caressed Kenji’s face.

“Ah! This? I didn’t saw the sign and accidentally went inside the women’s restroom. The ladies inside were shocked to see me and thought that I was a peeping tom so they slapped me.” Kenji said as he explained what happened.

“Um? I wonder why did you went inside the women’s restroom.” Mayumi said as she got curious and asked Kenji who flinched.

“Please listen! I was trying to find you when I ended up in the women’s restroom. That’s it.” Kenji said as he blushed and tried to explain his side to Mayumi.

“Um…Okay. I believe in you. Now, what should we do about Kazuki?” Mayumi said as she wondered and asked Kenji.

“I will take this sleepy head to the Main Infirmary Room. You go back to the ‘Main Hall’ and enjoy the party.” Kenji said as he gently lifted and carried Kazuki onto his back.

“Uh? O-Okay. I will see you tomorrow then.” Mayumi said as she stood up and dusted off her white, elegant dress.

“A-Ahem! That dress really suits in you.” Kenji said as he smiled and then jog away.

“This dress? T-Thank you! B-Be careful on your way.” Mayumi said as she got flustered and waved back.

Kenji jogged away and left Mayumi standing alone in the middle of the Hallway.

“Eh? My body is shaking… I wonder why – Ah! Damn it. Why am I crying? I-I’m really sorry, Kazuki. I’m sorry for lying. I hope you would forgive me.” Mayumi said as she whispered to herself and began crying.

“Atsuki, where are you? I tried to find my best to find him in this building - but realistically speaking, this fortress has four buildings, eight floors and 1000 rooms! Somebody please help me find my little brother!” Miko said as he stopped from running and shouted out along the Hallway.

“Eh? Is that big brother Miko? Big brother!” Mayumi said as she suddenly wiped of her tears and approached her big brother.

“Mayumi?! What are you doing in here?” Miko said as he turned around and was surprised to see Mayumi, standing behind him.

“I was – Never mind! Anyway, where is Atsuki?” Mayumi said as she asked Miko who flinched.

“Ah! About that…I was supposed to bring him to the men’s restroom but we got lost and separated. I’m sorry!” Miko said as he apologized and cried.

“Don’t worry, big brother. I will help you find him. Um? How about you check the right corridor while I search on this one?” Mayumi said as she suggested to her Miko.

“Okay! Let’s go back to this place on after 10 minutes.” Miko said as he instructed Mayumi who nodded and immediate ran away.

Mayumi ran along the left corridor while Miko ran to the right corridor where the women’s restroom is located.

On the left corridor…

“Atsuki! Where are you?” Mayumi said as she shouted out along the left corridor.

“Big sister! I’m here.” Atsuki cheerfully said as he saw Mayumi and was standing outside the men’s restroom.

“Atsuki! Where have you been? We’re so worried about you.” Mayumi said as Atsuki suddenly cries and ran towards Mayumi.

“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t make it. I-I peed in my shorts. Please do not be angry.” Atsuki said as he wails out while explaining what happened.

“Oh? You did? Don’t worry. I’m not angry. Let’s go back to my dormitory.” Mayumi said as she hugged Atsuki.

Ten minutes later…

Mayumi and Atsuki ran away and saw their big brother waiting for them at the other end of the corridor.

“There you are! I’m here!” Miko said as he waved at Mayumi and Atsuki.

“Big brother! We’ve arrived!” Mayumi and Atsuki said in chorus as they ran towards and hugged Miko.

“Yes! We didn’t fall. I am now stronger than the two of you. I was worried about you Atsuki. Where have you been?” Miko said as he gently put down his two other siblings and asked Atsuki.

“I was – I’m sorry! I didn’t make it. I peed on my shorts. Please do not be angry.” Atsuki said as he ran away and hide behind Mayumi’s dress.

“Oh? Is that so? Don’t worry. It is my fault anyway. Let’s go back at the apartment – Uh?” Miko said as they saw Hiiro running towards them.

“There you are. Ms. Mayumi. I was looking for you.” Hiiro said as he approached Miko and the others.

“Sir Hiiro? Good evening, Sir.” Mayumi said as she and Atsuki greeted Hiiro.

“You were last seen with Mr. Kazuki. Do you happen to know where he went?” Hiiro said as he asked Mayumi, ignoring Miko and Atsuki.

“Ah, yes! But Kenji already took him to the Main Infirmary Room. May I ask why are you looking for him?” Mayumi said as she got curious and asked Hiiro.

“Um? The Second ‘Imperial Council’ asked me to find the five ‘Candidates’ to tell you that they would like all of you to stay after the party. The ‘Council’ wants to say something to all of you before the deliberation starts tomorrow.” Hiiro said as he explained while still ignoring Miko and Atsuki.

“Oh, is that so? Then – Atsuki, where are you going?” Mayumi said as Atsuki suddenly ran away from her.

“I’m bored. I want to go back in big sister’s apartment.” Atsuki said as he stopped from running and shouted along the Hallway.

“I’m sorry, your highness but I really need to follow him.” Mayumi said as she apologized and also ran away.

“I’m sorry about that, your highness – I mean it’s been a while, Hiiro.” Miko said as he crossed his arms.

“Yeah. It’s been a while, Miko. I was surprised that you are actually here, visiting the I.C.H.Q.; the fortress you hated the most.” Hiiro said as he looked at Miko.

“I actually do not hate this place. It was you that I despised the most.” Miko said as he stretched out his arms.

“It is not my fault that the First ‘Imperial Council’ and ‘Exiled Prince’ rejected your proposal to become the ‘Royal Advisor.’” Hiiro said as he smirked, making Miko irritated.

“Well, I’m glad that they rejected my proposal. You know why? Because if they did, I will probably dead or exiled right now, just like what you have done to those seven fugitives.” Maki said as he smirked, making Hiiro irritated.

“It is a shame that you gave your chance to study again in the ‘Academy´ to your younger sister and had to babysit your little brother after. You’ve wasted such potential to become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’.”” Hiiro said as he yawned and stretched out his arms.

“To be frank, I believe that you do not even have the potential to become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’. The ‘Exiled Prince’ saw that and that’s why he chooses his ‘Royal Sleuth’ to become his right hand instead.” Miko said as he ran away and went to his siblings waiting for him at the end of the Hallway.

“What did you just say?” Hiiro said as he got angry and then turned around to see that Miko and his other siblings’ ran away and left the North Building.

Outside the ‘Main Infirmary Room’…

The Hamasaki Twins arrived outside the ‘Main Infirmary Room’; Kenji knocked to the door but no one answered.

“Uh? What is this? ‘Note: The ‘Main Infirmary Room’ is closed. We are attending the party tonight. – P.S. I intentionally brought the keys of the room. - Mr. Ciyan.’. You have to be kidding me.” Kenji said as he read the note and sighed.

Kenji gently put Kazuki down on the floor; he was stretching his arms when Sir Hiiro arrived on the other end of the Hallway with Ms. Georgia.

“There you are, Master Kenji. We were looking for you.” Ms. Georgia said as she and Sir Hiiro approached him.

“Ms. Georgia? Sir Hiiro?! How did you find us?” Kenji said as he saw Sir Hiiro and Ms. Georgina.

“Um? I went out to find Mayumi; Mayumi told me that you brought Kazuki to the ‘Main Infirmary Room’. While going upstairs, I saw your butler trying to find you as well and decided to accompany her.” Sir Hiiro said as Ms. Georgia nodded.

“Yes! I was looking for you because the head conductor of the ‘Royal Orchestra’ asked me to tell you that he accepted your proposal for apprenticeship.” The overjoyed Ms. Georgia said as she was carrying Kenji’s violin case and gave it to him.

“Yes! Finally, I thought the head conductor already rejected it. Uh? I’m sorry for shouting out, your highness.” The overjoyed Kenji said as he hugged his violin case.

“Not at all. Congratulations! I am only here to send this message to your big brother – Um? Your big brother is currently snoring.” Sir Hiiro said as he smiled and then looked at Kazuki silently sleeping on the floor.

“I am really sorry about this, your highness.” Kenji said as he and Ms. Georgia apologized to Sir Hiiro.

“Don’t worry. Just tell him that the five ‘Candidates’ are requested to stay after the part. I’ll see him later.” Sir Hiiro said as he suddenly ran away and left.

“Thank you, your highness. Uh? But I need to go and see the head conductor.” Kenji said as he looked at his sleeping big brother.

“Then, I will stay in here to look after Master Kenji.” Ms. Georgia said as she smiled.

“Okay! I will just go back to the ‘Main Hall’. Don’t snore too loud, sleepy head.” Kenji said as he gently flicked Kazuki’s forehead and immediately ran away.

“Oh my! I forgot to tell Master Kenji that Mr. Head Conductor wanted to meet him in the lounge and not back in the ‘Main Hall’. M-Master Kenji, wait for me.” Ms. Georgia said as she panicked and ran away, leaving Kazuki all alone on the hallway

Back at the Party…

“I’m back and everyone is dancing. That’s just mean.” Mayumi said as she arrived inside the ‘Main Hall’.

The other guests started dancing, by pair, in the center of the Hall.

“Ah! Welcome back, Ms. Mayumi.” Ms. Georgina said as she saw and approached Mayumi.

“Uh? I’m sorry but who are you?” Mayumi said as she asked Ms. Georgina.

“I would like to apologize for the late introduction. I am Ms. Georgina, one of the Hamasaki’s Family butler. I am honored to meet you, your highness.” Ms. Georgina said as she introduced herself.

“Highness? I-I am only a commoner so please call me Mayumi. Wait? Hamasaki Family? Oh no – I haven’t written my response yet so – What is this?” Mayumi said as she panicked and asked Ms. Georgina.

Ms. Georgina took an envelope, sealed with a diamond-shaped, red-colored wax, out of her right, chest pocket and gave it to Mayumi.

“Madam Hashimoto requested me to come with Master Hikaru to the ‘Main Island’ so that I can personally give this to you.” Ms. Georgina said as Mayumi gently took the envelope.

“Oh? Is that so? Thank you very much. I-I honestly do not know – Uh?” Mayumi sadly said as she was hesitating to tell the truth.

“It is alright, Ms. Mayumi. Just tell them what you really feel. I am sure Madam will understand you.” Ms. Georgina said as she

gently pats Mayumi’s right shoulder.

“Um? Okay! Thank you for your advice. See you around, Ms. Georgina.” Mayumi cheerfully said and then walked away.

“There you are! I ordered you to stay and help me find Rai.” Hikaru softly said as he got angry to Ms. Georgina.

“Yes, you did Master Hikaru. But I found Ms. Mayumi instead and gave her that letter.” Ms. Georgina calmly said as she explained to Hikaru.

“I knew it! I shouldn’t have trusted you. Wait? What letter?” Hikaru softly said as he threw the empty, ice pack on the floor.

“Your mother asked me to give her personal letter to Ms. Mayumi. Um? Would you like to have another ice pack?” Ms. Georgina said as gently picked the empty ice pack off the floor and asked Hikaru.

“Um? Damn it! I’ll take that.” Hikaru said as he seized the second ice pack out of Ms. Georgina’s right hand.

“Mr. Ciyan said that you should take a rest since you have a migraine but you insist on attending the Presentation.” Ms. Georgina said as she sighed and crossed her arms.

“I don’t care and don’t look at me like that. Speaking of Mayumi, where is she? I want to talk to her.” Hikaru said as he got curious and asked Ms. Georgina.

“Ah, yes! Ms. Mayumi already left. Hm? Are you planning to ask her on a date?” Ms. Georgina said as she got curious and asked Hikaru who flinched.

“Date!? Of course not! I-I just wanted to ask her if she saw Rai in this area.” Hikaru said as he got flustered and looked away from Ms. Georgina.

“Then, this is good news. I should take notes about this huge progress and report it later to Madam.” Ms. Georgina said as she suddenly took out her notepad and pen to take notes.

“Stop it! Don’t write it down. Are you even listening to me? Ow-Ouch, my head hurts.” Hikaru said as he tried to stop Ms. Georgina but his migraine stopped him.

Hikaru gently placed the second ice pack onto his head while Ms. Georgina continued writing on her notepad.

“I am done. Now what should we do, Master Hikaru?” Ms. Georgina said as she closed her notepad and asked Hikaru.

“Alright! Now, tell me where Mayumi went.” Hikaru said as he ordered Ms. Georgina.

“Ah, yes! Ms. Mayumi went to the dining area while – Master Hikaru?! Where you going?” Ms. Georgina said as Hikaru suddenly ran away from her.

“Thank you! Now, help me find Rai.” Hikaru said as he shouted back.

“Ah! About Ms. Rai – he’s gone. I forgot to tell him that I saw Ms. Rai leave the ‘Main Hall’ and went to the court yard by herself. Well, I will tell him that later.” Ms. Georgina said as she sighed and crossed her arms.

In the Dining Area…

“Oh! This looks delicious. I have to carefully put it on my – Hikaru?!” Mayumi said as she got startled to see Hikaru standing beside her.

“There you are! I was looking for you. Um? I’m sorry about your cake.” Hikaru said as he apologized and then placed the ice pack onto his head.

“No! My cake?! What do you want?” Mayumi said as she gently placed her plate back at the table and asked Hikaru.

“Have you seen Rai around this area?” Hikaru said as he asked Mayumi.

“No. I haven’t. But since you are looking for her as well, please tell her that the ‘Imperial Council’ wants us, the five ‘Candidates’ to stay after the party. Now, please leave before I squish this cake onto your face.” Mayumi said as she got pissed off and threated Hikaru.

“Alright! Alright! You don’t have to nag at me. Anyway, about the date – are you free tomorrow morning?” Hikaru said as he asked Mayumi who flinched.

“Date?! You mean – You’re really serious when you asked me before. I-I didn’t expect that – Eh? What is this?” Mayumi said as

Hikaru took out a small, folded paper and gave it to Mayumi.

“I will wait for you outside that café in the ‘Central District’. I already wrote the directions going to that café on that paper. Don’t be late.” Hikaru said as he smiled and suddenly ran away.

“Huh!? I-I do not understand. Hey, where are you going?” Mayumi said as she got flustered and crumpled the folded paper.

After that Mayumi threw the crumpled paper away and went back on selecting a cake on the desserts’ table.

Meanwhile, outside the East Building

Along the staircase…

“Finally! I’m out. Now, I can take these blond wig and killer shoes for the meantime.” Rai said as she sat down on the staircase and gently took off her wig and high heels.

Rai put it beside her and stretched out her tired legs; after that Rai gazed upon the night sky and sighed.

“Ah, they are all dancing. Sir Eito even asked Harue to dance with him and she looked so happy. I wish someone would ask me to dance. Nah! What am I saying? That’s impossible. Who would even want to dance with me?” Rai said as she whispered to herself while stretching her arms.

Rai stood up and started humming while carefully jumped on the iron railings’ she carefully stood up on the top of the railings, sighed and suddenly slides down onto the railings. Rai reached the other end of the staircase and carefully jumped off.

“Yes, I made it! That’s a perfect landing.” Rai said as she giggled and started dancing like a ballerina in the court yard.

Hiding behind the bushes were Alphe, and his wife, Avia who were both watching her as she dances.

“One more twirl and – Ow-ouch!” Rai said as she accidentally stepped on a small rock and yelled out.

Rai slipped and fell on the ground.

‘Let’s go

Help her.’

Alphe, the ‘Alpha of the Black Hounds’, said as he was telepathically talking to his wife.

‘But what if she

Ran away from us?’

Avia, the ‘White Hound’ wife, said as she carefully stepped back away from the bushes.

‘Don’t worry.

She will not.

Alphe said as he was telepathically talking to his wife.

Alphe and Avia carefully jumped out of the bushes and slowly approached Rai.

“Ouch! My left foot. Well, this is my fault anyway. Oh my! Hello! Mr. ‘Black Hounds?’.” Rai casually said as she greeted Alphe and Avia.

‘See? A normal ‘Alementalian’ would be

Freaked out and ran away after seeing us.’

Alphe said as he was telepathically talking to his wife.

‘Yes! You’re right.

What a strange ‘Alementalian’.

Avia said as she was telepathically talking to his wife.

“Wait! I-I can hear – Amazing! I can hear what you are talking about.” Rai cheerfully said as she was amazed from what just happened.

Rai got excited and suddenly hugged both Alphe and Avia; she also gently brushed Avia’s silvery white fur.

‘That is because you are

One of the ‘Three Factors’.

Alphe said as he was telepathically talking to Rai.

“Three Factors? Um? What you are talking about?” Rai said as she wondered and asked Alphe.

‘We’ve heard rumors that the ‘Key’

Found the ‘Book of Prophecies’

‘The ‘Key’ will soon start searching

For the other, ‘Two Factors’.

Avia said as she was telepathically talking to Rai.

“Okay. I really don’t understand that but – Ah! Now, I recognized you. You’re that ‘Black Hound’ who saved me before I fall inside the Arena. Thank you very much for saving my life.” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled and brushed Alphe’s purplish black fur.

‘Your welcome, your highness.

Soon, you will understand what

Your ‘Cursed Mark’ means.’

Alphe said as he was telepathically talking to Rai who flinched.

“My ‘Cursed Mark’? H-How did you know about that?” Rai nervously said as she gently touched her ‘Cursed Mark’.

‘The Seven Mythical Beast

Told us that – someone is coming.

Let’s leave.’

Avia said as she was telepathically talking to Rai and Alphe.

The ‘Black Hounds’ sensed that someone was running towards Rai and magically went inside a magic, shadow portal and left without saying a word.

“Wait! Where you going? I wonder what happened – Hikaru?!” Rai said as she saw Hikaru. running towards her.

“There you are, Rai! I was searching for you. W-what happened to your left foot?” Hikaru said as he got worried and asked Rai.

Hikaru immediately took his coat off and put it around Rai’s shoulders.

“T-Thank you. I accidentally slipped and fell on the ground.” Rai said as she blushed and smiled.

“Your welcome. I-I saw your blond wig and black high heels left on the staircase and I immediately ran away to find you.” Hikaru said as he got flustered and looked away from Rai.

“Thank you for finding me. Um? I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you that I’m the ‘Princess’s chosen Candidate.” Rai sadly said as she apologized to Hikaru.

“Don’t worry. I really don’t mind it. Anyway, I’ve heard rumors that the Second ‘Imperial Council’ has already chosen their next ‘Candidate’ and probably that is Eito.” Hikaru said as carefully examined Rai’s wounded, left foot.

“Sir Eito? Hmm? Wait! Are those white bandages?” Rai said as she saw Hikaru took out three white bandages and started unrolling them.

“I always bring these things in case you got yourself into trouble like this. Don’t move. I will carefully bind your wounded left foot.” Hikaru said as he gently covered Rai’s left foot while holding the ice pack on his left hand.

“Let me hold the ice pack for you.” Rai said as she giggled and took the ice pack from Hikaru.

“Thank you. Ahem! Back to the emergency at hand. Anyway, who are you talking to earlier?” Hikaru said as he got curious and asked Rai.

“Ah! About that – I saw two ‘Black Hounds’ and talk to them about – Ow! Hikaru, please be careful.” Rai said as Hikaru suddenly tightly tied up the bandages on her left foot.

“I-I’m sorry. So, that eerie presence I’ve felt came from those two ‘Black Hounds’. I’m glad you’re alright. I’m done.” Hikaru said as he got finished binding the white bandages.

“Thank you, Hikaru. Now, let’s go back to the ‘Main Hall’ – Wait?! W-What are you doing?” Rai said as she got flustered.

“I will carry you back to the ‘Main Hall’. Let’s go,” Hikaru said as he blushed and gently lifted and carried Rai onto his back.

“O-Okay. I-I think that’s a good idea.” Rai said as she got flustered and buried her face onto Hikaru’s white shirt.

Ten minutes later

On the 4th floor’s, upper balcony…

“Thank goodness! Hikaru is back and he found Rai. After she slides, Sir Hiiro summoned me so I didn’t see where she went. Wait? Where he is going?” Eito whispered to himself as he went back to the upper balcony and looked down on the ground.

“There you are, Eito! I was looking for you.” Harue said as she finally found Eito, standing alone in the upper balcony.

“Your Highness? How did you find me? And what happened to your dress?” Eito said as he approached Harue.

“Ah, this! I got my elegant dress stained by that chocolate éclair. I was about it earlier but you startled me and asked me to dance.” Harue said as she explained what happened.

“I-Is that so? I’m sorry about your dress. I will ask Mr. George to buy you another one.” Eito said as he panicked and almost ran away.

Harue suddenly grabbed his right hand, ran towards him and hugged him from behind.

“Your highness? Is there something wrong?” Eito casually said as he asked Harue.

“You asked me to dance but while we’re on it, I saw you giggling while looking at Rai. That’s just mean.” Harue said as she got jealous and buried her face onto Eito’s white cape.

“A-Ah! About that I saw Ms. Rai accidentally slipped while walking out of the ‘Main Hall’. I found it funny so I giggled.” Eito said as he gently untangled Harue’s arms off away from him.

“Shut up! Listen to me. I-I do like you.” Harue shyly said as she got flustered and confessed to Eito.

“I do like you too, your highness. I’ve always thought you as my little sister. Huh? What’s happening?” Eito cheerfully said as he gently tousled Harue’s hair.

Eito ran back to upper balcony and heard the guests panicking while inside the ‘Main Hall’.

“Eh?! That’s not what I meant - Uh? Where are you going? Hey, come back.” Harue said as she tried to stop Eito.

“Something’s wrong. Stay in here, your highness. I will be back.” Eito said as he ran away and went back to the ‘Main Hall.’

“What kind of response was that? He should’ve at least rejected me properly. Eh? Tears? Oh no, I cannot stop crying. Why am I crying anyway?” Harue sadly said as she cried and gently wiped off her tears.

Yuki and Emi#2 arrived at Harue’s location and saw her crying.

“Harue, where are you? Harue! I-is there something wrong?” Yuki said as he and Emi#2 approached her.

“Ah! It’s nothing. Don’t mind me. A-Anyway, how did you find me?” Harue said as she wiped off her tears and asked Yuki.

“We saw Eito ran downstairs and asked him your location. Let’s get you back to your room.” Yuki nervously said as he grabbed Harue’s right hand and dragged her away.

“Huh? Wait! We’re leaving already? What happened?” Harue said as she pushed Yuki away and asked him.

“Alright! Hikaru went back to the ‘Main Hall’ and impulsively shouted that he saw two ‘Black Hounds’ wandering in the court yard during the closing program. That idiot’s bad news created panic amongst the guests. As of the moment, the ‘Imperial Council’ were trying to evacuate them to safety.” Yuki said as he crossed his arms.

“Eh? How did those ‘Black Hounds’ get inside the spherical, magic barrier? I thought the ‘Exiled Prince’ conjured that to protect the ‘Main Island’ from the seven ‘Living Fiends.” Harue said as she wondered and asked Yuki.

“The ‘Exiled Prince’ – I mean Prince Shouta deactivated his magic before he got exiled six months ago. You were standing beside him, on the stage when that happened. How can you be so forgetful?” Yuki said as he wondered and tousled Harue’s hair.

“A-Ah! Now, I remember. I-I was standing beside him – Eh? Wait! Big brother? Where are we going?” Harue said as Yuki suddenly seized her right hand.

“Stop asking questions. Let’s bring her back to her room.” Yuki said as he ordered Emi who nodded.

“Please follow me.” Emi#2 said as she ran away, followed by Yuki and Harue.


Back at the ‘Main Hall’…

“Everyone! Please calm down. The exit is on this way. Please leave one at time – Hey! No pushing!” Ms. Iysa said as she and Mr. Sai yelled out, trying to manage their current situation.

“Mr. Jiro and the others are on their way to the court yard to investigate what really happened. So, please calm down.” Mrs. Mai said as she and the others were also helping with the crowd control team.

“That stupid guy. Now, look what he had done. I must go out and find Kazuki and Kenji. But how would get pass by this crowd? Ah!!! Who cares!” Mayumi said as she ran to the crowd and pushed herself to get out of the ‘Main Hall’.

Mayumi finally managed to get out of the ‘Main Hall’ and ran away.

Back on that Hallway

Outside the ‘Main Infirmary Room’…

Mayumi arrived in the Hallway and saw Kazuki sleeping on the floor.

“Kazuki! Where are you – Ah! There you are. Why are you sleeping on the floor?” Mayumi said as she gently pat Kazuki’s right shoulder.

“Uh? Mayumi? W-where are we?” Kazuki said as he slowly woke up and sat down on the floor.

“We’re outside the ‘Main Infirmary Room’. Let’s go! They asked us to evacuate the building – Eh?!” Mayumi said as Kazuki suddenly grabbed right hand and pull her towards him.

“Thank you for bringing me in here.” Kazuki said as he whispered to Mayumi’s right ear.

“S-stop it! I hope you remember what you said earlier.” Mayumi said as she got flustered and straddled above Kazuki.

“Oh, you mean that? I meant every word I said. How about you?” Kazuki seductively said as he started pampering Mayumi’s neck with kisses.

“Ka-Kazuki?! S-Stop. The truth is I should also have confessed back then. I do love – Eh?” Mayumi softly said as she trembled and gently pushed Kazuki away.

Kazuki suddenly kissed Mayumi; Mayumi got startled but eventually and passionately kissed Kazuki back.

“Then, let’s continue this somewhere else.” Kazuki said as he broke the kiss and then stood up.

Kazuki gently carried and lifted up Mayumi like a princess.

“Okay. They are asking us to leave anyway.” Mayumi said as she gently caressed Kazuki’s face.

Outside the ‘Main Hall’…

Kenji and Ms. Georgia went back to the ‘Main Hall’, unaware of what is happening.

“W-what is happening in here?” Ms. Georgia said as she and Kenji saw the guest panicking and pushing each other just to get out of the ‘Main Hall’.

“Please hold this for me. I will help Ms. Iysa and the others.” Kenji said as he suddenly gave his violin case and the envelope to Ms. Georgia.

“Help? How are you going to help them? Master Kenji!” Ms. Georgia said as Kenji ran away.

Kenji ran away and helped the other ‘Imperial Soldiers’ push the heavy, metal doors open wide and stood up in front of everyone.

“Within my abilities given to me, I command thee, Freeze!” Kenji said as he rolled up his sleeves and used his ‘Water-Alementalian’ Magic.

Kenji used his magic to froze the entire exit doors; his crystal-clear like ice magically crawled up covering the two doors and the floor itself. The two, frozen doors began to form small cracks and eventually got broken and its pieces fell on the frozen floor.

“Everyone, please listen to me! I need you to all calm down and one-by-one, carefully walk out of the ‘Main Hall’ without slipping on the frozen floor.” Kenji said as he instructed the guests.

“Huh? That’s impossible! You froze the floor and this is solid ice.” Guest #1 said as he yelled out.

“Let’s do what he says or else we’ll be eaten by those two ‘Black Hounds’.” Guest #2 said as she and the others began to walk on the frozen floor.

Kenji’s plan worked. One-by-one, the guests finally managed to get out of the ‘Main Hall’ in a fashionable order without hurting each other. He also helped the others who kept slipping in the frozen floor and lead them out of the East Building.

“Impressive! That’s my student. Ricard and Glenda, you assist the elderly as well.” Ms. Julie said as she ordered her two apprentices, Ricard and Glenda who immediately ran away to help the others.

Back to the court yard…

Rai was waiting for Hikaru on the staircase. Fifteen minutes later, Rai saw Hikaru running back and were followed by two strangers.

“I’m back! I’m sorry I brought also some guests.” Hikaru said as he ran back to the staircase, tagging along Mr. Jiro and Mr. Akito.

“Your highnesses! Is there something wrong?” Rai said as she was surprised to see Mr. Jiro and Mr. Akito.

“Yes! your boyfriend over here did something bad that made everyone panicked and ran out of the ‘Main Hall’.” Mr. Jiro said as he intentionally stepped on Hikaru’s left foot.

“What?! He’s not my – Wait! What have you done this time, Hikaru?” Rai exclaimed as she asked Hikaru.

“Huh?! I only acted according to my instincts; I ran back inside the ‘Main Hall’ and informed everyone that there are two ‘Black Hounds’ wandering in the court yard earlier. Hikaru said as he explained what happened.

“What!? Why would you – Um? Literally speaking, you are right but still you don’t have to say it in front of everyone.” Rai said as she got angry to Hikaru.

“Uh? Okay. So, what I did was right then?” Hikaru said as he crossed his arms and asked Rai.

“I will give you and your boyfriend some privacy to talk this about. Let’s start searching over there.” Mr. Akito said as he intentionally stepped on Hikaru’s right foot.

“Ow-Ouch! Why would you have to do that?” Hikaru said as he shouted out to Mr. Akito and Mr. Jiro who ran away from them.

“Okay. Let’s all calm down. Let’s go back to the ‘Main Hall’ to help the others – Eh? Hikaru?” Rai said as she blushed after Hikaru seized her right arm. Hikaru gently pulled her towards him and hugged her.

“No! I did that on purpose.” Hikaru cheerfully said as he smiled.

“Huh?! W-Why would even you do that?” Rai said as she got flustered and gently pushed Kazuki away from her.

“Um? So, that we can both dance in peace.” Hikaru said as he carefully took both of his shoes off and threw it aside.

Then, Hikaru casually rolled up his pants and sighed.

“Dance!? In here!? Are you mad?” Rai said as she yelled out and stepped back away from Hikaru.

“Probably. Ahem! Would you like to dance with me?” Hikaru said as he reached out and asked Rai.

“W-what? Why are you asking me that? You don’t even know how to dance.” Rai said as she pointed out, making Hikaru irritated.

“I-I know! You don’t have to remind me. Just come in here.” Hikaru said as he got flustered and yelled out.

“Okay.” Rai cheerfully said as she grabbed Hikaru’s right hand and started dancing

Hikaru and Rai starts dancing in pair while both barefooted under that night sky.

Spying on them behind the bushes were Mr. Manuel and Mrs. Judy who secretly followed Hikaru back to the court yard.

“Turn and return to your first position – Ow-Ouch!” Rai said as she was teaching Hikaru to dance.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to step on you left foot.” Hikaru said as he apologized and then chuckled.

“Look! There she is. The ‘witch’ is dancing with Mr. Hikaru.” Mrs. Judy softly said as she and her husband looked at them.

“Mr. Hikaru? His name sound so familiar.” Mr. Manuel said as he looked at his wife.

“Mr. Hikaru was the ‘Fireiyan’ who saved the ‘Iytherian Reps.’ and the people inside that train. They even called him the ‘New Hero’.” Ms. Judy said as she pinched Mr. Manuel’s cheeks.

“Is that so? Then, the ‘Witch’ is probably using him as her bodyguard or worst, he is her next victim. We must immediately report this to Sir Hiiro.” Mr. Manuel said as he and Ms. Judy carefully and silently ran out of the court yard.

Inside the ‘Advisor’s Room’…

Hiiro, Ms. Akari, Ms. Aya and the other five ‘Fireiyans’ were waiting inside the room.

“Damn it! I didn’t expect that Mr. Geno would go that far and how dare he imitate my original plans. What’s worst is that Eito has become a witness of his crime. Now, the other ‘Village Reps’. are suspecting me as well.” Hiiro softly said as he was sitting on his chair while Ms. Akari serves his tea.

“I think we should discuss that later. Um? What exactly are they doing in here?” Ms. Akari softly said as she asked Hiiro.

Ms. Aya and the other five ‘Fireiyans’ were cheerfully chit-chatting in the guests’ table.

“They are here to seek counsel from me. Based on their letter, they want to help me to get rid of the ‘Witch’. They described her as a woman who has a long, jet-black colored with a right, red eye. They believed that her existence brought bad luck to their ‘Village’; after hearing rumors about the evil ‘Witch’, tourists avoided to visit their ‘Village’ resulting the loss of their livelihoods.” Hiiro said as he explained and gave the letter to Ms. Akari.

“What? They want to kill Rai because of that?! That’s just wrong! I-I will not agree with this.” Ms. Akari said as she got angry and crumpled the letter.

Ms. Akari threw the crumpled letter back onto Hiiro’s desk.

“Uh? Ms. Akari, are you alright?” Ms. Aya said as she and the five guests got startled and asked Ms. Akari.

“We’re back, your highness. Uh?” Mr. Manuel said as he and Ms. Judy went inside the room.

“So, where is she?” Hiiro casually said as he stood up and stretched out his arms.

“Ah, yes! She is on the court yard, dancing with Mr. Hikaru.” Mrs. Judy said as she reported to Hiiro.

“We have to save Mr. Hikaru before he becomes her next victim.” Mr. Manuel said as he pleaded to Hiiro.

“Just like what she has done to my little sister. She used her enchantment, befriend and made her chosen ‘Candidate’. Alright! I’ve decided. I will agree to help you in one condition.” Hiiro said as he shouted inside the room.

“Alright! What is it, your highness?” The overjoyed Mr. Manuel said as he asked Hiiro.

“You have to promise not tell anyone that we’re involved in this and swore loyalty as the new members of the ‘Alliance’.” Hiiro said as his condition.

“As you wish, your highness. We swore our loyalty to the ‘Alliance’.” Mr. Manuel, Ms. Judy and the other five ‘Fireiyans’ said in chorus as they raised their left hand.

“Alright. We’ll start our preparations tonight. Here.” Mr. Hiiro said as he gave a hand-written poster and a small piece of folded parchment paper to Mr. Manuel.

“Um? What are these, your highness?” Mr. Manuel said as he gently took the poster and paper up on Hiiro’s desk.

“Post that announcement along the ‘Central District’ and then, after that please give that note to Mr. Bobby and Ms. Milly.” Hiiro said as he instructed Mr. Manuel and Ms. Judy.

“As you wish, your highness.” Mr. Manuel said as he nodded and went out of the room, followed by Ms. Judy.

“Bobby? Milly? Hiiro! Stop it! Not those two mercenaries.” Ms. Akari said as she suddenly grabbed Hiiro’s arms and shake him.

“Oh me? Do their names sound familiar? Yes. they are also my henchmen.” Hiiro said as he gently pushed Ms. Akari away.

“Hiiro! This is madness. Listen to me, Rai is a good girl. They just made that false claims so that they can get rid of her. Please, stop this.” Ms. Akari said as she pleaded to Hiiro.

“I cannot. They already left so how can I stop them?” Hiiro said as he smirked and sat on his chair.

“I knew it! You were planning something else. Tell me, why did you helped them?” Ms. Aya said as she crossed her arms and asked Hiiro.

“Hahaha! Indeed! Your instincts are damn accurate. I only used them so that I can start my plan to get rid of all the five ‘Candidates’.

Next on the list is Eito, followed by Kazuki. I cannot believe that the other ‘Village Reps.’ decided to choose Harue’s Candidate without consulting me.” Hiiro said as he got angry and slammed his desk.

“According to the ‘Imperial Rules’ written by the ‘Exiled Prince’, If the newly, appointed ‘Imperial Ruler’ were unable to do his

duties, the ‘Imperial Council’ has the right to replace him with the other four ‘Candidates.’ But - if all the five ‘Candidates’ were

unable to do this, then -…” Ms. Aya said as she looked at Ms. Akari.

“The ‘Imperial Council’ has the right to appoint the former ‘Royal Advisor’ to become the next, ‘Imperial Ruler’. You are willing murder innocent people to become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’. You’re not the Hiiro that I’ve meet before.” Ms. Akari said in disbelief and stepped away from Hiiro’s desk.

“No. I’m still the same person you’ve meet before. I made an oath that I will become the next ‘Imperial Ruler’ that this Kingdom needs. I will also make sure that the ‘Collision Prophecy’ will be fulfilled, making me the ‘Imperial Ruler of the Two Worlds.’ Hahaha! Isn’t that amazing?! I want you to be on my side when that happened.” Hiiro said as he stood up and suddenly pulled Ms. Akari towards him.

Hiiro suddenly hugged Ms. Akari; Ms. Akari got startled and tried to push him away.

“Let me go! Let me go. I promised that I’m always here to support you but I’m sorry not this time. You’re mad! One day, the red, ‘Flames of Hell’ will come and haunt you.” Ms. Akari said as she finally managed to push Hiiro away and went out of the room.

“What? Hey, Akari wait for us. The red, flames of – What?” Hiiro said as he wondered while he picked up his coat off the chair’s ledge.

“Who knows. Maybe it was her another made-up story. Let’s leave. The others were probably looking for us.” Ms. Aya said as she walked away and went out of the room.

Along the streets

Of the ‘Central District’…

Mr. Manuel and Mrs. Judy managed to post the announcement to a light post and asked some people where they can find this Mr. Bobby.


We’re looking for 13 mercenaries who can work A.S.A.P.

Interested ‘Alementalians’ are requested to come and meet

us at the shoreline near the ‘Lake of Va-al’ this afternoon.

Reward: 13 million gold bars. Target: The Akimura Family.

“Hey! Where are you going? I wonder why they are kept running away after hearing the name Mr. Bobby?” Mr. Manuel said as he wondered and sighed.

“How about we ask her?” Mrs. Judy said as she and Mr. Manuel approached the woman, looking the dresses displayed inside a boutique.

“Um? Can I-I help you?” The woman said as she got startled and asked Mr. Manuel and Ms. Judy.

“Um? I’m Manuel and this is my wife, Judy. Can we ask you a question?” Mr. Manuel said as he asked the woman.

“Ah! I’m Milly. Yes, you can. What is it?” Ms. Milly said as she introduced herself.

‘Ms. Milly’ also known as the ‘Odd Milly’. Rumors around the ‘Main Island’ says that this woman is a psychopath who takes pleasure in killing people and getting paid at the same time.

“Milly?! You’re the other person that we’re looking for. Wait! Sir Hiiro asked us to give you this note.” Mrs. Judy said as she gave the small note to Ms. Milly.

“Do you know where this – Um? Mr. Bobby lives?” Mr. Manuel said as he asked Ms. Milly.

“Uh? Bobby? I’ve heard that name before. Ah! I think he is that guy who lives in that dark, abandoned alley.” Ms. Milly said as she ignored Mr. Manuel and looked back at the display.

“Thank you. Uh? Let’s go check out that alley.” Mr. Manuel said as he and Mrs. Judy walked away and left Ms. Milly outside the boutique.

Ms. Milly watched as the couple leave and secretly followed them to the abandoned alley.

Inside the abandoned alley…

“Uh? Damn it! I cannot see a single thing. Hello! Is someone in there?” Mr. Manuel said as he yelled out inside the abandoned alley.

“I think no one is in here. Let’s just look on the next alley. Eh?!” Mrs. Judy said as she turned around and saw Ms. Milly, standing behind her.

“I’m sorry for scaring you. Let me call him for you. Ahem! Hey, damn drunkard! Wake up! We have work to do.” Ms. Milly said as she suddenly yelled out inside the abandoned alley.

Few minutes later, the couple saw an empty bottle of beer rolling towards Ms. Milly; Ms. Milly picked it up and threw it back in the dark part of the alley.

“Hey, why is this empty? How dare you interrupt my party?” Mr. Bobby said as he approached Ms. Milly and the others.

Mr. Bobby’ also known as the ‘Drunken Bobby’. Rumors around the ‘Main Island’ says that this man is a killer-for-hire who takes pleasure in murdering people in exchange for a barrel of beer/wine.

“Ah! You’re finally awake. Sir Hiiro has summoned us.” Ms. Milly said as Mr. Bobby looked at the couple.

“Summoned? After six months, he summoned us for what?” Mr. Bobby said as he drinks from the empty bottle.

“For work of course. Let’s go.” Ms. Milly said as she walked away.

“Oh work? You mean like this.” Mr. Bobby said he dropped the empty bottle on the ground.

Mr. Bobby suddenly took out his wooden, pistol gun and aimed at Ms. Judy; Ms. Judy panicked and ran away but it was too late. Mr. Bobby shot her in her right chest and fell on the ground.

“Darling!? Hey! Wake up! Wake up! Why would you do that – Eh?” Mr. Manuel said as he ran towards his dying and asked Mr. Bobby.

Ms. Milly suddenly took out her large, dart-like, sewing needles and aimed at Mr. Manuel; Mr. Manuel shouted out for help but it was too late. Ms. Milly immediately threw the sewing needles on his upper nape and fell on the ground.

“Bull’s eye! Yes. How dare you steal my preys?” Ms. Milly said as she stomped her foot on the ground and pouted.

“Who cares? Now, where is my reward?” Mr. Bobby said he walked and passed by the two, dead bodies, lying on the ground.

“I’m pretty sure Sir Hiiro already prepared that. Let’s go.” Ms. Milly said as she playfully skipping like a child and went out of the abandoned alley, followed by Mr. Bobby.

In the Boys’ ‘Imperial Dormitories’

Inside the Hamasaki Twins’ Apartment…

“I’m back.” Kenji said as he went inside their apartment.

“Welcome home, Master Kenji. Uh? I thought you went out to find Master Kazuki. Where is he?” Ms. Georgia said as she wondered and asked Kenji.

“A-Ah! Big brother? Him? He told me to go ahead since he’s currently on a meeting with the ‘Council’.” Kenji said as he smiled and went inside his room.

“Uh? Okay. Would you like to take a bath or eat dinner first?” Ms. Georgia said as she asked Kenji.

“No, thank you. I will just rest inside my room. Good night.” Kenji said as he locked the door.

Ms. Georgia nodded as she got suspicious on what exactly happened.

Inside the Twins’ room…

“Ah! It’s been a long night. I-I’m tired. Damn it! Ms. Iysa told me that Mayumi was the first guest who got out of the ‘Main Hall’ and probably went back to her apartment. Since the door’s opened I got curious and went in the apartment. I took a peek inside the living room and saw her and Kazuki, making out on sofa. I panicked and immediately ran out of the place. Eh? Why am I crying? Damn it!” Kenji said as he whispered as he sat down on the other end of his bed.

“Master Kenji, I forgot to tell you that I put your violin case and the letter on the top of your desk.” Ms. Georgia said as she knocked outside the Twins’ room.

Ms. Georgia was about to leave when she heard a loud crash inside the Twins’ room; She panicked and used her brute force to open the door.

“Master Kenji? Are you alright? What happened to your hands?!” Ms. Georgia said as she approached Kenji.

“Ah! This? I smashed my violin onto the floor. I tried picking the broken pieces of wood up the floor but I end up cutting both of my hands.” Kenji plainly said as he raised and waved both of his wounded hands to Ms. Georgia.

“What!? Why would you have to do that? Please stay in here. I will get the first aid kit.” Ms. Georgia said as she panicked and ran out of the room.

“Uh? Okay. Thank you. I always knew that they both truly love each other so they went behind my back and do that - Wait! I am not bad guy in this love story. Ah, yes! I will just deceive them and shall make our relationship work again.” Kenji said as he smirked and then lie down back onto his bed.

Five minutes later, Ms. Georgia went back inside the room and found Kenji sleeping on his bed.

The next day…

Three ‘Imperial Soldiers’ found the two, dead bodies lying down on the ground inside the abandoned alley.

Back at the I.C.H.Q.

Inside the ‘Main Court’ room…

The three remaining ‘Village Chiefs.’ are getting impatient because of Harue’s tardiness.

“Uh? For the third time, can you please go back to Harue’s room? Please ask her if she is going to attend the morning deliberation.” Ms. Iysa said as she sighed and requested Emi#2.”

“A-As you wish, your highness.” Emi#2 said as she walked away and went out of the room.

“Uh! What the hell happened to her? We still have work to do. We already sent Mr. Carlo and Eito to the ‘Central Airport’ to start the investigation about the arson. He’ll probably wondering why we’re late.” Mr. Sai said as he complained and crossed his arms.

“Indeed! I also asked Ms. Julie and her eight apprentices to start the weapons’ inventory back in Warehouses.” Mr. Jiro said as he crossed his arms and sighed.

“I would like to apologize for the delay, your highnesses. I will talk to Harue about this later – Ah! Harue, you finally arrived – Eh?!” Hiiro said as Harue slammed open the door and went inside the room.

“I’m sorry I’m late, your highnesses.” Harue said as she was carrying her satchel and apologized to the entire ‘Council’.

Harue walked inside the room and sat onto the ‘Chief’s chair’; Everyone was looking at her when Yuki and Emi#2 went inside the room.

“Harue! Look at you! You haven’t changed into your proper, formal clothes and what’s with the wild bed hair?” Hiiro said as he approached Harue and tried to straighten down her hair.

“Oh? This? I stayed up all night crying while reading this ‘book’.” Harue said as she took the satchel off and gave it to Hiiro.

“Book? What kind of ‘book’? Hiiro said as he opened and took a peek inside the satchel.

Hiiro was about to touch the book but Harue suddenly yawns and slowly dozes off; Hiiro accidentally dropped the satchel on the floor.

“I am really sorry about this mess, your highnesses. I will immediately take her out of the court room.” Yuki said as he apologized on the behalf of his little sister.

“You have also have puffy eyes. I wonder what happened last night. Hm? Let me guess, Eito rejected you.” Mrs. Mai said as she wondered and crossed her arms. Everyone flinched as they looked at Hiiro and Harue.

“Your right! H-He did reject me.” Harue said as she remembered what happened last night and wailed.

“I knew it! My instincts never failed me.” Mrs. Mai proudly said as she laughed and stood beside Mr. Sai.

On the other hand, Mr. Sai was clapping his hands as he was amazed with his wife’s instincts.

“Your highnesses, please stop that. You’re making the situation worst.” Ms. Akari said as she got angry and stomped away from their table.

Ms. Akari and Ms. Iysa both approached Harue; Ms. Akari shoved Hiiro away from Harue and hugged her.

“Alright! Since we other things to do, we’ll move the deliberation later this afternoon. Mr. Sai and Mr. Jiro, you may now leave.” Ms. Iysa said as she announced her decision in front of everyone.

“As you wish, your highness.” Mr. Sai and Mr. Jiro said in chorus and then walked away.

“That’s why we don’t entrust the entire fate of the Kingdom to an immature and incompetent ‘Princess’.” Mr. Jiro said as he whispered to himself and then went out of the room, followed by Mr. Akito and Ms. Aya.

“Let’s go, Dear. Mr. Carlo and Ei-to are waiting for us at the ‘Central Airport’.” Mrs. Mai said as she emphasized the word Eito, mocking Harue.

“How mean!” Harue said as she wailed and then hugged Ms. Akari.

Harue just kept crying while Ms. Akari, Ms. Iysa and Hiiro were trying to comfort her.

“Darling, let’s leave.” Mr. Sai said as he sighed and gently pushed his wife out of the room.


In the ‘Central Airport’…

Mr. Carlo and Eito are in the Airport, inspecting the aftermath of the arson.

“Sir Eito, we found another dead body inside the ‘Aerostats’ Garage’.” Mr. Carlo said as he and his fellow ‘Imperial Captain’ were both ran out of the ‘Garage’.

Mr. Carlo and his friend were both carrying a wooden stretcher covered with a white cloth and then approached Eito.

“Please put that beside the others on the ground.” Eito said as he ordered Mr. Carlo and Mr. George.

Mr. Carlo and Mr. George gently placed down the wooden stretcher, on the ground, beside the others.

“This ‘Alementalian’ is the twelfth, dead body that we found. May your souls rest in peace.” Eito said as he and Mr. Carlo prayed for the dead victims of the arson.

“I also pray that your souls may find peace.” Rai said as she suddenly arrived beside Eito and prayed.

“Rai!? A-Ahem! Ms. Rai? What are you doing in here?” Eito casually said as he asked Rai.

“Um? Please call me Rai, Eito. The truth is… I-I need your help!” Rai said as she cried and shouted at Eito.

“Help!? P-Please calm down and tell me what happened.” Eito said as he got worried for Rai.

“Hikaru and I were wandering in the ‘Central District’ when he said that he forgot something back at his apartment and then ran away. So, I decided to wander alone but I got lost.” Rai said as she explained what happened and cried in front of Eito.

“I’m surprised that her highness got lost in this place. You just need to follow that straight road and it will take you back to the ‘Central District’. Ow-Ouch!” Mr. Carlo said as he told Rai.

Eito blushed and suddenly stepped on his right foot.

“I would love to help you but I cannot just leave my post. I will ask Mr. George to accompany you back to the ‘Central District’ Eh?” Eito said as Mr. George whispered to Eito.

“Young Master, you go and accompany her. This is now the right time to give that love letter to her. We will take care of the rest.” Mr. George softly said, making Eito blushed.

“A-Ahem! I-I will accompany you instead. Please follow me – Um? Is there something wrong?” Eito said as he wondered and asked Rai.

“Ah! I-I was just looking around the Airport. Look at the destroyed structures, they are covered with silver-colored dust. This ‘Silver dust’ are produced when someone used her ‘Silver Fire’ magic just like Gina. Wait!” Rai said as she sat down and swiped the dust off the ground.

“I’m impressed that you can see the color of that dust, your highness.” Mr. George said as he looked at Rai’s right hand.

“A-Amazing! Gina was in here and she indeed used her ‘Silver Fire’ that started the arson. How did you know that?” Eito exclaimed as he asked Rai.

“Um? Hikaru and I saw Gina using her ‘Fire-Alementalian’ magic before; Our instructor once asked Gina to manifest her ‘Silver Fire’ without burning the small piece of wood on her hand. But Gina was unable to control here magic and turned the wood into ‘silver dust’.” Rai said as she stood up and dusted off her dress.

“Eh? So, this Gina was also your classmate back then. That’s interesting. Mr. Carlo, please write that on your observation reports.” Eito said as he ordered Mr. Carlo.

“As you wish, your highness.” Mr. Carlo said as he nodded.

“Shall we leave, milady?” Eito cheerfully said as he asked Rai.

“Ah, yes! Let’s go!” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled and walked away.

“Wait! Before we leave, I want you to have this.” Eito said as he took his love letter out of his right, chest pocket and gave it to Rai.

“Uh? Is this for me? Thank you – Eh!?” Rai said as she examined the letter.

Eito suddenly kissed her cheeks and whispered something to Rai.

“Let’s go! Please follow me.” Eito said as he walked away and left Rai all alone.

“What?! What does he mean by love – Hey! Wait for me.” Rai said as she ran away, chasing Eito.

Along the streets of the ‘Central District’...

Hikaru was carrying an envelope as he ran along the streets, trying to find Mayumi.

“Since she’s already one hour late, I went out to find her in here but – Ah! Where the hell is that woman?” Hikaru said as ran passed by Mayumi who was reading Hiiro’s poster placed on a lamp post.

“Hm? This is an interesting job offer. The wanted poster said that the target is one of the members of the Akimura Family. Oh no! I almost forgot! I need to meet that guy – Eh? Hikaru!?” Mayumi said as Hikaru went back and stopped beside her.

“There you are! You’re late! I waited back at the Café but you didn’t come. What the heck happened?” Hikaru said as he got angry at Mayumi.

“I’m really sorry! I overslept and forgot it. But, don’t worry I’m already here so where are you taking me for our date?” Mayumi said as she asked Hikaru.

“Ha?! Date? I only said that so that I can personally give you this. Here, give that to your father. On behalf of my mother, I apologize for dragging you and your family on this arrange marriage thing.” Hikaru said as he gave the letter and apologized to Mayumi.

“I-Is that so? Then, I will give this to my father.” Mayumi sadly said as she took the letter.

“I-I’m really sorry. I honestly do not know what an actual date looks like. Wait? Is that a kiss mark on you right neck?” Hikaru said as he chuckled and asked Mayumi.

Mayumi panicked and blushed as she covered the kiss mark with her long, curly hair.

“M-Me too. I’ve never went on a date before. Kenji never asked me once but based from the novels that I’ve read – Um? Couples hold their hands like this as they wander along the streets.” Mayumi said as she suddenly grabbed Hikaru’s right hand.

“Oh? Kenji – Wait! He’s your boyfriend – Ow-ouch! Thanks for the demonstration. I will write that on my notebook.” Hikaru said as crumpled in pain after Mayumi stopped on his foot.

“Come, look that this.” Mayumi said she and Hikaru read the wanted poster.

“Eh? So, they are looking for 13 mercenaries for a high paying job. The reward is – Huh!? 13 million gold bars. Is this for real?!” Hikaru exclaimed as he wondered and crossed his arms.

“Of course, it is real! You would not understand this because you’re the son of the former ‘Imperial Hero’. I’ve rumors about how you successfully saved our ‘Iytherian Reps. and the ambushed train from the ‘White Skeletons’. Congratulations! You’re the Kingdom’s new ‘Imperial Hero’.” Mayumi said as she suddenly took the wanted poster off the lamp post

“Thank you! Anyway, what’s the job description written on that poster – Hey! Where are you going?” Hikaru said as he got curious and asked Mayumi.

Mayumi was busy ignoring Hikaru as she read the wanted poster; Hikaru ran away, chasing both Mayumi and the wanted poster.

That afternoon,

In the lake’s shoreline…

“Oh, it seems that everyone has arrived. On behalf of our employer, welcome everyone.” Mr. Milly said as she welcomes the other 11 mysterious mercenaries who came in their meeting place. The other 11 mercenaries were also wearing a black, masquerade mask to hide their true identities.

“Eh? This is not a party. Get rid of those masks.” Mr. Bobby said as he got finished drinking his third bottle of beer and threw it on the ground.


Thank you for waiting. Here’s Chapter XI and enjoy reading. Will update next week. – Cheche-chan.