Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Hero’: ‘Ryo’ and his other five siblings arrived at the ‘Lake of Va-al’ except for ‘Chester’ who lured the Sir Yuki and Mr. Carlo out of the forest. In the ‘Central District’, they met Ms. Francine and had a private discussion inside that souvenir shop. Meanwhile. back at the Charlotte’s ‘Nook’, Prince Charles finally deciphered the first word on ‘Ryo’ Riddle’ and fell asleep after so Alphe and Avia approached Mr. Timothy and his two children to help them decode the riddle. In ‘Fireiya’, Rai’s students and Theo ran away and saw Mr. Terry sleeping while hanging upside down on a tree.
‘Ryushizaki Town’
Mrs. Lady Boss’ Fruit Farms
Front Yard…
Mrs. Lady Boss and her assistant are seen running to the Front yard.
“Harue?! Are you alright? What happened?” Mrs. Lady Boss said as she and her assistant arrived in the front yard.