‘End of the Beginning’
Previously on the ‘Tale of the Demon Hero’: Mr. Jiro’s Team were back in ‘Wathyria’ and seen being confronted by Mr. Ren when Mr. Charlie came inside the room to tell him what happened to Mr. Harry. In ‘Iytheria’, Ms. Annie’s group were cleaning outside one of the ‘Reversed Windmills’ when ‘Niel’ came and created havoc in the ‘Village’. In ‘Aethyria’, the ‘Aethyrian Reps’ and the others were outside the last mining cave when an earthquake occurred. ‘Ki’ confronted Ms. Iysa and eventually left after. From the ‘Main Island’, Mr. Geno finally agrees to send out Miko’s Team to the ‘Mystic Garden’ where they were challenged by King Philip in a ‘Card Game’. Back in the ‘Central Metropolis Hospital’, Shouta’s Team arrived inside and immediately left the three suitcases full of money in the ‘Billings’ Section’.
In ‘Earth’
‘Ryushizaki Town’
‘Central Metropolis Hospital’