

Back inside the ‘Music Room’…

“So, do you know how did you died, Sir Kenji?” ‘Milo’s ‘Silhouette’ said as he asked Kenji who wondered.

“Died?! I died?! I am not dead. Why are you keep asking me that?” Kenji angrily said as he shouted back at ‘Milo’.

“Rumors said that if, somehow, a lost ‘Silhouette’ has manage to retrieve their memories and recall how they passed away, they will have the chance to get out and back up on this ‘Plateau’.” ‘Mei’ ‘Silhouette’ cheerfully said as she smiled back at Kenji.

“’Silhouette’!? Shut up! I am not dead. Let me out of this room!” Kenji angrily said as he began punching the wooden door behind him.

“But that is clearly impossible. We do not even have our memories with us.” ‘Ella’s ‘Silhouette’ angrily said as she crossed her arms.

“That is because those are completely erased after we ‘Silhouettes’ died. Now, what are we going to do?” ‘‘Milo’s ‘Silhouette’ said as he sighed in disbelief.

“Erased memories? What the hell are you talking about?” Kenji angrily said as he got confused and asked the three children.

“I just hope that those thousands of fireflies are now on their way back to continue this orientation.” ‘Milo’s ‘Silhouette’ said as he looked at Kenji.

“Sir Kenji, please stop that. You do not want to disturb the other ‘Silhouettes’ sleeping behind that wooden door.” Ella’s ‘Silhouette’ said as she carefully pulled Kenji away from the door.

“Hey, damn children! Will you quiet down? We are trying to sleep in here.” An angry ‘Silhouette’ said as it loudly knocked back on the wooden door.

“Uh?! We are so sorry, Mister!” ‘Milo’s Silhouette’ said as he flinched in fear and approached the wooden door.

“Can you tell that newbie to calm down or else Lady Flora will get angry to all of us.” The mysterious ‘Silhouette’ said as it shouted back at Kenji and the others.

“Newbie? Are you referring to me, old man?” Kenji angrily said as he shouted back at the wooden door.

“Hm? No response? I think that grumpy Mister already left the Hallway.” Ella’s ‘Silhouette’ said as she sighed in relief.

“I cannot be dead. I have a lot, a lot of things to do. Please…somebody…get me out of here.” Kenji sadly said as he started groveling on the floor.

“S-Sir Kenji is crying! Big brother, what are we going to do?” ‘Mei’s Silhouette’ said as she started panicking and asked ‘Milo’.

“I do not know either. For the meantime, let’s just let him be.” ‘Milo’ Silhouette’ said as he crossed his arms and sighed.

In ‘Alementalia’

‘Lake of Va-al’

Along the shorelines…

‘Ryo’, accompanied by Rai, Kazuki and Eito, are seen walking inside the forest situated around the Lake’s shorelines.

“Damn it! Unhand me, vile ‘Cog Dragon’!” Shouta angrily said as he and Hiiro are being constantly dragged on the ground by ‘Ryo’.

“I know. You are also getting tired. Do not worry, we are almost there.” ‘Ryo’ said as he continues to walk while dragging Shouta and Hiiro.

“Uh? Everyone, please stop. Look at this ‘Silhouette’ behind us.” Eito exclaimed as Rai and the others stopped from walking and turned around.

“What the hell? I wonder why this mysterious ‘Silhouette’ is punching that tree’s trunk beside all of us.” Kazuki exclaimed as he approached and gently pulled the ‘Silhouette’ away from the tree.

“That is the strangest ‘Silhouette’ that I have met so far. Milady, are you alright?” Eiko said as he approached and asked Rai.

“A-Ah, yes! I was also wondering why that ‘Silhouette’ did – Ow!” Rai said as she blurted out and fell down on the ground.

“Milady?! Are you alright? What happened –Your right arm!” Eito exclaimed as he examined Rai’s injured arm.

“Hey! What happened? Are you alright?” Kazuki exclaimed as he and the mysterious ‘Silhouette’ approached Rai.

“Oh? That same ‘Silhouette’ still chose to follow us in here. Impressive.” ‘Ryo’ said as he stopped from dragging Shouta and Hiiro on the ground and looked behind him.

“You – I mean your new Majesty, you got your arm injured after our fight right? Look at your ‘Ruins’. Based on that red color, those are getting worst.” Shouta said as he looked at Rai who flinched.

“Is it not painful? I assume you have been enduring it after we left the ‘Central District’.” Hiiro said as he wondered and asked Rai.

“Painful huh? It is been awhile since someone asked me that.” Rai said as she carefully stood up from the ground and dusted off her clothes.

“Milady – I mean your Majesty, I should have noticed it earlier. I’m really sorry.” Eito said as he apologized to Rai.

“Hey – give your right arm. Let me see what I can do.” Kazuki cheerfully said as he suddenly seized Rai’s right arm and gently rolled her right sleeve onto her shoulder.

“Uh!? Hey, what the hell are you doing?” Eito exclaimed as he tried to pull Kazuki away from Rai.

“Within the abilities given to me, I command thee, Heal!” Kazuki said as he uses his ‘Water-Alementalian’ magic.

Using his strange magic, Kazuki was able to partially heal Rai’s right, burned arm and closed its physical wounds within a minute.

“A-Amazing! You have managed to heal Milady’s right arm.” Eito exclaimed as he examined Rai’s arm.

“Thank you very much, Kazuki.” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled back at Kazuki who blushed.

“M-My ‘Alementalian’ magic can only heal a limited number of your physical wounds so you will still need a physician to examine your right arm. A-And you are most welcome, your M-Majesty.” Kazuki nervously said as he stammered and crossed his arms.

“Ah, yes. Rumors back in ‘Wathyria’ once said that one of the blessed Twins possesses that strange healing ‘Alementalian’ magic. Just like that ‘Silhouette’ residing inside that Lake.” Hiiro said as he smirked back at Kazuki.

“Huh? What do you mean by that?” Kazuki said as he got curious and asked Hiiro.

“Anyway, your Majesty, I’m intrigued. None of us are born in royalty nor received a proper education on how to govern that wretched Kingdom.” Shouta said as he smirked back at Rai.

“So, the question is: how would a cursed daughter of a poor ‘Red Blacksmith’ govern and rebuild our fallen Kingdom again?” Hiiro said as he wondered and asked Rai.

“Oh, I see. Both of you are trying to intimidating me. If you are only basing your prejudice on my family back ground and gender, you are utterly mistaken, exiled ‘Imperial Prince’.” Rai seriously said as she gazed down onto Shouta and Hiiro.

“Hahaha! Interesting! Just a warning though, you left Maki and Miko back at the Kingdom. I’m sure that I will enjoy watching you suffer from that curse.” Shouta said as he went mad and started laughing out.

“Hm? My apologies, your new Majesty. I did not mean to hit a nerve thus I am only intrigued on how will you do it.” Hiiro calmly said as he smiled back at Rai.

“You will see. I will make sure that I am first ‘Imperial Rulers’ who will conquer the impossible. Just like in my written story in that hard bound journal.” Rai seriously said as she smiled back at Shouta and Hiiro.

“Conquer huh? You are really insane to think that you can even conquer death itself.” ‘Ryo’ seriously said as he gazed at Rai.

“Hm? Let’s see about that. Anyway, I think we have arrived at the ‘Rusty Gate’.” Rai said as the fog slowly dispels, revealing the ‘Rusty Gate’ itself.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for waiting. Here is the Prologue and enjoy reading. Still on Hiatus mode and will update next/this week. – CheChe-Chan.