‘The Witch and Her Fallen Kingdom’

Author's Note: Please, please don't even try to plagiarize, illegally copy this story (and its terminologies which are mentioned in the following/previous chapters) or even try to distribute a soft copy. If you do, may Karma find you. Thank you.

Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Ruler’: Rai and Eito finally arrived back to the ‘Central District’ where they met Sir Yuki’s group: Hikaru lost control to his emotions and suddenly slapped Rai in front of everyone. Rai got mad and immediately ordered Sir Yuki to bring Maki, Hikaru and Mayumi to the ‘Underground Prison’. She and Mr. Nile were then asked to solve three occurring problems around the ‘District’. After solving ‘Lyon’s robbery case, Rai, along with Mr. Nile, Ms. Julie, Miko and Lilia were all went back to the ‘Imperial Court Head Quarters’. Meanwhile, ‘Ryo’ and Kazuki went out to find Kenji’s ‘Silhouette’ around the ‘Lake of Va-al’. They, then, had a fight with ‘Chester’s group, insisting that they must retrieve this strange ‘Silhouette’ no matter what. Kenji’s ‘Silhouette’ found an opportunity to escape and then ran towards to Kazuki. ‘Ches’s group finally gave up, leaving ‘Flora’ panicking afterwards.

Back at the

‘Lake of Va-al’

Along the shoreline…

“Huh? Who is that?” Kazuki said as he wondered.

“Who are you talking to?” ‘Ryo’ said as he asked Kazuki.

“Uh? I’m pretty sure that I heard someone calling my name behind me. Anyway, hey, Uh? What are you looking at?” Kazuki said as he approached ‘Kenji’ Silhouette’ on the ground.

“It seems that ‘Silhouette’ got distracted by something or rather looking at ugly toad staring beside you.” ‘Ryo’ said as he tells to Kazuki.

‘Kenji’s Silhouette’s got curious to this toad and gently picked it up off the grassland. It, then, placed the toad inside his shadow hands and stood up from the ground.

“I see. Hey – ‘Kenji #2’, we should really get back to the Head Quarters before – What the hell are you doing?!” Kazuki exclaimed as he flinched in fear.

“She…wants…to…talk….with…you.” ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’ mumbled out as he suddenly shoved the toad onto Kazuki’s upper chest.

“Wait! A talking ‘Silhouette’?! ‘Flora’, did you heard that?” ‘Ches’ exclaimed as he approached ‘Flora’.

“Yes, I clearly heard that. ‘Silhouettes’ cannot actually talk like that. Something is not right in here.” ‘Flora’ softly said as she got intrigued and crossed her arms.

“Talk? Wait! You can talk?!” ‘Ryo’ exclaimed as he approached and asked ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’ who ignored him.

“No…Not me…this toad…our Mother!” ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’ angrily said as he shouted out and then shoved the toad onto Kazuki’s upper chest.

“Get that toad away from - Wait! ‘Silhouettes’ are literally mindless shadows and they absolutely cannot do that, can’t they?” Kazuki exclaimed as he gently pushed the toad away and asked ‘Ryo’.

“I do not know either. Hey! ‘Ches’, ‘Flora’, could you both come in here and explain this to us.” ‘Ryo’ said as he turned around and shouted back at ‘Ches’ & ‘Flora’.

“Damn it! I know. We heard him.” ‘Ches’ angrily said as he and ‘Flora’ approached Kazuki’s group.

“We are coming. My little firefly, my apologies but you can now go back to the ‘Plateau’.” ‘Flora’ softly said as she smiled back at her firefly.

“’Flora’, are you coming or not?” ‘Ches’ said as he shouted back at ‘Flora’.

“Alright! I’m coming. You do have to nag at me – Wait! Those voices – Those three idiots are back! ‘Niel’, you can handle them, right?” ‘Flora’ said as she started panicking and asked ‘Niel’ who flinched.

“What? Come on, of course not but – Ah! Fine. I will distract them. You go ahead and assist them.” ‘Niel’ said as he gave up and sighed in disbelief.

“Thank you, ‘Niel’! I’m coming, ‘Ches’!” ‘Flora’ cheerfully said as she flew away from ‘Niel’.

“Oh no…This is bad. Those three idiots are coming in three, two, and one! Wait. Did my senses deceived me?! They should have arrived and standing behind me right now. Where did those idiots go?” ‘Niel’ exclaimed as he turned around and wondered.

“Surprise! We are back, big brother ‘Niel’!” ‘Lyon’, ‘Sielo & Ceila’ cheerfully said as they surprising ‘Niel’ from his right side and tackled him down onto the ground.

“Ow-Ouch…my back hurts. A sneak attack huh? That is not fair!” ‘Lyon’ cheerfully said as he looked at his younger siblings.

“This was my idea! Amazing, isn’t?!” ‘Ceila’ boastfully said as she crossed her arms.

“No! This was clearly mine!” ‘Lyon’ said as he pouted back at ‘Ceila’.

“Big brother ‘Niel’, look! We finally found some food. You cannot believe what just happened to us today! Mr. Simoun praised us for being good children and then gave these stale breads for free! And then, ‘Lyon’ got into trouble again but thanks to Lady Janice and Her Majesty - …” ‘Sielo’ cheerfully said as he playfully shoved the woven basket onto ‘Niel’s face.

“’Lyon’, ‘Ceila’, please stop fighting! ‘Sielo’, I would love to hear your story but could all of you get off my chest first?” ‘Niel’ said as he started panicking and asked the three.

“’Lyon, please stop insisting this idea is yours!” ‘Ceila’ angrily said as she started crying.

“No! This was clearly mine! You were the one who stole it from me.” ‘Lyon’ angrily said as he pushed ‘Ceila’ away from him.

“I understand, big brother. Nobody actually wants to hear my stories anyway. I’m really sorry for bothering you!” ‘Sielo’ sadly said as he started wailing out beside ‘Niel’.

“Everyone, please stop crying! Ah! Damn it. Hey – somebody please help me!” ‘Niel’ said as he groaned and shouted back at Kazuki’s group.

“I guess they all need your help.” Kazuki cheerfully said as he looked at ‘Niel’s group.

“Damn it. We will continue this later. Hey! Mr. ‘Silhouette’, I hope that you know what you are doing.” ‘Ches’ seriously said as he glares back at ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’.

‘Kenji’s Silhouette’ flinched in fear as it immediately ran away and hid behind Kazuki.

“Oh, how adorable! I really wish that we can bring you back to the ‘Plateau’.” ‘Flora’ cheerfully said as she smiled back at ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’.

“’Flora’, stop it! You are making all of us uncomfortable. Anyway, I apologize for this mess, Lady Va-al.” ‘Ches’ said as he looked at the ugly toad sitting onto Kazuki’s head.

“Lady Va-al? What the hell?! Since when did you placed this guy onto my head?!” Kazuki exclaimed as he turned around and asked ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’.

‘Thank you for

Saving your little brother, my child.’

“Did you heard that?! This ugly toad just said something to me.” Kazuki exclaimed as he wondered.

“Hear what? The only thing that we can hear is ‘Niel’s cry.” ‘Ryo’ said as he sighed in disbelief.

“I see. That was probably my imagination.” Kazuki said as he looked at ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’.

“Speaking of siblings, this is bad news. ‘Sielo’ is approaching us and - Ahem! Welcome back, ‘Sielo’.” ‘Flora’ cheerfully said as she hugged ‘Sielo’.

“I’m back, big sister ‘Flora’! Oh, there you are, Lady Va-al.” ‘Sielo’ cheerfully said as he looked at Kazuki who flinched.

“But that is impossible! The legend of this lake is just one of the mystery stories our parents told us before going to sleep.” Kazuki said as he stepped away from ‘Sielo’.

“Good Sir, can I have that toad back?” ‘Sielo’ politely said as he asked Kazuki.

“Yes, of course! Please do take this toad out of my head.” Kazuki cheerfully said as he took the toad off his head and gave it back to ‘Sielo’.

“Thank you very much, Sir. Now, let me bring you back to the lake.” ‘Sielo’ cheerfully said as he carefully ran away from Kazuki’s group.

“Now, let’s go back to the Head Quarters. Rai is probably waiting for us at the – wait! The ground is quaking!” ‘Ryo’ exclaimed as he started panicking.

“Thank goodness, it finally stopped. I have never felt that strange earthquake before.” Kazuki said as he sighed in relief.

“Phew! That was close. Another earthquake occurrence huh? I do have a bad feeling about this.” ‘Flora’ said as she scratched his head.

“Wait! We forgot someone! Where the hell is ‘Mi’?” ‘Ches’ exclaimed as he wondered.

“’Mi’? Ah, yes. That little, tiny ‘Gold Eater’. I have not seen him wandering inside the ‘Main Island’ either.” ‘Ryo’ said as he tells to ‘Ches.’

“Hey – Kenji#2, can you please stop poking my left cheek? I said stop! What the hell do you want – Oh that? That is indeed a bad news.” Kazuki said as he and Kenji’s Silhouette turned around and looked at the ‘Imperial Academy’.

“Hey, what are you looking at? What?! Is that ‘Mi’?!” ‘Ches’ exclaimed as he also turned around and saw one gigantic ‘Gold Eater’ standing inside the ‘Academy’.

“Do not worry, stay in here with the others. I will stop him before he destroys that building, again.” ‘Ryo’ said as he magically took his ‘dragon wings’ out and then jumped up in the air.

“Wait! You have wings? And the most important thing is you can fly?!” Kazuki exclaimed as he shouted at ‘Ryo’.

“Yes! Now, I will go ahead. I will wait for you back at the Head Quarters.” ‘Ryo’ said as he shouted back at Kazuki and then started flying away.

“Hey – wait! How dare you abandon us down in here?!” Kazuki angrily said as he shouted back at ‘Ryo’.

“Hey – Mr. ‘Silhouette’, if this madness completely failed, I would gladly find and devour you after this.” ‘Ches’ seriously said as he glares back at Kenji’s ‘Silhouette’.

“I will let you do that.” Kazuki seriously said as he gently pushed Kenji’s Silhouette behind him.

“I’m curious. Why are you doing this? I mean, that ‘Silhouette’ is dead. Why would you want him back?” ‘Flora’ seriously said as she asked Kazuki who flinched.

“That is because…I want to prove my innocence to my Mother. I absolutely cannot murder my other half because of those stupid reasons she claims about me.” Kazuki said as he trembled in fear.

“Oh, is that so? Have you ever wondered who even collect these ‘Silhouettes ‘memories’ after they died?” ‘’Flora’ said as she smirked back at Kazuki.

“Now, you mentioned I think that is – Wait! ‘Flora’, will you please stop shoving your glittery, left wing onto my face?” ‘Ches’ angrily said as he gently pushed ‘Flora’ away from him.

“Anyway, that’s it. Let’s go, Kenji#2. Her Majesty is probably waiting for us back at the Head Quarters.” Kazuki cheerfully said as he and Kenji’s Silhouette both started running away from the lake.

“On the other hand, let’s go. I cannot no longer stand ‘Lyon’s wailing and ‘Niel’ needs our help.” ‘Flora’ said as she sighed in relief.

“I understand. I was just wondering why you stopped me from telling him that obvious fact.” ‘Ches’ said as he got intrigued and asked ‘Flora’ who flinched.

“Hm? I do not know either. Truth to be told, I can actually see a glimpse of their fragmented memories before they all passed away while my fireflies guide and guard those ‘Silhouettes’ inside the ‘Plateau’. Based on my observations, some of them died in an unexplainable, horrible way, some of them found peace and happiness after passing away and the others were full of regret dying so soon. Ow! My head… ‘Lyon’, can you stop crying? ” ‘Flora’ seriously said as she flew away and approached ‘Niel’s group.

‘Imperial Academy’

Inside the Front Gardens….

Ms. Iysa and ‘Mi’ are seen resting under the shade of a mysterious tree that sprang up inside Mr. Ryu’s grave.

“Why? Why would you do this to yourself, stupid Ryu?!” Ms. Iysa angrily said as she punching the tree’s truck beside her.

‘Hello, again

Ms. ‘Village Chief’.’

‘Mi’, in his doll form, said as he carefully approached Ms. Iysa.

“Not again? I told you to stay away from me! Why are you still in here?” Ms. Iysa angrily said as she shouted back at ‘Mi’.

‘You seem to be parched so

I - I mean WE went out to find some water

For you.’

‘Mi’ said as he was telepathically talking to Ms. Iysa.

“I-I see. Thank you but I do not need it. Please leave me alone.” Ms. Iysa said as she requested to ‘Mi’.

‘I understand.

Anyway, my condolence.

Your highness.’

‘Mi’ politely said as he slowly walked towards Ms. Iysa and gave her a soft pat onto her right back hand.

“Uh? That was just strange but thank you very much, your Highness.” Ms. Iysa said as she wondered and smiled back at ‘Mi’.

‘Amazing! This is indeed

The strangest looking tree that I have

Seen so far.’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he ran towards the tree and hugged it.

“Me too. Back in our ‘Village’, rumors once said that when an ‘Aethyrian’ has passed away, their corpse turns into their favorite tree just like this. But, this one was different from the others back home.” Ms. Iysa said as she gently wiped off her tears.

‘I see. This one has strange looking roots.

Its roots looks like my big brother ‘Ryo’

Huge ‘Dragons’ Claws.’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he examined the tree.

“Uh? Your Highness, I would like to apologize for what happened to your friend. I went mad and murdered him in front of everyone.” Ms. Iysa sadly said as she started groveling on the ground.

‘Hey – what are you doing?!

You do not have to grovel that.

Please raise your head up.’

‘Mi’ nervously said as he approached Ms. Iysa.

“I-I see. Then, why are you so kind to me?” Ms. Iysa nervously said as she asked ‘Mi’.

‘Truth to be told, we, ‘Earth Golems’

Do not possess any kind of emotions.

I did not felt anything until you started stomping on him.

I-I was not able to understand what is happening so

I went mad and started destroying the ‘Village’.

‘Mi’ said as he sat upright beside Ms. Iysa on the ground.

“Well, it is also my fault why the ‘Village’ destroyed like that. Honestly, I do not know how to face everyone after incident.” Ms. Iysa sadly said as he sighed in disappointment.

‘Anyway, my friend and your fiancé were already dead.

So, there is no point on crying over spilled milk.

Let’s bring this tree back home!’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he smiled back at Ms. Iysa who flinched.

“Uh? We are still in here, standing behind both of you.” Rai softly said as she carefully approached Ms. Iysa and ‘Mi’.

“That voice…Your Majesty!? Since when did you arrived in here?” Ms. Iysa exclaimed as she stood up from the ground and started panicking.

‘My apologies. I forgot to tell you

That Her Majesty and her group has arrived

And they are looking for you.’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he crossed his arms.

“You should have told me that earlier. I’m sorry for this mess, your Majesty.” Ms. Iysa nervously said as she apologized to Rai.

“No. Not at all. You were also grieving earlier so I have decided to give you so privacy and let ‘Mi’ talk to you.” Rai cheerfully said as she looked at ‘Mi’.

“Thank you very much, your Majesty. I guess it is you and me then, my child.” Ms. Iysa sadly said as she gently touched her stomach.

‘Child!?! Congratulations,

Ms. ‘Village Chief’!

I’m happy for you.’

‘Mi’ said as he squealed and hugged Ms. Iysa’s right foot.

“Pregnant?! Congratulations, Lady Iysa!” Rai exclaimed as she approached Ms. Iysa.

“Yes, I am. But sadly, my fiancé is not in here to hear that.” Ms. Iysa said as she sighed in disbelief.

“That is indeed a good news, Lady Iysa…Wait! Your Majesty, you can hear this ‘Gold Eater’s thought?!” Mr. Nile exclaimed as he wondered and asked Rai.

“Yes. Do you think that is strange?” Rai said as she wondered and crossed her arms.

“Yes! It is strange, your Majesty! Only ‘Aethyrians’ can hear their thoughts after all. How were you able to do that anyway?” Lilia exclaimed as she approached Rai and asked her.

“Uh? My bad. I do not know either.” Rai said as she smiled back at Lilia who flinched.

“Lady Julie is also in here! Uh? On my behalf of my ‘Village’, I’m really sorry on what happened to Sir Jiro. My condolences.” Ms. Iysa said as she hugged Ms. Julie who flinched.

“No – I mean… Thank you very much, Lady Iysa. Do not worry, Lady Aya and Sir Akito are doing their best to help our fellow villagers in overcoming this unexpected ordeal we are currently facing right now.” Ms. Julie said as she smiled back at Ms. Iysa.

“Anyway, everyone, look down there. I wonder what the hell that little guy is doing.” Miko said as he wondered and then glares back at ‘Mi’.

“Ah, yes! His highness is performing his little dance as he summons his other – What?! Everyone, take cover!” Ms. Iysa said as she started panicking and dragged Ms. Julie away.

“Take cover? Wait – the ground is quaking! What the heck is happening?” Mr. Nile said as he wondered.

“Everyone, let’s get inside the ‘Academy’! Hurry!” Miko said as he instructed the others.

‘This abnormal quaking usually happens when

I try to summon my friends. But, do not worry

Everything will be fine.’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he waved back at Rai’s group.

“Friends?! Y-You mean those two, gigantic ‘Gold Eaters’ standing behind you?” Ms. Iysa said as they saw two ‘Earth Golems’ slowly rose up from the ground and stood up behind ‘Mi’.

‘Yes! Oh, welcome to the ‘Main Island’, everyone.

Now, I, hereby command you to pull this tree off the ground

And carry it back to the ‘Village’. ’

‘Mi’ seriously said as he ordered to his golems.

The first golem slowly nodded as it gently pulled the entire Front Garden out of the ground. It, then, gave this mysterious tree to the second golem who gently carried onto its gigantic hand and then started walking away from the ‘Academy’.

“Hey – Your highness?! What are you doing? Where are you taking that tree?” Ms. Iysa nervously said as she approached and asked ‘Mi’.

‘Do not worry!

That tree will be back at the ‘Village’

In no time.’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he smiled back at Ms. Iysa.

“So, this is what you meant earlier? Unbelievable! Now, what should I do?” Ms. Iysa nervously said as she panicked and wondered.

“Damn it! Where the hell is that brat? ‘Mi’, where are you? ‘Mi’!” ‘Ryo’ said as he finally arrived and flew passed by the two golems.

“That voice…It’s ‘Ryu’! ‘Ryu’, we are down in here! ‘Ryu’!” Rai cheerfully said as she noticed and shouted back at ‘Ryu’.

‘Big brother ‘Ryu’

I’m here! Down here.

I said OVER HERE!’

‘Mi’ angrily said as he looked up and shouted back at ‘Ryu’.

“I know! I know. So, can you please stop shouting, ‘Mi’?!” ‘Ryu’ angrily said as he slowly descend on the ground beside Rai and ‘Mi’.

“Um? Your Majesty, may I ask you a question?” Ms. Julie nervously said as she approached Rai.

“Yes, Lady Julie. What is it?” Rai said as she wondered.

“Who is this strange guy? Is he one of your acquaintances?” Ms. Julie said as she got intrigued and asked Rai.

“Ah, yes. Everyone, I would like you to meet Mr. ‘Ryu’, the ‘Beast of Time: Cog Dragon’. Mr. ‘Ryu’, this is Lady Julie of ‘Wathyria’. Standing beside her are Lady Lilia, Sir Miko, And Mr. Nile of ‘Iytheria’ meanwhile the woman sobbing behind them is Lady Iysa, the ‘Village Chief’ of ‘Aethyria.’” Rai cheerfully said as she introduced her group to ‘Ryu’.

“Please call me ‘Ryu’ instead. It is my honor to meet you, your highnesses.” ‘Ryu’ politely said as he kneeled down on the ground.

“The ‘Cog Dragon’ huh? Wait! A-Are you certain about that, your Majesty?” Ms. Julie exclaimed as she asked Rai.

“Yes. Now, may I have a word with you, ‘Ryu’? Privately.” Rai said as she asked ‘Ryu’ and then looked at Mr. Nile.

“I understand, your highness. We will be waiting over there.” Mr. Nile said as he walked away followed by Ms. Julie’s group.

“That’s impossible! This guy is also that ferocious dragon who managed to destroy the entire North Building.” Lilia softly said as she nudged Miko’s left arm.

“Lilia, please be quiet. I cannot believe it either. Let’s just listen to their conversation for the meantime.” Miko softly said as he glares back at Lilia.

“Rumors once said that ‘Cog Dragons’ are the most fearful ‘Beast’ amongst his other six siblings and the mere fact he is also one of her Majesty’s acquaintances proved that the rumors were true. This is bad.” Ms. Julie softly said as he looked at Lilia and Miko.

‘Welcome back, Big brother!

What are you doing in here?’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he looked up and asked ‘Ryu’.

“I came in here to stop those golems. Why the hell did you summoned them in here?” ‘Ryu’ angrily said as he gently picked ‘Mi’ up on the ground.

‘I only summoned them

For a good reason.

Why are you so angry at me –

Your Majesty, is there something wrong?’

‘Mi’ said as he and ‘Ryu’ looked at Rai and wondered.

“Ah! This is so frustrating! As much as I despise to say this but former Prince Shouta, his advisor Sir Hiiro and Eito were right after all. How the heck am I going to rebuild this Kingdom?! According to Mr. Nile’s reports, the Head Quarters is completely destroyed after that ordeal with those ‘Beasts’ and the ‘Four Villages’ were also in dire need of my help after that ‘Civil War’ ended in a horrible way. Oh! Let’s do not forget that literally everything inside the ‘Main Island’ are also in ruins. What I am going to do?” Rai said as she groaned and suddenly blurted out to ‘Ryu’ and ‘Mi’.

“Hey – You are the ‘Golem King’, right? Can you at least give this distressed lady some advice on how to become a good leader or something?” ‘Ryu’ said as he looked and asked ‘Mi’.

‘I see. Her Majesty needs my help.

Aha! I know what to do.

Throw me directly at her forehead.’

‘Mi’ said as he instructed to ‘Ryo’ who immediately nodded.

‘Ryu’ did actually and literally threw ‘Mi’ directly onto Rai’s forehead. Rai snapped out and caught ‘Mi’ before he fell back down on the ground.

“What was that for?! And why on my forehead?” Rai angrily said as she asked ‘Ryu’ and ‘Mi’.

“Why are you getting angry at me? ‘Mi’ was the one who asked me to do that.” ‘Ryu’ said as he got pissed off and crossed his arms.

‘You are this Kingdom’s new ‘Imperial Ruler’.

And clearly, its people will start relying on you.

So, first, please try to calm down and ask yourself this:

How will I lead and assist them?’

‘Mi’ seriously said as he started lecturing Rai who flinched.

“I understand. I heard you loud and clear, ‘Golem King’. I will try to ponder that advice later.” Rai said as she sighed in relief.

“Good! Now, let’s go to the Head Quarters. Those guys were probably back at their right now. Uh? Your Majesty, can I have my little brother back?” ‘Ryu’ said as he asked Rai who ignored him back.

“You have not answered my second question yet, little ‘Golem King’.” Rai said as he got pissed off and stares back at ‘Mi’.

‘Ah, yes! I only got intrigued with your forehead.

So, to get your attention,

I asked my big brother ‘Ryu’ to throw me at it

Instead onto your flat chest.’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he smiled back at Rai who flinched.

“‘Flat’ huh? I-I understand, your highness. Hey ‘Ryu’, I would love to issue and see a public execution right now.” Rai said as she got pissed off and then shoved ‘Mi’ back at ‘Ryu’s face.

‘Huh!? Why? You are planning to

Execute me for telling the truth?

That’s just unfair!’

‘Mi’ angrily said as he protested back at Rai.

“’Mi’, stop it! H-He was just joking, your Majesty. P-Please do not mind him.” ‘Ryu’ nervously said as he flinched in fear.

‘You cannot catch me.

See you later, Big brother.’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he jumped off ‘Ryo’s right hand and landed on the ground.

He, then, escaped through the green bushes as he started running away from ‘Ryo’ and Rai.

“Your Majesty, my apologies for interrupting your conversation but this messenger standing behind me has arrived few minutes ago. He said that Sir Eito and Sir Kazuki are both waiting for us back in the Head Quarters right now.” Mr. Nile said as he approached and reported to Rai.

“I understand. Everyone, I would like to apologize for the delay. We are now going to back to the Head Quarters. Mr. Nile, please lead us the way.” Rai said as she ordered to Mr. Nile.

“As you wish, your Majesty. Everyone, even you Lady Iysa, please follow us. The Head Quarters is just situated few meters behind the ‘Academy’. So, we are almost there.” Mr. Nile said as he and the messenger ‘Imperial Soldier’ started walking away.

“I see. I am being summoned as well. That sucks.” Ms. Iysa said as she sighed in disbelief.

‘Imperial Court Head Quarters’

Throne Room…

Eito and Kazuki, along with ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’ are seen waiting for Rai’s group inside the Throne Room.

“Hey – stupid ‘Upper Knight’! Look at the big hole bore onto that part of this wall.” Kazuki exclaimed as he noticed the hole and called out Eito.

“My name is Eito, Sir Kazuki. I know. I was also wandering what the hell happened in here. Everything inside in here excluding that sole, wooden throne got incinerated after Milady fought off Prince Shouta.” Eito sadly said as he continues wandering around the room.

“Huh?! That woman had an encounter with his Highness?! She is really mad after all.” Kazuki said as he laughed out.

“Shut up! And please address her Majesty properly.” Eito said as he got annoyed and shouted back at Kazuki.

“Woman…who?” ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’ said as it wondered and asked Kazuki.

“Ah, yes. That woman – I mean her Majesty was the one who promised to assist me in revive you back in life or so that what she said to me.” Kazuki cheerfully said as he tells to this ‘Silhouette’.

“So, that is why this ‘Silhouette’ is here with you. Huh? Revive? Wait - What?! But that’s just a taboo.” Eito exclaimed as he wondered and approached Kazuki.

“Taboo huh? I see. I do not know what she is thinking either but I would love to witness another miraculous event soon.” Kazuki cheerfully said as he smiled back at Eito who flinched.

“Are you mad? Retrieving this ‘Silhouette’ from the ‘Plateau’ is just – Huh?! Mr. Nile, welcome back.” Eito said as he approached Mr. Nile.

“Ahem! Announcing the arrival of our new ‘Imperial Ruler’, Lady Rai! She is also followed by Lady Iysa of ‘Aethyria’, Lady Julie of ‘Wathyria’, Lady Lilia & Sir Miko of ‘Iytheria’ and Sir 'Ryo’. I, the current ‘Court Marshall’, Mr. Nile, Welcome all of you inside the Throne Room.” Mr. Nile cheerfully said as he opened the doors for Rai and the others.

“Welcome back, your Majesty!” Eito and Kazuki said as they both kneeled down on the floor.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Nile. Now, let’s see. Aha! I finally found my throne.” Rai cheerfully said as she walked away and approached her throne.

“Your Majesty, that throne has not repaired yet. Please do refrain from sitting onto it.” Eito nervously said as he approached Rai.

Rai ignored Eito’s warning and then carefully sat down onto her wooden throne.

“Uh? She did exactly the opposite of what you said.” Kazuki said as he teased Eito who flinched.

“Oh! This is so comfortable. Although, I wish I had a soft cushion behind me to support my back.” Rai cheerfully said as she looked at her guests.

“Now, let’s start this afternoon meeting. Her Majesty’s official ‘Coronation Day’ will begin three days from now and according to our traditions, all of the current ‘Village Representatives’ and their guests are hereby requested to attend this glorious day.” Mr. Nile said as he tells to everyone.

“Wait! All of us? But, our fellow ‘Villagers’ still need our help in rebuilding our fallen ‘Villages’. Your Majesty, I simply cannot just abandoned them!” Ms. Iysa exclaimed as she protested to Rai.

“Our ‘Villages’ and the Head Quarters will probably take months to rebuild again so I highly suggest that we should start as early as tomorrow and postpone the ‘Coronation Event’.” Lilia said as she stares back at Rai.

“Big sister – I mean Lady Lilia, what kind of rude suggestion is that?” Eito angrily said as he approached Lilia.

“Sir Eito, please calm down. I clearly understand Lady Lilia’s point.” Rai said as she looked at Eito who flinched.

“Then, what are you going to do, your Majesty?” Kazuki said as he wondered and asked Rai.

“Everyone, please listen to me. I, hereby, commanding all of you to return back on your respective ‘Villages’ and continue assisting your fellow villages in rebuilding your homelands…” Rai said as she made and announced her decision in front of her guest.

“Thank goodness. She heed my suggestion – What?” Lilia softly said as she asked Miko.

“I think her Majesty is not done yet. Look.” Miko softly said as he smiled at Lilia.

“Meanwhile, as a royal courtesy to your fellow villagers, Sir Akito… I, accompanied by Sir Ryo and Sir Kazuki, will all head back and personally visit Sir Jiro’s grave back in ‘Wathyria’.” Rai said as she continues her speech.

“Sir Akito is not – Sir Akito?! Ahem! Announcing the arrival of Sir Akito and Sir Charlie of ‘Wathyria’. They were followed by Lady Annie of ‘Iytheria’ along with Mr. George and Ms. Georgina of ‘Aethyria’.” Mr. Nile said as he introduced Mr. Akito’s group to Rai.

“Sir? Mr. Charlie would be fine, Sir Nile.” Mr. Charlie nervously said as he approached Mr. Nile.

“We are back, your Majesty! And I’m sure Lady Aya, Lady Antonia and Sir Anderson would like that idea of yours, Milady.” Mr. Akito said as he approached Rai and kissed her right hand.

“Wait – Huh? Lady Antonia is back?” Ms. Julie exclaimed as she approached and asked Mr. Akito.

“Your highness! P-Please stop doing that.” Eito nervously said as he got flustered and pulled Mr. Akito away from Rai.

“Then, that settles it. I just hope that we arrive back at the ‘Main Island’ before my ‘Coronation Event’ starts.” Rai sadly said as she crossed her arms.

“Then, I shall let you use my aerostat. Milady, mine is currently parked inside the ‘Central Airport’ and use can you it going to ‘Wathyria’ and be back at the ‘Main Island’ tomorrow morning.” Eito cheerfully said as he suggested to Rai.

“I see. Then, I, hereby, assigning Mr. Nile along with Sir Yuki and Mr. Carlo to be in-charge; You, Mr. Nile will continue assisting the other ‘Soldiers’ in rebuilding the front ‘Guarding Walls’ while Sir Yuki and Mr. Carlo will help the other villagers in rebuilding the ‘Central District’. Would that be alright to you, Mr. Nile?” Rai said as she asked Mr. Nile who immediately nodded.

“Uh? Speaking of Sir Yuki, your highness, before you leave, can you at least ask him to release my little sister out of the ‘Underground Prison’? In my defense, my little sister is absolutely not an accomplice of that moron who suddenly slapped you inside the ‘Central District’ earlier today.” Miko seriously said as he tells to Rai.

“Ah, yes. Those by-standers probably mentioned to you what happened earlier. Anyway, I will gladly heed your request, Sir Miko. Mr. Messenger, you know what to do.” Rai said as he commanded to the messenger who immediately ran out of the throne room.

“Is there anything else you would like to add, your highnesses?” Mr. Nile said as he asked Ms. Iysa and the others.

“Ah, yes! I do have one. I’m sorry I forgot to add this earlier but I am gladly inviting everyone to attend my ‘Coronation Day’. And I meant every one that also includes all of you.” Rai said as she smiles, teasing her guests.

“Noted, your Majesty. Then, I guess there is nothing else so this meeting is now adjourned.” Mr. Nile said as the others dispersed away from the throne.

“Finally! Now, I can now go back to my room and rest – Wait! Miko, why are giving this child to me?!” Lilia exclaimed as she started panicking.

“Yes! My arms are getting tired after all. I will be right back so for the meantime, can you please take care of him while I am gone?” Miko said as he asked Lilia who got flustered.

“Your highness, please wait. I have to tell you something.” Mr. George nervously said as he seized Miko’s right arm.

“Is there something wrong, Mr. George?” Miko said as he and Lilia got curious and asked Mr. George.

“Your highnesses, your parents are hereby summoning all of you to the ‘Central Airport’.” Mr. George seriously said as he tells to Miko and Lilia.

“Damn it. Now, we are being summoned? Great. Just great.” Lilia softly said as she cursed out.

“I understand. Please wait for me and Mayumi outside the Head Quarters.” Miko softly said as he instructed to Mr. George.

“I shall accompany you, your highness – Is there something wrong, Ms. Georgina?” Ms. Julie said as she asked Ms. Georgina. “Ah! My apologies for the intrusion but can I come with you, your highness? I was also asked by my mistress to visit Master Hikaru in the ‘Underground Prison’. ” Ms. Georgina said as she approached Ms. Julie and Miko.

“Of course, you can Ms. Georgina. Now, both of you, please follow me.” Ms. Julie said as she started walking out of the throne room, followed by Miko and Ms. Georgina.

“Aw! Your son is so adorable, Lady Lilia. He really looks like just his father.” Mr. Akito said as he approached and teased Lilia.

“What?! We are not even related to each other. Anyway, Mr. George, please stop staring at Lady Annie. You are making her uncomfortable.” Lilia said as she flicked Mr. George’s forehead.

“I-I’m so sorry, Lady Annie! I did not mean to. I-I was also asked to inform you that you are also being summoned to the ‘Central Airport’.” Mr. George nervously said as he tells to Ms. Annie.

“Uh? Me too. I wonder why.” Ms. Annie said as she crossed her arms.

“This is bad. I’m feeling so nauseous… Hey Akito, can you please bring me to the main infirmary room?” Lady Iysa said as she approached and asked Mr. Akito.

“Why? What the hell?! Are you alright, Lady Iysa?” Mr. Akito nervously said as he carefully carried Ms. Iysa onto his back.

“That smell coming from this burnt room almost made me retched. I guess that is normal for pregnant woman like me.” Ms. Iysa said as she looked at Mr. Akito who blushed.

“You are what?! Lady Iysa? Hang in there, Lady Iysa! I will immediately bring you to the infirmary room. See you later, Lilia and little Miko.” Mr. Akito said as he teased Lilia and ran out of the throne room.

“Damn it. Hey – Eito! We are being summoned.” Lilia said as she got annoyed and shouted back at Eito who flinched.

“I-I see. Milady, my apologies but I will go head and prepare that aerostat for your team.” Eito sadly said as he tells to Rai.

“I understand. I will just have Sir ‘Ryo’ to prepare and pack my things and leave the Head Quarters after an hour.” Rai said as she smiled back at Eito.

Eito giggled as he started walking away and followed Lilia, Mr. George and Ms. Annie out of the throne room.

“What?! Why does it has to me? Do you have other attendants to do that stuff for you?” ‘Ryo’ angrily said as he protested to Rai.

“Then, I shall do it for you, Lady Rai.” Mr. Nile said as he smiled back at Rai and then went out of the throne room.

“They all finally left the room. Now, explain to me what that taboo was about.” Kazuki seriously said as he crossed his arms and stared back at Rai.

“Allow me to explain, moron. Rumors around this Kingdom once said that someone can falsely summon and retrieve a ‘Silhouette’ out of the ‘Plateau’ and successfully transfer it back to its physical body by using a forbidden ‘Nullifying Enchantment’. But, sadly no one and even ‘Chester’ was not able to conjure that powerful ‘Enchantment’ needed in that ritual.” ‘Ryo’ said as he tells to Rai and Kazuki.

“Powerful ‘Enchantment’ huh? Do not worry, Sir Kazuki. I guess I have to re-modify mine later.” Rai said as she sighed in disbelief.

“I understand. Listen to me, your Majesty. If, somehow, this insane plan of yours failed to work, I will personally assassinate you.” Kazuki seriously said as he smirked back at Rai.

“Is that so? Then, I can consider that as a threat to her Majesty and kill you right here, right now.” ‘Ryo’ angrily said as he approached Kazuki who flinched.

“Alright! Gentlemen and Mr. ‘Cog Dragon’, that’s enough. We are leaving tonight remember?” Rai said as she clapped her hands and looked at Kazuki and ‘Ryo’.

“Damn it. Hey – Uh? Kenji#2, where are you going?” Kazuki exclaimed as ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’ ran towards Rai.

“Uh? Good evening, Mr. ‘Silhouette’. How can I help you?” Rai cheerfully said as she asked ‘Kenji’s Silhouette’ who curiously stares back at her.

That night

‘Underground Prison’

West Hallway…

Ms. Julie’s group finally arrived inside the West Hallway, searching for Hikaru and Mayumi’s cell room.

“Welcome back, Sir Miko.” Sir Yuki said as he and Mr. Carlo noticed Miko and his group.

“Yuki! Where is my little sister?!” Miko angrily said as he approached Sir Yuki.

“Mr. Carlo and I received her Majesty’s release order through her messenger currently standing behind us. Do not worry, we only detained them inside this cell room and then – Ah! Not again.” Sir Yuki said as he groaned.

“Hey – Sir Maki! I need you to stay still or else…” Mr. Sean angrily said as he shouted inside the cell room.

“I recognized that voice…everyone, over here!” Miko exclaimed as his group approached the cell room beside them.

Miko, then, kicked the metal door inwards and saw Mr. Sean and Emi trying to calm down Maki on the floor.

Inside the cell room…

“Mayumi, are you in here? Mayumi!” Miko exclaimed as he saw Mayumi and Hikaru waiting on the left corner of the room.

“Big brother?! Thank you for bailing me out of this prison.” Mayumi cheerfully said as she ran towards Miko and hugged him.

“Sir Physician, what the hell is happening in here?” Miko said as he wondered and asked Mr. Sean.

“Your highness! You see…while my little brother and I were searching for you back at the ‘Central District’ when we stumbled upon Lady Emi who were also looking for us along the streets…” Mr. Sean said as he explained to Miko.

“I was searching for my big brother inside the ‘District’ when I saw Sir Yuki and Mr. Carlo dragging Hikaru, Mayumi and this guy back in here. He, then, ordered me to find you myself.” Eito nervously said as she also explained to Miko and Mr. Sean.

“But instead, I was the only who came in here because Mr. Ciyan immediately left the streets after a woman named Ms. Phoebe found and told us that he is also being summoned to the ‘Central Airport’.” Maki said as he sat upright on the floor.

“Woah! That is just disgusting. I see why Sir Yuki immediately summon you, Mr. Physician.” Miko exclaimed as he slowly stepped away from Maki.

“S-Shut up, Miko! My face literally went red and puffed up after getting pricked by those poisoned ivies. I cannot stop scratching it either.” Maki angrily said as he sighed in disappointment.

“Big brother, please stop doing that or else your allergies will get worst! Mr. Physician, if you please.” Emi nervously said as she looked at Mr. Sean.

“I understand! Now, grab his arms and carefully tied it onto his back using this handkerchief while I prepare and transfer this healing serum onto this medium-sized syringe.” Mr. Sean said as he instructed to Emi who nodded back at him.

“This is so excruciating to watch. Here, I will lead you a hand. Maki, do not move.” Miko cheerfully said as he kneeled down on the floor and seized Maki’s legs.

“Miko?! Damn you. You are enjoying this, aren’t you?” Maki angrily said as he shouted back at Miko who simply smiled back at him.

“Ah! Just inject that healing serum already!” Hikaru softly said as he groaned out while lying down on the floor.

“Hey, let’s go. We are getting out of this cell room.” Mayumi cheerfully said as she sat upright on the floor, beside Hikaru.

“Everything that happened between Rai and I felt so real.” Hikaru said as he draped his arms onto his head.

“Oh? I see. You eventually fell in love with her after you maliciously saved her from that arson inside the back garden, six months ago.” Mayumi seriously said as she looked at Hikaru.

“What – Wait?! How did you knew that?” Hikaru exclaimed as he wondered and asked Mayumi.

“Uh? W-Well, K-Kenji and I were both taking a leisurely stroll inside that same garden where that arson happened.” Mayumi nervously said as she got flustered and pouted back Hikaru.

“Oh? So, you were cheating behind your ex-fiancé before?” Hikaru said as he got pissed off and crossed his arms.

“Cheating?! Such false accusations coming from you. Our parents just decided to propose that arrange marriage without our consent. I got mad to my Father and immediately left that room as I refused to sign those papers, remember? So, technically, we were not officially engaged since last year.” Mayumi angrily said as she protested to Hikaru.

“Yes, I remember. Thank goodness that I have already broke up with you before knowing this.” Hikaru said as he stood up from the floor and stretched out his arms.

“Hey – you two. This stubborn guy is indeed strong so would you mind letting us a hand?” Miko said as he looked and asked Hikaru and Mayumi.

Thank you very much for waiting. Sorry for the late update. Anyway, Here is Chapter III and enjoy reading. Will try to update this/next week so stay tuned. – Cheche – chan.