‘Grand Coronation Day’

Author's Note: Please don't even try to plagiarize, illegally copy this story (and its terminologies which are mentioned in the following/previous chapters) or even try to distribute a soft copy. Do not test me. Thank you.

Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Ruler’: The ‘Beasts of Light and Shadow’ respectively called ‘Flora’ and ‘Ches’ apprehended Mr. Geno’s group of ‘Silhouettes’ and brought them back to the ‘Abyssal Plateau’; the group overheard their discussion about Kenji’s miraculous ‘revival’ but the ‘Beasts’ insisted not to tell them what is the truth. Back in ‘Wathyria’, Rai and ‘Ryo’s insane and surprising plan worked, ‘reviving’ Kenji back to life. The next day, Rai and ‘Ryo’ has managed to get back to the ‘Lake of Va-al’, where ‘Lady Va-al’ invited Rai for an afternoon tea party; during their afternoon, ‘Lady Va-al’ mentioned some hints about the Hamasaki Twins true identities and something about her murder case; Rai got intrigued and promised that she will help her re-investigate the case afterwards. Their tea party were eventually interrupted by ‘Ceila’, who rose above the lake to welcome back ‘Ryo’.

In ‘Earth’

‘Town Of Ryushizaki’

That afternoon

Outside the ‘Fruits’ Shop…

Mr. Sir, and his wife, Mrs. Lady are both seen doing their remaining tasks outside their Shop for that afternoon.

“Darling! I’m done transferring those display crates you have asked me to put back inside the Shop. Would you like to me to help you clean in here – Uh? What are you looking at?” Mr. Sir softly said as he approached and asked his wife.

“Hey – those two are acting so weird after they came back from their magical paradise. Naoki and Aoi seems to be both fine as they continue assist our customers this morning but something is off. I wonder what happened.” Mrs. Lady softly said as she got curious and then crossed her arms.

“I have also noticed the same thing. I asked about that to Shouta earlier but he just sighed and politely told me not to worry for them.” Mr. Sir softly said as he scratched his head.

“Hm? Shouta? That child is acting so weird as well. We have to do something about this.” Mrs. Lady cheerfully said as she playfully shoved the broom stick onto her husband’s face.

“Darling, I also thought that but I suggest we should just let Naoki and Aoi solve their problems on their own. I’m sure that they will resolve that – whatever that problem is in no time.” Mr. Sai softly said as he tried to stop her wife.

“No. Please do try to help them, Uncle and Auntie.” Shouta sadly said as he approached the couple.

“Oh? Thank you for your hardworking, Shouta. And what do you mean by that?” Mrs. Lady said as she wondered and asked Shouta who flinched.

“Ah, yes. Just like what Naoki said to me yesterday, he was stupid enough to help me on that desperate plan of saving my Father’s Kingdom instead of prioritizing the safety of his only family. It is my fault why big sister Aoi had that miscarriage, for the second time.” Shouta said as he gently grabbed the broom stick away from Mr. Sir.

“Miscarriage huh? I see. Darling, please do assist Shouta in clean this sidewalk while I am talking to Naoki and Aoi.” Mrs. Lady cheerfully said as she started walking away from Shouta and her husband.

“I see…Wait! Talk?! Are you insane, Auntie? Please get back in here – Uh? Is there something wrong?” Shouta said as he wondered and asked Mr. Sir.

“Do not worry, no matter how brute or hostile Naoki is, based on what you have told to us, two years ago, I’m sure your Auntie will be just fine so let’s start cleaning in here.” Mr. Sir cheerfully said as he smiled back at Shouta.

“A-Are you certain of that? I mean I have witnessed and experienced how strong Naoki is and – I’m just worried for her.” Shouta said as he sighed in disbelief.

“Aw! That is so adorable but I already told you not to. So – Whoa! Is that a – could you pick up and give me that dried raisin on the ground, behind you?” Mr. Sir said as he asked Shouta.

“Oh? Uncle, this is not a raisin but a purple grape. Anyway, they are just same so here. What are you going to do with that?” Shouta said as he wondered.

“You probably fell and rolled out from one of our customers’ shopping baskets. Do not worry, little guy, daddy is with you so please do not cry.” Mr. Sir said as he gently tickled the grape.

“This Human couple is indeed weird…but weird in a good way. Anyway, let’s start cleaning – Eh? Did Naoki just shouted back at Auntie?!” Shouta exclaimed as he turned around and wondered.

“Huh?! That guy! Damn it! I already told him not to tell anyone what happened.” Naoki angrily said as he shouted back at Mrs. Lady.

“I do thank him for telling us the truth. Anyway, have you ever wondered what Aoi felt after knowing that she had a miscarriage?” Mrs. Lady seriously said as she began confronting Naoki who flinched.

“Huh!? I do not care about that old woman! I am still frustrated about what happened to her so…stop nagging at me!” Naoki angrily said as he seized Mrs. Lady’s shoulders and shouted back at her.

“N-Naoki! P-Please stop! You are being disrespectful. I’m really sorry about this, Auntie.” Aoi nervously said as she tried to stop Naoki.

“I’m sure she is also frustrated on what happened. I was just wondering why you, of all people, never noticed that.” Mrs. Lady calmly said as she gently pushed Naoki away from her.

“I did noticed that! It is just that – I was disappointed, regretful and confused all at the same time and I do not know how to react on this case.” Naoki sadly said as he went mad and gazed up on the afternoon sky.

“Oh, is that so? I have noticed something else. You did not felt all those emotions but intentionally chose to be ignorant and stopped talking to Aoi. You became so coward that you ran away from this problem, hoping that unbearable pain of yours will just instantly vanish soon.” Mrs. Lady seriously said as she smirked back at Naoki.

“Me? Coward? An ignorant person?! I have done everything to protect her. Everything! How dare you call me that, damn woman?!” Naoki angrily said as he clenched his right fist.

Naoki was about to punch Mrs. Lady on her face when suddenly a mysterious, flying grape fruit appeared out of nowhere and directly hit onto his left cheek; Mrs. Lady started laughing as she witness how Naoki fell down on the ground, crumbling in pain.

“Naoki! Naoki, what happened to you? Where did that grape came from?” Aoi exclaimed as she kneeled on the ground beside Naoki and wondered.

“Nice save, Dear! I love you!” Mrs. Lady cheerfully said as she waved back at her husband.

“Thank you, Darling! And for everyone’s information, I’m 100% sure that thing is not a purple grape. It is a – Huh?! Shouta? Shouta, where are you going?” Mr. Sir exclaimed and wondered after Shouta shoved the broom stick back to him.

“My goodness! That thing was horribly disgusting! Now, I will not hesitate to leave you in here and wash my hands, thrice, after this.” Shouta angrily said as he stomped away and went back inside the Shop.

“What the heck is this? A dried raisin?!” Aoi exclaimed as she took out the raisin and examined it.

“Master, did you just used that thing as a bullet and then simply fired at my left cheek?!” Naoki angrily said as he wondered and asked Mr. Sir.

“Yes, you are right, Mister! It is been a while since I went out for hunting so thank you very much for that wonderful training experience.” Mr. Sir cheerfully said as he shouted back at Naoki who flinched.

“Naoki, please calm down. You do not have to be so mad at him since – Huh!? Y-Your highness!? W-Welcome back!” Aoi exclaimed as she looked up and saw Mr. Paul, followed by Dr. Markus and his group of ‘Seekers’.

“Oh my! Mr. Paul, this is the second time that you have to apprehend and brought Dr. Markus and my stubborn children back in here. I’m really sorry about this.” Mr. Sir nervously said as he approached and apologized to Mr. Paul.

“No. Not at all, Sir. It is a policeman’s duty to immediately apprehend or rather drag these illegal trespassers, again, emphasis on the word ‘again’, out of Ms. Castellia’s land properties!” Mr. Paul angrily said as he turned around and shouted back at Dr. Markus.

“Fine. I understand that you are completely upset about this but you should have let Hiiro sneak inside her house and personally met her.” Dr. Markus calmly said as he sighed in disbelief.

“Sneaking inside someone’s property without their permissions is what we, Humans, call trespassing. Now, I must bring you, along with Hiiro, Naomi, Reika and Keisuke – all of you back and detain you to our police station, again!” Mr. Paul angrily said as he shouted back at Dr. Markus.

“Do not worry, I’m sure Uncle and Auntie will bail us out, again, so please let these silver handcuffs loose out of our hands.” Naomi cheerfully said as she smiled back at Mr. Paul who flinched.

“Uh! A-About that, everyone, I’m sorry but we cannot vouch for you this time. Penalty tickets are so expensive to pay and we did not reached our quota for today so I’m really sorry.” Mrs. Lady nervously said as she apologized to Naomi and the others.

“Then… I shall voluntarily pay mine and each of my team member’s penalties. Hiiro, could you please get my one of my ten check books inside my satchel?” Dr. Markus seriously said as he commanded to Hiiro.

“As you wish, your highness. Let me just – Aha! There! I finally got my hands loose out of those handcuffs.” Hiiro cheerfully said as he dropped the handcuffs on the ground.

“Wait! Huh!? Hiiro, how the hell did you get out of those modern handcuffs?!” Mr. Paul exclaimed as he wondered.

“Huh?! For all of us? Jackpot! Thank you, your highness.” Keisuke cheerfully said as he sighed in relief.

“Oh? Thank goodness! His highness is actually paying for all of us. I still have to keep my savings.” Reika cheerfully said as she smiled back at Keisuke.

“Savings? Keisuke, listen to me, she means those money she simply suck out of her gullible victims’ bank accounts.” Naomi said as she explained to Keisuke.

“Thank you. Now, that official and legitimate check book is already signed one by one so just please carefully peel out the exact amount that Mr. Paul needs.” Dr. Markus said as he instructed to Hiiro.

“I understand, your highness. Now, one, two, three, four and five tickets. Mr. Paul, I hope that these five money tickets are sufficient enough to pay our penalties and bail all of us out of prison, again.” Hiiro cheerfully said as he gave the tickets to Mr. Paul who flinched.

“You – where did the freaking hell did you got this huge sum of money?!” Mr. Paul exclaimed as he got shocked and asked Dr. Markus.

“Uh? Actually, the amount of penalties you have been imposing on this town is not even the slightest of quarter of what I have stored inside my ‘Treasure Room’, also hidden in the ‘Heroes’ Club’ Room back in the Head Quarters.” Dr. Markus confidentially said as he finally managed to unbind himself.

“Oh! I see. I know now who will be my next target after we got back in the Kingdom.” Reika proudly said as she crossed her arms.

“Damn it! Now, what am I supposed to do with these?” Mr. Paul said as he cursed out and wondered.

“Hm? Mr. Paul, I was wondering what was inside that medium-sized, paper bag you have been carrying all of this time?” Naoki said as he sat upright on the ground and asked Mr. Paul.

“Ah, yes! I almost forgot this. Auntie, I finally managed to buy this pair of rubber shoes you have mentioned to me before.” Mr. Paul cheerfully said as he approached and gave the bag to Auntie.

“Ah! Y-You should have not brought these for me. But? Thank you very much anyway.” The overjoyed Auntie said as she took the bag.

“Rubber shoes? I’m sure she will love it. Now, I wonder how we are going to deliver that package to her – Uh?” Mr. Sir cheerfully said as he wondered.

“Ow-ouch…my left cheek damn hurts.” Naoki exclaimed as he crumbled in pain.

“Naoki, hang in there! Your highness, please help him.” Aoi said as she pleaded to Dr. Markus.

“Ah, yes. A damsel in distress is asking for my assistance. What can I do for you, Lady Aoi?” Dr. Markus said as he approached Aoi and Naoki on the ground.

“Damn it! Can you please stop flirting with her?! Hey – get away from her.” Naoki angrily said as he stares back at Dr. Markus.

“Dear, I think you went overboard on this one.” Mrs. Lady said as she sighed in disbelief.

“I know! I know! I will apologize to Naoki later. Now, what are we going to do with that?” Mr. Sir said as he wondered.

“Uh? Everyone, could you please help us deliver this present to Harue and – Is there something wrong, Reika?” Mrs. Lady said as she got interrupted and asked Reika.

“Auntie, you have been so kind to us so I think you deserve to know truth after all. Harue has passed – Huh?! Ow-Ouch! Naomi?” Reika angrily said after Naomi intentionally pulled out her hair and wondered.

“I understand, Auntie. I shall assist you then. Uh? Would it be alright if I take off and borrow this small, potted succulent plant out of your display case?” Hiiro politely said as he asked Mrs. Lady.

“Of course, yes. I wonder what he is going to do with that plant.” Mr. Sir said as he got curious and then crossed his arms.

“Thank you very much. Now, Auntie, could you please put the bag on the ground?” Hiiro said as he instructed to Mrs. Lady.

“I understand…Wait! I almost forgot something. Aha! Here it is! I wrote this letter for her. I hope she will like these.” Mrs. Lady cheerfully said as he took her letter out of her apron’s pocket and dropped it inside the bag.

Mrs. Lady gently placed the bag on the ground; Hiiro, then, put his potted plant few meters beside it.

“Now, let’s begin. Mr. Cactus, hear thy humble request, deliver this present and letter to its addressee!” Hiiro cheerfully said as he started enchanting his spell.

The ground began quaking as it slowly forms a small, mud hole in front of the Fruits’ Shop; it, then, started sinking Mrs. Lady’s paper bag and eventually disappeared afterward.

“The bag just magically sunk underground…How did – What the hell just happened?” Mr. Paul exclaimed as he approached and asked Hiiro.

“Since there are no visible, growing trees around this area, I have re-modified our enchantment, using it and this cactus as its messenger to deliver Auntie’s present to – Uh? Whom did you sent out that present to, Auntie?” Hiiro seriously said as he got intrigued and asked Mrs. Lady.

“Ah, yes! Thank you for helping us in delivering that present to Harue and RAI, Hiiro! You are such a blessing in disguise.” Mrs. Lady cheerfully said as she smiled back at Hiiro who flinched.

“What!? Seriously!?” Hiiro and Aoi exclaimed as they trembled in fear.

“Huh? Keisuke is also freaking scared. I wonder why?” Naomi cheerfully said as she crossed her arms.

“Wait! Wait! WAIT! According to our rules, we, ‘Aethyrians’, usually deliver our packages using those plants around their house. In an instance that plant failed to find its receiver’s house or garden that said package will automatically delivered to the next person indicated on its address.” Hiiro exclaimed as he started panicking and explained to everyone.

“Harue has passed away so that package will be sent directly to the ‘Demon Witch’. Darling, I must admit but this is all your fault.” Naomi said as she sighed in disappointment.

“Huh?! Me - No! It is not. You deceived me, Mr. Cactus! You will pay for this.” Hiiro angrily said as he seized the potted succulent up on the ground and started squishing it.

“Sir Hiiro, please stop that! We swore not to hurt any innocent plants, remember? Give him to me!” Keisuke nervously said as he approached Hiiro.

Three Days Later

‘In Alementalia’

‘Imperial Court Head Quarters’

Court Room…

Rai is seen silently snoring on the top of her work desk inside the court room.

“Lady Rai, may I come in? Lady Rai? Uh? Are you already inside the court room?” Mr. Nile cheerfully said as he knocked on the door while waiting on the Hallway.

“I guess we should just head inside.” Sir Yuki said as he gently opened the door inwards for Mr. Nile.

“Thank you very much, Sir Yuki. Uh? Aha! There you are, your Majesty. Good morning!” Mr. Nile cheerfully said as he approached Rai.

“Your Majesty? Your Majesty? Oh no, she is still asleep. What are we going to do?” Sir Yuki said as he gently pat Rai’s right shoulder, trying to wake her up from her desk.

“I see. For the third time, her Majesty opted to stay in here and chose to finish reading these piles of written reports currently surrounding her work desk.” Mr. Nile softly said as he crossed his arms.

“What?! She has been doing that for two consecutive days and not to mention that today is her ‘Coronation Day’. She still needs to prepare for the afternoon ceremony.” Sir Yuki exclaimed as he sighed in disbelief.

“Mother, please give me five more minutes…Uh!? I’m awake! I’m awake! Huh?! What happened? Mr. Nile?” Rai exclaimed as she suddenly woke up and wondered.

“Good morning, your Majesty. We did not mean to interrupt your beauty sleep and Ah! Y-Your eye bags got worst! ” Mr. Nile exclaimed as he started panicking and then approached Rai.

“Yes. I probably acquired these after working for 48 hours straight just to finish reading these 100 piles of written reports we received from the ‘Four Villages’.” Rai softly said as she stretched out her arms.

“A-Amazing! You have finished reading all of these files within two days. I guess you, your Majesty, do really love reading these paper works.” Sir Yuki said as he started looking around the court room.

“Yes. I do like reading and these seven, mysterious files got intrigued me throughout while I am working so I am personally keeping and continue reading these inside my quarters tonight.” Rai cheerfully said as she began compiling the papers out of her desk.

“I wonder what those files about, your Majesty.” Mr. Nile said as he began piling the scattered papers on the ground.

“Hm? Let’s see, the first one says something about Sir Maki’s ‘Special Cases’ involving with Mei’s abduction case and the murder case of a mysterious woman called ‘Va-al’ while second one behind it tells something about Sir Kai’s fake suicide case…” Rai cheerfully said as she examined each paper.

“Sir Kai’s – What?! Your Majesty where did you found those files!?” Sir Yuki exclaimed as he trembled in fear and asked Rai.

“Ah, yes! The third one says something about the ‘Five Executioners’ who once worked on the ‘Underground Prison’ while the fourth has mentioned something on how to find and unlock the ‘Treasury Room’ hidden inside the ‘Heroes’ Club’ room. The last paper work also mentioned something about the true ownership of the ‘Wathyrian Armada’.” Rai said as she ignored Sir Yuki and continue reading the paper works placed inside her desk.

“Y-Your Majesty, those are highly classified files. I must take those back to the newly renovated ‘Queen’s Archives’ before someone – Huh!?” Sir Yuki exclaimed as he tried to seize the papers away from Rai.

“No. I would like to keep and re-read these files privately, inside my room later. Hm? Is there something wrong, Sir Yuki?” Rai calmly said as she wondered and asked Sir Yuki.

“Ah – Uh?! No. There is nothing wrong, your Majesty. My apologies.” Sir Yuki sarcastically said as he stepped away from Rai’s desk.

“I see. Then, I shall keep these files with me for a while. And after reading these, I just thought this: Have you ever wondered why the ‘Imperial Council’ does not have any control over the ‘Wathyrian Armada’ in which, this file, suspiciously claims being specifically build and be used in protecting the entire Kingdom.” Rai said as she playfully twirl her hair and wondered.

“Good morning, Lady Rai. I did not mean to interrupt but you have to still get ready for the ceremony this afternoon. Ahem! For your schedule this morning, you have a dance practice with Lady Julie at 10AM. After that, at 10:30 AM, you have a dress fitting schedule at your chosen boutique inside the ‘Central District’. At 11 AM, you have to meet with Mr. Simoun inside the royal kitchen for the pastries’ taste test and you shall have your early lunch at 11:45 AM. After that – Uh? Your Majesty?” Mr. Nile cheerfully said as he began reading Rai’s schedule and wondered.

“What?! Dress fitting? Dance practice? What kind of scheduling is that?” Rai exclaimed as she suddenly stood up from her wooden chair and stared back at Mr. Nile.

“Uh? Your Majesty, this kind of organized scheduling is according to our royal traditions, am I right, Mr. Nile?” Sir Yuki said as he looked at Mr. Nile who flinched.

“We – I mean I should have consulted your first before finalizing this schedule. I’m so sorry, you Majesty.” Mr. Nile said as he apologized to Rai.

“No. Why are you apologizing to me, Mr. Nile? And – Oh? Mr. Carlo is back.” Rai said as she noticed Mr. Carlo walking towards her.

“I’m back, your Majesty. I have received this note from the ‘Imperial Soldiers’ guarding the ‘Central Airport’. The note says that all of the ‘Village Reps’ came from the ‘Four Villages’ has finally arrived inside the ‘Central Airport’ to attend your coronation ceremony.” Mr. Carlo seriously said as he reported o Rai.

“I see. Then, I ask you, along with Sir Yuki, to go in the airport and prepare a welcome party for them.” Rai seriously said as she commanded to Mr. Carlo and Sir Yuki.

“As you wish, your Majesty. Mr. Carlo, please follow me.” Sir Yuki said as he went out of the room, followed by Mr. Carlo.

“Good morning, everyone! What a lovely day to celebrate your glorious coronation, your Majesty.” Mr. Simoun cheerfully said as he slammed open the door and went inside the room, followed by ‘Ryo’.

“Good morning, Rai. I – I mean we have brought your breakfast.” ‘Ryo’ said as he sighed in disappointment.

“Hm? The once mighty ‘Cog Dragon’ has become a young servant. That’s lame.” Rai said as she giggled, teasing ‘Ryo’.

“Shut up! I was walking on the Hallway when this guy carrying this silver tray and shoe box arrived and forced me to join with him.” ‘Ryo’ said as he got pissed off and explained to Rai.

“I understand. Wow! This mini-fruit pancakes and warm milk meal looks delicious, Mr. Simoun.” Rai cheerfully said as she started eating her pancakes.

“Thank you so much, your Majesty! Since we have been busy rebuilding the entire Head Quarters for two consecutive days, I have not prepared anything much based your liking so I got a little that you might not reject these pancakes.” Mr. Simoun nervously said as he sighed in disappointment.

“No. I absolutely love these. Thank you for my meal, Mr. Simoun.” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled back at Mr. Simoun.

“Your Majesty, I have heard that another looting incident has happened along my store’s street in the ‘Central District’, last night.” Mr. Simoun softly said as he whispered to Rai.

“What? That is the second same incident report that I have heard this week. I wonder whose shop has been raided this time.” Rai softly said as she stopped from eating.

“It is Ms. Perisia’s newly furbished Boutique, your Majesty. How pitiful. That poor seamstress and her only ‘Ogre Child’ – Uh? Your Majesty?” Mr. Simoun exclaimed as he asked Rai.

“Mr. Nile! Please come forth!” Rai angrily said as she suddenly slammed her desk and summoned Mr. Nile.

“Y-Yes, your Majesty! What can I do for you?” Mr. Nile nervously exclaimed as he approached Rai.

“Mr. Nile, change my morning schedule while ‘Ryo’ and I were out to visit that boutique inside the ‘Central District’.” Rai seriously said as she started walking out of the court room, followed by ‘Ryo’.

“Huh?! But, we are now against the time, your Majesty! And Lady Julie will really get mad at me. Your Majesty!” Mr. Nile nervously said as he tried to stop Rai and ‘Ryo’.

One Hour Later

Inside the ‘Central District’

Outside Ms. Perisia’s Boutique…

Queen Faeya and Ms. Perisia, along with their eldest children are seen cleaning outside the Boutique.

“Damn it! I should have stayed and guarded our shop last night.” Sammy angrily said as he smashed the broom stick on the ground.

“Ah! Look what have you done, Sammy. Now, we have to clean and individually pick up these glass shards again.” Princess Faiye said as she sighed in disbelief.

“Uh? Children, would you like me to help you clean this area?” Queen Faeya said as she asked Sammy and Faiye.

“Thank you very much, your highness. But we are fine. Just please continue assisting my mother on drying out those stained gowns.” Sammy politely said as he responded to Queen Faeya.

“I-I understand. I wonder where Dani, Lilac and Felipe went.” Queen Faeya said as she began searching along the streets.

“There they are, your Highness. Those three children are currently playing with Lady Avia and Jin inside the boutique.” Ms. Perisia cheerfully said as she went out her boutique, carrying a tattered ball gown.

“I see. Lady Perisia, I’m done drying out this cherry-red colored, laced ball gown and – Ah! What happened to that?” Queen Faeya exclaimed as she started examining the ball gown on Ms. Perisia’s hands.

“Ah, yes. I found this one under the reception area. Those ‘Troll Bandits’ did a good job on forcefully tearing out my beloved gold-laced masterpiece into halves.” Ms. Perisia sadly said as she presented the ball gown to Queen Faeya.

“Curses! Why? Amongst all of the successful stores and shops inside this ‘District’, why would those abhorrent ‘Bandits’ chose your Boutique to – Ah! Good morning, your Majesty.” Queen Faeya said as she turned around and saw Rai and ‘Ryo’ standing behind her.

“Your Majesty! G-Good morning! W-Welcome to my humble abode.” Ms. Perisia nervously said as she accidentally dropped the ball gown on the ground.

“Good morning, everyone! Sir ‘Ryo’ and I are in here to investigate about the looting incident that happened around this area, last night.” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled back at the two ladies.

“What?! But? You still have to prepare for your coronation day this afternoon.” Ms. Perisia exclaimed as she approached Rai.

“Do not worry, according to Mr. Nile ridiculous schedule, I still have the time to visit your Boutique and chose a ball gown that I would like to wear for the ceremony today.” Rai said as she crossed her arms while silently observing around the street.

“I-I see. I truly appreciate that you chose my shop but sadly I do have any ball gown prepared to offer for you. Those ‘Troll Bandits’ ransacked and destroyed everything inside my shop last night.” Ms. Perisia sadly said as she tells to Rai.

“Then, I will buy and use that ball gown you are cradling on your arms.” Rai said as she smiled back at Ms. Perisia.

“What?! You Majesty, we cannot possible let you use this tattered ball gown.” Queen Faeya exclaimed as she approached Rai.

“Gladly, your Majesty! Please wait in here while Lady Faeya and I re-stitch on this ball gown.” Ms. Perisia cheerfully said as she immediately ran away and went back inside her shop.

“What?! Lady Perisia, it took you two days to sew that ball gown – Wait! Lady Perisia, please wait for me.” Queen exclaimed as she also went inside the shop.

“Good morning, your Majesty!” Princess Faeya and Sammy said as they approached Rai.

“Good morning to you as well. Oh? I see. Were you cleaning that broken window earlier?” Rai said as she wondered and asked Faeya and Sammy.

“Ah, yes! Your Majesty, I assume that those ‘Bandits’ went through the unrepaired windows and silently sneaked inside our shop, destroying my mother’s hand-stitched ball gowns.” Sammy said as he reported to Rai.

“I see. Good news, Mr. Alphe caught that ‘Bandit’ who ransacked your shop last night.” Rai said as she stepped forward and presented Mr. Alphe.

“Good morning, everyone. I’m back!” Mr. Alphe, in his Human form, said as he dragged this ‘Bandit’ towards Sammy.

“Untie me, damn ‘Black Hound’! Huh?! Who the hell are you?” Mr. Bandit #1 angrily said as he shouted back at Mr. Alphe.

“Earlier this morning, as the others were devastated from what happened in here, I silently went out of the shop to trace his weird scent and followed it until I arrived inside the ‘Central Train Station’. I saw him hiding inside the ticketing booth and immediately tied and dragged him back in here.” Mr. Alphe said as he reported to Rai.

“Damn you! How could you destroy my mother’s shop?! My mother worked both night and day just to finish preparing those ball gowns.” Sammy angrily said as he went mad and started kicking the ‘Bandit’.

“Sammy! Please calm down! Sammy, get away from him.” Princess Faiye nervously said as she carefully pulled Sammy away from Mr. Burglar #1.

“Well, if I did not do that, those nasty ‘Trolls’ will continue threatening my family.” Mr. ‘Bandit’ #1 said as he blurted out back at Sammy.

“’Trolls’ huh? I see. Everyone, please listen to me. Here is what we am going to do…” Rai seriously said as everyone stares at her.

“Your Majesty, please do your best to punish this guy! My mother’s shop did not deserve anything of this.” Sammy angrily said as he pleaded to Rai.

“So, does this horrible burglar. I clearly understand that you are upset but he also did not deserved to be beaten just like that without us hearing explaining his side.” Rai said as she tousled Sammy’s hair.

“What?! Why are you siding on this guy?” Princess Faeya exclaimed as she asked Rai.

“No. I am not. I also think that this burglar deserves to be punished.” Rai said as she crossed her arms.

“Then, punish him! Right here, right in front of us!” Sammy angrily said as he shouted back at Rai.

“Hey – you are being disrespectful. Uh? Your Majesty?” ‘Ryo’ angrily said as he got pissed off, scaring Sammy and Faeya away from Rai.

“I will so calm down, little ‘Ogre Child’. Mr. Burglar, you punishment goes like this: I command you to pay this shop’s businesses taxes until Ms. Perisia has recovered everything that she lost last night.” Rai seriously said as she stares down at Mr. Burglar.

“What?! Huh?! Are you mad? I am absolutely not going to pay those outrageously high business taxes that the second ‘Imperial Council’ strictly imposes on the shops inside this ‘District’.” Mr. Burglar #1angrily said as he went mad and shouted back at Rai.

“W-Why would you impose such weird punishment, your Majesty?” Mr. Alphe nervously said as he asked Rai.

“That is because, you Sir, stole her only livelihood that she have. Two days ago, Ms. Perisia personally and legally applied to the Head Quarters before establishing her Boutique just like the other business owners suggested to her…” Rai said as she started lecturing Mr. Burglar #1.

“I do not care about that! Untie me, damn ‘Hound’” Mr. Burglar #1 angrily said as he ignored Rai.

“This is the exact shop which provided her the income that she will soon use to pay those taxes at the end of this month. So, to make things equal, I will have you pay for her business’ taxes in return for those things you all stole out from this Boutique.” Rai seriously said as she explained to everyone.

“Huh!? You are truly mad! My business will go bankrupt within this week if you still insist on that.” Mr. Burglar #1 angrily said as he shouted back at Rai.

“Then, in that case, you can restart your business alongside with Ms. Perisia’s afterwards or I shall have Sir ‘Ryo’ to drag you back at the ‘Underground Prison’ and detained there for a day. Just like what the ‘Council’ do to burglars like you all the time.” Rai said as she smirked back at Mr. Burglar #1.

“Ah, yes! I think that last one is the best solution you have suggested for in order to solve this case, your Majesty.” ‘Ryo’ seriously said as he threaten Mr. Burglar #1.

“Damn it! I will choose to fight my way out of here. Get away from me.” Mr. Burglar #1 angrily said as he slowly stood up from the ground.

Mr. Burglar #1, then, used his head to push Rai down on the ground and immediately escaped and ran back to the streets.

“Your Majesty! Are you alright?” Mr. Alphe said as he approached Rai on the ground.

“Do not worry, I’m fine. ‘Ryo’, you know what to do.” Rai said as she sat upright on the ground.

“As you wish, your Majesty! Sammy, you are also coming with me.” ‘Ryo’ cheerfully said as his dragon’s wings sprang out and seized Sammy’s right arm.

“Wait! What are you doing? We are flying out of here?!” Sammy exclaimed as ‘Ryo’ carefully pulled him up in the sky.

“Yes! That is much faster than running on foot inside that busy street. Hey – Faery Princess, this way!” ‘Ryo’ said as he shouted and instructed to Faiye who flinched.

“I-I understand. I’m coming!” Princess Faiye excitedly said as she gently flapped her wings and flew up in the air, chasing ‘Ryo’ and Sammy.

“That same punishment goes and applies on every thief or burglar you, my fellow villagers, you successfully managed to apprehend and report directly to me. So, please do not be afraid and continue striving while I rebuild this Kingdom along with your side.” Rai said as she stood up from the ground and smiled back the curious spectators.

“Your Majesty! We are done repairing your ball gown. Uh? Where are Sammy and Faiye?” Ms. Perisia excitedly said as she slammed open the door and wondered.

That Evening

‘Imperial Court Head Quarters’

‘North Building’

Second Floor…

Eito, followed by Ms. Phoebe, are seen walking inside the Hallway towards the Practice room.

“Unbelievable! How could you let that happened to your passengers?!” Eito angrily said as he childishly stomped away from Ms. Phoebe.

“I’m truly sorry, Master Eito. I swear that same incident will never happened again so please, please do forgive me.” Ms. Phoebe nervously said as she apologized to Eito.

“I knew it! I should have come with Milady during that trip. Damn it! Because of that, I have to fire you.” Eito angrily said as he suddenly stopped from walking and then glares back at Ms. Phoebe.

“Fire?! Master, please, please do not fire me! I beg of you, pleases do not do that!” Ms. Phoebe said as she flinched in fear and started crying inside the Hallway.

“I know! I know! I will not fire you so please just stop crying. Eh? What are you four morons doing outside this room?” Eito calmly said as he turned around and noticed Mayumi’s group.

“Huh?! G-Good afternoon, Sir Eito. K-Kenji and I were just wondering if this is practice room.” Mayumi nervously said as she got startled and hid behind Kenji.

“Good afternoon, Sir Eito. It is been awhile since the last time I saw you inside those mountains.” Kenji cheerfully said as he smiled back at Eito.

“S-So, the rumors were true then! You are indeed alive and do walk with those wooden crutches.” Eito exclaimed as he examined Kenji’s right leg.

“Ah, yes. You see… I’m currently enrolled on a therapy session under the supervision of the two ‘Royal Physicians’. They suggested to use these crutches to support my legs while I practice walking and – Mayumi? Could you stop peeking inside that room?” Kenji said as he tried to stop Mayumi.

“But? I – We cannot help it either! I wonder what her Majesty and Kazuki doing inside the practice room.” Mayumi nervously said as she crossed her arms.

“You are just jealous that your boyfriend is dancing with her Majesty.” Hikaru seriously said as he teased Mayumi who flinched.

“What?! Are you sure that I am the only one envious in here” Mayumi seriously said as she smirked back at Hikaru.

“I’m only in here to report something to her Majesty and according to Sir Nile’s request!” Emi cheerfully said as she raised her right hand and waved it back at Eito.

“I see. Everyone, Lady Emi’s case is much more important than these two envious lover so please step away from the door.” Eito said as he sighed in disbelief.

Hikaru cursed out as began pushing Mayumi back to the Hallway; Eito was about to knock on the door when they heard someone talking inside the room.

“A-Am I moving too fast, your Majesty?” Kazuki nervously said as he continues dancing with Rai.

“Uh?! I do not know. I guess you have to move …” Rai nervously said as she suggested to Kazuki.

“What the freaking hell are those two doing inside this room?!” Eito exclaimed as he went angry and wondered.

Inside the Practice Room…

Rai and Kazuki, under the supervision of Ms. Julie and Mr. Oskar, are seen practicing inside the same room.

“A-Am I moving too fast, your Majesty?” Kazuki nervously said as he continues dancing with Rai.

“Uh?! I do not know. I guess you have to move your feet a little faster to match with the music.” Rai nervously said as she suggested to Kazuki.

“Ah? I see. Then, how about this?” Kazuki said as he carefully adjusted his moves along with Rai.

“A-Amazing! That suggestion worked. Now, I’m just nervous to perform this ‘Slow Dance’ in front of the entire Kingdom.” Rai said as she sighed in disbelief.

“Do not worry, your Majesty. You will be just fine. Now, can I ask you a question?” Kazuki softly said as she whispered to Rai.

“Hm? Of course, yes. What is it, Sir Kazuki?” Rai softly said as she got curious and asked Kazuki.

“What have you done to Kenji?” Kazuki seriously said as he asked Rai who flinched.

“Ah, yes. We only did what you have requested me after we got back to the Kingdom two weeks ago and – Sir Kazuki! Are you alright?” Rai nervously said as she started panicking after accidentally stepping onto Kazuki’s right foot.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Eito and Mayumi seriously said as they both went mad after slammed the door inwards, surprising Rai and the others.

“Good afternoon, everyone. Mr. Oskar and I are overseeing her Majesty’s last dance practice after she ditched me this morning that forcibly changed the scheduling for today’s events. Ms. Georgia also dragged Kazuki in here, asking me to teach this guy to dance properly.” Ms. Julie said as she got pissed off and then approached Eito’s group.

“A-Ah! I-I see. My apologies for interrupting your dance practice, Milady.” Eito nervously said as he apologized to Rai.

“Uh? I clearly do not understand what is happening and why is Sir Hikaru covering both Sir Kenji and Lady Emi’s faces?” Rai said as she wondered and asked Eito.

“Uh? We are also wondering the same thing, your Majesty.” Kenji said as he mumbled under his breath.

“Sir Hikaru, take your left hand away from my face! There you are, your Majesty.” Emi cheerfully said as she successfully shoved Hikaru’s hand away from her and ran towards Rai.

“Oh my, that ball gown looks nice onto you, Lady Emi.” Rai cheerfully said as tells to Emi.

“Thank you very much, your Majesty! Yours and the ‘Imperial Armor’ are already prepared inside your quarters. Mr. Nile has asked me to report you this while my big brother, that little ‘Gold Eater’ and I were waiting inside the ‘Grand Hall’. He also asked me to personally guide your back to quarters just in case. ” Emi cheerfully said as she reported to Rai.

“Oh? I see. Then, everyone. See you later inside the ‘Grand Hall’.” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled back her former colleagues and then went out of the room, followed by Emi.

“Wait? The ‘Imperial Armor’? She is also wearing that today?” Hikaru exclaimed as he wondered.

“Ah, there you are, Sir Kenji. I hope you still remember me.” Mr. Oskar, the ‘Royal Orchestra’s Conductor, softly said as he approached Kenji.

“Master! Welcome to the ‘Main Island’ and – Huh?! What happened to your right arm?” Kenji exclaimed as he asked Mr. Oskar.

“Mr. Oskar insisted to come with us while he is still recovering from his injuries after those ‘Earth Golems’ destroyed our ‘Village’.” Mayumi said as she explained to Kenji.

“Ah, yes. That is indeed true, Lady Mayumi. Sir Kenji, may I have a word with you? Privately.” Mr. Oskar seriously said as he asked Kenji who flinched.

“I understand. Please follow me to the lounge area at the end of this Hallway.” Kenji seriously said as he began walking away from the practice room, followed by Mr. Oskar.

“Uh? So, I guess Kazuki and I will be waiting for you back at the ‘Grand Hall’.” Mayumi cheerfully said as she waved back at Kenji.

“Mayumi, you look gorgeous on that silver-colored ball gown.” Kazuki cheerfully said as he playfully twirls Mayumi’s hair.

“Huh?! Lady Lilia was the one who chose this ball gown for me. T-Thank you, Kazuki.” Mayumi nervously said as she got flustered.

“Ahem! I’m sorry for interrupting but Sir Kazuki, we still have to continue that dance practice…Hey – how dare all of you ran away from me?!” Ms. Julie angrily said as she went out of the room and shouted inside the Hallway.

“A-Amazing! Not only Sir Hikaru, Sir Kazuki, Lady Mayumi, you even scared the shit out of Master Eito. He evenly flinched and ran away out of this floor.” Ms. Phoebe cheerfully said as she witness how Hikaru and the others sprinted out of the Hallway.

‘South Building’s

‘Grand Hall’

Inside the Receiving Area…

Mr. Nile, along with Sir Yuki and Mr. Carlo, are seen panicking as they wait for Rai inside the receiving area.

“This is bad! The guests are getting bored and impatient. What are we going to do?” Mr. Nile nervously said as he wondered.

“Do not worry, I’m sure her Majesty is coming right now – Oh! There she is.” Sir Yuki softly said as they all turned around and saw Rai walking towards her.

Inside the Party Hall…

“Hm? The party should have started fifteen minutes ago. I wonder what happened.” Mr. Sai said as he along with Ms. Mai and Ms. Janice were observing around the Party Hall.

“I guess we should silently head out and asked Mr. Nile what the heck happened to Rai.” Ms. Janice said as she got worried for Rai.

“I think there is no need for that. Please look over there.” Ms. Mai said as she got pissed off and crossed her arms.

“Everyone! I truly apologized for the delay and thank you for waiting. Ahem! Ladies and Gentlemen, ‘Fiends’ and ‘Beasts’, announcing the arrival of her Majesty, Lady Rai Akimura!” Mr. Nile cheerfully said as he made the announcement in front of their guests.

“Good evening, everyone. I would like to apologize for the delay. I took me a few minutes to wear this golden armor.” Rai cheerfully said as she carefully went up to the make-shift stage and explained what happened.

“Her Majesty is wearing the highly exclusive ‘Centennial Imperial Armor’ which was specifically forged only for the ‘Imperial Family’. Interesting.” Mr. Akito softly said as he casually drinks his wine.

“I wonder where they found that armor.” Mr. Anderson softly said as he approached Mr. Akito.

“So, that young woman is our new ‘Imperial Ruler and Hero’? This is bad.” Ms. Antonia softly said as she nudged Ms. Aya beside her.

“Mother, please stop doing that. We are still inside the party hall.” Ms. Aya sofly said as she got flustered.

“Now, may I call the four ‘Village Chiefs’ up on the stage to start the ceremony.” Mr. Nile said as he summoned Mr. Sai and the others.

Up on the Stage…

“Thank you very much, Mr. Nile. Now, Sir Akito, could you please give the ‘Imperial Crown’ to me?” Mr. Sai said as he instructed to Sir Akito.

“As you wish, your highness.” Mr. Akito said as he gently took the crown out of its wooden box and gave it to Sir Sai.

“Wait! Where is Lady Iysa? I thought she is attending the ceremony with us.” Ms. Annie softly said as she wondered and asked Emi.

“No! Lady Iysa has sent out these three letter for us. She is asking us to attend the ceremony on her behalf while she and her child rest back inside the ‘Village’.” Emi softly said as she whispered and explained to Ms. Annie who flinched.

“Three? You mean with that ‘Gold Eater’ who are currently standing on your head and Sir Maki who are currently – Uh? Tied up?” Ms. Annie softly said as she turned around and looked at Maki.

“Please do not mind me. I will explain what happened later.” Maki softly said as he sighed in disappointment.

“With the ‘Imperial Crown’, along with the four others carefully crafted from each ‘Village’, this pendant and the ‘Imperial Sword’, I, Sir Sai, hereby, officially declaring and crowning Lady Rai Akimura…” Mr. Sai cheerfully said as he began the ceremony.

“Wait…I said wait! Stop this ceremony at once.” Hikaru angrily said as he smashed his wine glass on the floor and ran towards the stage.

“Sir Hikaru, please wait! Calm down, young Soldier.” Lady Lilia cheerfully said as she managed to seize Hikaru’s right arm and stopped him.

“But? Why?! Please let me go!” Hikaru softly said as he looked at Lady Lilia.

“Calm down, Sir Hikaru. Let them finish this ceremony.” Miko seriously said as he glares back at Hikaru who flinched afterwards.

“As our new ‘Imperial Ruler and Hero’! All hail our new ‘Ruler’!” Mr. Sai cheerfully said as he gently placed the golden crown onto Rai’s head.

“All hail our new ‘Ruler’! All hail our new ‘Ruler’! All hail our new ‘Ruler’, Her Majesty, Lady Rai!” The people of ‘Alementalia’ cheerfully shouted out to show their support to Rai.

“Thank you, everyone. Now, as your official new ‘Imperial Ruler’, I would like to – Uh?! Dani and Lilac?!” Rai said as she got interrupted by Dani and Lilac.

“Congratulations, Ms. Teacher!” Dani and Lilac cheerfully said as they hugged Rai.

“Where have you hiding all this time?” Rai exclaimed as she got surprised from Dani and Lilac.

“H-Hello! I-I’m Lilac. I-It is nice to meet all of you.” Lilac nervously said as she waved back at the guests.

The guests were awed after they witnessed as how Dani and Lilac shyly hid behind Rai’s arms.

“Ahem! On behalf of her Majesty…let’s get this party started!” Mr. Sai cheerfully said as the guests raised their wine glasses up.

“All hail our new ‘Ruler’! All hail our new ‘Ruler’! All hail our new ‘Ruler’, Her Majesty, Lady Rai!” cheerfully said in unison as they shouted out inside the party hall.

Thank you very much for waiting. Sorry for the late update. Anyway, Here is Chapter VI and enjoy reading. Will try to update this/next week so stay tuned. – Cheche – chan.