The ‘Fireiyan War Dance’

Author's Note: Please don't even try to plagiarize, illegally copy this story (and its terminologies which are mentioned in the following/previous chapters) or even try to distribute a soft copy. Do not test me. Thank you.

Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Ruler’: The party continues that night; Rai and the children met the ‘Yellow Queen’, Queen Faeya and her children along with Elder Elfie. Mr. Nile, then, introduced Ms. Vanny’s group along with Mr. Alphe’s. Mr. Francine and Mr. Carlo has also made their appearance inside the stage when Emi’s group arrived. Emi’s group also went up to the stage to congratulate her Majesty when Lilia’s group came and interrupted their short greetings. Eventually, Mr. Sai’s group met Ms. Aya’s on the same stage as well. The last VIP guests finally left and ‘Ches’ and ‘Ryo’ both used this chance to present themselves to her Majesty.

South Building’s

Grand Hall

Party Area

Central Dance Floor…

“I came in here to collect your ‘Silhouette’, your Majesty.” ‘Ches’ softly said as he smiled back at Rai.

“Collect? Huh? My apologies, Sir ‘Chester’ but I did not quite understand what you just said.” Rai softly said as she wondered.

“You, everyone and even the Readers will soon see the inevitable consequences of your choices.” ‘Ches’ seriously said as he smirked back at Rai.

“I made those odd choices only for myself, solely for myself. There is no need to get everyone involved with whatever you are talking about.” Rai cheerfully said as she gazed back at ‘Ches’.

“I see. As my respect to you, I will give you a hint why I hesitated to answer my big brother ‘Ryo’s strange riddle meanwhile inside those faeries’ house before, your Majesty.” ‘Ches’ said as he and Rai stopped dancing.

The guests and villagers curiously stared at them and then immediately approached Rai and ‘Ches’, wondering what happened.

“A hint? What do you mean by that?” Rai seriously said as she starts to get pissed off.

“You already died at the very moment you got and told my big brother ‘Ryo’ the correct answer on their riddle, your Majesty.” ‘Ches’ sadly said as he crossed his arms in front of Rai.

“Hm? That is indeed intriguing. If, I am somehow dead just like what you claim, how am I able to response to your question like this?” Rai curiously said as she asked ‘Ches’.

“Your ‘Cursed Mark’ – I mean being ‘cursed’ just like what the people of ‘Fireiya’ branded to you, made you still alive, your Majesty.” ‘Ches’ seriously said as he explained to Rai who flinched afterwards.

“As if I wanted to become a ‘Living Curse’! Because they noticed me being different from them, those villagers started to spread out those false rumors about me. They even got involved those good children and my deceased parents in that mess – Huh?!” Rai angrily said as she shouted back at ‘Ches’.

“Your Majesty! Is there something wrong?” ‘Ryo’ seriously said as he tapped Rai’s right shoulder and asked Rai.

“Huh?! Everyone? I-I’m so sorry. I did not mean to ruin everyone’s night.” Rai nervously said as she turned around and apologized to her guests.

“Finally! Now, it is my turn.” Eito angrily said as he stomped towards ‘Ches’ and pulled him away from Rai.

“What?! How dare you do that to a VIP guest like me?” ‘Ches’ angrily said as he asked Eito.

“My apologies. I would also get upset after confessing and being rejected by her Majesty herself.” Eito said as he teased ‘Ches’ who got flustered.

“What?! That is not actually what I said. Am I right, your Majesty?” ‘Ches’ seriously said as he got flustered and then seized Eito’s collared suit.

The curious guests began gossiping onto each other as they continue observing Rai and the others.

“So, it hurts being rejected, huh? I see. Tonight, I learned a new lesson about these human emotions. Thank you for that wonderful demonstration, ‘Ches’.” ‘Ryo’ cheerfully said as he tousled ‘Ches’ jet-black hair.

“Huh!? Not you too. What the hell are you talking about?” ‘Ches’ angrily said as he shouted back at ‘Ryo’.

“Please let me through…Over there! Huh?! ‘Chester’ got rejected?!” ‘Flora’, in her sparkling golden-yellow ball gown, said as she went upfront the crowd and asked ‘Ryo’.

“There you are, big sister ‘Flora’! Please immediately use this white table napkin to wipe that royal icing off your mouth!” ‘Niel’ said as he chased ‘Flora’ upfront the dance floor and then approached her.

“Aha! Now, I remember you. You are Lady ‘Flora’, right? Your Majesty, she was that mythical ‘Beast’ that I got detained with in that same cell room while inside the ‘Underground Prison’ before.” Eito cheerfully said as she introduced ‘Flora’ to Rai.

“I-It is been awhile, Sir Eito and thank you, ‘Niel’! I was eating that delicious strawberry shortcake when I heard Sir E-Eito’s weird statement.” ‘Flora’ said as she got flustered and explained to Rai’s group.

“I understand! Now, hurry! Before these guests start laughing back at you.” ‘Niel’ said as he started panicking and gave the table napkin to ‘Flora’.

“Guests? What do you mean – Oh! I-I see...Hurry! Help me wipe off these icing away from my face!” ‘Flora’ nervously said as she turned around and then started panicking.

The curious guests began laughing as they continue watching ‘Niel’ and ‘Flora’s crazy antics in front of her Majesty’s group.

“Uh? I’m really sorry about this mess, your Majesty.” ‘Ryo’ said as he apologized to Rai.

“No! Not at all. It seems that our guests loves your adorable younger siblings.” Rai cheerfully said as she giggled.

“Your Majesty! I will be closely observing you.” ‘Ches’ seriously said as he smirked back at Rai.

“I understand. Do it as you please. I will make sure that you and the others witness the most unexpected and intriguing story or rather stage play this Kingdom has even seen.” Rai seriously said as she smiled back at ‘Ches’.

“You do not know when to stop, don’t you? I pity you.” Eito sadly said as he tousled ‘Ches’ hair.

“Enough with that! I’m not a small kitten anymore.” ‘Ches’ angrily said as he shoved Eito’s right hand away from his head.

“There you are, your Majesty! Please help us!” Mr. Nile nervously said as he approached Rai and the others.

“Mr. Nile? What happened – Ah! What happened to your royal robe?” Rai exclaimed as she asked Mr. Nile.

“You see, your Majesty…Sir Sai and Sir Anderson are currently fighting inside the Dining Area! They were playing the ‘Card Game’ earlier when Sir Anderson falsely accused Sir Sai of cheating during the last round of their game. Sir Sai got pissed off and eventually flipped off the dining table as he approached Mr. Anderson. Sir Yuki, Mr. Carlo and I tried to stop them but they simply just shoved us away from their table. Lady Mai has requested me to get and find you, hoping that you can also assist their group in stopping those two from destroying your party.” Mr. Nile said as she explained to Rai and the others.

“I see. Sir ‘Ryo’, Sir Eito, let’s leave.” Rai said as she commanded to ‘Ryo’ and Eito.

“As you wish, your Majesty. Mr. Nile, please lead us the way.” Eito said as he ordered to Mr. Nile.

“Ah, yes. Before I leave…Hey ‘Ches’!” ‘Ryo’ seriously said as he called out ‘Ches’ who flinched in fear.

“Yes. What is it, big brother?” ‘Ches’ nervously said as he asked ‘Ryo’.

“What the heck did you told to Rai?” ‘Ryo’ softly said as he whispered to ‘Ches’.

“I only gave her and the Readers an idea what is the ‘Alementalian’ magical abilities, you, ‘Cog Dragons’, possess or…that was what your Mother Dragon – I mean Aunty Lucia told my ‘Shadows’ before while we were inside the ‘Underground Prison’.” ‘Ches’ said as he smiled and explained to ‘Ryo’ who flinched.

“Lucia, huh? So, that was my mother’s alias she used while serving for the ‘Imperial Family’ inside the Head Quarters before.” ‘Ryo’ curiously said as he crossed his arms.

“Sir ‘Ryo’! Are you coming or what?” Rai said as she shouted back and asked ‘Ryo’.

“I’m coming, your Majesty! ‘Ches’, we will continue this – Huh?! That sly cat just ditched me and escaped out of the Grand Hall.” ‘Ryo’ said as he got pissed off and then walked away.

South Building

Main Hallway…

Lilia is seen waiting for her two, mysterious guests along the Hallway.

“There you are, Lady Lilia.” Mr. Bobby cheerfully said as he and Ms. Milly approached Lilia.

“Oh my! Welcome back to the Head Quarters, Mr. Bobby and Ms. Milly. Ms. Milly! That white laced ball gown looks nice on you.” Lilia cheerfully said as she walked around Ms. Milly.

“Thank you, Lady Lilia. I met and asked Ricard to help me pick a ball gown to wear this special night. He is currently dancing with his friend, Glenda inside the party hall.” Ms. Milly said as she explained to Lilia.

“Uh! Damn aristocrats. How the hell they were able to manage wearing this tight bowtie and suit every single day?” Mr. Bobby said as he complained and gently untied his bowtie.

“Aw! You look so stunning on that silver suit, Mr. Bobby.” Lilia said as she smiled back at Mr. Bobby.

“Anyway, where is Lady Carla? She should be right here with you.” Ms. Milly said as she wondered.

“Ah, yes! Speaking of the devil, she is back.” Lilia said as they turned around and noticed Ms. Carla standing behind them.

“You sneaky little ‘Red Assassin’! You surprised us. When the hell did you arrived?” Mr. Bobby exclaimed as he panicked and asked Ms. Carla.

“I’m back, Lady Lilia. Thanks to Lady Mai’s information and according to your specific instructions, I have successfully eliminated the seven ‘Minor Dancers’ who were selected to perform with her Majesty, tomorrow morning.” Ms. Carla softly said as she reported to Lilia.

‘Minor Dancers’ are the seven selected ‘Fireiyan’ participants to accompany the ‘Lead Dancer’ throughout their ‘War Dance’ performance.

“Good! Thank you very much, Lady Carla. Now, I assume you also stole their white-colored Drama masks, right?” Lilia cheerfully said as she squealed and asked Ms. Carla.

“Yes, I did. I kept those masks inside this sack. I wonder what you are going to do with these masks.” Ms. Carla said as she presented the sack to Lilia and the others.

“Very good! Now, let’s just wait for Mayumi – I mean ‘No. 12’ and ‘No.13’ to come in here and…Huh!? Everyone, duck!” Lilia exclaimed as she sensed a stray arrow coming towards her group.

With one swift move, Mr. Bobby caught the stray arrow using only his right hand and broke it into two.

“Lady Lilia, are you alright?” Ms. Carla softly said as she asked Lilia.

“I’m fine. Thank you. I wonder where that wooden arrow came from.” Lilia softly said as she looked at the right end of the Hallway.

“Hm? By the looks of it, that mystery man used this poisoned arrow at us.” Ms. Milly softly said as she examined the broken arrow.

“Poisoned arrow? But? Lady Lilia is the only one who can forge and distribute those. Who the hell– Wait! This strange presence…Who’s there? Show yourselves!” Mr. Bobby said as he yelled back at the right end Hallway.

“Aha! I knew it! It was you who impressively caught my arrow, Mr. Bobby.” Miko cheerfully said as he lowered down his bow and approached Lilia’s group.

“Sir Miko - I mean Boss! What are you doing in here?” Mr. Bobby exclaimed as he flinched in fear.

“Lilia seems to be pissed off so I secretly followed her over here after we met her Majesty earlier. I assume that you are planning something devious again, am I right, Lilia?” Miko said as he smiled and asked Lilia.

“Hm? What if I do? What are you going to do then?” Lilia curiously said as she suspiciously glared back at Miko.

“It depends on your plans since I was also wondering why you would hire these two dangerous mercenaries in your group.” Miko seriously said as he crossed his arms.

“I see. Then…you are hired as well!” Lilia cheerfully said as she squealed out.

“What?! Why would you do that, Lady Lilia?!” Ms. Carla exclaimed as she stood up from the ground and asked Lilia.

“According to Kazuki, Mr. Charlie chose not attend the party tonight so it would be nice to have him as his substitute for this mission.” Lilia said as she explained to her associates.

“I understand. Then, I guess I should head out and find ‘No.12’ and ‘No. 13’.” Ms. Milly said as she suggested to Lilia.

“No. That won’t be necessary, Ms. Milly. Because they are already in here.” Miko seriously said as he turned around and saw two masked mercenaries standing behind him.

‘No. 13’ flinched in fear as she began nudging ‘No. 12’s right shoulder with her modified, wooden bow.

“I see. Then, let’s leave. We have the entire night to practice for our dance performance with her Majesty herself tomorrow.” Lilia seriously said as she smirked back at her group.

“No. 12 and 13? Those are the strangest aliases that I have heard so far.” Miko said as he scratched his head.

“Amazing! Her Majesty is going to perform with us, mercenaries tomorrow morning. I cannot wait to see her reaction after we surprise her.” Ms. Milly cheerfully said as she squealed out.

“I will end what Hiiro has started before. We will make sure that our ‘Target’, the ‘Fireiyan Witch’ is eliminated before the sun sets tomorrow afternoon.” Lilia seriously said as she started walking away, followed by Miko and the other five mercenaries.

Back to the Grand Hall…

Kazuki is seen waiting for Kenji and Ms. Phoebe outside the Grand Hall.

“I guess I should have accompanied Lady Phoebe myself instead.” Kazuki said as he began stretching out his arms.

“We are back, big brother!” Kenji cheerfully said as he and Ms. Phoebe approached Kazuki.

“Welcome back. Now, what happened to those notes?” Kazuki said as he asked Kenji.

“Thanks to Lady Phoebe’s assistance, I managed to secretly post those two letters on that door outside her Majesty’s apartment back at the ‘Imperial Dormitories’. “ Kenji softly said as he reported to Kazuki.

“Good! Lady Phoebe about that aerostat…Uh? I’m pretty sure you will probably get fired after we do this so – Huh?!” Kazuki said as he looked at Ms. Phoebe.

“Do not worry, Sir Kazuki. I will explain everything to Sir Eito later. For the meantime, let’s find Mr. Nile.” Ms. Phoebe cheerfully said as she tells to the Hamasaki Twins.

“We understand. Let’s head back to the party and – Aha! There you are, Mr. Nile!” Kenji exclaimed as they noticed Mr. Nile standing outside the Hall room.

“Thank goodness! Sir Kazuki and Sir Kenji, we need your help! Please assist us on stopping your ‘Village Representatives’ from – Eh!? W-What happened? What is this? Why is everything so dark?” Mr. Nile nervously said as he started panicking.

“Good job on putting that old sack over his head, Ms. Phoebe. Now, let’s silently guide him to that aerostat parked at the Back gates.” Kazuki softly said as he instructed to Kenji.

“Help! Please help me! I have been kidnapped. Your Majesty? Somebody! Help me!” Mr. Nile exclaimed as he cried and shouted out.

“Uh? Is this kidnapping scene really necessary? I mean we could simply just ask him to come with us back at ‘Wathyria’.” Kenji nervously said as he wondered and asked Kazuki.

“Yes, it is! Her Majesty has specifically requested us to do this in secret so we must do our best not disappoint her.” Ms. Phoebe softly said as she started walking away from the Hamasaki Twin.

“For the record, this kidnapping part is solely your plan, Kenji so do not blame me afterwards.” Kazuki said as he sighed in disbelief.

“But you also agreed with this so that makes you one of my accomplices.” Kenji said as he smirked back at Kazuki.

“Sirs, this way please.” Ms. Phoebe said as she called out Kazuki and Kenji.

“Alright! We are coming, Lady Phoebe.” Kazuki said as he began walking away with Mr. Nile. out of the Hallway.

“Do not worry, Mr. Nile. You will soon receive the rest that you truly deserve.” Kenji said as he whispered to Mr. Nile.

“Was that Sir Kenji’s voice? Rest!? What? Where are you taking me? Somebody, please help me!” Mr. Nile exclaimed as he cried and shouted out.

The Next Day

‘Imperial Dormitories’

Building B.

Fourth Floor’s Hallway…

Emi, along with ‘Mi’, who are currently sitting on the top of Emi’s head, are seen walking inside the Hallway carrying some new clothes for Rai.

“What a glorious morning! Her Majesty is going to perform in front of everyone inside the ‘Central Plaza’ and – Uh? Is there something wrong, ‘Mi’?” Emi said as she wondered and asked ‘Mi’.

‘Ah, yes. I’m sorry.

What was it again?’

‘Mi’ sadly said as he flinched and telepathically talking to Emi.

“You seem a little tired and sleepy after attending that party last night.” Emi said as she got worried for ‘Mi’.

‘Huh?! No!

I’m just sad that I was not able to

Go back to the ‘Lake’

With my other siblings

Last night.’

‘Mi’ said as he flinched and then crossed his short arms.

“I see. You miss hanging out with your siblings. Mine is currently detained inside the ‘Underground Prison’.” Emi sadly said as she sighed in disbelief.

‘Ah! How long do I have to stay in here

And work on behalf of Lady Iysa?!

I mean I also have to go back in our ‘Bourg’

And look after my fellow ‘Earth Golems.’

‘Mi’ angrily said as he began stomping onto Emi’s head.

“I’m sorry but we will have to work for her as our village’s ‘Substitute Representatives’ unless Lady Iysa has asked us to quit or personally fire us, you, big brother and I shall stay in here until further noticed.” Emi cheerfully said as she explained to ‘Mi’ who flinched.

‘Huh – What?! That is just unfair!

Why does she have to torture me like this?

My people also need me.’

‘Mi’ angrily said as he began crying onto Emi’s head.

“This is probably your punishment after you and your ‘Gold Eaters’ completely destroyed both our ‘Village’ and ‘Iytheria’ few weeks ago.” Emi said as she tells to ‘Mi’.

‘What? I did destroyed your worthless ‘village’

Because of that ‘Iytherian’ woman – and Stop!

We are here.’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he shouted back at Emi.

“That is the cutest squeal that I ever heard. Anyway, we finally found her Majesty’s temporary quarters. Ahem! Your Majesty, it is me! May I come in?” Emi said as she started knocking on the door.

‘Look! Up there! There are two letters

Posted on the upper, right corner of this door.’

‘Mi’ exclaimed said as he noticed the letters and tapped Emi’s head.

“You are right, ‘Mi’! Let me just get and examine it first before give those to her Majesty…Ah! Damn it! I cannot reach it! Whoever posted those letters up there must be a freaking tall guy like Sir Kenji.” Emi exclaimed as she got pissed off and shouted out along the Hallway.

‘Aha! I have a plan.

Please your right hand and

Carefully lift me up there.’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he instructed to Emi.

Emi did what ‘Mi’ asked to her; ‘Mi’ managed to gently pull those letters out of the door, jumped onto her right arm and ran back onto Emi’s right shoulder blade.

“Thank you very much, your highness. I wonder who left these in here.” Emi said as she examined the letters.

‘Look! You accidentally opened the door.

Let’s just go inside and surprise her Majesty ’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he jumped away and then ran through the open door.

“Hey – ‘Mi’! Y-You cannot just ran inside her Majesty’s quarters without her permission.” Emi nervously said as she panicked and chased ‘Mi’ inside Rai’s apartment.

Inside Rai’s apartment

In the living area…

Eito and Rai are seen both sleeping inside the center sofa.

‘Aha! I found them.

They are over in here!’

‘Mi’ cheerfully said as he called out to Emi.

“Damn it. I did not know that you can run that fast – Huh? There you are, your Majesty!” Emi cheerfully said as she approached the sofa and seized the wool blanket away from Rai and Eito.

“Eito, please give me back at blanket – Eh!? Lady Emi?! And ‘Mi’ is also in here!” Rai exclaimed as she slowly woke up and noticed Emi and ‘Mi’ standing behind her.

“Good morning, your Majesty! First of all, we do apologize for barging inside your quarters without your permission and – Huh? It seems that Sir Eito got in here first.” Emi cheerfully said as she stares back at Rai.

“A-Ah! L-Let me explain, after the party last night, he volunteered to walk me back in here and then…” Rai nervously said as she got flustered and explained to Emi.

“And then, what you Majesty? Why is he half-naked while sleeping beside you inside that sofa?” Emi curiously said as she asked Rai who flinched.

“Hey – listen to me… Nothing happened, okay?! W-We did some naughty things last night but Ah! Why am I getting so flustered?” Rai exclaimed as she wondered and then covered her blushing face.

‘And another thing,

Why are you wearing

His silver collared dress?’

‘Mi’ curiously said as he approached and asked Rai himself.

“Enough with those silly questions! What are you two doing in here?!” Rai angrily said as she got flustered and asked Emi and ‘Mi’.

“Ah, yes! Mr. Nile has gone missing since last night so we came in here to bring you these casual clothes as per Sir Yuki’s request.” Emi said as she tells to Rai.

“I see…Wait! Mr. Nile is missing?! That is probably the reason why he did not return back to the Dining area after I asked him to summon some ‘Imperial Soldiers’ to help us stop Mr. Sai and Mr. Anderson.” Rai nervously said as she wondered.

“I assume that these letter that we have found posted onto your door earlier has something to do with Mr. Nile’s abduction.” Emi said as she gave the letters to Rai.

“Letters huh? Let see and read the first letter. This letter says: ‘Your Majesty, we LEGALLY abducted Mr. Nile according to your request. Do not worry! Lady Phoebe will accompany him back to ‘Iytheria’ after his three-day vacation in our ‘Village’. P.S. This is also Kazuki’s idea.’ From Sir Kenji. What?! Legally abducted? Is that even a logical phrase?” Rai exclaimed after she examined the first letter.

“I see. The other ‘Village Reps.’ Except for Sir Sai’s group has already left the ‘Main Island’ and went back to their ‘Villages’ last night. But? Why would Sir Kazuki and Sir Kenji kidnapped Mr. Nile?” Emi curiously said as she and ‘Mi’ crossed their arms and wondered.

“This is all my fault. I will just explain everything to Mr. Nile the next time he visits the ‘Main Island’. Anyway, the next letter is specifically addressed to Eito.” Rai said as she examined the second letter.

“I understand, your Majesty. We shall wake him up for you.” Emi cheerfully said as she approached the center sofa.

“Uh? Lady Emi, I think we should just let him sleep for a while and – Eh! Why would you have to throw those clothes onto his face?” Rai exclaimed as she wondered and asked Emi.

“Your Highness… I’m wake! What happened? Ah, it is just you Lady Emi. How did you – Huh?!” Eito exclaimed as he woke up and started panicking.

“Good morning, Sir Eito! What are you doing in here?” Emi curiously said as she asked Eito who flinched.

“Y-You see…please let me explain. I volunteered to accompany Milady – I mean her Majesty back to her quarters last night and then…” Eito nervously said as he explained to Emi.

“The people of ‘Alementalia’ are still rebuilding the Head Quarters so Sir Yuki suggested that the other VIPs guests should stay and rest inside the ‘Imperial Dormitories’ last night.” Rai said as she explained to Emi and ‘Mi’.

“But that does not clearly explains why Sir Eito is half-naked and sleeping inside the same apartment.” Emi said as she sighed in disappointment.

“N-Nothing happened okay?! We were just drunk and tired from the party last night and then fell asleep on this sofa…Milady, why are you blushing like that?!” Eito nervously said as he got flustered and asked Rai.

“I-I’m certainly not blushing! A-Anyway, Sir Eito, Lady Phoebe has sent you this letter.” Rai nervously said as she denied and then shoved the second letter onto Eito’s face.

“Ms. Phoebe did? This is probably her written explanation on what happened during your trip in ‘Wathyria’ last week.” Eito seriously said as he examined the letter.

“I wonder what kind of explanation did she wrote on her letter.” Emi said as she got intrigued and took a peek inside the letter.

“Hm? Let me see…She says: ‘To: Master Eito, I will accompany Sir Kazuki and Sir Kenji along with Mr. Nile tonight. We will be using your royal aerostat without your permission in order to fulfill her Majesty’s request. I do not care if you terminate me after this. From: Ms. Phoebe.’ Request? What? Milady, what the hell is she talking about?” Eito exclaimed as he wondered and stared back at Rai.

“A-Anyway, Lady Emi, please do help me get ready for today’s events.” Rai nervously said as she flinched in fear.

“Ah, yes! Of course, your Majesty. Lady Julie specifically told me to remind you that your ‘War Dance’ performance will begin at 10AM, sharp.” Emi said as she started picking up Rai’s clothes off on the floor.

“’War Dance’ huh? Wait! What? That dance? I should have asked Sir Hikaru to practice with beforehand. “Rai exclaimed as she started panicking and then ran out of the living area.

“Your Majesty, the bathroom is on this way and you forgot your clothes. Your Majesty!” Emi said as she chased Rai along the Hallway.

“This is bad. Her Majesty was not informed about the sudden rescheduling of events for her three-day coronation day celebration and – Huh? Is there something wrong?” Eito said as he approached and asked ‘Mi’.

‘Mi’ simply waved back both of his short arms back at Eito.

“Uh? My apologies, little guy but only ‘Aethyrians’, like Lady Emi are the only ones who can interpret your short message. I’m so sorry.” Eito sadly said as he sighed in disappointment.

‘Mi’ stomped both of his short legs on the floor, clearly being upset of Eito’s response.

“Sir Eito! Could you at least find and bring those two Long Swords, the pendant and that brown paper bag scattered around the apartment? I really need those for my today’s performance.” Rai said as she shouted and instructed to Eito while inside her bathroom.

“With pleasure, your Majesty! Now, let’s get back to work.” Eito cheerfully said as he stretched out his arms.

‘Central District’

‘Central Plaza’

Near the water fountains…

Mr. Sai, in his bizarre bird-like costume, along with Theo are seen waiting for Rai’s group inside the ‘Plaza’.

“There you are, Dear! We were searching for you.” Ms. Mai said as she and Ms. Janice arrived inside the ‘Plaza’.

“Oh? Good morning, everyone. Why are you not wearing your costumes?” Mr. Sai cheerfully said as he jumped off the edge of the water fountain and asked Ms. Mai.

“I-I do not have any reason to wear that bizarre, hilarious costume you have prepared for us last night. Look around you! You are just embarrassing yourself with that costume.” Ms. Mai nervously said as she started panicking.

“Uh? Mr. ‘Village Chief’, we are still in ‘Main Island’ so I guess your rule of mandatory wearing that half-peacock, half-phoenix customized costume every ‘Fireiyan Festival’ is not applicable in here.” Ms. Janice nervously said as she tells to Mr. Sai.

“I understand. But I would just like to show her Majesty our ‘Village’s full support for today’s dance by wearing my costume.” Mr. Sai said as he explained to Ms. Janice.

“How thoughtful of you, Darling but you are barely half-naked while wearing that! So, please do wear your long cape at least.” Ms. Mai exclaimed as she shoved the cape onto Mr. Sai’s face.

“Oh, I see. Thank you. Anyway, I wonder what happened to her Majesty. Their ‘War Dance’ performance will start in ten minutes.” Mr. Sai curiously said as he took the cape off his face.

“Your Highness, we are back.” Sir Yuki said as he and Mr. Carlo arrived and then approached Mr. Sai’s group.

“Oh! Welcome back, Sir Yuki. So, have you found Mr. Nile?” Mr. Sai seriously said as he asked Sir Yuki.

“My apologies, your highnesses, but I’m afraid that we failed to find Mr. Nile inside the ‘Central District’.” Sir Yuki said as he reported to Mr. Sai.

“I understand. Mr. Nile has been officially abducted then. How are we going to explain this to her Majesty?” Mr. Sai sadly said as he crossed his arms and wondered.

“Dear, I think we have to talk about that later. Look behind me, the seven masked ‘Minor Dancers’ has arrived.” Ms. Mai cheerfully said as she tells to Mr. Sai and the others.

“Ah, yes! Everyone, I thank all of you, my ‘Fireiyan’ children, for joining in today’s performance. I hope you at least practiced last night because Sir Hikaru will destroy all of you in front of everyone.” Mr. Sai cheerfully said as he smiled back at the masked dancers.

“Mother, those masks…Mother?” Theo softly said as he approached his mother.

“I know, my son. I also felt this same strange presence on those seven mercenaries who tried to kill you during the festival before.” Ms. Janice softly said as he whispered to Theo.

“Then, what are they doing in here? Wait! Do not tell me – we should at least inform Sir Sai about this.” Theo nervously said as he started panicking.

“My son, listen to me. We must proceed with caution. For the meantime, let’s just observe these strange dancers before doing something that will ruin her Majesty’s performance.” Ms. Janice seriously said as she instructed to Theo.

“But?! Look at that guy’s iron spear. From what I remember, we only do forge that kind of iron spear heads specifically for the Hashi – Eh? Your Majesty! Thank goodness you finally arrived.” Theo cheerfully said as he approached Rai’s group.

“Good morning, everyone! I’m so sorry for being late.” Rai cheerfully said as she apologized to everyone.

“Hey Miko! Miko, please wake up. Our ‘Lead Dancer’ has arrived.’ Lilia softly said as she nudged Miko’s right shoulder with her poisoned knife.

‘Lead Dancer is also a ‘Fireiyan’ who aims to guide the ‘Minor Dancers’ throughout their ‘War Dance’.

“Uh? Really? But I’m still sleepy.” Miko softly said as he yawned and then drew out his Short sword.

“That was amazing, Boss! You can still fell asleep while standing like this.” Mr. Bobby softly said as he carefully took his old revolver gun out of his lower pocket.

“That is because Lady Lilia kept us practicing all night which ruined my daily beauty sleep routine.” Ms. Milly softly said as she sighed in disbelief and then drew out her wooden axe.

“Ah! I really hate participating on this social gathering like this.” Ms. Carla softly said as she stretched out her arms and then took her metal halberd out.

‘No. 13’ flinched in fear as she noticed Miko smiling back at her; she, then, took out her modified bow and then used it to wake up ‘No. 12’ who silently fell asleep beside her.

“Good morning, everyone! I, Mr. Sai, your host for today’s event, thank all of you for attending her Majesty’s performance. Now, Sir Theo, please tie this purple cloth around her Majesty’s right arm.” Mr. Sai cheerfully said as he instructed to Theo.

Theo immediately nodded as he took the cloth and then carefully tied it around Rai’s arms.

“Your Majesty, please come upfront and stand in the center of this small circle. ” Mr. Sai said as he instructed to Rai.

“Now, I also hereby calling our ‘Minor Dancers’. Everyone, please do stand one meter apart from each other, forming a bigger circle around her Majesty upfront.” Ms. Mai said as she called out and instructed to the seven masked dancers.

“Mother…I do have a bad feeling about this.” Theo nervously said as he nudged his mother’s right arm.

“Theo, please calm down. I know that you are worried but - Huh?” Ms. Janice exclaimed as the curious crowd approached the water fountain.

“Your Majesty, everyone….Weapons, out!” Mr. Sai said as she commanded to Rai and the other ‘dancers’.

Rai smirked as she immediately drew out her two Long Swords and then aimed those at Lilia’s group; Lilia and the others hiding under their masks also did took out their choice of weapons and aimed them back at Rai.

“This looks like a planned standoff rather than dance performance.” Eito softly said as he and Emi approached Ms. Janice and Theo.

“Damn it! Something is wrong. Sir Eito, you are her protector right?! Why are you not doing anything?” Theo angrily said as she seized Eito’s collared uniform.

“Sir Theo, please calm down. What are you talking about?” Emi nervously said as she pulled Theo away from Eito.

“Do not worry, my fellow villagers. The main objective of this ‘War Dance’ is to defeat the ‘Lead Dancer’, her Majesty herself by cutting that purple cloth band Theo placed onto her upper, right arm…” Ms. Mai said as she explained to the curious audience.

“On the other hand, the seven contestants we called the ‘Minor Dancers’ must find their each and own way to cut the cloth band using their weapon of choice while simply dancing around the ‘Lead Dancer’.” Ms. Janice said as she continues the explanation to everyone.

“Now, on my command…let the ‘Fireiyan War Dance’ commence!” The eccentric Mr. Sai shouted out as the curious spectators began cheering for the eight ‘dancers’.

‘Fireiyan War Dance’ is traditional dance fight founded and popularized by ‘Fireiya’s first, female 'Village Chief', Ms. Janice to give honor to the man they called Sir ‘Ba-al’ and his two-winged 'Fire Birds' after these strange flaming birds protected their village from the Kingdom’s masked invaders the ‘Imperial Council’ called ‘Snow Bandits’.

‘Central Plaza’

While Dancing…

“Raise! Aim! Down, Turn!” The ‘Fireiyan’ villagers shouted out as they began cheering for Rai and the others.

Accompanied by medieval music, the seven ‘Minor Dancers’ began raising their weapons, just above their chest, aimed their weapon and then eventually bowed down to the ‘Lead Dancer’. Rai, on the other hand, also did the same as she maliciously aimed her swords back at the masked dancers.

“Raise! Aim! Down, Turn!” Mr. Sai’s group shouted out as they began cheering for Rai and the others.

“Oh? That is an interesting ‘War Dance’. Am I right, Sir Eito?” Emi cheerfully said as she asked Eito.

“Indeed! It is such an honor for a mere ‘Upper Knight’ like me to witness her Majesty’s performance in this standoff.” Eito cheerfully said as he covered his blushing face.

“Raise! Aim! Down, Final turn!” The ‘Fireiyan’ villagers shouted out as they began cheering for Rai and the others.

The music stopped as Rai and the others finally aimed their weapons back at each other.

“Now, on my command, everyone…En garde!” Mr. Sai seriously said as he ordered to Rai and the others.

“Damn it! Your Majesty!” Theo angrily said as he shouted back at Rai.

With one swift move, ‘No. 12’ began disarming his fellow six ‘Minor Dancers’; First, he seized Lilia’s poisoned knife followed by Miko’s short sword away from them. Second, he also seized Mr. Bobby revolver taking the only bullet out of it. Third, he carefully twisted Ms. Milly’s right arm eventually dropping her wooden axe on the ground and lastly, he intentionally pushed Ms. Carla away from Rai while he seized ‘No. 13’s poisoned arrow and then broke it into halves, defending Rai from the other mercenaries.

“A-Amazing!” The curious spectators exclaimed as they cheer out for ‘No.12’.

“Amazing! That ‘Minor Dancer’ simply disarmed his friends without injuring himself.” Emi exclaimed as she looked at Eito.

“Hm? I’m impressed but my skills are much better than what that guy has presented to us.” Eito boastfully said as he crossed his arms.

“H-How dare you do this to us, ‘No. 12’!” Ms. Carla angrily said as she took off her mask and then shouted back at ‘No.12’.

“Damn it! I did not expected that.” Ms. Milly angrily said as she glares at ‘No. 12’.

“That voice…Lady Carla? What are you doing in here? Wait. What the hell is going in here?” Rai said as she trembled in fear and wondered.

“Well, my bad. I still have to preserve my reputation for being the sole winner of this ‘War Dance.’” Hikaru cheerfully said as he lowered down his iron spear and then took off his mask, revealing his true identity.

“Hikaru?! Of course, why I have not thought of that?” Rai cheerfully said as she smiled back at Hikaru.

“Now, let’s finish this shall we?” Hikaru said as he smirked and then presented his iron spear to the audience.

“No! Rai, Hikaru, stop this madness!” Theo said as he shouted out, trying to stop Rai and Hikaru.

“En garde!” Rai and Hikaru said in unison as they both aimed their weapons at each other.

Rai was about to attack Hikaru when she accidentally slipped and stepped onto her untied shoe laces and then eventually fell down on the ground.

“Ah! Y-Your Majesty!” Eito and the audience exclaimed as they cried out while watching on the side lines.

“I do not know what just happened but I am taking this purple cloth away from you, your Majesty.” Hikaru cheerfully said as he approached Rai.

“Damn it! Hikaru, get away from me.” Rai angrily said as she shouted back at Hikaru.

Using his iron spear, Hikaru simply cut the purple cloth out of Rai’s arm and then stole it away from her.

“Thank you for this, your Majesty.” Hikaru said as he smiled and presented the cloth to Rai.

“Damn it. Fine! I hate to admit it but you won again, Hikaru.” Rai said as she pouted and sat upright on the ground.

“Here, let me help you.” Hikaru shyly said as he reached out his left hand towards Rai.

“Uh?! Thank you, Sir Hikaru.” Rai cheerfully said as she took Hikaru’s hand and then stood up from the ground.

“Time’s up! Sir Hikaru has successfully retrieved the purple cloth from her Majesty by himself so… therefore, I declare him as the sole winner of this dance performance.” Mr. Sai said as he made the announcement in front of everyone.

The audience cheered out as they approach and congratulate Hikaru themselves.

“Amazing! Another Hashimoto child won this dance fight, again.” Ms. Mai exclaimed as she looked at Ms. Janice.

“Hahaha! Of course! Hikaru only learned those moves from the best ‘Fireiyan Dancer’ that our ‘Village’ have. And that ‘dancer’ is his one and only mother, Lady Yua.” Ms. Janice cheerfully said as she crossed her arms.

“Your Majesty, are you alright?” Eito said as he and Emi approached Rai.

“Sir Eito, Lady Emi! Do not worry, I’m fine.” Rai said as she gently picked up her sword off the ground.

“Thank goodness. Anyway, we already told you to tie that weird shoes’ laces before you sprinted out of your apartment but you did not listened to us.” Emi said as she sighed in disappointment.

“I know that! It is my fault why Hikaru won on that performance. Also, I cannot help wonder how Auntie Lady has managed to deliver this strange present to our Kingdom.” Rai said as she gently lifted up her skirt and presented her wine red-colored rubber shoes to Eito and Emi.

“Hm? Simple and stylish. That pair of weird footwear is quite intriguing, your Majesty.” Eito curiously said as he examined Rai’s shoes.

“I’m sure that Mr. Timmy and Mrs. Ester, our ‘Village’s Shoemakers, will be displeased from this discovery, your Majesty.” Emi said as she crossed her arms.

“Woah…what are those things, your Majesty?” ‘Lyon’ said as he suddenly appeared behind Rai.

“Sir ‘Lyon’! Where did you come from!?” Rai exclaimed as she flinched in fear and stepped away from ‘Lyon’.

“Ah, yes. I jumped out from that store’s roof and then safely landed over here. I’m so sorry for scaring you like that, your Majesty.” ‘Lyon’ sadly said as he apologized to Rai.

“Wait! All the way up over there? Are you mad? And how did you get up there in the first place?” Eito exclaimed as he wondered and asked ‘Lyon’.

“Uh? How should I explain this to you… You see, My big brother ‘Ryo’ was flying me back to the ‘Lake’ when I accidentally slipped and fell down from the morning sky.” ‘Lyon’ cheerfully said as he smiled back at Rai’s group.

“What?! Do ‘Beasts’ like you can fly?” Emi exclaimed as she wondered.

“A flying lion huh? Now, that is something new.” Eito said as he also wondered.

“I-I see. Anyway, what is that thing you are hiding inside your upper chest pocket?” Rai curiously said as she wondered and asked ‘Lyon’.

“Ah, yes. This thing! Your Majesty, would you like to play the ‘Card Game’ with me?” ‘Lyon’ seriously said as he took out and presented his deck of cards to Rai.

“Oh? The ‘Card Game’ huh? I would gladly accept you challenge, ‘Lyon’.” Rai said as she tousled ‘Lyon’ blonde hair.

“Oh! What is this? What is happening?” Mr. Sai curiously said as he approached Rai and ‘Lyon’.

“Did you hear that? That young ‘Beast’ is challenging her Majesty on a duel in the ‘Card Game’.” Ms. Mai said as she tells to the audience.


Thank you very much for waiting. Currently dealing with some other realistic tasks so I'm sorry for the late update. Anyway, Here is Chapter VII and enjoy reading. Will try to update this/next week so stay tuned. – Cheche – chan.