The moment Zedong heard Yu Yan's unhesitating answer, he froze for a moment because he didn't expect Yu Yan to agree that easily!

But since he really intended him to feel amazed at that place, he lead Yu Yan out of the house with Madam's permission since it's not that far from the House.

They silently walked on the paved path where slanting trees line up on the side, leaves falling off from their trunks as the autumn approach winter slowly. They are both covered in layers of thick robes and scarves since the freezing air is all around the corner.

Zedong's head didn't calm down a bit and would turn to the side from time to time to take a glimpse of Yu Yan, afraid if he got irritated or bored or would hint anything that he would rather go back than go on any further.

And because his movements were too obvious, Yu Yan returned his stare when Zedong turned to look at him again and immediately flinched, turning his head away because he turned red from embarrassment.

"Your neck surely is flexible." Yu Yan stated

"Uh, not quite," Zedong responded thinking it's an honest compliment

Yu Yan didn't react and just stared at him.

Zedong was busy looking ahead, afraid that if he'll not, his head would turn to Yu Yan again.

But he also didn't notice that Yu Yan slowly took his steps closer towards him, unnoticeably, as the man stare ahead.

Sensing that the field change and the faint smell of early spring swept by their noses, Zedong smiled and finally turned to Yu Yan excitingly, "We're here!---"

Yu Yan saw his delighted face close to him which made the two halt from their actions.

They both didn't notice that they're walking almost arm-to-arm and when Zedong turned, his nose almost touched the tip of Yu Yan's nose.

Zedong blinked several times before he finally snapped and immediately stepped backward, so does Yu Yan who simply turned his head away unlike Zedong who's already blushing.

Zedong cleared his throat, "Uh, that...."

"Is it here?" Yu Yan asked, stepping forward to take a look on the field that's filtered in orange due to the withering season but luckily, the magnolia trees still looked in the stage of spring as their scent still lingered on the field, white and wonderful.

The place was quiet and peaceful, there's no hint of the usual noises from the streets and everything looked aesthetic from the soft sky unto the dry ground.

Yu Yan silently indulged himself in the beautiful scenery, it's been a long time since he felt genuine relaxation again.

Seeing that his back became less tense and Yu Yan's figure just stood to face the open field, Zedong felt lighter since he intended to make him feel refreshed.

He just stood behind Yu Yan, both silently gazing at the open field thoughts running but didn't speak a single word.

"Are you..." Zedong suddenly heard Yu Yan spoke

"Are you sold to that house?" he asked, his back still facing Zedong

"Sold?" Zedong asked back but soon realized its meaning, "Ah, well you may say that."

"But that frequently applies on beauties only since they can buy their own freedom back once they have enough money so they're kinda sold." He added

Yu Yan finally turned to him, "So you're not brought by money to work?"

Zedong got confused because Yu Yan suddenly asked these kinds of questions but he still answered, "Well, yes we're also brought by it but since we, as servants, almost had no chance to live a normal life...we would just dedicate ourselves to the houses were working with or without any chance of freeing ourselves so it's like, we're in definite contract than being sold." he explained

And since he's been taught by the senior servants about this line of thought, Zedong already understood his fate.

But Yu Yan wasn't pleased, "So you can't leave on that place? Ever?"

Zedong was amused, why does he look so troubled?

He answered, chuckling lowly, "Even if we leave, where can we even go to?"

Yu Yan frowned and turned his head away from him.

"Anywhere." he then said

Zedong suddenly stopped when he heard those words from Yu Yan.

"Anywhere you like." the man continued

There was a gush of cold breeze that passed by them and Yu Yan's long, silky hair flew and reached Zedong who just found out that the man had a natural scent coming from him, it was faint but Zedong was certain that it is something sweet and dreamy. A smell of honey and spring.

But he immediately snapped when he realized that his mind thought of smelling the man up close, he silently cleared his throat and took the basket from his back. He walked forward towards the bed of wild herbs.

"I'll just need to take some chamomile, it'll be quick," he said to Yu Yan and bent on the garden bed to pluck some chamomile carefully. The Chamomile has a daisy-like appearance, its petals were white and had a slender stem, this herb when applied to the skin could reduce signs of aging by protecting the skin from free radical damage so it's in demand for beauties.

Zedong was plucking the herbs carefully when he sensed that someone joined him.

"It's a good place." Yu Yan uttered who started to pluck some chamomile in a proper away and placed it on Zedong's basket.

"After the war, I never imagined resting again like this." He added and started plucking again.

Zedong was stunned that he became speechless, "Y-Your's shouldn't..."

"It's okay, it's not like I'm a beauty to be taken care of." Yu Yan replied as he continue to pluck some chamomile.

Zedong got tense again whether he'll stop Yu Yan or just let him be since he volunteered himself but he'll get killed by Madam if she knew this!

"Oh, there's a six cloverleaf!" Yu Yan suddenly blurted.

He then carefully pluck the six clover leaves and gave them to Zedong.

"It's me giving you some luck." Yu Yan said

Zedong lowly chuckled, "But my bad luck is quite high so I think you should keep it." he said

"It's a powerful good luck, it's a six cloverleaf!" Yu Yan blurted

"But you found it so you---o-oh, okay, thank you." Zedong stopped refuting when Yu Yan's face turned into an icy one, glaring at him.

But hearing it, Yu Yan suddenly giggled, "Here." he then leaned to place some chamomile he plucked on top of Zedong's ears.

He then giggled more.

Zedong doesn't know what was happening but seeing Yu Yan enjoying his silliness was quite a surprise for him. He would giggle then search for some varied flowers to place on Zedong's ears then giggle again.

Zedong broke a smile and couldn't help but to laugh with him. It's just funny how Yu Yan would make things funnier just to please himself so the man returned the favor and decorated Yu Yan's head with leaves and flowers.


They both went home at sundown which made the two shake in fear upon arriving at the madam's office.

They were gone for a whole day! But luckily, Yu Yan was the madam's favorite so she skipped the punishments and just scolded them.

Yu Yan and Zedong had an amused look when they got out of the office, the enjoyment on their faces didn't fade.

"Wait." Zedong lifted his hand towards his face.

"A flower remained," he said and proceed to take the pinned flower on Yu Yan's hair near his cheeks.

"Oh, it's a magnolia bud!" Zedong was amused to see it but he stopped when he saw that Yu Yan's face turned red.

"Yu Yan? Are you okay? Are you sick?? Did you catch a fever?!" he suddenly panicked but Yu Yan immediately turned away from him

"I-I'm fine. GOOD NIGHT!" he exclaimed and ran.