Chapter 2

Haena's POV

After I left A-Yeong in that room and left the uni, I hesitated once again whether to grab a cab or wait for the bus in the bus stop but I ended up walking to the house because the destination is the house. It'll be troublesome if I get seen by him accidentally or not. But it's also because of this feeling that arised inside me once more. All because of her. Because she showed up again.

I let her go. I lied to her so she'll leave me, but that doesn't also mean that I didn't do it. She doesn't deserve someone like me. Yejin. If only... No, it was my fault at the first place. If only I didn't get drunk that time. I got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard someone.

"am?- Ma'am?", someone called out to me inside the gate. I turned my gaze and saw a maid. Somone unfamiliar. "Can you please tell me who you are?", she said. Probably a new hire, I thought.

"Haena", I replied and purposely left out my last name since I don't like telling people my names. Even Yijin had to force it out of me. I chuckled lightly remembering those times.

"Haena? Can you tell me what's your business here?", she said slightly confused and brows raised. Maybe because I chuckled and she doesn't know me. I hate the idea of being recognized in public. That's why I tend to avoid telling my last name when asked about my name and public events. I did showed up a few times when I was a kid and only once after that accident.

I pulled out a card out of my pocket and her face widened after I showed it to her. Of course she would be surpised. There's only three cards like this that exist in the whole world. Made by William Haurts. A business man, the CEO and the owner of WLAJH Company, a large and famous one at that. I smiled a little because I was still getting embrassed by thinking about it. Why would he name his comany like that. Just because I mentioned it when he was born although I was super happy that time. My smile widened more thinking about why he named his company like that. He really love us so much. But it also faded quickly like the same amount of time my smile appeared. L... (Haurts is silence r but not really silence. just really really quiet.)

"Please come in", she said still shocked but rational. I was pulled out of my thoughts once again. I nodded and started to walk in once the gates opened. The smell of the garden quickly filled my nose. I took a breath after I closed my eyes to appreciate the quiet environment inside these huge gates and walls. (anyone knows aot?)

After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and turned back to the new hire. She raised her eyebrows, probably confused or surprised or both. I parted my lips and, "Thank you." came out. A smile appeared in my face. A weak one but gentle somehow. (this makes me sad)

A confused look appeared in her face once again. She opened her mouth a little but closed it after a moment. She's hesitating to ask what I meant about that. She opened them once again and words came out. "For what, miss?", she asked softly and quietly but enough for me to hear. A smile appeared once again in my face. A smile that shows I'm thankful.

"I'll tell you some other time. That is, if I can." I told her and she just shook her head. I raised my brows, confused from that action of hers.

"You'll have the time, miss." she said while smiling. It made me smile again. What she said me feel relieved but also made me sad. What if I don't? She opened her mouth once again and asked, "This might be selfish of me but can you promise me that you'll tell me someday, miss?". It kinda pulled out the negative thoughts that's inside my head and maybe heart. I wonder how many times has she made me smile. This is only our first meeting but I feel comfortable

She gives me a sense of security, just like... her.

"I will. Because you insist, a lot." I chuckled and she did too. "I promise." I added.

"In return..." I said feeling shy. "Let me see you again. Promise me." I said expectantly but also worried that it's not gonna happen.

These negative thoughts and feelings got swept away when she spoke, "I promise. I promise you will see me again, miss Haena." I smiled once more.

"Well then, I need to go see someone. See you again." I said while offering her a smile. "Tell me your name next time." I added. I turned and headed to the front door.

I walked and walked. And then I finally reached the front door. I took a breathe before pushing the door. Lights, the first thing that visited me once I opened the door. So bright. A voice resounded in the big room.

"You're here?", he asked with a positive expression while walking down the stairs.

"As you can see, dad." I replied playfully while shrugging my shoulders showing him that the answer to his question is obvious, very obvious.

He stopped walking down the stairs.

"Haena Laurier." He said seriously that made me a little shook and nervous. Hearing Laurier made me sad but it was my choice. The atmosphere became awkward and tense after those two words.

"Yes, what is it, William Haurts?" I said seriously to counter him.



I apologize for this short chapter. This is supposed to be longer with intese parts and truth uncovered but after the talk in the first part, I didn't want to ruin the feelings that was shown there. Then I just added the tense part at the end.

what do i say now...