While i was explaining myself about this world to Daki, realize I haven't checked the admin menu making me curious on what this is. (admin menu)

"hmmm let's see..." i stated while daki is running around in circles looking at everything in the domain like a child that just got their new toy the only problem is she in the outfit she usual wears not that im complaining though











"so does that mean i can world hop too later on" i pretty soon got the gist of it, about head out of this place while not to forget calling daki as she runs over towards me. i didn't want to touch the abyss energy because i know nothing about is and dont want to take my chances as well in case if it corrupts the soul and body to follow the 'will' like my 'HIVE MIND SKILL' and that a big no. As im walking out with daki following closely behind me we see a door that has a little light shining through proving that it's day time as well. daki happily spoke, leading to a question afterwards " Nii-sama!! we're almost out of this yucky place. I wonder what this world is like though? " asking with a thinking pose that makes her look innocent but the outfit saids otherwise, making me shake my head while answering that its way better in this world then are last one. I eventually get to the door trying to find a panel to open it more then showing a gap while daki pokes at a commend console "Nii sama, what's this thing? " i look over to what she pointing at stating its the panel to open the door, I get closer im order to press the control console, opening the door in the process making us see the outside view as well walk out of the domain leading to a beautiful scenery as well making me feel the warmth of the sun with daki stated the sun looked beautiful and can calmly look at it without dying.


In the middle of no where in mondstadt on a cliff side with the sun shining out and animals enjoying their food and the cubs are playing as well... a door opens up with two people coming out one that looks indifferent to everything in a nice suit that you see at business transaction with blood red eyes and silky black hair the other one person is a female with beautiful pale skin and blood red eyes with black silky hair making her look like the siblings of the person in the suit on the other hands she wearing a revealing outfit that you see in the red light district and it did nothing to hide the imagination with her following closely behind the man in the suit making seem like their either lover or siblings. The two mysterious people start walking randomly in a direction heading to the woods that show a path out out of this area.


In a unknown location where there's nothing but woods and grass everywhere there a person running looking out of breath with a worried expression on her face like shes trying to escape from something even having trouble moving too. she has green hair, wear nothing but white cloth cover her body having her hands together holding something that resembles a vision in this world with a orange feather hanging from it. "hah... hah... I have to hide..." she spoken in a worried tone seemly out of breaths not realizing where shes looking she trips on a branch that on the ground hurting herself in the process hissing in pain trying to get up slowly but luck was not on her side and her body stopped moving making her scared even more "nooo.... not now... " behind she hears the people that were chasing her seemly talking to each other, wearing unique armor holding different weapons making her look even more scared.


The person in the middle giving a pressure that hes the leader wearing armor that glows purple while holding something that looks like a hammer that glows the same colors as the armor "Have you found Subject-045?" the purpled leader spoke in a commanding tone. The other glowing red armored figure answering in a fearful tone "Yes sir... she should be around here somewhere..." making the purple glowing armored leader response in a annoyed tone "good, that brat is annoying if The Doctor finds out about this you know what would happen right---" the Fatui heard something snapped in the distance cutting off his response "hmm go check it out that probably her, afterall she has a eleazar disease - makes you lose control of your body depending how long you move" The Fatui leader stated. The lower ranks followed the order and start to head in that direction seeing something but not what they thought. but a man in a suit with an indifference expression like he dont feel a drop of life and next to him is a women that looks like a prostitute but with high end clothing giving a servant presence toward the man in the suit but releasing bloodlust that seems practically inhumane towards the Fatui making them sweat with their instinct telling then to run but ignoring the feeling making them think it nothing. The fatui leader responded looking at the mysterious people "Who are you people? and have seen a green haired girl around here that's holding a dendro vision?" trying to prob information from them to complete the order and get back the girl. The pale looking girl spoke in indifferent tone stating "Nii-Sama, what should we do to these humans" confusing the Fatui on wonder why she called them like she not one (aren't you human too? are they disrespecting and looking down on me) making the Fatui leader annoyed as he was about to speak but getting cut off but by the man in the suit as he spoke in a indifference fine "Not now sister we need information from them, but it seems they already gave what we're looking for so it would be best to kill them and eat their bodies" scaring the Fatui squadron and want to throw up from that response but giving them realizing thought that theirs going have to fight their way out


during me and dakis time in the woods while taking in the view of how nice it is we sense humans heading our way and one more 3:00 from us thats 30 meters distance but not moving but alive: most likely past out. I need to more information to make proper assessment. daki is giving them hostile glance at the moment I'll let her speak but she most like ask me for orders first do to the 'HIVE MIND SKILL' even know its passive and cant shut it off. "Who are you people? and have you seen a green haired girl around here that holding a dendro vision?" That fatui leader responded towards us and making realize who their talking about giving me a rough assessment how far im in the plot (That 'mortals' memories are useful I awoken at the time when collei escape from the doctor, and that person on my right 30meters from now should be collei and these people should be chasing her) That when daki spoke asking me quest on what to do and i responded that they gave what we need just eat them as i protruding spines like whips from my back seeing the horror on there faces destroying everything in my path while ordering daki to go for the girl 30 meters on our right as she ran off "Yes Nii-Sama!! daki stated. I reminded Daki not to kill the girl too. i kept attacking while kill over 20 humans as they screamed yelling monster or demon which is pointless because their going to die anyway. most of the humans were sliced in multiple pieces and destroying multiple tree making a big field like we weren't even in the woods to begin with only 2 fatui alive but barely as they weakly asks in a fearful tone "w-what are you?" I look at them indifferently with cold gaze showing my blood like eyes giving a response with a emotionless tone "I'm a demon nothing more nothing less, that is all"


The moment Daki was ordered by Muzan to get the girl but not kill her, she left towards the destination that Muzan told her, but some humans started to chase after her making her so down to get rid of them as we see her stop infront of a girl with green hair that has a dendro vision in her hand wearing nothing but white rags and is practically beat up and covered in dirt and has cuts all over staring at daki trying to respond but was cut off when 5 fatui members stop behind daki one of them shouted "look boys we got ourselves a jackpot one a prostitute and the other is the girl the Boss want" making the rest laughing but stopped shortly after because daki kill the person saying and disrespecting her "you disgusting human, only Nii-sama get to touch me" releasing her bloodlust and anger on them making it look like a blood bath as collei watches in horror because the person is not using a vision and attacking with her clothes as they get cut up making the area a puddle of blood as Daki smiles with glee and laughing daki saids "you humans are pretty weak and those special attack are annoying too lucky im immortal and have higher regeneration otherwise i would die, to bad." daki shakes her head while shrugging her shoulder with her clothes move back in her body. daki sighs then looks back at the girl that muzan wants "yoohoo you still there?" daki walk over the down girl trying to get her attention. The girl states "what or who are you? are you hear to kill me?" looking up at daki in the eye but barely do to being tired with daki looking innocent and clueless like she didn't just kill 5 Fatui members like they were toys. Daki saids " I would've killed you and eat you but brother told me not too im assuming your useful to him even though your very pretty too i was hoping to take your left eye such a shame" seemly acting like a child that didn't get their candy. "your disgusting even worse then The Doctor... " collei said in fearful disgusted tone that has little to no strength at all.

••••••••TIME SKIP ••••••••

In a area with a over 30 bodies dead and slaughtered like a helpless animals with the area devastated looking like a battle happened with a man in a suit that seems to be waiting for something or someone as he talks to the last few alive but barely as they look fearful and filled with terror in their eyes in a few minutes daki appears with the girl that has a scared expression and seems to be shaking. The man looks over and kills the the last two Fatui by slicing their throats with a spinal like whip then going back in to his back. The man speaks in a indifferent voice while looking over to Daki then switching to Collei making her looking down in fear even more "Daki seems you did well, good. You human girl, I'll kindly ask you to guide us to the nearest city, but feel free to say no, ill just have my subordinate kill you or leave you here... your choice?" making her rapidly accept being a guide saying in a stuttering fearful tone not wanting to die "no no no. . dont kill, ill be guide, help you" do to the trauma either from the doctor or this event that she saw causing her to go to basic thinking maker her submissive even more since she hasn't met Amber yet at this moment but came across Muzan Kibutsuji. So seeing collei agree Muzan being to respond once more while letting Daki eat her fill and spend time enjoying the view as she eats her fill "My name is Muzan Kibutsuji a demon. who are you human girl? and what are you doing in these woods? " at the moment collei hears him introducing himself and revealing himself as a demon, she begins to feel fear not wanting to say a word but that annoyed Muzan making him give a order "I ask you a question human girl?" hes states in a cold indifferent tone making her response quickly of not want to be disposed off or disappoint her new 'master' "im C-Collei M--master... In woods... me... experiment.. for people..." as she calls herself an experiment pointing at herself with her right hand and the dendro vision in the other with a emotionless voice seemly broken with empty eyes answering his query/order.


Doll... that what I am for people, emotionless puppet to be use as see fit and now i lost all hope in the world as I sit against a broken tree as I watch my new 'master' eat the fatui members ripping their arm or leg off and the girl demon named Daki sometimes taking the left eye of pretty people and the male demon named Muzan; he seems to have leader like aura as well being Daki sibling. These people might be even stronger then The Doctor do to the myths and books i read about demons and how the geo archon was in war against them, so their no way i can betray them as Im not but livestock to them and i have no value to these demons, this isn't like the last time where i had some value to The Doctor like being a experiment, compared these demons that not important to them in fact life itself it nothing to them as their immortal like the seven archons.

••••••TIME SKIP •••••••

Now where walking towards the city called mondstadt famous for its so called 'freedom' which i realized is nothing but a sham and joke, nothing free in this world everything is controlled by something or someone. I look at my new masters in front of me walking taking in the view like it new to them acting like normal humans even talking 'happily' as well or happily as it can get for demons i guess with Daki-sama flirting with her brother leaning her boobs against Muzan even hugging his entire arm rubbing against him (Their siblings right?.... right?) I mentally sweat drop at their perverted actions even becoming mentally embarrassed (good thing i can't physically show emotions but i guess we'll never understand demons) as I and new master continue on are journey towards a the City of 'Freedom' (ironic isn't...?) .....