"Prince! Prince!"

The faint sound became clearer in both my ears. From afar, I saw several people approaching us in typical royal maid clothes.

"Prince, thank God you're back."

Cloud wakes up immediately. Several female maids looked happy to see Cloud's arrival. At the same time, I was lost in my thoughts.

Lord? Royal servant? Am I in another world or another country?

I can't hear Cloud's conversation with his servants. I'm still lost in my thoughts.

What tree is this? Lots of fruit. It looks like it will be cooking soon.

The tree in front of me is so big and lush, and its fruit is on every trunk. The colour is still reddish-green. Unfortunately, I can't be sure what kind of tree in front of me is this.


I think I've seen this tree before, but I don't know where.


Cloud called me a second time. He interrupted my thoughts with a soft touch that landed on the cheek.


"Ara, are you okay? Do not be afraid. You'll be safe with me."

Cloud's words calmed my wondering heart and mind.

"Come on, Miss."

A maidservant led me down the hill. Cloud smiled as if giving permission. He walked behind me, making sure I was okay.

I saw the horse carriage was waiting for us. I got into the horse carriage with a female servant assigned by Cloud while Cloud rode his white horse.

Inside the carriage, the royal maid gave me a warm ginger drink. It looks like this will be my new adventure, although its whereabouts are not yet clear.

I want to make my family happy. I will give the results of my work to my father and mother. So you don't have to be too tired at work. I hope my dream will come true soon.


During the trip, I saw an unusual sight. Along the way, I saw people's houses that looked old, but the residents didn't seem to care. Until I arrived at the gate of an old palace, several royal servants greeted me.

Cloud dismounted from his horse, and he then approached me, "Ara, will be separating us for a while. Aunt Rum will serve you. I have a business. Don't be afraid, and you are my responsibility."

Cloud immediately left me. His words were like a message as well as a guarantee for me. I also followed a maidservant into a room that smelled sweet. There I was treated special.

"Forgive us, Miss. We're just doing our job. It will hurt a little. But we beg you to hold on until the end, so we don't get punished."

The words of one of the waiters made me feel sorry for myself. I gave up and did not fight or complain about my treatment. I was put to sleep and only wore a cloth to cover the body. Step by step done. I held both my legs while my hands began to get treatment.

"Hold on a moment, Miss."


I feel the heat hitting the surface of my skin. It was like being skinned alive. This process is painful, but I have to keep going. Because if they don't, it's the servants who will punish.

I have to endure…

It probably took about an hour. The maids waxed my whole body. It feels so weird now. I can't deny the burning sensation. Maybe this is what waxing feels like.

"Please lie down, Miss."

After finishing waxing, they immediately directed me to scrub. My whole body is scrubbed while being massaged. It looks like the waiter this time is very skilled at doing it. What I used to feel pain, now I feel comfortable. I feel like sleeping. And yes, I almost fell asleep.

Not quite up here, I was then asked to take a steam bath to remove all the stubborn sweat. After that, I gave my body a special lotion. As a result, my skin is now a glowing olive.

My face was not left behind in the mask using ingredients from nature. Meanwhile, I tidied my hair to make it look lighter and feel softer. My bangs are adjusted to the shape of the face to make it look thinner.

"Hurry up and finish! In an hour, the collective prayer will begin!"

It was heard from behind the room the voice of an older woman was scolding the servants of this kingdom.

"Very well, Madam Chair."

The maids immediately acted after receiving a stern warning from the woman. They were so busy dressing me. Of course, the older woman watched her without giving the slightest opening.

After tidying up, I coloured my hair with light blonde hair dye and hanging curls. The maid had also prepared a dress for me—a light beige lace dress combined with gold batik patterns on the chest.

I looked at myself too. I really can't imagine my appearance has changed 180 degrees now.

"You have to be polite here, Miss."

Suddenly a voice came from behind me. The maids bowed as the figure entered the changing room.

"Hm, I-I-"

I stammered. There was a sense of worry when I heard those words.

"Watch your manners. Keep your body straight while in the palace, and keep smiling. Keep your elegance as a woman."

The bespectacled old lady spoke while putting an emerald green butterfly clip on the left side of my head. It looks like it was a special barrette. She was very careful to put it on.

"You understand, Miss?" she asked to make sure I was listening.

"I-I understand," I replied a little stiffly.

"Good! Now I'll take you to the main royal room. The ministers and royal officials have been waiting. We will pray together before letting go of the king and queen."

Let go?

Her words confused me a little. However, I obeyed her orders because I did not want to linger.


Arriving at the main hall of the kingdom, I saw so many people there. The older woman, who turned out to be named Rum, led me to the front of Cloud.

"Happy greetings to Prince Cloud," she said as she pushed me closer.

Cloud was silent for a moment. He saw me, then turned to Aunt Rum and signalled to leave us. I feel awkward being watched by Cloud tonight.


Cloud looked at my new appearance. It feels well mixed with nervousness. I didn't dare meet his eyes. Moreover, Cloud's appearance is very different this time. His slightly long blonde hair was slicked back. The white royal attire he wore looked luxurious and implied his charming personality.

He's like an angel...

A few hours we were apart honestly made me miss him. But what I experienced in that room made me forget Cloud for a moment. Now Cloud is with me and makes the longing seem to pay off.

"You look so perfect tonight, Ara. I don't think I want to take my eyes off you," he said, which made my heart beat wildly.


I blushed at Cloud's words.

Not long after, the ceremony for the release of the king and queen began. We were asked to stand up, praying for the safety of the king and queen because they were going on a long journey. I also followed him solemnly because Cloud was accompanying me.