"You cheated!"

I rose from his chest. Then sat down with an annoyed expression.


His voice was pleading, so soft. However, I'm selling expensive. Yes, this is my revenge for what he did at the beginning of our meeting.

"Do not be angry."

Rain put his head on my left shoulder then hugged me from behind. Felt the warmth of his breath on the surface of the skin on my shoulder.

"Ara, yours is big too, huh?"

It was as if time had stopped when Rain said that. I forgot that I was wearing a dress with an open top. He could see my chest from above.


I pushed him, and he fell. I'm sorry. But I worry about my destiny. Strange thoughts began to surround me, making self-defense automatically work.

"Ara. What happened to you? Suddenly pushed me. It hurts, you know!"

I feel sorry for Rain too. He wasn't prepared at all. I was moving so fast earlier. I feel so guilty.

"S-sorry, Rain," I told him.

I regret doing that. I have hurt him. I shouldn't be like this even though I had intended not to fight earlier and go with the flow.

"Rain, I'll massage your shoulder, okay?"

I then walked around it. I sat behind him while starting to massage his aching body. Rain didn't say anything when I massaged, nor could I see his expression.

"Hey, Ara. You know what tree behind us is?" he asked while enjoying my massage.

"I feel like I've seen it before, but I forgot," I replied.

"Here's your tree, Ara." Rain continued.

"Hah? My tree?!" I was surprised to hear that.

Rain then turned his body to face me.

"Yes, this is a fig tree or a fig tree."

"Oh, so this is the tree that produces the figs, huh?" I asked again.

"He-em." Rain nodded. "Your fruit is not very big but enough for me."


Rain is luring me again. It looks like I'll have to put up a fight this time. He repeatedly teased me. It feels weird if I don't try to fight it. Even if it's a little vulgar, I'll give it a try.

"You mean this fruit?"

I lowered my dress a little at the chest with my index finger to make the cleavage visible. Rain looked surprised. After that, I gently pushed him to sleep on his back.


Rain's voice sounded weak. I immediately stroked my hair to the right and approached him.

"Rain, you want it?"

The intonation of the question was deliberately made erotic. I bit my lip in front of him. Rain was silent and didn't move an inch. It was implied on his face that he wanted something.

I then brought my face closer to his. Slowly, deliberately slowed down. He got closer and closer until I felt his warm breath on my cheek. Rain closed his eyes, and he looked resigned.

I enjoy this view. At my age, of course, I understand something like this. It's also funny to see Rain's expression. He thought I was going to kiss him, but...

I distance myself immediately without a sound. I saw Rain open his eyes because there was no movement from me for a long time. And he saw that I was far from his side.


It looks like I managed to piss him off today. Seen from afar, Rain's face was bright red. I laughed too.

"Watch out for you, huh!"

Rain then got up, and he immediately chased after me. I was ready to be chased.


I ran around the big fig tree counterclockwise. Rain I see is still trying to catch me from behind.

"Fig! I won't let you off the hook this time!"

I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him mockingly.

"Nanana. Wee!"

Rain was getting annoyed, and we turned around. I couldn't hold back my laughter. We kept chasing until I couldn't take it anymore. I also felt tired. Rain then immediately caught me.

"Got you, huh!"

Rain caught me from behind while I was still laughing.

"Sorry," I said and laughed again.

"No apologies today."

Rain then turned my body to face him.

"You are so naughty. It's made my pants tight, you know!" he said slowly, glancing to the right and left.

"Yes. I promise not again."

His hands pressed my cheeks, and then Rain pinched my nose gently.

"It hurts, Rain!"

"Slow down, Ara."

"It hurts to pinch it in the nose, I mean." I chuckled a little.

"Where do you want to be pinched?" he asked.

"Where, huh?" My eyeballs rolled as if thinking.

Rain then pulled me. He hugged me. He rested my head on his chest. I feel the warmth of his body burning my desire.

"Ara, promise to be with me. Today I don't want to lie to my feelings anymore."


"I need you, Ara."

Those words made me smile happily. Should I answer it?

Rain kissed my head again. He conveyed all his feelings to me. My hands then wrapped around his waist. I hugged Rain back and hugged him tightly. It's as if I don't want to lose him either.

The journey of the heart with him made me feel at home in this world. Will I be required to return to my world after my work is finished? I feel so afraid to lose Rain. He's always been there for me since our first meeting. Even though he took care of me in his annoying attitude, that feeling began to grow and bloom, rising to the ceiling of the heart.

Rain if I could say that I love you.

I closed my eyes, enjoying being in his arms. It feels so happy. It was as if the world was just the two of us.

Rain isn't as bad as I thought. Behind his arrogance lies a great love. And I like it.

A few minutes later…

We are getting closer to each other. I began to open wide the door of my heart for him. It doesn't feel like we've been on this hill long enough. Maybe two or three hours had passed. I also feel hungry.

"Rain, I'm hungry," I tell him shamelessly.

"You haven't eaten, Ara?"

I shook my head. I haven't had time to eat since this morning. My hands are holding my empty stomach.

"Ara, I didn't bring any food either. I wonder how?" Rain is confused.

"If you drink water, bring it?" I asked pitifully.

"I always carry drinking water, but somehow I forgot today."


"D-don't put leaves in my mouth again, Ara. Help …"

Rain makes me laugh. It turns out he still remembers what happened at that time. I think I'm starting to like playing with this facial expression.

"So, what's next? Can you get me fruit from this tree?" I asked, pointing at the fig tree.

"Um, I don't dare."


Rain had a worried look on his face. I'm also worried, lest there is something hidden here.

"It's presumptuous of me to take fruit without permission, Ara."

"Oh. Oh, I see. Then who should we ask permission to?" I asked curiously.

"To the tree itself," replied Rain.

"Hah?! Are you serious?"

"I'm serious. Grandpa always reminded me not to pick fruit from this tree carelessly. Let the fruit fall by itself, and then can eat it."

"So long, Rain."

"But grandfather has warned me since childhood, and I dare not do it. If this fruit falls on its own, it means that he is sincerely giving it to us. But if we take it, it means we take something from him without permission. And that can make this tree angry."

Rain started telling me mystical stories. I just found out if it's like that here. I need to learn more about this world.