"Okay, then I'll accompany you," continued Rain.

"Hey, I'm going back to my room and resting for a bit," I stopped him.

"It's okay, and I accompany you to rest."

"No, Rain."

"No, Ara."


Rain pulled me to my room. Our journey became the center of attention of the palace dwellers. I'm still busy holding the file with my left hand while he holds my right hand so that I cannot go against the will of this crown prince.

Arriving at the room…

"Now go to sleep. I accompany."

"Rain, I still have work to do."

"No, you rest first. I waited for him on the chair. Later the maid will deliver the medicine from the healer."

"What if Cloud came and saw the two of us in a room like this?"

Rain was silent. I can use Cloud's name to kick him out of the room.

"I'll tell the truth if you're sick. Already! Do not think about it. Go to sleep. When you're asleep, I'll go."

Rain lay me down. Covered me. He took my file and put it in the desk drawer near the bed. He rubbed my head and then kissed me on the forehead. He so pampered me.

"Good night, my future wife."

Rain smiled and walked away. He sat on a chair near the entrance to the room. My heart was really comfortable and also surprised by his words. It looks like Rain is very serious with me.

I then slept with my back to him, imagining if I would become his wife. Could it be that I will often be angry because of his behavior? Or even unable to say anything because of happiness? I don't know. Just imagining it makes me happy, especially if it happened.


I don't know how long I fell asleep. When I woke up, I felt my forehead being compressed using a cloth. I took the cloth and walked to the chair. I saw plenty of food and medicine for me to drink.

I immediately ate it and drank the medicine given. Now my stomach feels full. Before long, Cloud came knocking on the door and then entered my room.

"Prince Cloud."

I immediately stood up and bowed my body towards him.

"Ara, don't be so formal with me," he said.

"Sorry, it seems I have gotten used to this palace."

Cloud smiled at my answer. He then sat on my right side then rubbed my forehead.

"Ara, I'm sorry I was too busy with work to forget you."

Cloud realized his mistake. I'm quite happy to hear this. I thought he no longer noticed me.

"Rain told me that you were sick. I feel sorry for you," continued Cloud.

"Cloud, I'm fine. Do not worry."

I released the anxiety from him and drank some warm water again. I finished the water because my throat felt very dry.

"You can postpone your work, Ara."

Cloud seemed worried. The tone of his voice implied that he was so worried about my condition.

"I'm fine, Cloud. Soon I will recover. Do not worry." I gave him my best smile.


Cloud squeezed my hand and then put it on his chest. Maybe he wanted me to feel his heartbeat.

"Ara, I hope you don't intend to leave me."


"There was a feeling of anxiety that filled my heart when I saw you with Rain last night." Cloud finally revealed his heart. "I have to admit that if I—"

Before Cloud could continue his words, Rain knocked on the door and entered the room. I immediately removed my hand from Cloud's grip.

"You're already here, Sis Cloud."

Rain approached us while greeting his brother. Cloud also turned his gaze to Rain.

"Rain, you have to take responsibility. Ara is sick because of you."

"Yes. I know it's my fault, Sis. I should have been more careful."

I watched the conversation of the brothers in front of me. It turned out that when they were far from the eyes of the palace dwellers, they could be more intimate and relaxed when talking. Not as formal as usual.

"Ara, are you feeling better?" Rain turned his gaze to me.

"E-em." I nodded.

"Sis Cloud, it's best to leave this place immediately. Some guests are waiting for you. Hurry up and go!" Rain kicked his brother out.

"Please take care, Ara," Cloud ordered before leaving.

"Take it easy. I also guard this country with my heart, especially since Ara is the only one."

I chuckled at Rain's words as I watched Cloud leave and leave a folder for me to read.

"You guys are funny."

I laughed, making Rain wake me up.

"What did you say, Miss? Are we cute?" Rain asked, then pulled me into his arms.

"Rain, I'm still not fully recovered," I said, trying to hold her in his arms.

"You want a speedy recovery, don't you?" he asked again.


"Then we have to make the sweat flow profusely from the body."

"You mean?" I began to doubt.

"We'll sweat together, Ara. You do, don't you?"

"Rain, let me go. You are a pervert!"

I tried to free myself from his embrace but couldn't resist Rain's strength. Repeatedly trying to move, I was always locked.

"I'm a pervert, Ara. If not perverted, how can you give a successor to this kingdom?" defend it.

"But you must still be able to position yourself, Rain."

"I know, Ara. I act like this only in front of you. You know you are the second woman I hug after my mother," Rain continued.

"Is that true?" I asked in disbelief.

"What makes you not believe me?"

"Rain, aren't you afraid if everyone finds out we're getting too close like this?" I asked again.

"Ara, even if I die, I'm not afraid, let alone be close to you. Please don't bait me. I could ask my parents to propose to you now." Rain seemed to threaten me.

"Rain, let go!"

"No, before we sweat together."

This Rain is so annoying. His will cannot be if it is not obeyed. I, who had been weak against it, finally gave in.


I started to unzip the back of my dress. Seeing that, Rain closed it immediately.

"What do you want, Ara?" he asked in surprise.

"You said you wanted to sweat together. So I took off my dress."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Rain laughed. He holds his stomach. I saw it so confused myself.

"Ara-ara. You're really funny. Sweating together doesn't mean we do that. I want to invite you to practice archery and play the sword. You are." Rain couldn't stop laughing.

I'm so ashamed to hear that. I wouldn't say I like this thought. Why don't I try to think positively about all his invitations? I always thought no—shame on me.

"Already. Now follow me to the back of the palace. I will teach you to play the sword."

Rain opened the door for me. He bent down to let me out of the room first.

"Please, Miss."

Rain's special treatment makes me feel lucky. Among the other residents of the palace, I was the only one who managed to get special treatment from Rain, the crown prince, and commander-in-chief of this country.

I became more and more comfortable living in this world. I want to linger here. Or maybe stay forever.