The morning…

The weather this morning is amiable. The sun shines brightly and washes away the rain last night. The Space Country is experiencing an uncertain transition season. Sometimes a day's rain is removed from a week's heat. Sometimes a day's heat is removed by a week's rain.

The erratic weather made the main royal family careful in choosing the day to travel. But not with Rain. He seemed to be immune to any weather.

"Practice over!" he shouted to the palace soldiers.

Rain was busy training his soldiers before advancing to the battlefield. He hoped that this war would not happen. However, Rain remains on standby if something untoward should happen.

Erratic working hours, he made Rain free in and out of the palace. Full responsibility for his position makes him always ready at any time. But, if Rain is already sleeping on his day off, don't let anyone dare to wake him up.

"Happy greetings to Prince Rain."