It's Time to cl- er... quest!

I had another night of blissful sleep. At least for the time being, my conversation with Alice had alleviated my subconscious trauma. I awakened, as usual, with Alice already awake and cuddling me.

"Good morning, darling," she said softly. "I know you've been having more issues than usual lately, so I wanted to give you something pleasant to remember me by while I'm gone."

"How long do you expect to be gone?" I asked.

"I have no idea, but I won't be 'gone' gone. None of us are going to just put down roots in the places we're monitoring. We all agreed to meet back here at the castle every three days to give our reports. I'll see you more than once every three days, though. I'll probably drop in every night around bedtime to tuck you in, cuddle you, maybe have a little snack…."

Her hand crept down to my groin. Alice said, "I probably won't be back the first night. There'll be lots to brief the Ant Queen and the King of Grangold on. But you should see me most nights after that. You can give me updates on the progress towards resealing them."

Her hand grasped my penis. "I think my little friend is happy to see me this morning," she purred.

Morning sex was unusual, if only because Alice preferred not to drain me of energy just as my day was getting started. Generally, we only had sex before bed, or if I had time to nap afterwards. Of course, I had nothing specific to do this morning and she was leaving, so I guessed it would be okay if I slept in.

She crawled on top of me and I was suddenly all the way into her warm vagina. One thing I loved about her anatomy was how easy her pussy was to get into. There were no inconvenient legs in the way, nor did it require any foreplay. Not that Alice didn't love a little foreplay when she wanted to really make love, but when she just wanted some semen inside her quickly, which was most of the time, I'd usually find myself in some part of her pretty quickly.

I almost never initiated these encounters, nor did I usually choose the method. Alice had so many ways to pleasure me and didn't like to repeat herself that often unless she sensed that I had a favorite. I had a lot of favorites. This was one of them. She had an endless array of vaginal techniques, but this one required almost no skill. She simply moved slowly and squeezed lightly from time to time. It wasn't the most intense or insanely pleasurable technique, but it was one of the most intimate. She must have sensed that intimacy was what I needed most right now. She'd been even more concerned about my mental state than usual lately, due to the Ancestors being in my dreams, which in turn led to an increase in nightmares. Staying away from aggressive, "one shot kill" techniques, as she called them, felt like a wise idea. I tried to assure her that I was okay, at least consciously, and could function just fine. I hoped she wasn't keeping me cooped up in the castle because she didn't think I could handle being in action.

Those thoughts became rather confused as she picked up the pace a little. She made sure my penis rubbed every part of her insides. She had remarkable textures in there, and she could move them herself when she really wanted to be intense. But for this morning she was making love almost like a human. I erupted inside her as she continued to slowly gyrate. An expression of bliss crossed her face. She rarely orgasmed during these encounters, although thanks to my learning what she liked and my liberal use of her own magic on her, I coaxed them out of her whenever she wanted them. Normally, she seemed to regard the feeding to be as good as an orgasm. Given her gluttony, that was not surprising.

I probably could have gone about my day after just one orgasm, but I was so relaxed and content that I just let her cuddle me back to sleep. When I awakened, she was gone. I already missed her, knowing I would probably not see her that night. I was used to spending most of my day without her around. In truth, I wasn't the type to need to be with her for hours at a time. For me, the fleeting moments we did get to spend together kept things exciting. Most days, we had an hour of cuddle time in the morning, and an hour at night, often with sex. If she had nothing important going on, we'd have a Netflix and chill date before bed. We also took frequent short vacations, both to my world, and our favorite places in hers. We were never all over each other long enough to get sick of each other. We'd done plenty of that constantly together time on our long journey together.

Knowing I'd be spending most nights alone made me a little sad, however. I knew Alice wouldn't terribly mind me cuddling with Granberia or Tamamo if I needed to do so to get decent sleep, but they would also not be here. Who did that leave? Promestein? Heh. Not a chance. Cindy? Didn't seem too cuddly. She had all those arms, sure, but I wasn't clear on how to get comfortable with that shell. Nanabi? Hmm, that might work. I decided to at least try to go without. Alice may have become more liberal about such things, but that didn't mean I should be seeking intimacy with other women just because I felt like it.

I looked out the window. It was afternoon. Granberia had promised to sleep in, so I decided to see if she was still around. I went to her room and knocked on the door. She bade me enter.

"Luka," she said quietly. "I wish that I could greet you as I intended to when I returned, but I'm afraid I'm still in some pain."

"Are you sure you should be traveling?" I asked.

"This mission is just to monitor," Granberia said. "I will be teleporting, not walking. I promise you, if Saja comes back to Grand Noah to finish the job, I will come back here. If she follows, you and I will fight side by side once more. I hear that you have the spirits with you again?"

"Technically I always did, but I hadn't been calling them," I said. "I was training to learn how to fight properly rather than relying on the spirits."

"Yes, my teacher is now your teacher," she said approvingly. "I guess I should have been instructing you as well rather than having so much fun sparring with you. I can't wait to start doing that again."

"So you and Sara?" I asked. "Are you two an item now?"

"I… I am not certain," she said. "Our relationship was certainly developing, like yours and Alipheese, but our journey was cut short. I do not think it will end up like yours, however."

"Really? That's disappointing. Why not?"

"We are simply not right for one another," Granberia said. "She has responsibilities. She speaks of marrying me, but it would not be possible to marry me and be queen of Sabasa. Even in this new world, the people will not accept a queen ruling them, and if she marries a monster…"

"It'll take a long time for old prejudices to fully die," I said. "If they ever truly do."

"I still wish to see her and see where things go," she said. "I do like her. I don't even think I care if she becomes a great warrior. Her spirit and her intelligence are enough. Besides, I have you for that kind of… stimulation."

"You're growing, Granberia," I said. "You're as impressive a person as I always thought you were."

"Tell no one," she warned, then smiled. "Well, I am ready, so I will be off. I think. If I cannot teleport, then obviously I am not ready to go. So should you see me grunt and nothing happens, you can put me back to bed. If I vanish, then, I will try to see you in three days."

"Good luck, Granberia," I said. "Please survive this crisis like you did the last one. You mean a lot to me."

"As do you, Luka."

She vanished. I prayed for the safety of all of them. Without telepathy, if any got isolated, they would be in great danger. I consoled myself that none were truly alone. Alice had an ant army backing her up, Granberia had a huge monster population in Grand Noah, many of them gladiators, Tamamo was not only protected by strong humans and numerous monsters at Yamatai, but was now as strong as an Ancestor herself, and Alma Elma was in a village full of succubi and carnivorous plants. Erubetie was probably the most protected of all, surrounded by countless slimes, plants, and insects. In addition, they were the Four Heavenly Knights. It wasn't just their power that made them so formidable. It was their creativity, their intellect, and their adaptability. I had misgivings about what they were doing, but knew that they were smarter than I was about tactics and strategy. As long as this was a race to gain influence among different monster factions, they were best off doing what they were doing now.

I went to the computer lab to see Promestein. As usual, she was hard at work, taking small breaks only when she had processes running that she had to wait on. I had never actually seen her stop working. Had she even been assigned a room to sleep in? Knowing her, she probably just slept right in this office. Yet she never seemed bleary-eyed.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"Very well," she said with a small smile. "I was teleporting around like crazy with these mini transporters Tamamo returned to me and got a ton of useful data."

"How so?"

"I wouldn't be able to explain it in a way you would understand," she replied."But I can tell you the practical implications. I can definitely make a sealing device that seals our enemies into subspace. Since there are no moving parts involved like with one of my old machines, in theory the seal should be permanent. Eternal, even."

"That's fantastic news! Do we have an ETA yet?"

I still kept on using my world's terms without thinking about if the listener understood them, but apparently Promestein's time in my world had familiarized her with that one.

"Not yet," she answered. "Still a lot of humps to get over. I always had the sealing spell, it's transporting their bodies to subspace that's the hard part. But now I know that you don't have to be a god to get it done. That's why I love science so much even though I'm an angel. All other angels rely on magic, but I believe that greater things can be done with science than even the most powerful god level magic. Your world only confirmed my beliefs."

"I appreciate you working so hard at this," I said sincerely. "You asked for the pardon and my resources unconditionally, but you really seem to be doing your best to get this done. Have you been resting at all?"

"Here and there," she said absently. "I'm older than you can imagine. I got used to functioning on little rest a looonng time ago."

"Well, just so long as you know your limits," I said.

She turned to me and seemed to think for a moment. She shook her finger at me. "You know, I'm starting to really see how you are and why you have the power to change people. Did you know that in my entire existence, no one has ever inquired about my welfare?"

"Really? I'm sorry to hear that."

"I like working for you," she said. "I could get used to this."

"You work for me?" I asked.

"Absolutely," she said. "the contract I signed doesn't say that you're my employer directly, but it does say that you provide me with resources on the condition that I only do approved research. That makes you, in effect, my boss."

"Oh," I said. "Good work."

Her computer…. My computer, actually, I'd have to discuss that with her when this was all over, started beeping. She stopped what she was doing to check on the alert.

"That's weird," she said. "the teleportation hub in the castle just went offline."

"I didn't know it was connected to our systems," I said. "it's a magic portal."

"I did that," she said. "I'm a little paranoid. Uh oh. The portal to your world is down as well. I don't like this."

"Could we be about to be attacked?" I asked.

"I don't know," she said. "They must have sealed teleportation like they did telepathy, which would really limit our mobility. But I doubt they plan to attack the castle. They wouldn't effectively lock you, all the Heavenly Knights, and the Monster Lord in here and then attack us at our strongest point. They must be doing something elsewhere and don't want interference."

"Um…. Promestein?"


"The Monster Lord and the Heavenly Knights aren't here."

She froze. "Are you shitting me?!"

She shot up out of the chair and started throwing things into a duffle bag. "Grab anything that's important and small and throw it in here. Flash drives, mini transporters, anything useful. Oh, be sure to grab my tablet over there."

"Are we leaving?" I asked.

"Hell yes, we're leaving!" she exclaimed. "You can't be this dense! They knew that the Knights and Alice aren't here!"

"Where are we going to go?"

"Anywhere but here!" she yelled, tossing more odds and ends into her duffle. "We can't teleport, so we have to settle for exiting the castle and running like hell! Hopefully all they want is the castle and don't care much about who is inside it!"

"We have to warn the others and get them out too!" I said, remembering Nanabi, Cindy and Gabriella. I mentally contacted Salamander, since my contract with the spirits could not be sealed that way. Or at least hadn't been sealed yet. Oh crap, I thought, I know they'll try that, eventually.

Salamander acknowledged me and said that Cindy and Nanabi were with him in a class. That would make things much easier. He told me he would retrieve Gabriella. The only other people in the castle were staff and ex-slaves. Salamander warned me that neither group would leave under any circumstances, but that he would warn them and hope they made the prudent decision.

"In any case, no serious harm is likely to come to them!" Salamander said. "They'll need the staff to run things here, and the ex-slaves will just get fed on like they usually do. The Ancestors and the Dark God don't kill those they feed on as long as they are obedient. But you and your friends need to leave!"

Promestein had finished packing, zipping the duffle bag closed. "Let's go," she ordered, even though I was supposedly the boss.

I went out the door and ran down the hallway, Promestein following close behind. We didn't get far. Blocking our path was the Dark God herself.

"Hello, there!" she said. "Please stay awhile."

She cast some sort of spell which froze us in place. I called up some of my power, which didn't require me to be able to move, and lashed out at her. Startled, she released the spell and took cover. We ran the opposite direction. I was getting a little better at getting around. I knew how to get to the gym another way.

I led Promestein through long halls. I was not happy. This was the long way to the gym. It was also where Minagi was. She'd been waiting on a chandelier to ambush me, landing on me and pinning me down. I was relieved that her very touch wasn't as intense in the real world as in the dream world, but it was still a big problem, at least on the level of Alma Elma's.

"Ever had a succubus before?" she said, looking down at me as she rubbed her crotch on mine. At least I was still clothed. "I guarantee that when you get a taste of this you'll betray even your beloved Monster L-"

She started bucking and jerking. Promestein held a taser to her neck. I pushed Minagi off of me, her body still twitching.

"Useful invention," Promestein said. "I made some improvements."

A taser that could take down an Ancestor was quite an improvement, I thought. Promestein was a useful ally indeed! I just hoped she'd stay that way.

We reached the gym with no further encounters. Nanabi, Cindy, and Gabriella were present. Salamander, as well as the other three spirits, were inside me. Now we had to get to an exit without being waylaid.

We never even made it out of the gym. Gabriella must have smelled or heard something with her superior senses. I guess I should have heard it in the wind myself, but I was too stressed to remember to listen. Gabriella gestured and the door we had come in through slammed shut.

"I've put a ward on the door, but it will not last long!" she yelled. "Luka, you must teleport us out of here!"

"Teleport?" I asked. "I don't know how to teleport! Besides, we can't teleport! They sealed that!"

"As I discovered to my sorrow," she replied. " But you can teleport! Your magic cannot be sealed! Simply grab your power and imagine us someplace else!"

"I'll try," I said, hoping I didn't do this in a way that got us all killed. "Everyone get close to me."

I wasn't sure if that was necessary with my power, but all the Knights did it by holding onto the ones they wanted to teleport with. My four other companions already knew that drill, so gathered in close, all putting a hand on me. The door was starting to shake. Gabriella's magic couldn't be much more than an inconvenience to beings such as those behind that door. I closed my eyes and imagined the most familiar place I knew on this world. As the door flew off its hinges, we vanished.

There was no transition. One second we were in the gym, the next we were in the former Ilias Village, now, to my mortification, Luka Village. I did a quick check. All four of them were with me: Promestein, Cindy, Nanabi, and Gabriella. It worked! Thank goodness.

Alice and I usually teleported to a point outside of Luka Village when visiting. I presumed it was not to alarm anyone by suddenly materializing in the middle of a bunch of people. Despite the fact people were about, no one seemed more than slightly startled to see me with three monsters and an angel in lab coat in tow. Just par for the course for Luka, they must have thought.

"Is there any chance they know where we went?" I asked Gabriella.

"Almost no chance," she assured me. "They know almost nothing about you. They will have no idea where to look for you. We are safe, for now."

"There are other ways to find us," Promestein said. "But we've probably bought some time. Days, at least. Your succubus queen couldn't find two people in a desert,so it'll take awhile to find five by scouring the whole world. Assuming they are even looking for us. They may have wanted to capture us if they could, but the castle was probably the primary objective."

"I don't know," I said. "Alipheese told me that she didn't care about the throne, that it was just a symbol."

"The throne is just a symbol," Gabriella explained. "The whole castle, however, is an important objective. There are great artifacts of power there, as well as being very defensible, at least from conventional attack. I don't think they ever did develop effective seals against unauthorized teleportation. It's always been vulnerable to enemies just dropping in."

Yeah, this wasn't the first time, I thought.

"You did well, by the way," Gabriella said, smiling. "You learned a new skill and saved our lives. Brilliant."

Cindy and Nanabi also praised me and thanked me. What to do now? I decided that the first thing to do was get out of my hometown. I didn't want to endanger my old friends and neighbors. I'd buy supplies and we'd head out into the wilderness. Only then would we discuss if there was anything we could do.

People had started to gather around and greet me. I greeted them in return as I guided my four companions to the village shops. I had gold on me, but everyone refused to take my money. Within an hour, I had a few packs full of food, camping supplies, and other odds and ends. I realized that I had no weapon. Oh well, I had my power and my companions had their own resources. I'd probably never had so much backup before outside of a mass battle. There would almost certainly be no random monster attacks on me with these four present.

We walked for the next several hours to put distance between us and my adopted hometown. We made camp in an area with a lot of cover, in case aerial enemies were searching for us. We'd seen no sign of any efforts to locate us, however.

I treated four new customers to a fine meal. My cooking skills were one thing that had not degraded in the slightest. The monster girls ate eagerly, and a lot. Promestein spent most of her time eating small pieces of chicken while working on her tablet.

When everyone was finished, we were all full to bursting except for Promestein. "Boy, Luka," Nanabi said. "If the way to Alice's heart is through her stomach, no wonder she fell for you."

"I'm sure his other tastiness didn't hurt either," Cindy added.

"He is the most delicious man I've ever tasted, no doubt," agreed Nanabi.

Gabriella just harrumphed. "Your cooking is quite a revelation, Luka. If we get to do lessons again I will teach you how to enhance your dishes further with magic."

"Gotta admit, that was some heavenly food," Promestein said, still looking at her screen.

"I am grateful that you got us out of there, Luka,' Gabriella said. "But I wish you had not teleported us so far. Getting back will take a very long time."

"I'm not sure we should go back," I said, "at least, not without a ton of backup."

"The Monster Lord and her Knights will surely begin journeying back to the castle as soon as they notice that they cannot teleport," Gabriella noted. "Alice and Alma Elma can fly, and I'm sure Tamamo has means of rapid transportation unknown to me, given that she is also an Ancestor. Erubetie and Granberia of course will require more time to make their way back on foot."

"I'm afraid that's not going to be possible for them," Promestein interjected.

"What? Who?" I asked.

"All of them except probably Alma Elma," the scientist replied. "She has wings, so she probably can't be prevented from flying short of cutting them off. It looks like a lot more got sealed than just teleportation."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Indeed," Gabriella asked. "I know more about magic than almost anyone in the world, and I only found out that I couldn't teleport when I tried and failed."

"Science, my dear monster," Promestein replied. "I have my ways."

"So what else is sealed?" Nanabi asked.

"At the moment, magic telepathy, magic teleportation, and magic flight," Promestein answered. "That means no one except Alma Elma can reach Hellgondo."

"If I know the queen succubus, she won't try assaulting that place alone," Gabriella said.

"Nope," Promestein agreed. "Smart girl."

"Still, if we were on Sentora, we could collect Alice and all the Knights fairly quickly," I said. "Sentora has carriages using old fashioned muscle power and wheels. Can't seal those. But first we have to get to Sentora. I wish we weren't days away from even doing that."

"No, this is good, actually," Promestein insisted. "This is exactly where we want to be. Where we need to go is Selene's old treasure cave."

"Oh?" I asked. "What's there?"

"A legendary staff of great power that can undo seals," Promestein replied, finally looking directly at me and not at her tablet.

"Wow, that sounds useful!" I said. "Okay, then so tomorrow, we begin a quest! Yet another quest for a thing."

Promestein laughed. "You're so gullible, Luka! There's no staff! I just wanted to see if I could get you to blindly chase after a Macguffin."

"I'm not sure a staff of great power is technically a Macguffin," I said.

"I wasn't joking about going to that general area, though," Promestein said. "The seals are worldwide, and as you know worldwide seals are pretty powerful magic. I did the one on the spirits with a combination of magic and technology."

"Those four towers," I said.

"Exactly," Promestein replied. "But being a god and all, Alipheese just does it with magic. I have instruments that can visualize the seals. Like my taser, this tablet is upgraded with all sorts of bells and whistles, both scientific and magical. Over near the Treasure Cave is a major force line that powers the seals. We'll go there and you'll blast it, which will take the seals down."

"That sounds promising," Cindy said. "I know you can do it, Luka!"

"If I do, it'll be because you all helped me," I said. "We really do have a quest. Let's get some rest. It's a three day walk."

Another cave? Really? Why can't I get back to the mall in my dreams? Or Disney World? This time I was lucid. Hmm, I thought. Maybe if I can find a door I'll go to a different place.

I didn't recognize this cave. There were no clues, like childish laughter, or suspicious looking chests, to tip me off. Was my mind really creating generic caves to frighten myself with? I was seriously going to develop a new phobia to go with all my new fetishes.

I advanced deeper into the cave. Whatever happens, happens, I thought. It's just a dream. Even the Ancestors couldn't hurt me here. As I was thinking that, a form jumped at me out of the darkness. I screamed.

"Hahahaha!! Oh, that was funny! I've always wanted to do that!"

The Dark God Alipheese stood there a few feet from me.

"Oh, don't look at me like that!" she said. "I was just fuckin' with you! I still can't hurt you here. I'm just doing what gods do, visiting people in their dreams."

"So you just came to have fun at my expense?" I asked.

"No," she replied. "I came to let you know what I've decided. I would have told you back at the castle, but you decided to blink out of there. Nice one, by the way. You are definitely my equal. Not even my seals can stop you. If only you hadn't had so little time to learn how to use your power. I've had millions of years to learn how to use mine."

"So what have you decided? And where are the others?"

"My daughters can't do the dream thing," she explained. "That's an ability limited to gods. They could only do it while their consciousness was roaming about in the ether. What's with the cave, by the way? I was really hoping for more of those cookies."

"And you've decided….?" I prompted. It continued to amaze me how different gods talked from their underlings. They just seemed less… serious.

"Oh yeah, I was getting to that," she said. "I think we're going to go with my original plan with just a few modifications. I'll let the human kingdoms stay independent as long as they acknowledge me as the ultimate ruler on issues I deem of great importance."

"That doesn't sound independent," I pointed out.

"They won't be slaves, you should be happy! Most of them, anyway. We'll expect tribute of course, gotta make sure my people are fed. I won't rule with a heavy hand, they can govern themselves as they please. They'll have tons of autonomy."

"I don't know that they'll accept that," I said. "I wouldn't."

"You know, this world is quite something these days," she said. "I'm very impressed with the work you've done. Right now, it practically is the paradise you said it was."

"So then what's the problem? Why not be partners with us? The legends speak of your wisdom. Let's work together to make things better!"

"I want things to be better, too!" she countered. "But better in a way that's sustainable. This… thing, as great as it is, isn't going to last even through your short lifetime."

"Then wait until it starts to fray, then act," I argued. "Why upset things and start enslaving humans when things are going so well? You'll just make humans hate monsters again!"

"That doesn't get my children fed," she said. "It doesn't get them the mates they want."

"I keep telling you, there's no shortage of willing men," I said.

"True," she acknowledged. "But not necessarily the best men. My daughters were hungry from their long sleep. Despite that, I tried to do it your way. I ordered them to not feed on anyone who wasn't willing. They got the dregs. All the good men were either taken or refused them. Or gay. At least you left some good ones in the castle. They already know their place, so they are being given the best comforts."

"You're just being greedy, now," I said. "You acknowledge that everything is great and you have everything you need, but then you complain about the quality? I haven't heard any monsters complain about that until you!"

"What can I say, I'm a god!" she laughed. "Whatever I want, I get!'

"That sounds a lot like Ilias," I said.

"Oh, that one hurts," she responded, shaking her finger at me. "anyway, that's the deal. Come back to the castle, or tell me where you are so I can pick you and your friends up. You can start being consort to my daughters immediately, as well as continue helping with that science crap you do. That stuff still isn't for humans, though. Monsters only, got it?"

"It sounds like we keep making a little progress and then just end up back on square one," I said.

"I think I've made a lot of concessions," she insisted. "I don't want my children to die anymore than you want your loved ones to die. Saja got roughed up pretty good a couple of days ago. That hurts me. That's my final offer, though. If you refuse it, it's war."

"Why are you talking to me?" I said. "I'm not in charge of anything. If you're a god, can't you be in Alice's dreams?"

"Sure I can," she said. "But she's nobody. You're the real power around here, even if you won't accept it. No one else is truly a threat to me. So do we walk away from this conversation as partners, or enemies? It's all on you, kid. No pressure."

While I hated the idea of making decisions like this, I had no doubts. I knew what Alice would say.

"It's war, then," I said plainly.

'Suit yourself," she said, and waved her hands. I awakened to the morning dew.

I made a fine breakfast and we broke camp. I hoped that our journey north would be as boring as Granberia's had been. I figured that it should be, so long as we weren't found by one or more of the Ancestors.

We walked with only small talk as conversation. Promestein spent most of her time on her tablet as she walked. She was so proficient at still knowing where she was going that she never ran into anything or tripped. We made reasonable progress as the morning turned into afternoon.

"Isn't that thing getting low on battery power?" I asked.

"Not anytime soon," she replied. "Battery life is thirty days of continuous use, more since we're outside and it's getting solar power."

"And you wanted to sue me?" I asked. "Do you know how much money you could make selling a mobile device battery that lasts thirty days?"

"Magic, dumbass," she said. "Doesn't work where you come from. I upgrade my tech with both magic and science, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

I looked over at Cindy. She seemed to be struggling. She was the heaviest of us, and although her legs were sturdy, as well as fast in quick bursts, she did not seem used to long walks.

"Are you all right, Cindy?" I asked. "Is there anything we can do to help you out?"

"I need to be in the water," she answered. "I'm really aching and I rejuvenate fast in water. But I'm going to be a Heavenly Knight. I'll tough it out."

I wasn't so sure. She was tough, no doubt, but she was clearly in more pain than she would admit.

"Hey, everyone!" I said, getting everyone's attention. "Our destination is close to the beach. Why don't we turn east and walk along the coastline? That way Cindy can get in the water."

"Sounds reasonable to me," Promestein said. "The coastline here is forested to within a few hundred yards of the beach in most places. We can stay reasonably under cover. Cindy could even travel in the water if she wanted to. She could just stay near us."

The others agreed, also noticing Cindy's difficulties. We turned to the east. We arrived at the beach by nightfall. Cindy joyfully ran into the water and disappeared under the waves. She was such a sweetie. I was glad to spare her some discomfort. I knew that whatever happened, she would give her life to protect me. She still bore the scars of the angel magic attacks she absorbed protecting me with her own body. Since night had fallen, I decided to hang out on the beach and wait for Cindy. The others stayed under cover of the trees, preparing for sleep and enjoying the last of another excellent Luka meal.

To my surprise, Nanabi joined me. "I thought you didn't like water?" I said.

"I don't," she replied. "But it really is beautiful here. I love the sound. I've never been to the beach before. It's so easy to forget all your troubles out here. I'm glad humans can feel safe coming here now."

"The sea monsters are looking healthier as well," I said. "They were looking a little ragged."

"Yeah, we land monsters often forget how blessed we are," she laughed. "Men are everywhere."

"Have you ever thought of becoming a Heavenly Knight, like Cindy wants to?" I asked. "You know, since you're working on your combat skills."

"Me? Nah," she said. "Besides, we kitsunes are fixed in our power levels. However many tails you have, that's your potential. With magical and physical power, at least."

"Wow, that sounds awfully limiting," I noted. "to have your role in the world decided just by how you're born."

"It's not like that at all!" Nanabi explained. "We limit our children's aspirations far less than most monster races. By all rights, I should be one of the most powerful kitsunes in the world in magic and combat ability. But my first love has always been science. I didn't neglect the other things, so much as I've underachieved a bit. Salamander is right. In combat, I might as well be a four tailed kitsune except when I unleash my ultimate pleasure attack. My magic is powerful, but there are five tailed kitsunes who have done more than I have in that field. Where I truly excel is intellectual pursuits. I love to read. I read everything! Especially your book! You were so nice to me, thank you!"

"You were nice to me," I said. "you're chastisements are painful, but given all the other horrors I faced on my journey it was nice that you didn't want to do anything truly bad to me."

"As I told you, we kitsunes are civilized," she said. "my mother supported me completely even though I wanted to study science instead of becoming a warrior or a magician. Not all monster races support their children that way. Imagine a succubus wanting to be a warrior or a scientist! Unthinkable! They are only ever allowed to be one thing!"

"I remember when you spoke to me you spoke very formally, 'I will chastise you! In truth, I could not abandon you!"

She giggled. "A lot of monsters do talk that way. I was trying to intimidate you. Granberia, though… That girl is always so formal. If it's not too personal, is she like that when she's alone with you?"

"She talks the same way, yes," I laughed. "But you're right that the exterior she shows everyone isn't all of who she is. How about Yao? What does she specialize in?"

"Perversions," Nanabi laughed. "No, she's incredible. I top her in science, but in magic and combat she far exceeds me. As well as sexual skills. Is it true that she used anal on you?"

"She did," I said. Nanabi giggled.

"I'm sorry, I really shouldn't laugh," she said. "What she did was wrong."

"What she did was necessary," I said. "I invaded the castle, she defended it."

"I know, but I shouldn't laugh about you getting violated," she said. "Even if it's necessary, it shouldn't be something we enjoy doing. Monsters will take a long time to change. We can be told that things are bad, and we can do what we're told and not rape men, but it's hard to stop thinking it's fun. I remember this one time-"

She was interrupted by a large figure exploding out of the waves. I desperately backed up from my sitting position, but it towered over me, it's legs raised into the air. It came down on top of me, pinning me. I screamed. I was unable to move.

"Gotcha, hero! Time to wash, bwahahaha!"

I was screaming, in utter terror. I was panicking, so didn't summon any spirits or look for a way out of my predicament. I just thrashed uselessly.

"Cindy!" I heard Nanabi shout. "What is wrong with you!? Get off of him this instant!"

Cindy released me and backed away. I was trembling. "I was just playing," she protested. "He knows I wouldn't really wash him if he didn't want to be washed. I obey the rules like a good monster."

"You're an idiot!" Nanabi raged. "Don't you realize what Luka's been through! Especially at your hands!? The first time you did that he thought he was going to die!"

"I wasn't going to kill him!" Cindy argued. "I would never have done that, even when I raped men!"

"He didn't know that!" Nanabi said. "While you were washing him, all he could think about was how he'd failed everyone, how he'd never get to go home!"

She had indeed read my book. I was starting to regain control of myself. I had not expected myself to react that way. I'd been surprised many times on my journey and never panicked. Was I really okay? The others had heard and come running. They stopped and stared as Nanabi continued to dress down Cindy.

"Was it really that bad, Luka?" Cindy said, starting to cry. "I… I didn't know it was that bad. I thought you liked it! I did your favorite technique and everything! I didn't mean to hurt you! I'm so sorry!"

"Monsters…," Promestein muttered. "I'm going back to bed."

She was sleeping? That was unusual.

"I… I'm going to go," Cindy said, turning back to the water.

"Cindy, don't go," I said weakly. But she had already slipped back under the waves.

"She will return," Gabriella said. "She has much to think about. You were not the only man she would have hurt that way. Many would indeed have liked it. That made her think all men did. Change does not come easily. If she truly wants to become a Heavenly Knight, she has much to learn. She has now learned that it is not just about might. If you need me, Luka, I will hold you tonight."

"That goes double for me," Nanabi said. "Whatever you need."

"Thank you, but I think I'll be okay," I said. "She just startled me. I'm fine."

The look on Nanabi and Gabriella's faces suggested that they didn't believe a word of that.