Not the end

It ended up being far more than just the biggest party ever. It's not like this had been the first time the world had been saved. But the humans and many of the monsters wanted to properly celebrate my return, so while I recovered, the event was prepared. The Queen of Sabasa had gotten the other monarchs, monster and human alike, to call it Unity Day, to be celebrated every year on the day of my victory over… I'm still not sure what I defeated. I was sure I'd understood it better when I was omniscient.

Even Queen Sara's grand plans weren't enough for Tamamo. She decided that she wanted Alice and I to renew our vows. First, we'd been separated for thirty years in Alice's time. Second, I was not the same Luka she married. I had become an ordinary human. Since I was already insecure about that, Tamamo and Alice mutually decided that a new ceremony would be a good idea, perhaps to reassure me that Alice wanted to be with me. A third motivation was to have my children witness the event. My adult children who were my age.

The Unity Day celebrations took place in every town, city, and village on the planet. Alice teleported me around to drop in on as many of them as possible. Then, towards the evening, we dropped into Luka Village for our vow renewal. Eden insisted on officiating the entire thing, and this time brought her own script. Just about everyone I had ever met was present. Ilias was notable by her absence.

The reception was even grander than the reception at my actual wedding. At the reception, I noticed that Promestein and Eden spent a lot of time talking to each other. What was surprising was how friendly they seemed to be towards one another. When I got a chance to dance with Eden, she explained to me what had been discussed.

"So I see you two are getting along better," I said., trying to ignore how amazing Eden's arms felt around me.

"I keep my promises," Eden said. "I pardoned her. Not just in writing, but in spirit as well. As long as she behaves herself, I have no quarrel with her. That being said, we weren't being social. I needed her help."

"Oh?" I asked. "With what?"

"Ilias," Eden replied sadly. "In the past few days, she hasn't gotten better. In fact, she's digressed. I asked Promestein if Ilias could be sealed in a weaker form as Tamamo had once been. If she's going to have the mind of a child, she should have the body of one as well. I'd hate to see her wreck the world while having a temper tantrum."

"Looks like you will have to be goddess for awhile longer," I said.

"Ilias is the only rightful goddess," Eden replied. "As soon as she is ready to resume her duties, I will go back to serving as her Seraph."

"How long do you think that will be?"

"Could be years, could be centuries, could be never," Eden answered. "In the end, it is up to Ilias."

"Well, personally, I think you should keep the job. I think you are a fantastic goddess."

"You just like the instant service," Eden laughed. "You call, I come running. Which apparently, you forgot when you took the long way to get to me."

"Sorry, I didn't think of it," I said apologetically. "At least I got to meet Cupid and Valkyrie again."

"Next time you meet them, they will be much nicer, I assure you. You are welcome in heaven anytime."

"Is Ilias still mad at me?"

"I'm not even sure if she really remembers you," Eden replied. "Sometimes I mention you and she gets a little peeved, but when I asked if she wanted to come to your vow renewal, she claimed never to have heard of you. Whether that is due to her fractured mind or petulance I don't know."

"Thank you for everything, Eden," I said as the song was ending, signaling the end of our dance. "Even when you were an enemy, you didn't feel like an enemy."

"That's what makes me such a dangerous enemy," Eden said, parting from me. "If I have anything to say about things, you will never be troubled again with having to save the world."

I was pretty worn out after the day's festivities. Alice brought me home, and for the next two solid months we did very little but lay around and enjoy the luxuries the Monster Lord's Castle had to offer, while Neris and Tamamo handled administrative duties. As happy as I had been to return and be with Alice, spending this time with her, stress free, was the greatest.

The following months were just as wonderful. Alice went back to her duties, which meant more time with Granberia, Tamamo, and various other friends who would drop by for visits. But there was one visit in particular which meant more than any other.

I was in bed alone, Alice being called away in the middle of the night to handle a minor crisis. Don't worry, folks, not a real crisis, just what passes for one when you're in leadership. I think the echidnas got into a dispute with the kitsunes over a spring, with slimes caught in between. It never had much of a chance to escalate into violence, but it did require Alice's personal attention.

Since I was alone, that's when "they" paid me a visit. I woke up to see the bed surrounded by four entities who were very familiar to me: Sylph, Gnome, Undine, and Salamander. Since they'd abruptly left me a few months before, I'd heard nothing. I didn't take it personally. I was probably too weak to hold them inside me. I hadn't realized just how much of my physical strength and reflexes had been a passive use of my power. With that power gone, I had become ordinary.

"Luka!" Sylph yelled, hugging me as I sat up. "We're so sorry we didn't come earlier, but we assumed you were enjoying your wifey time!"

"We only left you because you would have been consumed by us had we stayed," Undine added. "your body can't handle us anymore."

"But our contract with you is still valid," Salamander interjected. "Even if we can't be inside you, all you have to do is call us and we'll be with you in a flash to protect you from whoever or whatever is trying to harm you."

"We love you, Luka," Gnome said, causing me to briefly assume that I must be having a dream. "You were every bit as worthy as Heinrich. Like him, you sacrificed everything for what you believed in."

"But you were a lot smarter about it!" Salamander added.

"It will be a great privilege to watch you die in bed," Undine said.

"Undine! Not comforting!" Sylph admonished.

"Thank you all," I said gratefully. "I wouldn't be alive if not for you four. Can I call you even if I don't need your help?"

"Always," Undine replied.

"We can play together anytime!" Sylph enthused.

So what were my days like? Well, my ambitions to bring my world's tech to Alice's world ended up not going as well as I'd hoped. The kitsunes and Promestein still worked hard at it, but without access to modern manufacturing techniques, there was only so much that they could do. This world would remain partly medieval, partly modern for at least my lifetime. But with humans and monsters working together, I was certain that progress would be made by leaps and bounds. It left me a little bored, however. I never did get my office back. I ended up living the life of a figurehead king of sorts, showing up to events, socializing, doing minor diplomacy. I had no complaints. It was a good life. Alice and I had finally achieved our happily ever after.

One year later

Granberia and I were sitting on the couch, cuddled up as usual, watching an old Wrestlemania for about the tenth time. She never seemed to get bored of these, always noticing something new each time she watched. I never did fully understand why a warrior was so enamored with a staged, unrealistic "sport", but since I enjoyed it too I didn't need a reason. When the show was over, Granberia separated herself from me and rose from the couch.

"Come," she ordered. "it is time to spar."

Spar? We hadn't sparred since I'd returned. I wasn't even sure I should be sparring with someone of her caliber in my current condition.

"You want to spar with me?" I asked. "You'll crush me in like, three seconds."

"All the more reason why it's time for you to learn how to properly wield a sword," Granberia replied. "You cannot rely on your otherworldly reflexes, or the spirits."

"I guess that makes sense," I conceded. "So we're not really sparring so much as you're teaching me?"

"Yes," she replied, and led me to one of the many gyms in the castle.

Once there, she threw me a training sword, which I failed to catch, causing her to shake her head. I'd become very awkward since losing my power. I picked up the sword and took a fighting stance. That, at least, I could still do well. It was about the only thing. The first attack by Granberia knocked the sword right out of my hands. As it clattered onto the floor, she facepalmed.

"To think that at one time you defeated me," she said, clearly disappointed.

"I'm not that guy anymore," I said, shrugging. "I hope you don't think less of me."

"Never!" Granberia insisted. "your wrestling technique is sound. I assume you can still do that well. How about we wrestle instead?"

That sounded good to me. My technique in that sport was near flawless. I probably wouldn't be as quick or as strong, but I was sure that I could at least make Granberia work. She put down her sword and removed her excess clothing, stripping down to a sports bra and spandex workout pants. She smiled when she noticed me staring.

"Now, Luka!" she said, taking a fighting stance. "Show me what you've still got!"

I immediately dove in for a takedown, which she was ready for. She sprawled and put me in a front facelock, which I maneuvered out of impressively fast. That led to a lockup on our feet. I had to give ground to her superior strength. I broke our tie up and then did get a double leg takedown. She immediately reversed me, getting on top of me. Then she did something unexpected. She tore my shirt off and began kissing and licking my chest.

"Granberia, that's not fair!"

"Monsters use pleasure attacks all the time," she purred, now massaging me all over with her hands as her tongue passed over a nipple. "Did you expect to spar with a monster and not have her use every technique she knew to defeat you?"

"You don't do that!" I objected.

"I am not who I was," Granberia replied, moving to lightly nibble on my neck as those wonderful hands continued to touch my upper body while her body rubbed against my lower regions.

"This is cheating!" I gasped. "Besides, Alice won't like this!"

It was true. Alice had not given me any hall passes since I'd healed the world. There were no emergencies. There had been no need.

"Do you think I would even consider doing this if Alice had not okayed it?" Granberia replied, before kissing me passionately. "Do you not know what day it is?"

"You don't mean…"

"It's your birthday, Luka!" she said. "For today only, I can do whatever I want with you. Unless of course you don't want me to."

"Oh, I definitely want you to!" I said enthusiastically as she caressed my thigh. "So I guess we're not fighting anymore?"

"It's still a fight," Granberia said, tightening her hold on me. "I will torture you like this for hours unless you either defeat me or…."

"Or….?" I prodded, trying to struggle and then immediately stopping again when her tongue found an erogenous zone near my armpit that I didn't even know was there.

"Or you can make a request," she replied.

"A request?" I asked. "Why a request?"

"In the game that was based on your life," she explained. "the player could end combat by making a request of the monster. The player could choose how he wished to be defeated. If you can no longer resist, tell me how you would like to be defeated, Luka."

"That was pretty unrealistic," I said. "Surrender made more sense. I'd come pretty close to surrendering a few times early on in my journey. But a request? Why would a monster even honor that?"

"That part of the game was accurate," Granberia explained. "Just as we monsters always pay our debts, we always honor requests of a human combatant. So, Luka, either resist me or make a request."

I made a game attempt at struggling again, this time doing so vigorously enough that she shifted her legs and used them to brace my sides to hold me in place. Her hands deftly undid my pants and yanked them down around my knees. Her hand passed tantalizingly close to my incredibly stiff member. But she didn't touch it. I moaned, both in pleasure and disappointment.

"Nope," she purred. "You have to make a request. Otherwise I'll just keep on torturing you and you'll never get to come. You should be honored. I never do requests because I never fight with pleasure attacks. You would be the first man I honored with a request. I can tell your resistance is too feeble now for you to have a chance. So, how would you like me to defeat you?"

She moved down and began licking my thighs as her hands rubbed my chest. I was dying. She had become so much more skilled since the last time she'd played with me. Back then, she'd been inexperienced, relying on her natural magic to make up for it. Thirty years of having good times with Sara and Edgar had given her that experience and she was using every bit of it to torture me into giving into her. Since it was okay with Alice, there was no question of further resistance.

"It's so hard to decide between those amazing hands of yours and your mouth," I gasped. "I love your hands, but with your face so close to it… .I'm feeling that hot breath of yours…"

"Why can't you have both?" Granberia replied seductively, and grasped my penis in one of her hands, giving it a good squeeze. I thought I would orgasm right there, given how much anticipation had built up in me, but I managed to hold it back.

"You were always weak this way," Granberia said. "But at least losing your power hasn't made you any weaker in that respect. Let's see if you can handle this. The more you can handle, the greater the reward."

She began stroking it with her hand. She never needed lube, so smooth and silky were those hands. She may not have been as skilled as a succubus, but whatever she did to keep those hands soft made at least that part of her on par with any monster. I felt an orgasm begin to rise, but still managed to hold it back. Sensing me pulling back from the brink once again, she threw me a new wrinkle. She put her mouth over the head of my penis, making sure to get it very wet with her saliva as she lightly licked and sucked it. She took it out of her mouth and began stroking me, her hand now slick. She had never done that before and the new stimulation was almost too much. She had to cheat a little to save me from an ejaculation, lightening her grip and slowing her pace.

"I could have had you there," she said. "But you requested my mouth as well, so I must honor that request. Are you ready to be defeated?"

"I am," I panted, wondering exactly how she was going to do it.

She resumed stroking me with her slick hand, adding her tongue to the mix, pressing it firmly against the underside of my penis. Being stroke against her tongue was too much. I exploded all over it and her face, a look of satisfaction spreading across it as she savored my defeat. When I was finished coming, she licked the remainder off of her hands and her lips.

"Now that you've made your request and have been defeated, it's my turn to do what I want," she said, crawling up to a face to face position and inserting my still hard penis into her vagina. It was already hot. This was one of those experiences that I could not have with Alice. The shock of the heat and her incredible tightness caused me to nearly come a second time. I held it back, however. At least for a minute. Sensing how close I was even though we'd just started, Granberia went slowly, steadily increasing the heat as she squeezed me with her powerful pelvic muscles. She smiled and licked her lips as I came a second time.

"Good, Luka, still conscious!" she said. "It's good to see that what resistance you developed to this didn't go away with your power! But now I'm going to get serious. If you feel like you might pass out, you must tell me to stop."

"I think I can handle it," I said.

"We shall she," was her only response before she began squeezing me even tighter and moving faster. This time I lasted a lot longer. For a good ten minutes she rode me. Despite my critical ecstasy, I sensed an opportunity. I reversed her so that I was on top. I began thrusting into her as hard as I could.

"Luka!" Granberia cried. "Now you're cheating! You're in critical ecstasy! You aren't supposed to be able to do that!"

"Leverage," I said, smiling. "As unbalanced as you were, it took almost no strength to turn you."

"You do still know your wrestling," she said proudly. "Now dominate me, Luka! Fuck me!"

I did, and then some. In this position for some reason I had more control. I was able to last another five minutes without slowing down. Granberia's face was getting a serious case of orgasm face, her mouth open, her eyes rolling back.

"Luka, when did you get so big?" she gasped. "Am I just that much better, or did you do something?"

I was pretty sure I hadn't gotten any bigger, but if she was having fun I wasn't about to question it. I continued to pound away at her. She was growing even tighter, however. I could not hold out much longer. As I released my semen into her a third time, she clutched me and matched my movements, screaming her own ecstasy as she did.

Exhausted, I rolled off of her onto my back. I noticed right away that something was indeed different. My penis was huge! I couldn't have been more than five inches before, but I was staring at a good nine-incher! Then I heard laughter and realized that Granberia and I had an audience. Standing to my left were Saja and Minagi. Minagi had been the one laughing. Saja was simply starting at my still rock hard, nine inch lance.

"I did that," Minagi chuckled. "I am the ultimate succubus, after all. I know all kinds of sexual spells. Making your penis a little bigger was easy. It'll return to normal in a few hours. You're welcome, Granberia!"

Granberia grunted and went to retrieve her clothing. "Go easy on him," Granberia instructed. "You are Ancestors and he is merely human now. If you harm him you will answer to the Knights and the Monster Lord."

"Harm him?" Minagi asked innocently. "We've been pleasuring men without killing them for thousands of years, Knight. Just to be safe, I have many spells that can keep him safe. But he looks a little weak, so let's start with something simple."

Her tail lashed out and engulfed my entire length as I lay prone. The feeling was indescribable, but this was not a sexual technique, per se. She was feeding me her energy, using her succubus tail that could either steal mine, or fortify me with her own. I stood up, my energy restored.

"Oh, don't be getting up just yet," Minagi said teasingly. "I just cast a spell on you that will allow you to come as many times as you want with no critical ecstasy. Now Granberia can't accuse me of trying to kill you."

"I will go first," Saja said. "Assuming you consent, of course."

"Oh, ummmm… yes?" I said. "What did you have in mi—"

She pushed me down and wrapped me in her tail. "I have heard that your wife learned her sexual techniques from a succubus. While I'm sure that gives her some skills even I do not know, not being taught by a lamia means that she makes love more like a succubus than a lamia. Allow me to show you what a lamia can do with her mouth. Minagi, could you make him just a little big larger?"

"No problem," Minagi said, and my dick grew another three inches. I was now sporting a foot long. Saja wasted no time doing her own magic trick, making it disappear into her cavernous mouth. I must have been halfway to her stomach, her throat muscles constricting around it. The pleasure was intense, and my increased size added to it since I was experiencing more of her throat than I ever had with Alice. But it was not actually better than what Alice already did to me.

While I was very appreciative of Saja's technique and made that verbally quite clear with my gasps and moans, she could sense that she had not truly impressed me. She took it out of her mouth and gave it a few long licks before wrapping her tongue around it. This too wasn't unfamiliar to me. It was my favorite thing that Alice did. She could slowly rotate her tongue around me as well as squeeze me with it. Saja, however, proved that there was a lamia technique that Alice didn't know.

She began moving her head in a figure eight pattern, her lips on the head of my dick as her tongue swirled around it in waves. The sensations were too much and I exploded into her mouth after only three seconds. She was not about to uncork such a killer technique and do it for only three seconds, however, so she simply kept on going through my orgasm and continued afterwards, until five minutes later I came a second time into her mouth.

Saja removed herself from me, very happy. "Oh my, aren't you a tasty one?" she said. "Granberia, it appears his power had nothing to do with the quality of his semen."

"No, it did not," Granberia confirmed. "He is as delicious as ever."

"As wonderful as I'm sure you two were," Minagi said. "I'm afraid Luka is about to have the ultimate experience. No one in the world, no one in history, can do what I can do. Are you ready to reach heights of ecstasy that no one ever has and survive? I tried to kill you with this technique. Now I'm going to make you very happy with it. But first…"

My penis shrunk back to its normal modest size. "Wimp," Granberia chuckled derisively.

"I can handle it!" Minagi objected. "I'm a little small, though. He doesn't need that much length to experience all of me."

She dropped down onto me, taking it all the way inside her, and began shaking her hips. The orgasms began immediately and didn't stop. Far from taking energy from me, however, they invigorated me, causing me to thrust into her as she gyrated. She looked down at me, extremely satisfied as I enjoyed an endless orgasm for five solid minutes. When she pulled away from me, she cast one more spell.

"Now it's as if you never even had sex today," she said proudly. "Actually, it's better than that. Your penis is so sensitive now that it's like you haven't had sex for a year."

"You two aren't done with him yet?" Granberia asked in shock.

"Almost," Minagi giggled. "Saja, do you think he can handle our death move?"

"As long as your protection spell is still in place," Saja replied. "But was it really necessary to make him sensitive as well?"

"We were kinda mean to him," Minagi said. "We are monsters. We owe him a debt. We must pay that debt with the greatest pleasure any man has ever known."

"Hmmmm…" Saja replied. "It has been a long time since we've done that move. I did so enjoy it. Luka, prepare yourself!"

Saja wrapped me in her tail once again, this time reclining me at a 45 degree angle. Minagi kneeled down and began lightly sucking me. Then she began to concentrate on the underside of my penis with her tongue. At the same time, Saja bent down from the other side and gave attention to the top side. Their movements were coordinated and skilled as their two tongues worked on my shaft and head, with Minagi occasionally giving attention to my balls. She had been right. I was hypersensitive and every movement of their tongues felt like a mini orgasm. Yet either through more of Minagi's magic or the two Ancestors' incredible skill, I did not come. The pleasuring seemed to go on forever, an endless heaven of lips and tongues that never seemed to end.

But end it did, as Minagi and Saja began licking hard, Minagi from the bottom, Saja from the top. They seemed to enjoy the feeling of each other's tongues as much as me. Then, a decision seemed to have been made as they started to move faster, their tongues moving in opposite directions, from my base to my head. The orgasm that resulted was easily the most intense I had ever experienced. I heard myself screaming as it shot out, their tongues never letting up. When Saja released me from her tail, I collapsed in a heap on the ground.

"Now you know the power of the Ancestors!" Saja shouted triumphantly. "Until next year, old enemy."

"Bye, Luka," Minagi said, turning to leave. "I hope you think about that all year long, until your next birthday."

That left me along again with Granberia, who crawled over to me and put her arms around me. "Are you well, Luka?" she asked.

"I am… great," I said. "I'm not in critical ecstasy, so much as normal exhausted from just being subjected to that. Wow. I don't think anyone could stand up to the Ancestors' sexual techniques."

"Good," Granberia said. "Because the word has gone out to all the residents of the castle that you are here and available to be fed on."

"Ummmmm…. Is that wise?"

"Do not worry," Granberia said. "I will only allow one more. She has been waiting a long time for this opportunity. She is one of your best friends."

Tentatively entering the gym was indeed a familiar face. Nanabi! She pulled up a chair and took a seat looking down at my still prone, naked figure.

"Happy birthday, Luka," she said softly. "Granberia made sure to reserve you for me. I think you know what I'm here to give you."

I did. Her tail suckers weren't for everyone, but I had been intrigued about them for a long time. Could I handle all seven, though?

"I see that you're still rock hard," Nanabi said. "Granberia, you can stay and hold onto him if you like. I always have to hold him in place when others pleasure him. It'll be nice to get to do the pleasuring this time."

"I have to admit that I am intrigued to see this," Granberia said.

"Hmm, which one should I use first," Nanabi said. "I'm not going to try to get you to come in all seven, so let's try each one out and see which ones you like best."

She concentrated and her tails turned into those weird looking, almost disgusting, suckers. They didn't look very sexy, but I'd heard that they were Nanabi's way of competing sexually with Tamamo and Yao. It had been a unique innovation of hers. She had designed each one to be different.

"Tell me what you think of… this one," Nanabi said, as the first tail mouth engulfed my penis in one motion.

I liked it very much. It felt like a rather large mouth. The tongue only made the similarity even more obvious. If I closed my eyes, it felt like I was getting blown again. But I'd already been blown by the best, so it wasn't that impressive. Still, quite pleasant.

"Hmmmm, I like that one, but I'm not going to be able to compete with Ancestors with that one, so…" she mused as she removed it and began making use of a different tail.

The second one was a lot more intense. It was ultra tight, as tight as Granberia's pussy when she was contracting her pelvic muscles. I gasped, causing Nanabi to get a very satisfied look on her face. "Oh, you like that one. I think I'll make you come into this one."

It was so tight I was actually a little scared to, but it was too insistent and too tight to resist. I exploded into it with incredible intensity as it mercilessly sucked on me like a vacuum. Nanabi gave me a moment to rest.

"So for future reference, you like number five," she said, pulling out a pad and writing it down for future reference. "Sorry, you know me, I'm a nerd. Gotta take notes. Now, let's go for something a little less intense."

A third tail sucked in my dick. It was indeed less intense. This one seemed to prioritize lubrication, making extremely loud sucking sounds and dribbling some kind of lubricative substance all over my groin area. It was kinda gross, but also felt really amazing as it slobbered all over me, it's tongue making sure to spread tons of it fluids over my balls.

She let me enjoy that one for a few minutes before placing a fourth tail over my member. I gasped at the sensations. It was much more textured and rough than the first three. It felt like a kitsune vagina without the fur. She observed my reactions and wrote something else on her notepad. Once finished, she started moving it up and down on me in long strokes, letting me fully enjoy the textures inside. That one made me ejaculate.

"So you also really like number two," Nanabi said, making another notation. "Thanks for your help, I'm always trying to improve these. Only three left!"

A fifth tail sucked in my penis. This one made chewing motions. While the tail sucker itself wasn't special, those motions were very pleasurable and not something that even many monsters could pull off. Not many people have enjoyed being chewed without teeth, but trust me, it's incredible.

"Okay, you like that one," she said. "I'm still trying to perfect that one. I tried making it as textured as number two, but that nearly killed a guy. You can't overload a man's senses if you want it to be pleasurable for him. So let's, do number six."

The sixth tail sucker went to work. At first I felt nothing unusual compared to the other ones. Then hot liquid, almost as hot as Granberia's fluids, began to fill the tail.

"That one's still a work in progress," Nanabi said. "A unique sensation, but you just did it with Granberia, so probably not a big deal for you. Guys who haven't been with dragons love it, though. So now, time for number seven. I know you'll like this one."

She plopped the last tail on me and I immediately noticed what was different about that one. Instead of one tongue, it had many. They squeezed around my shaft. I arched my back in pleasure.

"Oh, that's not even the best part," Nanabi said. "Here's where I see if I can match an Ancestor. Tell me how I do."

Without warning, the tongues inside her tail sucker began to spin. I gasped as the intense pleasure shot through my entire body.

"I call that one my mixer," Nanabi said. "That one is my best work by far. I don't even need to write down that you like that one. Everyone loves that tail."

When I came into that tail, the orgasm was indeed almost as amazing as the ones with the two Ancestors. "You gave me a lot of good semen," Nanabi said. "Thank you. I haven't gotten to taste it nearly enough. Do you think you'd like me to pleasure you again next year?"

"I have no doubt that I'd love to spend time with you for every birthday ever!" I answered enthusiastically.

"Tamamo might have something to say about that," Nanabi said. "Plus Yao still wants a piece of you. Only one kitsune allowed, though. I had to work hard to talk her into giving up her spot this year. But I'm glad you like me so much, Luka. Enjoy the rest of your birthday!"

Granberia continued to hold me as I settled down from what must have been over a dozen orgasms. What a day!

"Is that all?" I asked. "I don't think I can handle anymore."

"That is all," Granberia said. "Would you like to retire to my room? You probably would love a nap about now."

"I think that's a fantastic idea, Granberia."

We spent the rest of the day cuddling in Granberia's bed. It was so good to be home.


Granberia sat at the park bench, enjoying a beautiful day in Luka Village. She watched the children frolicking, chasing each other. Most of the children were human, but many were monster children. All playing together, enjoying the fortieth annual post-Unity Day celebration. The big bash had been the day before, and involved celebrations in every city and village in the world, with the largest being in Grand Noah, the city best able to accommodate the large number of visitors who flocked to the city to commemorate the anniversary of the day that Luka saved the world for the last time.

For the day after Unity Day, it had long been traditional for Luka and those closest to him, as well as former enemies, to gather for a more private day of bonding. Granberia turned her gaze to Luka and Alice, who were sitting in the grass, relaxing with their son and daughter, also enjoying the sight of the children playing. Several of the children were Luka and Alice's great grandchildren, their grandchildren themselves now grown up, with families of their own. Despite their monster heritage, all of Luka's offspring had been human, albeit with some monster attributes. Playing among the human children were young local monsters, residents of Luka Village. Most noticeable among them was little Alice. Luka had insisted that his wife conceive an heir before he passed, so that he could have a positive role in her upbringing.

There had been no further major stresses on Luka and Alice's relationship. The last forty years were judged by most as a golden age of peace and prosperity. Granberia had long since put down her sword for good, as she had long dreamed of doing. Her focus was now on the people in her life: Sara, Luka, Edgar, and Luka's numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Little Alice's father ran around with the children, himself a young man of only twenty-five, as the tiny future Monster Lord laughed and chased him, trying to wrap him in her tail. Little Alice affectionately called Luka "Grampy", and Nero and Neris, "Uncle and Auntie", even though they were technically her half-siblings.

Luka would be seventy in a few weeks. Nero and Neris were only two years younger than him. Alice was approaching one hundred. The Monster Lord was finally showing signs of age, although she would live for many decades after Luka's passing. A tear came to Granberia's eye at the thought. The people she loved the most were all growing old while she remained young. Granberia would not even reach middle age until decades after Alice herself had passed on. Sara and Luka would be gone in the blink of an eye. It wasn't fair.

Tamamo sat down on the bench next to Granberia. "I know what you're thinking," the kitsune said.

"How do you endure it?" Granberia asked. "Everyone you love, dies. You have seen so many Monster Lords, had so many lovers, even a husband. Yet you always seem to be happy."

"Being immortal is kinda nice," Tamamo replied. "A big future is always in front of you, a vast sea of possibilities. Having a short life as the humans do isn't so bad, either. Every moment is precious. The real curse is living a long time, but still realizing that your time is finite. I've seen your pain many times before. It's why so many dragons and dragonkin choose to be reclusive, or only associate with their own kind."

"But I had to go and become a sword enthusiast," Granberia laughed bitterly. "I wanted nothing more than to challenge the best, and as a result I grew to love my opponents. I will outlive all but you and Salamander."

"Would you really have wanted to be like most of your kind?" Tamamo asked. "Do dragons strike you as a merry bunch, loving life? What good is long life if all you do is hang around other grumpy, long lived people? You're surrounded by people who love you, and yet you're sad."

"I'm sorry," Granberia replied. "soon these days will be nothing more than a bittersweet memory."

"You'll have time to mourn them when the day comes," Tamamo said. "You're right, their time is short. So rather than grieving in advance, enjoy what time you have with them. Then, love their descendants as you loved them. If you keep your heart open, there will always be new people to love. Perhaps one of them will be someone like Luka. You'll have to fight me for him, though!"

Granberia chuckled. "I may have to practice harder, then. If there is another such man walking this world, I will not lose him to another."

"What kind of practice are you referring to?" Tamamo giggled.

The two were joined by Saja, munching on a bag of potato chips. "Old foe, cheer up!" Saja admonished. "you have purpose in life. We all must work to insure that this world continues to become a better place to live for all. Long after Luka is gone, we shall honor his memory by continuing his work."

"In that," Granberia assured Saja. "You have an ally."

"Does that mean you're finally going to help me watch over new Monster Lords?" Tamamo asked. "The last few have been quite a handful. At least Alice the Seventeenth shouldn't have to assume the position at such a young age as her mother did."

"How do you know I don't intend to challenge her?" Saja asked.

"If you do, I will be part of that succession battle as well," Granberia said.

"I guess it'll be another free for all, then," Tamamo giggled. "If she's anything like her mother or her grandmother though, she'll beat all of us."

A bright light shone in the sky above the park, causing the children to jump up and down and yell in joy. Little Alice turned to her mother and asked, "Is Ilias coming to play with me?"

"I don't know," Alice answered. "Maybe."

The light coalesced into the forms of Eden and a tiny, childlike goddess. Little Alice squealed in joy and rushed to hug her best friend. Ilias returned her embrace with enthusiasm, then took Little Alice's hand and they ran off to play together, several children following them. Eden walked over to the bench and sat down to join the three already occupying it, filling it.

"Can we keep Ilias in that sealed form forever?" Saja asked.

"One day she will be ready to resume her duties," Eden replied. "As long as she was in a childlike state, I thought it best to give her a childlike body to match it."

"Probably the first time the Ancestors Seal was ever used for a non-hostile purpose," Tamamo laughed.

"Indeed," Eden replied. "While she has this childlike innocence, best for her to have positive experiences with monsters, especially the likely future Monster Lord."

"Do you really think it's possible to maintain this peace?" Saja asked.

"The biggest weakness beings such as ourselves have is that we have so much history behind us that we fail to envision possible futures, simply because we assume that if they were possible, it would have happened in the thousands of years we've been around," Eden said. "But Luka has seen worlds in which peace reigned, worlds where Ilias and Alipheese were not kept separated. Luka has changed all of that. There is no light or dark now. We are all one."

"They always find a reason to fight, eventually," Saja argued.

"Our wisdom will be tested," Tamamo said. "Sometimes such situations will require our intervention. Other times, we must let mortals find their own paths. But I do believe that we can preserve this peace. Admit it Saja, you like this."

"I do," Saja conceded. "Seeing monster and human children playing together, happy human and monster couples everywhere….. It's enough to make me wonder if I might want a husband."

"You? A husband?" Tamamo asked skeptically.

"I've gained a new perspective on humans in recent years," Saja said. "perhaps somewhere, there is a man whom I would like to tarry with for a few decades. You were married for some time after the rest of us were sealed. Would you recommend it?"

"Absolutely," Tamamo replied. "Horace was a wonderful man, gave me fifty of the best years of my life. He was like Luka in so many ways. He was the biggest reason why I went soft."

"I am trying to picture Saja 'soft'," Granberia scoffed. "I cannot envision it."

"Take it from me," Eden said. "With love, all things are possible. As long as we remember that, this world has a chance to endure. Luka's dream must live long after he is gone. It is the responsibility of those of us who will remain to keep that dream alive."

"I still cannot get over the idea of eternal beings such as ourselves learning from a mortal," Saja said.

Luka was slowly making his way to the bench where the four sat. He was still energetic and full of vitality, but clearly slowing.

"So as you know, it's my birthday in a few days," he said. "And you know what that means. Would you ladies honor me by spending that night with me?"

"It is almost comforting to see that you have a character flaw," Saja replied. "You will always be a dirty old man."

"If I am," Luka replied. "It's because you all made me this way."

"As much as I enjoy your birthdays," Tamamo replied. "We're trying to keep you around for a lot longer. Maybe this year you really should just pick one. Your ticker isn't what it used to be."

"But how do I pick?" Luka objected. "I wouldn't want any of you to feel that you were second best."

"We all know you like Granberia best!" Tamamo giggled.

"How about Eden this year?" Granberia asked. "You have never had a chance to really spend time with her, and she's a gentler soul than us monsters."

"Me?" Eden said. "Is that… really okay with Alice? I know she's long since forgiven me, but…"

"Alice gives him a full hall pass that night," Tamamo chuckled. "You should, Eden. We get him every year."

"Well, if it's all right…" Eden said. "It's a date, my dear old Luka!"

As Luka turned away to feebly run around with the children, Granberia vowed to herself to take Tamamo's advice. This time was precious. She would have time to mourn after her loved ones were gone. For now, she was going to appreciate these days. Granberia excused herself and chased after Luka, tackling him.

"Ooh!" Tamamo winced. "That's going to require a three day recovery!"

Alice leaped onto the two of them, a little more gently. Numerous children added to the pile. Tamamo rose from the bench and ran towards them.

"C'mon!" Tamamo yelled back at Saja and Eden. "Don't let the mortals have all the fun! Live life! Even if you're immortal you shouldn't waste a day!"

"Old foe," Saja said, turning to Eden. "Are we being lectured on life by a kitsune?"

"I think we are," Eden said. "Such impudence should not go unpunished."

With a laugh, Eden and Saja rushed to join the scrum.