Granberia is Sexy

It had been quite a day for Granberia, and Albert had missed it. The Monster Lord from another world lay in bed at a rather fine hotel, brooding over what he'd missed. While the nine-tailed fox was his favorite, he rather liked the warrior woman as well. He tried not to think about the fact that they all had male counterparts back on his world. He wondered if he looked as good as a female. Perhaps he'd get a chance to see his own counterpart at some point.

He also brooded over Luka. Luka was clearly even more of a ladies' man than he was, although the Luka he was traveling with wasn't really getting a chance to demonstrate his prowess due to his overprotective wife. It was rather depressing, actually. Such a waste. Although Albert still couldn't see what all the fuss was about. Even after Tamamo had explained it to him, he still didn't understand it. Before he returned to his own world, he had to meet the Luka that everyone was talking about. To meet the man who had wooed gods, ancestors, and monster lords.

As Albert wondered if perhaps he needed to learn a spell to make his semen taste better, there was a loud knock on the door. Ah, Tamamo must be hungry again, he thought. Her feedings were very impersonal, but they sure felt good, and he was convinced that she was getting slightly more intimate with each feeding. He was sure he'd grow on her. Sure, she was married, but she was a second wife. Well, she could be his second wife as well! That sounded fair. Although he guessed he'd need a first wife.

Albert slithered to the door and opened it. To his surprise, it wasn't his lovely fox, it was the crazy swordswoman. Except she wasn't dressed in her battle gear. She wore an attractive white and purple nightgown.

"May I come in?" Granberia asked.

"As long as you don't plan any violence," Albert replied. "As long as you're peaceful, I'll never deny a woman as lovely as you access to my bedroom."

"You know, it's funny," Granberia said as she entered Albert's hotel room. "If a human male had said that, I would have called him a pervert. But somehow it seems natural for a monster to always have sex on the brain."

"We area rather horny bunch, at least the male versions of us," Albert admitted. "Is it like that for you as well? We like sex because it feels good and makes more monsters, but on this world you girls need it for nutrition."

"True," Granberia replied. "I actually have never had sex for pleasure. I only use it for sustenance. Although I admit it does get me hot to violate a defeated enemy. But I have never lusted after a man, not truly."

"Not even this Luka guy?"

"I have not, no. But I've read that my counterpart on his world loved him deeply. I find myself… disappointed that I never had the opportunity to experience that with him. Events simply never pulled us in that direction. So I really feel nothing for him other than respect and gratitude. Although gratitude is more than enough to justify me doing lewd things to him if that's what he desired from me. It is our way, after all."

"You ladies have such an odd honor system," Albert observed. "See, on my world we dudes just do whatever we want for the most part, and we express gratitude by saying 'thank you', or giving money, since humans like money. The only rule we really have is 'don't rape anybody'."

"You don't rape?" Granberia asked. "But…. How then do you reproduce? Does not your god forbid monster/human relations?"

"Sure he does. But women are extremely attracted to us. And we're very, very good at wooing them. Is it difficult for you to woo men? I'd find that very hard to believe."

"No, it's never been difficult," Granberia answered. "But I guess we decided that rape was fine because we don't only do it for reproduction. We must also eat. That makes it more urgent. But it is a new world and monsters are slowly being taught that rape is unnecessary. I have never been in favor of it, at least not against a man minding his own business. I only ever violate men who challenge or attack me."

"I guess I never thought about the morals of that," Albert admitted. "We never get attacked by females, at least not effectively."

"Your world does not have heroes?"

"Oh, it does, but they are nearly all male. And we don't violate our defeated enemies. Sometimes we pee on them, though. But if a female hero attacked me and I defeated her, would it be okay to do whatever I wanted to her afterwards? I don't know."

"You must have defeated many heroes," Granberia said admiringly.

"None that were any challenge," Albert replied semi-modestly. "I am the Monster Lord, after all. I wouldn't be much of a Monster Lord if some random human could defeat me."

Granberia went silent for a moment, as if unsure of what to say next.

"Soooo…." Albert said tentatively. "You had quite an experience today, or so I heard."

"I do not wish to discuss it," she replied coldly. "Actually…. I do. That is why I am here. I have always been weak to pleasure. I have lost very few battles. With only a few exceptions, when I have lost, it has been to pleasure attacks. I am also not skilled at using pleasure attacks against my opponents. I have long thought it to be anathema to everything a warrior stands for, but I am a monster, and my duty requires me to defend my people any way I can. If I was to lose to a hero because I refused to use all of my abilities and another monster was harmed because of my failure…."

"Well, you say you've raped men before, so obviously you know how to do it," Albert said. "And I can already tell that your magic is very strong. You don't need to be all that talented to take down most weaker opponents."

"I don't need to pleasure weaker opponents!" Granberia countered. "It is the strong ones that I need that edge against! And for the strong ones, my abilities in that regard are insufficient! But more importantly, I am weak to their attacks as well. I have a…. friend who is the greatest in the world at pleasure. But I cannot bring myself to ask her for instruction. She is merciless when it comes to poking fun at my shortcomings. She would never let me live it down if I went to her. But you…. You don't seem like that type."

"So are you asking me for training?"

"If you mean step by step lessons, no. I would be too mortified to learn that much detail with you, or anyone else. I'd prefer to battle you. In bed. To conquer you with my body as I've conquered so many humans."

"Oh really?" Albert said, his wide smile growing. "You do realize you'll be the one conquered, right? But that's fine. You'll learn some things even though you'll lose."

"My teacher told me that a warrior learns more from a loss than from a victory," Granberia said. "But I warn you. I am as fierce as they come. And my natural magic is potent. I will not be defeated easily."

Granberia was moving closer to Albert as she said this. Unlike a human, she didn't have to get close for him to smell her. Everything about Granberia was beautiful and delicious. Her breath was sweet, her body odors just as enticing. Not that Tamamo was bad, but as a beast there were some odd smells that only someone of his sensitivity could detect. It came with having a lot of hair.

With a roar, Granberia attacked, surprising Albert. When he'd heard the word "battle" he'd assumed that was a euphemism. That there would at least be some gentle foreplay. But she was treating this as a real battle, albeit with only restraint and pleasure attacks rather than physical violence.

Restraint attacks against a lamia are a very difficult thing to pull off, however. Granberia succeeded in pinning his human torso easily, but his tail remained free to wrap her up and turn the tables. But Albert decided to let her dominate for the moment. Besides, she was a great warrior. She couldn't have been ignorant of his capabilities. Perhaps she had a counterattack planned if he wrapped her up.

Holding him down with one shockingly powerful arm, she began stroking his penis with her other hand. Albert was surprised at how good even that felt. She had the softest hand he'd ever felt, and it was so silky she didn't even need lubrication to make it comfortable.

"My hands are usually all I need to defeat any normal male," she purred. "But I'm sure it's not enough to defeat one as powerful as a Monster Lord."

In truth, it shouldn't have been, but he'd never felt a hand like Granberia's before. As a matter of fact, had Tamamo's tails not already pleasured him, he might have surrendered on the spot. Even a Heavenly Knight's hand was more pleasurable than a normal monster's lovemaking.

Granberia continued to stroke and squeeze him gently. "I've never seen one this big before," she said as she ran her hand all the way up and down its length. "I love it when I get to use both hands at once. But most heroes are rather unimpressive, and so I can only use one. But alas, this is a battle, and if I was to use both hands, you could counterattack."

She knew damn well he could counterattack anyway, having a ten foot long tail and all. She was toying with him! Okay, dragon lady, you want to play? Let's play!

Albert's tail coiled around Granberia and lifted her completely off of him. He set her down on her feet and got off the bed himself to confront her.

"That was pretty tricky, bum rushing me like that," he admitted. "And your hand…. Wow. If I win, I will definitely make you do things to me with both of them. That is what happens if I win, right?"

"Pure sparring does not confer the right to do whatever one wants with the loser," Granberia replied. "But for the purposes of this match, if you win you can do whatever lewd acts you wish with me. But you can only go that far."

"Only that far? There's a step beyond rape?"

"A defeated enemy can be enslaved, eaten, or killed," Granberia explained. "But only in serious combat, not sparring or training."

"You live in a very harsh world!"

"What is harsh about it? If someone attacks you, and you defeat them, it is your choice whether or not to be merciful. We are changing in that monsters are not supposed to initiate violence anymore, but if someone initiates violence against them, the attacker has lost all right to expect mercy."

"I guess that sorta makes sense?"

"We can speak more of this later," Granberia said. "Now show mw your best move!"

"My best move? You sure, lady?"

"Yes! Hit me with your most powerful pleasure attack!"

"I don't know if you can handle it…." Albert said uncertainly.

"Of course I can't handle it!" Granberia shot back. "But once I've seen it, felt it…. Then I might be able to resist an attack like it the next time."

"Oh, you've never seen anything like this," Albert warned.

"Shut up and hit me with your best shot!" Granberia yelled. "Or I'll just throw you down again and start raping you!"

As tempting as that was, Albert did enjoy being in control, and he hadn't been in control since he'd arrived on this crazy world. Tamamo had dominated him with just a tail, and while the monsters back at the castle had required more effort than that, they had subjugated him just as effectively. Not that he hadn't enjoyed it. It was just that he was used to being in the driver's seat. Now was his big chance.

Granberia had very fast reflexes. She was a warrior, after all. And she thought she'd seen it all. But when she saw Albert's foreskin spread and spring for her face, she was too dumbfounded to react. Albert's foreskin attached itself to her face tightly. The head of his penis invaded her mouth. Hot, thick, slimy liquid shot into her mouth, some of it slipping down her throat.

"Mmf!" Granberia said in surprise. Since she was blessed with a rather large mouth, she could still speak, albeit with difficulty, despite her mouth being violated. "You came already! How weak you are!"

"That wasn't semen," Albert said. "It's a special adaptation. See, I'm rather well endowed and human females are small, and fragile."

"But this isn't a pleasure attack on me!" Granberia protested. "It's a pleasure attack on yourself! You'll ejaculate and then you'll be mine!"

"Oh, I'll ejaculate all right. Eventually. You see, what I've excreted into your mouth serves two purposes. First, it's an aphrodisiac. In a minute or two you'll see how it's a pleasure attack. But for now, I'm going to demonstrate its more immediate purpose."

"Glurg!" Granberia gasped, now unable to speak as he forced his entire length down her throat. But aside from the initial shock of penetration, she didn't gag.

"It's a special lubricant that enables me to penetrate any orifice easily," he explained. "Monsters tend to have large penises on my world. And most ladies can't handle them without pain. This makes things easier on them and more pleasurable for us. While the aphrodisiac, along with our natural magic, makes even this amazing for the woman. Now experience the sensations and start imagining how this would feel in your pussy."

Granberia stopped struggling as the pleasure began to set in. She had never considered her mouth to be something that could give her pleasure. She had always assumed it to be one way pleasure giving. She enjoyed doing it, especially for worthy opponents who had earned it, but the purpose was strictly to get tasty semen, not to give herself pleasure. If she wanted that, she'd have intercourse. It felt incredibly strange for a penis to be so far down her throat, farther than she'd ever taken one, and for it to feel so amazing. It was as if her tongue was her labia, and her uvula her clitoris. She trembled as his penis thrust back and forth past both. It was nothing like being pleasured by a human male, and comparable to Alma Elma doing it. But Alma Elma was a woman, and never gave her that "full" feeling the way a well endowed man could. Albert gave her all that and more, and she wasn't even being pleasured properly yet!

Albert smiled as he took it slowly, careful not to get too excited and ejaculate before she reached orgasm. If he did, she would be able to turn the tables on him. He needed her to come at least one time before letting himself enjoy how he was feeling.

Granberia was strong. She had the heart of a warrior. She had shamefully surrendered to Alma Elma many times at the first touch, but there was something even more shameful about surrendering to a man. Recognizing that she could not remove his face hugger foreskin from her face without injuring him, she decided to take the offensive another way. She grabbed him with both hands and pushed his waist in even deeper. Since he had nullified what little gag reflex she had, why not?

Albert began to moan as she increased the pace of his thrusting by moving his waist. He may have been a Monster Lord, but he was still a man, and she wouldn't lose! He began to tremble as well. She knew he was close. If she just concentrated on pleasuring him and not on what his penis was doing to her body in such a weird way, she could outlast him.

But the thrusting was too fast, and his penis only grew thicker from her increased stimulation. The pressure on her uvula became even greater. She'd never known a mouth orgasm was possible. It wasn't just her mouth. Her lips tingled pleasurably, even her stomach began to feel a glow as if she had eaten the best meal of her life, even though he hadn't come yet. And then the waves of pleasure reached her groin, causing her genitals to spasm in intensely pleasurable ways. It was almost a whole body orgasm, just from having her mouth penetrated! No wonder human females worshipped the ground Albert slithered on!

Albert held her up to prevent her from collapsing and began to withdraw his penis. She grabbed his waist with what strength she had left and demanded that he continue. She wanted his semen as badly as she had wanted anything in her entire life.

"I've been told by multiple monster girls that my semen is a bit strong tasting, and not in a good way," he warned. "But I guess if I'm shooting it directly down your esophagus…."

She made muffled screams as he ejaculated, the spasms causing her uvula to react as a clitoris again and sending her to a second powerful mouthgasm, that like the first, spread to other parts of her body. She never tasted the semen, but she could feel its power. It was so strong that it almost instantly cured her critical ecstasy. Did that mean she had won?

It seemed so. Albert withdrew his penis and collapsed onto the bed.

"I…. I couldn't resist you anymore!" he gasped. "I guess I messed up. I made you come twice but my semen returned your strength. I've got no more fight left within me. You win."

"No, I have not won!" Granberia insisted. "It is your win. In a real battle, you would never have given me the means to recover like that. So you can do with me as you wish. As the victor, there is nothing too lewd that I can object to. For tonight, I am your sex slave."

"That sounds…. Great," Albert panted. "I'm just going to need a minute."

Granberia waited patiently. Even though she had judged herself the loser, she was proud that she had been able to render him helpless so easily. In the future, she would simply have to find a way to make him come first. Then she realized what an idiot she'd been. My heat! She thought. That deep into my body, I could have added to his pleasure with my heat! I would have won! Oh well, next time.

Albert may have suffered critical ecstasy, but he was still an extremely powerful monster. He was able to rise only five minutes later, although he looked unsteady. He grabbed her in his still powerful arms and gently laid her onto the bed, climbing in on top of her.

"I know I am the loser," she said. "But if I might make a request…."

"I always agree to requests," Albert said, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Do as you said earlier," she pleaded. "Use… whatever that is on your penis down there. Attach it to me and force it all the way in using that wonderful lubricant you use. It felt so good in my mouth, I can't even imagine how amazing it will feel in my pussy."

"That was always my plan, baby," Albert said. "I need to show you how good this can get, so that you can resist when other monsters try to use pleasure attacks on you. I have no problem with woman on woman action, but I'll insist to my dying day that no woman can match the pleasure a man can give a woman. At least if he's doing it right."

"Prove it!" Granberia grunted.

There was a brief moment of pain as the suckers in his foreskin attached themselves to the outside of her vagina. The head of his penis entered her and it was already almost too much for her to bear. Then the liquid shot into her and the sensations began to amplify. His penis slowly entered her, until his entire length was inside her. Thanks to his lubricant he went all the way in easily without discomfort. As he moved within her, the aphrodisiac excretion enhanced the sensations, as well as her arousal. Since it was no longer a sparring contest, Granberia did something she had never done before. She relaxed, surrendering to the sensations and concentrated fully on enjoying them.

Each long, foot long stroke was a heaven in itself, as Albert moved slowly but confidently. Granberia briefly considered demonstrating her heat talent, but decided against it. She would surprise him with it in their next sparring contest. But she did use her powerful muscles to squeeze him. His eyes crossed and he nearly collapsed on top of her, so overwhelming was it for him. No human woman could squeeze him hard enough for him to even feel it, and no ordinary monster had been able to grip him so strongly. This time, he came first, which sent a thrill of pride through Granberia.

But as the night went on, endlessly due to their stamina, Albert won that particular battle. The final count: Granberia, 16 orgasms, Albert 10. And he hadn't even been close to being drained dry. Granberia knew that despite her lack of sleep, she would never have more energy, so filled with Albert's semen as she was. She decided that she really wanted to taste it next time with her mouth. It couldn't be that bad, could it? Her vagina sure thought it was delicious.

Emma stared at the tournament roster sheet along with Ben.

"Good," Emma said. "Kyuba is in a different bracket from Luka. And I'm in Kyuba's. That means I'll get first crack at her."

"Are you sure you don't want me to enter?" Ben asked. "They are still willing to add brackets."

"And watch you get raped?" Emma said. "No thanks."

"I'm as strong as you now!" Ben pointed out.

"Sure, you'll win against the weaker monsters," Emma countered. "But what happens if you run into Kyuba? And even the monsters you win against will touch you inappropriately."

"Emma! The mission! Both of us in the tournament means double the chances at stopping Luka from facing Alma Elma!"

"I've got this, Ben!" Emma insisted. "There's nothing a succubus can do to me. It's all pleasure attacks and monsters are immune to pleasure attacks."

"Don't be so sure, Emma," Ilias warned in her head. "Your world is an outlier in that respect. It could be the nature of the magic of that world, but there's no guarantee it will translate that way to this one. In this world, monsters go down to critical ecstasy just like humans."

"Well that's worrisome," Emma admitted.

"See!?" Ben gloated. "I've felt pleasure attacks from the best! All right, maybe not in Alma Elma's class, but there's you… and Ashley. And Promestein!"

"Wait, what?! When was Promestein?!"

"Oh, I never told you about that," Ben said, flushing with embarrassment. "Before I met you. She gave me a handjob in an alley."

"I'm still doing this," Emma said. "Even if I've never felt a real pleasure attack before, I'm a monster. A strong monster. And a woman. You're just a man. Alma Elma might accidentally brush you with her elbow and you'll just give up."

"Will not!"

"Will too!"

"Will not!"

"Oh my goodness, will you two focus?!" Ilias yelled in Emma's head. "Emma, you can take Alma Elma, but be careful! She's weaker than you, but very, very tricky! And remember, you can't use your power. You'll be disqualified."

"No shit?" Emma asked.

"No guns either," Ilias added.

"No… no guns?! What kind of contest is this?!"

"Competitors are permitted to use natural weapons such as claws and teeth, regular weapons as long as they aren't enchanted, and abilities based on the elements. Actual spells, or use of magic beyond innate magic that can't be controlled, such as the magic used when inflicting pleasure, is against the rules. And of course pleasure attacks aren't just legal, they are encouraged. Real crowd pleasers."

"I bet," Emma said.

"In that respect, the coliseum hasn't changed over thousands of years," Ben noted. "All they did was ban rape after the match."

"Yeah, about that," Ilias warned. "Don't lose. You'll find it very embarrassing. And Alma Elma in particular doesn't care that you're a woman. She'll take her time with you. She has to cater to her fans, after all."

"Trust me, I don't plan on losing," Emma assured Ilias and Ben. And herself.

That settled, Emma and Ben continued to look at the tournament brackets.

"Recognize any names?" Ben asked.

"Just Kyuba and Luka," Emma answered. "I'm a real student of history, but other than those two names there are no legends here."

"Good. That means you should have no issues until you get to Alma Elma. So what happens if you face Luka?"

"I'll fake an injury," Emma said. "As much as I'd love to face him, it's best for his perception of this quest to win. I'd take a dive but I'm a terrible actor. He'd know something was up. Of course, I could just kick his ass, but as he is now that's no challenge. It wouldn't mean anything. Not that me dropping out is any better, but at least then he has no way of knowing that I handed the win to him. He'll just assume I was too injured from my fight with Kyuba."

"I wouldn't worry about Kyuba," a voice from behind them said. "I intend to defeat her myself, and I have her in the quarterfinal round."

Emma turned around and her eyes went wide. "Holy headless….!"

"No, I have a head, see?" the dullahan said, holding her head to eye level.

"Yes… yes, of course you do," Emma said graciously. "I meant no offense. It's just that I've never seen a dullahan before."

"We aren't all that common," the dullahan admitted. "I look forward to facing you in the semifinal if you make it that far. But seeing as you're a dragonkin warrior I expect big things from you."

"And you as well," Emma responded, marveling at the renowned warrior.

The dullahan thanked Emma and went on her way, cradling her head in her arm.

"Oh my god! Did you just see that!?" Emma said excitedly.

"I've only seen them in textbooks!" Ben marveled. "I wasn't sure they'd really existed!"

"They went extinct a long time before we were born," Emma agreed. "The new world was great for most humans and monsters alike, but some didn't survive."

"From what I read, dullahans were pretty rare to begin with, and didn't randomly attack humans," Ben noted.

"They also had trouble finding mates in a world where sex had to be consensual," Emma continued. "Their look was just too weird for most guys."

"Weird, but there are so many interesting things she could do with that-"

Emma slapped the back of Ben's head.