The Special Room

The black-skinned man was wide-eyed. From the position he was standing, Yuma could see the naked bodies of the visitors, especially the girls. However, his vision was limited by the thick glass walls and the minimal lighting inside.

The room where Yuma is now is a kind of changing room with hundreds or even thousands of drawers arranged neatly from bottom to top, from the right corner to the left. Several mechanical arms move freely across the ceiling to help visitors place their clothes in designated drawers.

There was also a table with two young women at the reception.

"Please, sir," said a receptionist girl to Yuma. She pointed to the drawers on the right. "Leave your clothes here."

Yuma looked at the girl, as well as at the other girl. They're so cute, Yuma thought with a chuckle. Then his gaze shifted to the drawers in a large cabinet that the girl had pointed out earlier.