The Real Aliens

"So," Ryan scratched his head, "it's stronger than the gravity of our moon? I mean, the Earth's satellite?"

"No," replied Aios. "Titan's gravity is roughly eighty-five percent Lunar gravity. Or, fifteen percent lower than Earth's satellites."

"This is so weird," Ryan sighed deeply, the world of astronomy was not his forte. "Besides being cold, there's also only a sea of ​​methane, rock-hard ice, and low gravity… with all this—I mean, why was that Saturn's satellite is a choice for Federation? I swear, I'm losing my thought here."

But it wasn't just Ryan's thinking, almost everyone in the room was the same. Even some of them agree with the captain's thinking that Europa, Jupiter's moon, is a better choice if the reason is to get a supply of pure water.

"Titan's surface also has a vast desert," Aios replied. "And the surface is filled with organic material."