Same But Different

Aldi drove his vehicle which looked like a classic car without wheels at full speed, flying low over the bumpy sea surface.

"Hey, look!" Ely saw the shadow of land on the right, Aldi steered their vehicle in that direction.

Sure enough, it is a large land that looks green in a part that is slightly far from the shoreline. Green without any large plants other than moss covering some of the ground.

Getting closer to the edge, Aldi saw an estuary where there must be a river flowing. And he directed his vehicle to cross the wide river.

"This is quite similar to Earth," said Aldi.

The yellow vehicle hovered low over the rocky surface of the river.

"What about the animals?" Ely observed every part of the ground or the corners of the river.

"I don't know," said Aldi. "Since earlier, I haven't seen a single one, not even a big fish in the ocean, or anything like that."