Things You Want To Forget

"Who said we're gonna do that?" One of Dharma's eyebrows rose higher looking at Yuri.

The Russian-blooded man laughed silently. "Come on, man!" he said. "Do I look like a fool to you?"

"Naa," Dharma smiled widely and shook his head. "I didn't say that."

The slave miners boarded vehicles that will transport them to their respective posts. Yuri saw two of his men on a large vehicle, he invited Dharma and the others to get into the same vehicle.

"Come on!"

Yuri went up first, then helped Dharma and the others. So did the two of his men, helping Boris and the others.

Two of Yuri's men at once anticipated. They violently chased away other slave workers who were about to get into the same vehicle, because they were the same as Yuri who was able to read the situation. In this way, both hope that only Dharma and his friends are on the same team as them. And of course, whatever Dharma is planning in the future, it will be easier to carry out.