Nice Acting

"But according to people's stories," said Aldi. "That kind of fish is really good. I don't know."

"Let's just catch the fish then," Ely smiled at her idea.

Aldy chuckled as he shook his head. "Judging by their size, I'm sure the fish are too small to be harvested."

"Oh…" And then, Ely washed her face with the river water.

"So," asked Aldi when Ely approached him, "how's the water?"

"Cold," said Ely. "But very refreshing."

"Sit down," Aldi sliced ​​the cold grilled meat.

"I didn't think there was enough venison left," Ely accepted the slice that Aldi gave her.

Aldy laughed lightly. "I guess just enough for lunch later."

"What about that area called The Farm, are we close?"

Aldi fed deer meat into his mouth, then pointed in the direction where he had seen rows of green trees.

"Use this!" He handed his telescope to Ely.