"Long story," Yuma smiled and looked at Ivy. "James took me by force, and because of that, we lost a friend, Victor. James killed him."
"Shit!" Sasha grunts at Ivy. "Your husband is an asshole!"
"Yeah," Ivy couldn't argue with that. "Tell me about that."
"And then," Sasha glanced at Yuma. "That means the others are still alive, huh?"
"I'm not sure," Yuma sighed heavily.
"Right," Sasha laughed softly while shaking her head.
"Don't take me wrong," said Yuma. "Apart from Victor's death, I don't know what happened to the woman. And also, two of us have been missing since before our ship landed on this planet."
"Really?" Ivy frowned and Yuma nodded. "How can?"
"It happened when we were about to land on this planet under the escort of The Guardian."
"Let me guess," said Sasha. "Your friends fought back, and that bastard soldiers killed them?"