Aurora and Ember had, for the time decided it would be best to keep their distance from Penny and try to watch from a distance to see what happened. Some Wifches had been sent to the Lycan Kingdom to act as scouts whilst others were scattered in the surrounding areas outside of the Kingdom, just to ensure that if anything were to happen, they would have fair warning.
And it was through one of these scouts that Aurora learned that Khalivare had indeed returned back to his home. He had been summoned by his parents and had to attend to their wishes on short notice. He was suppose to return shortly but he had matters to deal with within his home before he could return back.
And though she missed him slightly, Is Aurora found comfort in knowing that he was safe. Having Ember by her side also helped significantly. The Kingdom had been doing very well as of late and Aurora's parents had more than enough time to themselves, though spending time with their Grandchild was something they loved to do more than anything.
As long as Iraq could stand to listen to their endless parenting tips Then most of the time they spent together went very well. It wasn't often that Ember attended those family times though. She felt it best to give them space, which in turn, gave her time to relax for a little.
Kara was growing day by day, and was becoming more and more responsive to her mother specifically. She was able to conjust somewhat understandable answers to questions and responses to " I love you" from her family.
Kara was the pride and joy of the entire kingdom. Everyone knew that she was going to be great. That she would lead them into prosperity though they had already been doing well Under Auroras guidance.
" Its always about the new thing with them..I am not even Queen yet and they are already excited for the new Princess" Aurora sighed, as her father and Mother sat beside her, her mother holding carefully in her arms.
" Well what did you expect? She is perfect" Her mother smiled and tickled Kara's nose with her finger which received a bubbly laugh from Kara.
" Where is your..protector? " Her father asked, referring to Ember who had taken time for herself for the day.
" She is probably resting right now. We've been going through alot and to be honest, I have been overworking her quite a bit" Aurora replied surprised that her father had even mentioned Ember at all.
" Well that's good, As long as she's keeping my daughter at my granddaughter's safe that's all that matters " He smiled at Kara who smiled happily back.
" Do either of you know of anything in the world, with strong magic? Like magic that rivals the night slashers? " Aurora asked, which shocked both the King and Queen who looked up to her, with widened eyes.
" Why do you ask?" The King questioned, seeming to be concerned that she had even asked.
" I just need to know.." Aurora answered.
" There is nothing that is stronger than the Night Slashers. Despite there being rumors, it's always just rumors. Supposedly the ancients were but that was never proven. They were strong, but mainly because of their ability to control magic that was forbidden. Magic that was never meant to be controlled" The King explained.
" The magic that they used, was powerful in itself. But that magic was never really traced back to anything so there is not much we know about it. So in a way, the Ancients were..somewhat" Though they had known of the legends, they were not willing to answer without being able to have a confirmation. To their knowledge, the Night Slashers were the strongest of all beings and nothing could stand against them.
Aurora was admittedly disappointed. The ancients had died out with the exception of a few bloodlines that survived but they would not possess that level of magic. But she was determined to get the answer, if for nothing than to help Ember feel a little bit better about Penny's situation.
" If you are seeking to learn about stronger magic then you'll be out of luck. As much as what was documented, certain things weren't. We know as much as we don't know, and the only way we would be able to find any of this out, would probably be go consult with the agents" her mother added.
The one thing that was in common with both of their answers, was the ancients. Could it be that perhaps that this was truly tied to the Ancients..this random girl? Was she also a descendent? There were far too many questions with far too little answers.