Chapter One Hundred Thirty Two: The Ancient Knowledge

Though she had spent most of her free time researching the magic and the girl, Aurora continued to come up with no answers. Though, through her research she had discovered mentions of some of the ancients used a special form of magic. The magic itself, was never truly described as to what it looked like, any identifiers, or the strength of it. Not all ancients seemed to even use it. It was quite frustrating to understand. Little to no knowledge was related to it. The only way she would be able to find out the truth was to confront her. To be up close and personal with the magic so that she could better understand it.

" If that magic does still exist, in its pure form..that could be a benefit to the world" Aurora thought to herself. She knew that it was forbidden, but it was mainly forbidden because of the things the ancients specifically tried to achieve, not the magic itself. Growing up, Aurora had heard that the Ancients used a tainted form of magic and managed to cleanse it, but this seemed natural to Aurora. This was not tainted, and from what she could tell, it would be almost impossible to taint it.

Magic, though it happened rarely, could be tainted. Part of magic is passed through generations. But, actions and how the magic is used can affect it as well. In most cases, if the magic is tainted, it will become darker in color and if it's pure, it will be bright.

Tainting could be done simply through murder, or causing pain or torture to others.

Magic could also be discarded, it could be stripped from someone and thrown away, or at least placed somewhere else but could never return to the person it came from. And this could also cause the magic to be tainted.

At one time, Aurora had heard of vast stores of magic being contained in random places within the world itself but it was rarely ever found. This fueled the stories behind the ancients as well.

" don't you know anything about the ancients? I mean you are the world after all.." Aurora turned to Ember who had just walked into the room and was surprised that Aurora had noticed her so quickly.

" I know a bit but I don't know everything with them. They stayed off my radar for the most part. Which might have been because they wanted it that way" Ember explained.

" Maybe the magic itself prevented you from you being able to see it. If it can hide from night Slashers then it makes sense I guess" Aurora sighed in defeat.

" I have been trying to find out anything I can about this girl. But it's almost impossible" Ember could tell that Aurora felt defeated.

" I know that you've been trying. And I just want you to know that I appreciate it. I know we don't have a lot of answers yet, But we are going to get them one way or another. We are going to find out the truth. We have too, for Penny's sake" Ember was deeply worried about who this girl was and what she wanted with Penny. Ember could sense that Penny was mistrusting of the girl currently and that she was still with her dad but she wasn't sure why, and she didn't want to travel to her location, knowing that if she did, it would only cause more issues.

" You know you're going to have to control yourself, right? Like no matter how much you hate this girl, unless she is dangerous, you don't need to go attacking her. If you want to learn more about hee, then you have to play it smart. You don't have to be her friend, just watch her and see the moves she makes. Hear the things she says and see if they align " Aurora explains.

" I know that. And I can do that. I just got caught up in..well..I was confused. And I didn't..look..I know" Ember tried to justify her actions from the last encounter but she knew that she couldn't. She made a mistake and she had to own it.

" I can handle it. You might not believe that I can but I can. I know what to do and how to do it. I am just waiting until the right moment" Ember assured. She said this, though she had no idea what to do or how to do it when it came to Penny. She knew she would need to have a confrontation with her again but the thought of it made her nervous. It made her feel weak and terrified, something Ember was not use to feeling. The power that Penny held over her, was extraordinary.

" You have absolutely no idea what you're going to do, do you? " Aurora rolled her eyes. " No.." Ember answered.

" You could start by apologizing for sounding so damn possessive" Aurora suggested. " And then maybe explain how you were looking out for her best interest in didn't word things properly before. You could probably also explain that you cared deeply for her and that you're sorry for any confusion or misunderstanding" Aurrora added.

" Yeah? " Ember knew Aurora was probably right but whether the words could ever leave her lips in a way that would make sense, would be another thing entirely.