Being x reborn

AN: Just to let you know, don't expect to much, it's my first Novel and English isn't my first language so sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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„What the fuck!!! Where the hell am I." Leo just opened his eyes and looked at an unfamiliar ceiling.

Leo is a typical weeb he has no friends no job and his family abandoned him. His only friends were anime and manga. Now all of a sudden he wasn't at home anymore.

„Please don't tell me that I have been kidnapped, I don't even have money or anything else." He took a look around the room, it seemed like he was in a little wooden room without windows. He saw two doors on the other side of the room.

As he walked up to them he mumbled „I hope that I come home fast I didn't even got to read the latest chapter dragon ball." Leo stopped. He was looking at two closed doors, he was contemplating which to choose. In the end he chose the left and slowly opened it.

Behind the door was a simple bathroom. It had a shower , a sink, a toilet and a mirror. Relifed, he walked up to the mirror to watch himself, but what he saw terrified him. The person he was watching in the mirror wasn't himself. The person had white hair and blue eyes but the most noticeable thing was: is jaw was covered in burned flesh and held together by piercings.

He was no longer Leo Blake a weeb without friends, he was Dabi a villain and member of the L.O.V. „What! How did I end up in the body of Dabi? Please don't tell me I'm the MC of a Fanfic with bad grammar." Leo stood in front of the mirror for minutes just staring at himself.

[I'm Dabi in MHA], he thought. [Man I thought my life couldn't get shitier but her I stand in the body of a criminal in a world with superpowers. Wonderful.]

He quickly went back in his bedroom and searched for stuff that might help him, he found an face mask and a jacket. He put them on to cover his burned flesh. Then he found a wallet with his ID. His name was Toya Todoroki and he was 17 years old.

He found nothing else in his room so he went to his second door and opened it. He saw a long floor leading to an elevator. On his door was the number 187. [So I'm in a hotel] He walked with a fast pace to the elevator and called it. After it arrived he went inside and pushed the button for the reception. After the elevator door opened again he walked outside into the main hall. Soon he spotted the door and went towards it.

As he left the the building Leo saw for the first time after his arrival the outside. The first thing that caught his eye was a big poster which said "Visit the York New City theater!"

[York New City. I'm not in MHA I'm in Hunter x Hunter? How the fuck is this possible? How in gods name am I supposed to survive this world.]

Instead of being excited that he was reborn in Hunter x Hunter as Dabi Leo questioned if he could survive and more importantly, what time it was.

[Okay, okay calm down. Step one is to get to know what time it is and step two is to sit down somewhere and think about what to do.]

Leo looked around and saw a Newspaper on the ground. He grabbed it and read the date [September 1. 1996. That's around three years before the start of the plot.] Leo sat down on a bench and thought.

[My first task is to get money. Luckily I have experience in stealing. When I was younger I always stole to have more money, till my parents found out. Okay then I have to go to an internet cafe and research about gangs. Somehow I have to make money even if it's illegal.]

With his goal in mind Leo started to walk towards a more crowded area.