Searching x for x clues

After my flight arrived I had quite a long way ahead of me. No flight was directly heading for meteor city. It was a vague plan but I couldn't come up with something better. After two hours I finally arrived at the hills of trash.

[What should I do now? Should I just walk around and ask for the phantom troupe? If I do it, I would most probably be attacked.] I decided to gather information in famous places.

I informed myself about hotspots like bars or bordels (not to amuse myself but to gather information). After two days I finally heard information about the phantom troupe.

"Have you heard the latest news about the phantom troupe?" "No, what about them?" "It's rumored that they are about to break into the most secure bank of the world in zaban city." "Where have you heard that?"

"Somebody I know is a friend of a member of the phantom troupe." "Really? Cool!"

When the guy left who talked about the troupe, I followed him in the distance and when he reached his home I waited for a few hours and then acted.

I broke down his door and grabbed him by his neck and pushed him against the wall.

"What do you want from me?" "What do you know about the phantom troupe?" "They are going to rob the most secure bank in the world." "I already know that tell me something new." "I don't know anything else but my friend knows more." "What's his name and where lives he?" "His name is Tatsuna, he lives at the west side of the city."

"Thank you for your help." I went to the door then I turned around and set the whole building on flames. Don't leave any witnesses! That's what I learned from TV-show. Anyway, I headed towards the part of the city where this Tatsuna lived.

After one day of searching I found him in a bar. When he left I followed him and in an abandoned ally I sprang in action. I brought out my dagger and pressed it against his neck. "What do you know about the phantom troupe!" " They are in Zaban city." "Tell me something new." "They are hiding in the ruins of an old temple outside the city. A friend of mine is a member." " What's his name?" "His name is Bolonelov." "Thank you."

With these words I cut his throat. [It's time to see the phantom troupe first hand!]

After I arrived in Zaban city I went to my hotel room and prepared myself. Before I made my move I will watch the phantom troupe from a distance. If they discover me, I'm fucked. Maybe I could fight 4 or five members at the same time but not all of them.

I headed out to the abandoned temple outside the city. I suppressed my nen with zetsu when I reached a certain point. Then I sneaked closer. I was so close I could feel their nen and I could hear them talking.

"In two weeks we will rob the bank so prepare yourself. Failure is not an option." "Why do we wait for so long boss we could just rob the bank right away." "The security guards are vigilant because Bonilenov failed to keep our mission secret. In two weeks they will relax and think it was just a rumor. Then we will strike."

"I'm sorry boss. I drank to much and then one of another detail slipped out of my mouth but no important facts have been revealed." [How wrong you are. You've given the infos about your secret hideout. Not important at all.] I decided to move away and wait.

After a few minutes the mummy left the hideout for the city. I silently followed him for two hours till I found the perfect opportunity to execute my plan. [Everything has been staged perfectly. It's time to show myself to the group of the greatest thieves. It will be a show they will never forget.]