Fast x forward x in x time

In the time after Hisoka joined the phantom troupe not much happened. We had only two meetings and stole from a rich politician the highlight was that Hisoka failed the Hunter exam.

~ Flashback ~

"Hahaha. You failed the hunter exam? How?" "One examiner was really going on my nerves. So I decided to show him his place and attacked him. I got disqualified because it is forbidden."

"I always knew that you would get in trouble for your lust of battle. You got what you deserved."

~ Flashback end ~

As you might have realized, Hisoka and I got along fairly well. Maybe it's because we both like to fight or maybe it's because he wants to kill me when he gets the opportunity for battle.

Our relationship is like the one of Illumi and Hisoka in the anime. As we are already talking about Illumi, I met him too. It was a strange meeting.

I was just strolling around my neighborhood when I bumped into him. He immediately realized who I was and tried to attack me. After a short fight I knocked him out and took him with me.

~ Flashback ~

"Hello. I will forgive for attacking me. If you tell me why you are in my neighborhood."

Illumi was in front of me tied up to a chair.

He didn't want to speak but after a few hours of silence he said "I got a job to do." "What kind of job?" "I am tasked to kill Mr. Toshinoro." "Toshinoro? Who wants to kill him?"

"It hasn't anything to do with you. Why should I tell you?" "Toshinoro is my neighbor. I should know who tasked you to kill him." "He defected from the Mafia. They tasked me to kill him."

"Was it so hard to tell me?" I released Illumi and let him fulfill his task. Other than some annoying questions from the police there were no consequences for me.

Many more little things happened but these are stories for other times. Right now I was sitting in my living room opposite to Hisoka. He contacted me because he wanted to talk about something "Important"

"Com on it would be fun. Killing some idiots who think they are strong. If you pass it could give you huge benefits. You can travel wherever you want kill without any penalty."

"You just want me to come so you can fight me without the leader realizing." "Come on it would be fun. Illumi is coming too." "You're just like a little child complaining about everything."

Hisoka wanted to convince me about accompanying him and Illumi to the hunter exam. Of course I will eventually say yes.

"Okay I will come with you but there will be no fighting between us. You don't attack me and I don't attack you. Understand." Hisoka was a bit dissatisfied but he agreed.

"When do we leave?" "In two days." "No fighting! If you attack me I will kill you!" "I would like to see you try!"

[I'm so excited. I want to meet Gon, Killua and Kurapika. Leorio is okay too but he is a bit boring. I think I will be a mysterious character. I could fight Kurapika later on when he hunts down the phantom troupe. I could go all out. Of course without killing him.]

Two days went by in the blink of an eye and Hisoka was standing in front of my door. I put on my coolest clothes and a mask. Then I followed Hisoka to our aircraft.

The flight was uneventful, soon we arrived in Zaban city and went towards the restaurant. "Welcome to our restaurant what do you want to eat." "We want the steak menu. Medium rare." "Please wait in the privat room."

After we entered the room I said to Hisoka "As soon as we are in I don't know understand." "You are always so mean to me. Can't you be a little bit nicer?" I just shook my head.

After a few seconds the room started to go down. I was mentally getting ready to start the plot. I really want to see everything up close.

In this moment the door opened revealing the underground passageway in all its glory. Around fourty people were already there.

I got my badge saying number 45 and quickly distanced myself from Hisoka.