The x Hunter x exam (finale)

I was chilling in the trees near the coast. I saw a few people passed by beneath me but I didn't took any action against them.

I had my own badge and the badge I needed so there was no reason to attack them. I just wanted to sit there and enjoy the silence.

After three days the time for the exam was over. The ship arrived and he had to regroup on the coast and show our badge of.

All the the characters who, in the plot advanced to the final, also advanced here. We went on the aircraft and then were called one by one to Netero.

"Hello. I will ask some questions if you don't mind. First of all: Why do you want to become a hunter?"

"I don't really care if I become a hunter or not. A colleague dragged me to this exam. But if I get the license I will use it to travel. I hate the long wait and the controls at the airport."

"Okay that's an interesting story. Second question, who wouldn't you want to fight?"

"I don't want to fight number 99 and number 405. They are kids and I don't want to use any kind of force against them. I also don't want to fight number 44. He is always trying to get me fighting him even though I don't want to fight him."

"Okay. Last question. Who do you want to fight?" "I don't have a particular person I want to fight. Except the three people I mentioned before I will fight everyone." "Thank you for answering my questions."

I left Neteros room and went back to my room. [I really wonder who I will fight. If it's Gon or Killua I will give up. I don't want to fight kids!]

Soon we arrived at the final exam and entered the hall. Netero was standing in front of a white board covered in a blanket.

"Welcome. The final exam will be a fighting tournament. All weapons are allowed. There are no rules except one! You aren't allowed to kill. If you kill your opponent you will be disqualified."

Netero removed the blanket and showed us the tournament-table. Everything was the same except that the first fight was me against Hanzo.

After Netero explained that only one person won't become hunter and how they decided the table.

Right now Hanzo and myself were preparing for the fight. After Netero signaled us to begin Hanzo rushed at me.

He threw his fist at me. I could it, twisted his arm behind his back grabbed his throat and pressed him against the floor.

Then I spoke "You know, I really don't need this hunter license. I don't want to have some kind of long fight. So there are two options now. Either you give up or I kill you.

I will count to three if then you haven't given up I will blast your head with my flames."

Heat was building up in my hand. Hanzo was beginning to sweat. "I give up!"

"Hanzo gives up the fight is now officially over."

I let Hanzo go and went back to the others. The rest of the exam went by like in the plot. Hanzo broke Gons arm and then gave up.

Killua met Illumi and then killed the old man. While we were getting our hunter license Gon woke up from his sleep and made a scene.

He threatened Illumi but soon calmed down again. We got our license and left the big building.

"What are you going to do. Hunter exam is over. Will you go back to your house?" Hisoka was in front of me and asked me what I was going to do.

"I'm going to Yorknew city." "Why?" "Some interesting things will happen soon." "What will happen?" "You will find out soon enough."

"I hate it to be left in the dark." "I don't care if you hate it or not. What are you going to do?" "I will go to heavens arena. I have to fight a two more matches to be able to challenge a floor master and I think I will meet some interesting people there."

"Heavens arena. It has been a long time since I was there the last time. I wish you a lot of fun."

I left the location of the hunter exam and went towards the airport in Zaban city. [I can't wait for the Yorknew city arc to begin. I want to fight Kurapika using his chains.]