Uvogin x vs x Kurapika

The shadow beasts attacked. They didn't stand a chance against Uvogin. Even without being able to move, Uvogin completely trashed them.

He just straight up bit something of the one guys head of and then killed the other one with spitting the bone through his head.

Then suddenly he got dragged away by chains. [So it has happened. Kurapika started his revenge on the phantom troupe. He will start with Uvogin.]

Now the rest of the troupe was alarmed. They were confident in Uvogin beating the mafia and the shadow beasts but he was kidnapped.

Machi has attached a nen string to Uvogin and went to a car. All of them squeezed into the car.

"I really like Uvogin but I'm not squeezing into this car for him. You can go after him. I will return to the base."

Of course I didn't went back to the base I went to the canyon were Kurapika and Uvogin would fight. I wanted to experience Kurapikas power close up.

Currently I was just chilling thinking about how I could involve Kurapika into a battle without destroying the plot.

[Most probably I should fight with him after he captured Chrollo. That would be the perfect time. I wouldn't destroy to much of the plot and still get to fight Kurapika.]

I had a long time of waiting ahead of me so I made myself comfortable and let my fanboy out.

It was a long time since the last time I was fanboying. I mean who wouldn't I got to meat all the main characters of hunter x hunter.

While I was fanboying the time quickly went by. Before I could realize it the time of the battle had already come.

Uvogin and Kurapika arrived and were facing of. "I want to take revenge!" "Many fools have come and tried to take revenge because I killed someone close to them. They all died and you will suffer the same fate as them!"

"Do you remember my clan?" "What?" "Do you remember my clan that you massacred? They were called the Kurta-clan!" "No I don't remember. That means they were a bunch of weaklings I remember most of the strong opponents I fight."

That was to much for Kurapika his eyes turned red and he attacked Uvogin with his chains.

Uvogin easily dodged and delivered a bunch to Kurapikas torso. He could barely block his hit and slides back a few meters. The attack didn't seem to have dealt much damage.

"Is that all you got?" "Hahaha. That were only twenty percent of my true power I will go to fifty percent now."

With a scream red aura exploded around Uvogins body. But Kurapika was already out of his sight and used him as trampoline. Even with fifty percent Uvogin couldn't keep up with Kurapika.

So he went to 100. The cliff behind him collapsed because of the pressure of his aura.

This time Kurapika couldn't keep up with his speed. Uvogin landed a devastating blow on Kurapikas arm. Just by the sound the arm made I could tell it hurt.

Kurapika flew through the air and landed on top of a cliff. Uvogi wanted to attack again but before he could make a move chains manifested around his whole body.

"What? How can that happen?" "If I activate my eyes, I become a specialist. You didn't think of this option and that will be your downfall."

"Now that I see your eyes I remember the Kurta. It was quite fun to fight." Uvogin tried to break free from the chains but failed to do so.

"This chains force you into zetsu. The only way to break free of them is with physical strength. I targeted you because you are the strongest member of the troupe (physically seen). If you can't break free of them no one will."

Uvogin continued to struggle for a few more minutes but then he gave up. Kurapika closed the distance between the two.

"Tell me everything you know about the troupe!" "Fuck you!" Kurapika hit Uvogin with a nen infused fist.

I have to say I'm impressed that Uvogin was able to tank a fist from Kurapika. That must have hurt like a bitch.