Greed x island

After the secretary told us all he knew about the exorcist we left.

"Why didn't you let me kill him? He attacked us, it would have been our right to kill him." "We are trying to find someone that helps us, killing his employee won't make him want to help us."

Hisoka nearly killed the guy but I was able to prevent this from happening.

"We know that he is in Greed Island but how do we get there?" "We just have to get a copy of the game." "That's easier said then done. Greed Island is the rarest game in the world. It's not easy to get it."

"Doesn't this lawyer has to have a copy of the game?" "That's right but can we join as players when someone is already playing?" "Let's try!"

So we went back in. The assistant jumped in fear when he saw us come in again. "What do you want here? I already told everything I know."

"We just want to know where the console is he is playing Greed Island on. Do you, by any chance, know where it is?"

Hisoka was back at it again. Letting the assistant shake in fear. This guy is unbelievable.

"Yeah I know where it is. Follow me it's downstairs." He went downstairs and we followed him.

The basement looked really nice. It looked like a full fledged gaming room. At the side of the room a JoyStation was connected with a little computer screen.

"There is the JoyStation and it seems like the game is already up and running." I turned towards the secretary and said "You can leave now."

He ran away as fast as he could. "All we need a is a device to increase the amounts of players that can play at once and two more rings to play the game. To be honest, I don't think here are any spare rings."

Both Hisoka and me searched for the device and the rings. After sometime I found both. "Here I found it. We only need to connect it and put on the rings."

[To be honest I think I have an absurd amount of luck. It's just like god himself wants me to succeed with my plans.]

It didn't take long after we had connected the device and were ready with the controllers in our hands.

"Let's try if it works." We tried to enter simultaneously but it didn't work. A message on the screen shone up.

{Only one player at a time can join the game.}

"If you don't mind I will go first and wait for you there." "I don't mind just don't run away when you're there." "I would like to run away from you creepy clown."

I started the game (alone now) and it worked.

After a short trip through some kind of wormhole I reached our destination. We were in the "loading screen" with that girl.

"Welcome to Greed Island." After asking for my name she started to talk about the rules and functions of the game. It was boring as hell to be honest.

After what nearly felt like an hour, she was finally done. After I left the tower I rested under a tree.

While waiting for Hisoka someone attacked me. Well at least he tried to attack me. He appeared in front of me.

Without talking any word he took out a card from his deck and wanted to attack me. But before he could do anything the card already belonged to me... and his hand was also mine.

Now he was lying on the ground and screaming. "I will make you an offer. You give me all the cards you have in your deck and I will let you live."

"Okay I will do as you say." The next few minutes he was giving me one card after another.

I didn't care which cards he gave me because I didn't want to play through the whole game. I just wanted some cards that would help me find the exorcist.

After I got all the cards the guy in front of me said "I gave you all my cards now let me go."

"You know I said I will let you live..."

"Yeah you said that." "But I never said he would let you live." Hisoka was within hearing distance and immediately attacked and killed him with his cards.