Quarter x finals

Now it's my turn. I will fight this bald guy. He's probably like 3 meter tall. What did his parents feed him?

"Welcome to the second match in this quarter final. It is Dabi vs Taizou!! Who will win this match and go on to fight the Masked Master in the semi finals?"


Taizou immediately rushed at me. He didn't activate any hatsu. So that means that he too is only a mediocre Nen-user and an enchanted too.

I easily dodged his punch because of my superior speed compared to his. In this moment I gave myself a challenge: Beat him without using my fire. Crush home with raw strength.

Of course this wasn't an easy task. He most probably was an enchanter and therefore should be more powerful than me.

But that didn't mean much because I had more experience in using Nen. Additionally I am a specialist. That means I can use any Nen-group to it's fullest potential.

I dodged another to punches of Taizou before I finally went on the offense myself. I ducked under a punch and rapidly closed the distance between the two of us.

Then I punched him in the stomach with my right hand. He sank to his knees. Now his head was at the perfect height.

With my left him I gave him the strongest upper cut I had ever delivered to anyone. He flew a few meters through the air before landing on the ground again.

That was quite a strong punch and it wasn't even full power. If I release my Nen in the moment I punch him he will for sure won't be able to continue the fight.

Taizou was back at it again. He tried to hit me but no matter what he didn't hit me. I always dodged and hit him before he could counter I was out of range again.

"You damn bastard come here so I can beat you to a pulp."

[So he is the typical anime character. Despite having no chance to compete against me he is talking big. Best thing would be to just get rid of him.]

I again closed the distance. But this time I didn't dodge, I yanked his hit. He hit my forehead but instead of me flying away or at least show any sign of pain I began to grin.

"If this is the strongest you can do then you're dead." Before Taizou could answer I punched him as hard as I could in the stomach.

At the moment of impact I let my Nen explode outwards. My fist went right through his stomach and came out at the other side.

Taizou was spitting a mouth full of blood. Then he fell to the ground and stopped moving.

"Dabi wins the fight with a punch right through Taizou's stomach!"

"Now get ready for the next fight. On the left side we have Sakura and on the right side Nishina!"


The fight was almost immediately over. Sakura punched the platform with her full power. I would guess she tried to throw her opponent of balance.

But instead of hindering her opponent she somehow was able to throw herself of the platform at get disqualified for leaving the platform.

"Sakura throws herself of the platform and therefore gets disqualified. In my whole life I have never seen a fight and so quick what an miserable display."

The commentator was rubbing salt into her wound. Sakura left with an embarrassed look on her face.

Nishina meanwhile looked like he didn't understand what happened. One moment he was readying himself to fight in the next moment he had already won.

"After this rather quick fight we have only one more quarterfinal. It is Hisoka vs Bob. Let's see if this fight ends as quickly as the last one."


Both Hisoka and Bob first held distance between each other. They wanted the other to attack first.

After some time of waiting Hisoka finally made the first move. He pulled out five cards and threw them all at once.

On first glance it seemed like he threw them bad because three on the way to miss the target but in reality they were thrown the way that no matter in which direction Bob would dodge, he would get hit by a card.

But one card was heading for his head so he had to dodge. Anyhow instead of dodging Bob tried to punch the card out of the air.