An unexpected outcome

PoV Diego

The wings Forren made were absolutely gorgeous to look at; unfortunately, they were extremely dangerous to touch, and after he had absorbed them, he caught fire.

Then he grabbed the creature's limb and flew high in the sky with them, blowing them away and clearing the sky of all the clouds, revealing our true enemy. a massive sphere that looked as if it was made out of glass, and it looked as if it had a galaxy inside.

Dubir: Holy shit, that's a false dragon.


Frey: It's an Oratiri, but a lot of people call it a false dragon for the way it transforms when it senses danger, or to survive, or many other things; it can also perform dragon pacts.

'Are they related to dragons in any way?'

Dubir: There is a story about this as well, and it goes like this: once upon a time-