Emotions and Souls

PoV Tsuitame

One look was enough to communicate what I wanted to do, my brother then nodded in approval, stopped, and summoned his soul weapon and shaped it in the form of a crossbow.

'Hannis, can I count on you?'

Hannis: I'm ready!

I expelled some wind aura from my body and threw it towards my left side, controlling the curved shot so that it stayed outside their field of view for as much time as possible. Once they tossed Diego, I made the aura flow straight towards him while I began running towards them. My brother, on the other hand, had hidden himself behind a tree and was waiting for the signal to begin attacking.

The enemy hunters noticed me way before they noticed the aura behind them; to further distract them, I began creating ice shards in front of me made out of aura and shooting them using wind aura.