Souls against emotions

PoV Gianni

We were traveling for a couple weeks headed east in a perfectly straight line, so the chances of this event ever happening should've been at the lowest possible levels.

"Why are they traveling in the same direction as us? Why aren't they heading towards the mountain? Are they really going to allow that racist army to get there first and prepare a chokepoint?" I complained.

They were traveling rather slowly, which raises even more questions about how they managed to catch up to us. The camera was clearly set up on top of a very tall tree and quickly turned around as soon as it heard the sound of a tree branch snapping.

Right below the tree, a black figure with many eyes appeared on various parts of its body, wandering aimlessly around the area, making weird noises, and impaling any creature that dared come too close to it with its ice powers.

"What the hell is that?" Asked Viraj