A cruel mission

PoV Jason

I swung down the sword, splitting in two, and a car sent flying my way. He crouched down and then sprinted forward as far as I could. In the distance, I saw a knight transforming the soul of a soldier next to him in equipment to use; he even made a horse for himself and charged forward at me.

Instead of trying to block his weapon, I leaned forward, lowering my posture, barely slipping under the enemy's lance, and using my to cut off the horse's limbs. My visor then began showing me a small map of the surrounding zone, with the road they wanted me to follow highlighted by a yellow line.

'Not even a word, huh? Just here, this is what we want you to do. Do it! I wonder: if I don't follow the instructions, what penalty will they give me? Not that I really wish to be penalized.'