A fake hero

PoV Dicui????

A hand emerged from behind the wall, right next to me. I had a bad feeling about it, so I dove in order to avoid getting caught by that hand. Then I made a step forward and had to raise the shield to avoid getting my head blown to pieces by the invisible man's projectile. I slammed the shield against the ground to avoid getting my feet injured. I let go of the shield, grabbed the barrel of his rifle, and pointed it upwards so that he couldn't keep shooting me.

"Is he our target? Why are you dragging the fight, Gale? This is unlike the usual you." A voice behind me spoke to the invisible man.

Then once again, my body moved on its own, ducking down, avoiding more projectiles, and raising my left leg behind me. Then, casting a quick spell, my body quickly rotated around, kicking both the entity in front and the one behind me.

"I keep getting mixed signals. I can't exactly seem to land a clean finishing blow." The invisible man complained.