Hot and Cold

PoV Combat

Many of the gods didn't like my way of handling the game, so a few rules and changes have been made. Now every god has his own personal space located inside the upper realms, so that there could be privacy among the various divine beings, but especially because no one wanted to look our special guest in the face.

"So, brother, did you like her son? He's quite intriguing, right?" I jokingly commented as we were watching the countless mortals struggling to complete the many stages. Along with me were War, Games, and Hunt; all of them were hiding their true aspects, so they all looked like blurry lines stuck together in a somewhat bipedal form.

We were standing in a room whose floor was entirely made out of clouds, and the walls around us were seemingly made out of wood. The room was circular, and in the middle of the room there was a table with a small mirror on top of it; it was our small window to the world of mortals.