The new pet

PoV Valis

"Wow, who would've thought those people were capable of using dragon magic, even if just for a small moment?" Diego commented that with his usual unbothered tone, he probably would've lost against that individual, but he kept his arrogant tone as always.

"But that technique puts too much strain on his body; I doubt he can make more than one attack using dragon fire, a cool gimmick, but at the end of the day, if he misses that one shot he's done for," Gale continued explaining the attack.

"We could probably add him to our quad; I'm sure we could nurture him–" 

"I don't want to deal with that; it's clear he has barely any control over that power." I don't want to be burdened by some other teammates with barely any control over their powers." He said while giving me cold stares that froze me in place.