A powerful foe

PoV Diego

I tried spinning the staff, but the water currents simply wouldn't allow me. All of the many octopuses' eyes suddenly widened. I tried to swing my aura at the beast, but the water suddenly froze to form a shield.

???: Who are you?

A new voice echoes deep in my mind; before it could try anything more, I ordered my end of the staff to extend, rapidly pushing me back towards the ground.

'Well, that wasn't a fantastic start to my fight.' I said as I created a spiraling barrier of wind around to protect myself from the incoming water attacks, the steaming hot water spewed by the geysers formed a couple of giant spears and tried impaling me.

Then I saw a bunch of bubbles coming out of the two large spears, so I grabbed Lesir and ordered him to enlarge himself until I was barely able to hold it. When he had a radius of over two meters, I ordered it to extend both ends, obiderating both spears.