The holy knight that betrayed its religion

PoV Joseph Elija

'Tsk! How annoying they are!' The blessing of knowledge was incredibly hard to manage; every second it overloaded my brain with new information, some completely useless, some useful; it all depended on where I was looking.

Alex was about to use his ability to jump out of his hiding spot, molding his ink to form an odd weapon similar to a pickaxe and a scythe, with blades on both sides of the shaft.

At the same time, Giovanni would once again change form, morphing his body, giving himself animalistic body parts, such as changing his legs to improve his ability to jump, give himself some sharp claws, and making his body a whole lot more buff and powerful.

Marcello was taking a moment to breathe, and the girls were all performing a different spell. Valis was casting an offensive spell; her aim was to debilitate me by sending an endless wave of needles flying at me; they weren't poisoned or anything, just regular metallic needles.