Finding Erin

"You said your sources are good, right?' Will asked Adar


"From today you are working for me and your mission is to find Eren. If I see you Play any tricks consider yourself becoming a lump of meat to Zia's familiar" Will said again with his killing Aura

Only a fool will not take it seriously at this moment

"Yes sir," he said trembling

Meanwhile, Zia entered inside

"Mom is alive?" she wrote it in the book and showed it to Will

"No, she is not Zia, Even if we did see a person who looks the same as her, it's still not her," he said patting her head

She knows what he is saying is true, because she burnt her mom's body with her own hands after her death.

"Let me also help," she wrote and showed him

"We don't know yet if your father is a dangerous person or not so NO" Will replied

"He is obviously a bad person because he used black magic! I know everything about black magic, I read it" she scribbled quickly and showed him

"Where did you read it?"

While she was doing research about her mom's death, she came across a person spilling about black magic

He handed her a book completely related to spells and every information related to black magic

That's when she learned about it completely

"I have a book in school which has all the information about black magic," She wrote and showed them

"What's the book name?" Adar asked

She quickly scribbled again

"It doesn't have any name except a black cover on top"

"I knew it" Adar claimed

"It's an ancient book of black magic called 'devil sorcery' it disappeared a long time ago just like the wall of death book I wonder who is the person who gave it to you"

"What does he look like?" Charles asked

she thought hard for a bit but no matter how hard she thought she couldn't remember him

"Don't get worked up too much, someone erased a few of your memories" Will replied, holding her hand

"So someone purposely gave her the book?" Charles asked

"May or may not be. It was told in history that if you have a blood desire then the book appears on its own"

he said and looked at Zia

she shook her head

"Then yeah someone gave you that book" Adar replied

"Then let's go back to school right now," Charles said hurriedly

"We can! But I am not so sure of the book being in the same place again" Adar replied

"But even if we do find the book, what we will actually do about it?" Will asked

"The problem is not the book and also Zia did see the contents, so we have the information we need"

"Let's go back to school, I am tired of this shit"Will spoke and everyone followed him


Nora was shocked to see Adar coming along with them, but she ignored him as Noah held her hand tightly

it was warm and she got relaxed

Her father glanced at her and got furious to see her holding the hands of a boy

"How dare you hold my daughter's hand" he shouted

Nora gripped Noah's hands


Noah laughed at him

"Sorry, it was funny to hear you calling her daughter," he said and laughed

"What?" He glared at her angrily

"I don't know daughters are treated like prisoners, so it was funny," he said and looked at Nora and gave her a soft smile

"Get some rest. I will call you when we go for lunch" Noah said and Nora nodded and left for her dorm with Zia

"Will, you speak with him in the office. Meanwhile, I will go to the hospital" Charles spoke


"Amber is hurt"


Meanwhile, Zia who is sitting on her bed couldn't relax at all

she stood up and walked out of the room

"Whe--re?" before Nora could ask

She went to their clubroom in the school and started searching for the devil sorcerer's book

she is checking all around her room

messing all the papers and documents, she arranged

After 10 minutes of search, she gave up

The book really disappeared



In hospital,

"How is she?" Charles asked Aidan who is taking a smoke outside the hospital

"She broke her hip bone and the doctor said she needs surgery" Aidan replied

"We should inform her parents"Aidan spoke, taking a puff of his cigar

"I will contact them and don't worry about money I will pay it from the school funds you just stay with her," he said and left for school again.

He informed the situation to everyone along with writing a letter about Amber's condition to the duke's house

But it didn't long for them to understand that they don't care about her one bit

Aidan understood what kind of lifestyle she had till that point in her home, and he was also powerless'


"She is fine. She needs 2 months of bed rest then we can start with slight walking therapy" the doctor said and left

"I didn't think her household is full of bastards who won't even come to her even at this point," Nora said angrily

Nora is feeling responsible for Amber's injury

If not for her father, she won't be in this state

As Noah was trying to make her relax, they saw Amber's mom coming to the hospital running.

"Where is my daughter?" She asked crying

"She is fine mam, She is resting" Charles spoke

"How did she exactly end up like this?" She asked angrily

"Keeping that aside, can I ask if Amber is really your daughter?" Aidan asked straightly

"What nonsense are you spouting right now?" she asked angrily

"It's been 5 days since she was in the hospital, she broke her bone and can't walk for more than 3 months now, she went through an operation. We informed you about this the day we admitted her, but you were not even here when is going into the operation theater

Now can you call yourself a parent of her ?" he asked angrily

She remained calm, silently crying.

"If you don't want her? Give her to me" he shouted