Ken ------ what's this place is. So clean.

??????? ------- Hello Ken! Finally, you are here

Ken ------- aahh it's so bright I.....I can't see

??????? -------- oh sorry ken. I forgot that humans aren't able to see god let me turn off my flashlight first.




Ken ----- Flashlight God What The Hell You Are Saying and yeah first thing turn off your 10 thousand flashlights that you are using

????? ---- Yeah let me off. You heard right ken I'm god. I'm a god of all.

Ken ---- wait what? you are god.

One Above All ----- god of all ken or you can call One Above All ( OAA )

Ken ----- It must be a dream. Cmon, ken wake up what the hell you are doing in this place

One Above All ------ it's not a dream ken you forgot that you died by a truck while saving that child.

Ken ----- ( Thinking ----- right I saved that child and then I woke up here. So it means that I'm dead and a guy no not a guy he is old so an old man who is flying in front of me is a God.)

One Above All ------ yes Ken I'm God.

Ken ------ wait you can hear me

One Above All ---- of course Ken I'm god

Ken ----- so you are going to punish me.

One Above All - Punish You For What?

Ken ----- I heard that God punish peoples.

One Above All ----- yes but only if you did something wrong and as far as I know you saved that child. if you were not there then that child is dead for sure.

For what you did I'm gonna grant your 3 wishes and I'm gonna give you a second chance it means I'm gonna reincarnate you wherever you want ken. Now wish my son I can give you whatever you want

Ken ------ before I wish. Tell me you don't get bored all alone here?

One Above All ---- no my child because I'm not alone here I'm not the only god. There are many gods like a god of water and a god of fire and so on. but why are you asking?

Ken ------ when we first met why did you say "finally you are here"

One Above All ----- because I have been waiting for you.

Ken ------ waiting for me. Why?

One Above All ------ Ken I Know You have so many questions in your mind but for now, let me grant your 3 wishes.

Ken ------ 3 wishes. Hmm

My First Wish is -- Give me a System with A.I in which I can buy anything from a fictional world with system points.

My Second Wish is -- Give me an infinite system point.

My Third Wish is -- wait can i save it for later, so I can wish when I need it.

One Above All ----- Okay Ken I'll grant Your first and second wishes as for your third wish you can ask the system for it.

Ken ------ I choose Pokemon world to reincarnate

{{Gen pov }}

that old man flicked his hand and suddenly everything turn black and I lost my consciousness

When I open my eyes I can see a holographic blue screen showing

{{{System installing 1%-----





System installing complete 100%.

Welcome host, I'm your op system }}}

To Be Continue....