Chapter 8

AUTHOR P.O.V.......

Y/n heaved a sigh and wore her clothes. She wants to die. Her poor fate.

She didn't got her love and now the person she hate snatched the precious thing from her. But what can she do its her fate. She is fed up fighting for her life. She wants to end her life.

But ending you life isn't a solution to your misery. You have to fight with your nightmares. And Y/n isn't that weak. She will fight for herself, for Taegi, for Jimin.

You slowly went out of the bathroom while limping. Your whole body was sore.

You went inside your room and found the person you never in your life wanted to face, atleast not right now.

He stood up from the couch and walked towards you. His famous smirk never leave his face. You badly wanted to smash that head of his.

He stood too close to your liking. He grabbed you from you waist. You stood rigid. You better knew that it was worse to struggle. You don't want to fulfill his sadist fantasy.

"Aren't you looking too beautiful today or are you trying to seduce me? Wasn't last night enough for you or you loved the way I made you feel. I'm sure you never have had experienced this kind of feelings." said Jungkook while brushing his lips all over you neck.

You kept your eyes shut. You were feeling disgusted with his touch.

He grabbed you jaw in a rough grip and smashed his lips on yours. You stood like a statue. He immediately grabbed your head from back to deepen the kiss. He loved the way you taste. So sweet, So sensitive, so soft.

His tongue licked your lips asking for entrance but you didn't respond to it. This made Jungkook frustrated. He held your hairs in a tight grip making you to yelp in pain.

Taking it as a golden chance he inserted his tongue inside you mouth. His tongue started playing with your tongue. Devouring you from every where. There wasn't any place left where his tongue didn't went.

You started getting breathless. You struggled in his grip. You pushed him but he didn't bulge an inch.

After abusing you mouth he left. You were breathing like crazy. Jungkook chuckled being you totally helpless. He enjoys you pain. It gives him different kind of satisfaction.

He went out not before pecking your lips for the last time.

Today there was an important meeting. Jungkook got ready and went to the ministry palace with Eunwoo.

The moment he stepped everyone stood up and bowed 90 degree. He slightly bowed his head and everyone sat back to their respect seats.

Soon they all started discussing the problems that villagers have to face for water.

Suddenly an uninvited guest came there with a smirk on his face. Jungkook clenched his jaw looking at the person.

"Ahh Park Jimin what brings you here?" asked one of the chancellor.

"Nothing I just need all of yours help." he said calmly. Jungkook raised his one brow. He knew that there was something fishy. And Jimin must be thinking of something big.

But what???

"Ohh we will if we can." Jimin smirked and walked closer to them.

"I want Y/n." he said while looking straight at Jungkook.

Jungkook clenched his fist in anger. His blood started boiling.

How dare he to take your name from his filthy mouth???

"I'm sorry to say that but she is my wife and I can't giver her to you." said Jungkook with calmness. But he and Jimin only knows , how much pissed he is right now.

"But I don't think that you treat her like you wife." said Jimin with bitterness in his voice. Jungkook looked at him with red eyes.

"Its non of you business. It our personal matter. But I really wanna know why are you so much eager to take her with you?" asked Jungkook although he knows the answer. Jimin clenched his jaw. He can't say that he loves you and he wants you.

He can't risk you self respect and dignity.

"Because you are sterile and thus you can't give her a child. So, it better for her to come with me. I like her and I'm sure that I'm keep her happy. Also we both are childhood friends." said Jimin with a proud grin.

Everyone gasped in shock. Although they all knew that Jungkook was sterile but nobody dares to say it in front of him.

Everyone started gossiping. They all wanted to know that what Jungkook will do next. And if it is true that he is sterile than he really should not destroy Y/n life.

"And who the hell told you that I'm sterile?" asked Jungkook with one brow raised. Jimin looked ta him being shocked. If he wasn't sterile than what about those rumor. Jungkook chuckled darkly while shaking his head.

"I still can't believe this. Park Jimin a educated man like you believed in the rumor. I ain't sterile and thus I can give y/n a child as well as pleasure." He said the last words with smirk. Jimin looked at him with anger filled eyes.

"Now will you excuse me. I have to go as the meeting is over." with that Jungkook walked away from there.

The moment he sat in his car Eunwoo looked at him with confusion written on his face.

"What are you planning to do master?" Jungkook smirked evily.

"Something that will make everyone to believe that I ain't sterile." Eunwoo just looked at him with furrowed brows. He couldn't understand that what actually was going inside his head.