Chapter 16

AUTHOR P.O.V........

In the morning Y/n went to the Jungkook's office. She knocked on his door but didn't got any response so, she went inside.

She looked around only to find Jungkook sitting on couch which tons of papers. His hairs were messy, his shirt buttons were undone till his chest and dark patches were resting down his eyes. He looked pathetic. It like he haven't slept for eternity.

You walked towards him.

"Everything is gone Y/n. I have lost my ministry seat, My companies. I'm also under a large debt. Everything is gone." he said while looking at you.

"Don't worry I 'll help you to clear you debt." Jungkook looked at you with wide eyes. He was confused that why you wanted to help him after what he did to you.

"Why are you helping me y/n?" he asked.

"Don't think that I have fell for you and is helping you. No. I want something from you but I'll ask that when your debt will be cleared. But promise me that you will give me whatever I'll ask you." you said while looking at you.

"Ok I promise. But how will you help me?"

"I will sell my father's house and some of his lands that are in my name. And also I'll sell the house in which aunt and Nancy are living as legally that is mine. My father left that house for me.

"Ok but what about your father's wine shop?"

"I won't sell it as that is the last gift my parents gave me." Jungkook nodded his head in agreement but still he was confused and scared that what you want from him.

You sell your both the house and lands. Nancy and aunt weren't happy with you but you didn't cared for them as they were living in your house as if that was theirs. And also they treated you and Taegi very badly.

You also went to shop to shop to sell some of yours wines. After doing all this you had gained a lot of money and helped Jungkook to get rid from his debt.

At evening you and Jungkook both were sitting on the dinning table and were having your food.

"So, what was that you wanted from me?" He asked.

"I want divorce." You said living him in utterly shock. He sighed and nodded his head. What else can he do?

He can anymore force you to live with him. You felt bad for him but what can you do now Jimin was also suffering and not to forget you too were.

After 2 days you were packing your clothes as today was the day when you will get divorced. Suddenly you saw Eunwoo helping Jungkook to walk. He was badly beaten.

You ran towards him and looked at his bruised body.

"How did it happened?" you asked from Eunwoo.

"Master went to club and got drunk. Then he fought with some grunts and they beat the hell out of him. I warned master not to fight with them but he didn't listen to me." said Eunwoo.

"Why did you do that?" you asked him but he only smiled looking at you. He was happy that you cared for him.

"I'm fine you don't have to worry about me." he exclaimed.

Eunwoo made him sit on the couch and went out. You applied medicine on his bruise. But his eyes were only admiring you. You was happy that you touched him , you cared for him. And now you are applying antiseptic on his bruise.

After doing it you looked at him only to find him staring at you.

He showed you some papers in his hand.

"Divorce papers. I have signed them but you have to do. But can you please have a last drink with me after signing these papers?" He asked. You smiled at him and nodded your head.

You signed those papers and after that you both sat on the couch and cheered with each other. Jungkook smiled at you and you also smiled back at him. You sip the wine and drank it in one go.

Jungkook looked at you with pained eyes. Your head started spinning and soon you fainted. Jungkook grabbed you in a bridal style and walked out carrying you.

"I'm sorry Love. But I'll have to do this."