Chapter 22


You and Timothy both were sitting inside Timothy's car. His car really auspicious. It was a first time for you to sit inside a car.

"So, Miss Y/n how is Beomeosa Temple as I have heard a lot about?" (English) He asked keeping that famous smirk plastered on his face. You looked at him and gave him and awkward smile.

"I'm sorry Mr. Timothy but I myself haven't visited there, but it was dream to visit when I was a child but couldn't go due to some problems. I think now its finally getting fulfilled. " (English) you said making Timothy smile at you. This time he was genuinely smiling. He was very well- aware that it was your dream to visit but couldn't because of your aunt. So, he thought of fulfilling your dream and today is the day.

"Good to know that I'm the reason for fulfilling your dream."(English) he smiled sweetly at you which made you to return his smile.

After sometimes you felt Timothy's hand near you thighs which made you to shift in your seat and get away from him a little. It was uncomfortable for you to be with someone who isn't Jimin. Timothy noticed your action and immediately removed his hands from there. He was looking out of the window with clenched jaw. He was fuming with anger that you still feel uncomfortable with him.

But soon he calmed when he remembered that he wasn't Jungkook right now but Timothy.

After a 2 hours you both came to Beomeosa temple. Timothy opened the car door and went out first. He then came infront of your door and opened it for you like a gentle man he is. You smiled and thanked him for his sweet gestures.

You smiled looking at the beautiful temple. Timothy also felt smiling when he saw your beautiful smile. He then gestured you to get inside. You smiled and nodded your head. You both went inside and the view was beyond beauty.

You gasped looking at the inside beauty. Timothy chuckled seeing your childish behavior. He always loved you childish side a lot, cause you looks too adorable and cute.

You both went further inside and found a monk sitting near the buddha statue.

(I'm really sorry for any mistake about Beomeosa temple, as I haven't been there; so I really don't have any idea about it. lol)

You both prayed. Timothy prayed to be with you for the rest of his life and you prayed for Jimin's goodwill. The monk stood up and came infront of you both.

"May god keep you both together and happy." he prayed for both of you. You were about to stopped him but timothy grabbed your hand and stopped you. After praying you both came out.

"Why did you stop me?" you asked being angry at him. Why did he stopped you? Its not like you both are husband and wife.

"It would have been rude to say that he had mistaken us. Don't you think?" (English) he said being sad but from inside he was happy. Happy that the monk thought them as husband and wife, well; this gonna be true really soon.

"I-I Well, you're right. I'm sorry for shouting at you." (English) you apologized. You sighed and looked down.

"No no its fine you shouldn't be apologizing."(English) he exclaimed. You looked up at him and saw him smiling assuring you that it was fine. You also smiled back at him.

"Lets eat something before going to out next destination as I'm really hungry." (English) he said while pouting like a baby.

You smiled but suddenly your smile dropped when you remembered about that particular person. Jungkook. He would also act like this when he was hungry. He would also stop doing everything and ask for food. He would pout like a baby when he doesn't get hid food on time. But you shook your head to get away from his thoughts.

He's gone Y/n. stop thinking about him. You thought.

You both entered inside a restaurant. You both sat and ordered your food. After sometimes the food arrived and Timothy licked his lips after looking at the food. You looked at him suspiciously. Why does he and Jungkook have so much in common. Face, body, behavior. Or I'm I thinking too much. Of course I'm thinking too much. You thought and started eating your food.

After eating your food you excused yourself, while Timothy was still eating as if he haven't eaten for eternity. You went inside the washroom and washed your hands. You then came out of it when you were done but on the way back to your seat you sat two men standing just infront of you blocking your way.

You looked at them to found them smirking at you evily.

"Look like we have got a beauty here." one of them said while the other one tried to touch your hand but you jerked off.

"Get away from my way." you sternly said.

"Ohh a feisty one huh !!" The other said. The first man grabbed your both the hands. You started struggling but they were big large men and you couldn't fight with them. The other one smirked at you and was about to touch your b**bs when someone's hand stopped it. Your eyes were closed due to fear.

When you didn't felt anything you opened your eyes to find Timothy standing and glaring at both of them.

He freed you from them and made you stood behind him. He them glared at both of them with blood shot eyes.

"How dare you touch her bastard." (English) he roared. He grabbed the table that was near him and directly smashed it at the man. He fell on the ground while moaning in pain. The other man looked at Timothy with horrorful eyes. He tired to run away from there but Timothy stopped him while grabbing his collar.

He then throwed a punch straight at his face making him to fall on the ground, but Timothy wasn't satisfied. He was the same man who tried to touch your b**bs. Timothy hovered over him and started showering his face with punches.

"She's mine. How dare you touch her?" You gasped when you heard him. He spoke in Korean and also your his?? You thought that you must have mistaken and tried to stop him. The man was bleeding really badly, but Timothy wasn't stopping.

How dare he touch you? Only I have right to touch you, he thought.

After getting satisfied that it was enough for the man Timothy stood up. The man was lying lifelessly on the floor. All the people inside the restaurant were looking at Timothy with shocked expression.

"Lets go." (English) he said and dragged you out of the restaurant. He then stopped infront of his car and turned at you.

"You ok?? Did he hurt you?"(English) he asked. He shook your head at him. Suddenly your eyes fell on his knuckles, it was bleeding. You gasped and grabbed his hand.

"Ommo you're bleeding." you said. You immediately tore of your dress from your hand's side and tied it around his knuckles. Timothy smiled seeing you caring for him. You looked up at him and found him smiling. You furrowed your brows and asked him something which made his smile to drop.

"Few minutes ago I heard you speaking Korean." you asked being suspicious. You were looking at him really cautiously.

"Ahh you must have misheard, as I really can't speak Korean." (English) he exclaimed, but you still couldn't believe him.

"Its already really late I think we can visit Geumjeong Mountain some other day."(English) he said. You nodded your head. You both then sat back inside the car and drove back to home. But all the way you were thinking about the words that you heard.

You felt shiver down your spine, thinking about him.

No no he can't be Jungkook. He's dead, you thought.

But only if you knew......
