Chapter 27


You immediately wore a dress that first caught your eyes. It was a simple black coloured-sundress. After wearing it you came out of the closet and looked around to find the room, empty. You slowly opened the door and to your luck it wasn't locked. You came out of his room and looked around. It was empty.

No one was there, like they left it empty for you only. It was suspiciously empty. You came downstairs and immediately walked to the main door. You came out of it and saw that there weren't any security to stop you.

You immediately came out and did a happy dance in your head. You started running away far from his so called palace.

On the other side Jungkook was sitting on his king-like chair and was gulping whiskey, keeping his eyes fixed on the screen. He was looking at you escaping from his house.

"Should we stop her boss?" asked one of his man.

"No need, How far can she run?? At last she'll end up beside me." with that he smirked looking at your figure running away from there.

You kept on running as if a dog was chasing you. After coming to a good distance you stopped and heaved a sigh. You looked around to find some help, but couldn't as it was totally deserted and filled with tress. Seems like its a forest area.

With that you again started running, as you couldn't take a chance of wasting your time there. What if he was searching for you ?? What if he caught you?? No no you can't take chance.

You were running on the street when suddenly your eyes caught the road. You smiled at ran towards it. It was a busy road and thus, it was difficult for you to ask help.

You looked around like a lost puppy, being lost in this foreign country, where you don't even know anyone except Jungkook. You started walking to the street seeking for some help. On the way you suddenly got got hit by a hard chest.

You rubbed your head and looked up, to find a devilishly handsome man looking at you with furrowed brows.

"Are you ok Miss?" (English) he asked with his hoarse, yet sexy melody like voice.

"Umm y-yeah, Umm please can you help me seek a telephone?" (English) you asked. He looked at you from up and down making you fell uneasy.

"May I know your name miss?" (English) he asked, But you were a little uncomfortable telling your name to a stranger. He sighed and took out something from his pocket. It was an ID.

"You don't need to be uncomfortable around me miss, I'm a Police officer." (English) he explained making you look at him with sparkling eyes.

"I'm Y/n. Sire please help me. I-I was kidnapped." ( English) he looked at you with wide eyes. He gave you his gentle smile assuring you that you're safe now.

"Don't worry Miss, I'll help you. I'm Kim Taehyung." (English).

"But first you'll have to come with me, to the police station, to give your statement about your kidnapper, So that we can caught him." (English) he said, making you to think for a second that is it safe to go with a total stranger, but later you thought it would be fine as he's a police officer.

You nodded your head at him and he guided you to his police car. You both sat and drove to the police station. After reaching to your destination, you both came out of the car and went inside the police station.

"Miss please sit here, till I come back." (English) he politely said. You nodded your head and sat where he told you to. With that he went somewhere leaving you there, alone.

After sometime you heard some heavy footsteps. You decided to turn around and looked at the person. But it was little dark in here so, you couldn't make out who he was. After coming a little nearer, you saw the person with wide eyes.

He smirked looking at your scared look. You immediately stood up and started backing away from him. You were now hella scared.

"Hello, princess." he said with his dangerous aura, peeking holes on your body. Just from behind of him Taehyung came with a sad on his face. He surely was sad by playing with he. He really didn't wanted to hurt you but had, to as all the things control in America is done by non other than Jeon Jungkook himself.

"So, stupid of you to think that you can escape from me. tsk tsk tsk, nahh, Love, you can't get away from me, never." he said with his evil grin plastered on his face. Tears started streaming down your eyes, but his face was cold, no expression on it.

"P-please just let me go. Why can't you understand this that I don't want to be with you." you cried but he was getting pissed. He pushed you to the wall, making your back hit on it really hard. You moaned feeling the pain.

He then punched his hand near your head, on the wall.

"And why can't you understand this that I love you dammit." he roared on your face. You kept your hands on his chest to push him. He looked at your hands on his chest, with blood-shot eyes. He tilted his head and started laughing like a maniac.

"Keep resisting me, baby. But remember one thing, that I'll be the only one in your life. And if anyone tried to come in between us than they'll pay my wrath." With that he grabbed you and throwed you on his shoulders.

You started struggling to get away from his grip. But he was holding you really tight.

"You'll be getting punished for escaping from me, baby." he said. For all the time Taehyung was looking at you both with guilt written on his face. He didn't wanted to betray you, but was helpless against Jungkook.

Now, what awaits for you, only Jungkook knows.