Chapter 31


Here you're standing infront of a mirror and looking at your beautiful form. You surely were looking like an fallen angel, but your eyes were death, no emotions can be read in it. You looked at the dress which perfected fitted on your body. Today you're again getting married with person you loathe from your heart. Yes, he asked in exchange of Jimin and Namjoon's life to get married with you.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door and came in, its was Eunwoo.

"Its time, mistress." he said while bowing, you sighed and looked at him. He didn't looked at you and kept on looking at the ground. He again bowed his head and went out leaving you alone. You wanted to cry on your fate, but couldn't, you've to be strong for Jimin and Namjoon.

You fixed your veil and went out.

You came out of the room and found Eunwoo, standing. You went to him and he escorted you out. You're heart was thumping in your heart, not because of nervousness, but for betraying Jimin again. Its the second time when you're getting married with someone else which is not Jimin.

Was it written in your fate to not live happily ever after with the person, you love. A lone tears left your eyes, which you immediately wiped away.

You then looked at the aisle which was beautiful as heaven, it would have been so perfect if Jimin was the groom. You sighed.

You then walked to the aisled keeping your head low. You then stood infront of Jungkook who was looking devilishly handsome in that perfect fitted suit, but only you knew that he's a Devil disguise in human form.

He smirked at you, making you to immediately look away from him. Jungkook was beyond happy today, he have had achieved you again. And nobody could and can stop him from making his.

Soon the priest started the vows, which you didn't payed attention to. You mind was busy thinking about Jimin and Namjoon oppa, how would they be?? Are they badly hurt ??

Soon your thoughts came into a halt when the priest asked you this.

"Do you Miss Y/F/N (Your full name) take Mr. Jeon Jungkook as your husband?" You closed your eyes and heaved a sigh.

"I DO." You said while tears started forming in your eyes.

"Do you Mr. Jeon Jungkook take Miss Y/F/N as your wife?"

"I do." He said without any hesitation, and why would be hesitate, when he was the most desperate one.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Jungkook smirked and removed your veil. He then grabbed your jaw in a soft yet caring grip and looked at your teary eyes. He clenched his eyes seeing your wet eyes, but thought to ignore it. He leaned to your height and landed his lips on yours. Today his kiss wasn't rough like always but a soft one, as if showing his love, madness, desire for you.

Soon the kiss converted into a passionate one, but you still didn't kissed him back. He left you after giving peck to your now swollen lips. He smirked at you and soon the guests started clapping and cheering for you both.

But here your heart was aching. You want Jimin. You don't to spend your rest of the life with this monster, suddenly your head started spinning, making you feel dizzy. Jungkook looked at you with furrowed brows, he looked concerned.

That was the moment you lost it and let the darkness consume you.

"Y/n. love, Y/n." You heard him shouting while grabbing you in a bridal style, but it seemed like your body had become numb. And you closed your eyes.

After 1 hour, you opened your eyes feeling someone holding your hand. You looked at the person and found an old lady, probably in her 30s. She was checking your pulse. When she found you opening your eyes, she smiled and walked towards you. She the helped you to sit.

"Wh-what happened?" you asked. She smiled and started packing her stuff.

"No need to worry about anything, Although its a good news for you mistress. YOU'RE PREGNANT." (English) with that she bowed and walked out not even sparing you a single minute.

There you were all shocked and scared. You were confused that how come you're pregnant.

"How can I be pregnant ?? Jungkook can't impregnant me, than that means its J-Jimin's child." You were now more scared. What if Jungkook tried to kill this child as you're carrying someone else's child. You were now being horrified.

Suddenly the door opened, making you even more petrified to look at the person walking towards you.

"How are you feeling right now?" asked Jungkook. It was clear that he was scared for you. You didn't sad anything and kept on staring at him with a petrified look.

He sighed and sat beside you.

"I know you're pregnant and surely this child isn't mine, than it clarifies its Jimin's child, but don't worry I won't harm him/her. I'll love him/her like mine own child." You gulped and looked at him with furrowed brows. You were confused with his words.

"Trust me I will never in my life will hurt a child. I'm not that cruel." With that he kissed your temper and went away, leaving you in a dismay.